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Idiot's Guide to Daoist Taoist Yoga Neidan Qigong Alchemy Neigong Meditation Kundalini Energy links on youtube

77 Different Sources on de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony and Spiritual Force

The Blue Light of Blues Music: Quantum Biology, Metaphysics and Meditation

Phrygian Frisson Ravel adagio piano concerto 2nd movement playlist
"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

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Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Thursday, February 8, 2018

The Subtle Unmanifest Form of Blues Music is the Ether as the three gunas Harmonized into Blue Light

Thanks to the qigong master who befriended me for inspiring this post.
Tamasika Ahankara is the origin of five gross elements. Ether originated in Tamasika Ahankara with Sound as its subtle form.

The Five Elements: Ether in Ayurveda | CA College of Ayurveda
It comes first because it is the most subtle of the elements. Often referred to as “space,” it is the essence of emptiness. It is the space the other elements fill. The origin of ether is shabda. Shabda is the tanmatra of sound, meaning that shabda is sound in its primordial, unmanifested form.

The Vibrating Universe - Page 144 - Google Books Result
Nr̥siṃhacaraṇa Paṇḍā - 1995 - ‎Philosophy
The ego (ahankara) evolves out of Reason. Depending upon the dominance of one of the three constituents (gunas), we get three kinds of ego, viz., sdttvika ahankara, rajasika ahankara and tamasika ahankara. From ego proceed two parallel series of evolutes — internal and external. The five conative organs and the mind ...

The Reality is one and only one that always remains unmanifested and unperceived, although not unexperienced. The power of the Reality manifests through the plurality of the pheno-menal universe - Maya or Prakrti is constituted of three strings (sattva, rajas and tamas) [Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth] that vibrate to produce the pluralistic, phenomenal ...

 When the three gunas, viz., sattva. rajas and tamas [Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth] are equipoised (in equilibrium, in sdmydvastha), they are collectively called prakrti, which is itself a tattva (having no tattva). 
Prakrti is the three gunas, having no gunas.
As I have revealed - this refers specifically to the Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth, and so harmonized is the "three in one unity" secret as noncommutative phase.

If 1 is C as the root tonic, then the octave is 2 as C while 3 is the Perfect Fifth as G yet 3 is also the Perfect Fifth as F at the same time, as the subharmonic, such that G=3=F as the 5th dimension - the Unmanifest "three in one" unity of sound as the ether.

This three in one unity then "doubles back" onto itself so that 3 as the subharmonic F becomes the new 1 - as the "ghost tonic" and so the octave is then 4/3 as the Perfect Fourth or the 3 turned into 1 and then doubled to 4 from 2. What had been 2/3 is now 4/3, an internal transformation of C as 2 (the octave) and 3 as F the undertone, now into 4 as C, the octave with 3 as F, the overtone (when previously 3 as the overtone was G).

This is how the Unmanifest of Sound is able to reverse time and thereby transform spatial matter and energy from blockages into new harmonious forms.

And so the process is to take what is perceived to be yin (matter) and transform it back into what is perceived to be yang (light) or the Perfect Fifth that was an undertone F as the Blue light note - and turn the blue light back into the 5th dimension - as 3 now equally F and G at the same time - when light is turned around back to zero time.

And so then there is no longer any "one" - there is no longer any "string" or "tube" or visual matter that is vibrating - there is only potential energy-information as reverse time harmony - the Unmanifest Sound that is the Ether.

Which is to say that the One as the Perfect Yang or Perfect Fifth as G, the Red-Gold Solar overtone, actually originates from that which can not be seen, but only listened to in silence!

As Ramana Maharshi says we encounter this truth in deep dreamless sleep as ignorance - when all of spacetime disappears - and then we encounter it again in true Emptiness samadhi when the light is so bright that the whole 4D universe of spacetime (energy-matter) disappears.

Blue light is the serotonin secret of Blues music - the slow rhythm causes synchronization of the heart spirit light blue as the 60 beats per minute is subdivided into measures of 4 as 15 beats per second, the Alpha brain wave of serotonin, activated by blue light.

And so just as a psychedelic plant-root combination causes a huge increase in serotonin, so too does blues music use the natural harmonics of the Octave-Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth as an eternal motion of time reversal - turning sadness into courage through deep breathing energy that creates visualization spirit connection to the heart. This is called the Mozart Effect from the slow middle movements of Baroque Music but in Blues - the natural harmonics are used to "bend" what had been materialistic tuning - so that 5/4 is heard (instead of the symmetric math of logarithmic cube root of 2) for the major third - "bent" to its natural harmonic that then "collapses" it back as male and female number - the infinite divide and average of complementary opposites that never ends.

This is why Krishna is Blue and Hathor of Egypt is Blue - and 3/2 is the sacred fraction in Egypt that can not be put into "simpler" form because it is the secret of the 5th dimension, just as the secret of Krishna is from the "three gunas" based on the Perfect Fifth as 2/3 and 3/2 at the same time - the "noncommutative phase" as the Quantum Undertone - 2/3 is F as the Blue light - the secret undertone or "ghost tonic" that was covered up by Western symmetric logarithmic tuning.

What we think of as thinking or hearing sound in our brains is proven to have the same form as electromagnetic vibrations - the electromagnetic "thoughts" are the same form that we then hear as sound and then manifest as external sound. And this electromagnetic form with sound harmonics then originates as light but when that light is turned back to its source it can not be seen and yet can still be listened to as pure awareness or reverse time energy-information that is faster than the speed of light.

And so when we "listen" with our left brains and time slows down to 1 beat per second or 60 beats per minute - as with the "Small Universe meditation" in the "accelerated" form from the "golden key" secret of then we are creating Blue Light music as right brain visualization since listening to a specific location in space relies on left and right ear phase coherence that is quantum coherence or "faster than time-frequency uncertainty" as noncommutative phase. In other words we are listening to the 5th dimension as the source of form, the source of light and matter.

This same secret is found in Kriya yoga also based on the three gunas from harmonics, just as the Emptiness is the Octave, the Perfect Fifth is yang and the Perfect Fourth is yin.

The more we listen to the external sound as the Blues music, the more the Blue light increases and so the more time is transformed as Kala into Kali - from destroying the blockages and reversing time to creating evernew, ever blissful harmonized energy. And so external time appears to slow down, just as from listening to Blues music (and for the unitiated they will think Blues music is repetitive, unsophisticated and boring) but for those who listen, then internal time of the Blue Light is speeding up as a spacetime shift, in One with the Cosmic Mother as the eternal accelerating Universe of no form.

We can also say "no one is listening" which means one is not a number but the male light that goes into the Emptiness as the "three in one" unity secret of no-two or nondualism aka noncommutative phase.

And so the original Energy-information of the Universe is not the Spiritual Ego as light, but rather it is only when the spiritual ego as light (the reflected light) is turned back around does the Ego as Mind or matter (the brain) resonate back to its source as the Cosmic Mother who will never be Unveiled - the formless awareness as the Emptiness or the Mystic Female of the Valley - also called Qi or Prana or N/om energy or Kundalini.

For example the Cosmic Sky looks Dark when in fact it is filled with microwaves that, if we could see, then shine white, as the spiritual ego consciousness of the Universe - the literal remnant of the Big Bang. But Before the Big Bang was when energy was Unmanifest but not zero - rather it was what science calls "time-frequency uncertainty" which is really the "three in one unity" as G=3=F at the same time, the original Tai Chi or three gunas harmonized into their Unmanifest Form.

The Form of the Formless.

Nondualism literally means No-Two - which literally means "three in one" since what we perceive to be "one" as form or 1 as C and the octave 2 as C also is actually 3 as G and 3 as F at the same time! Which is to say there is no 2 and the 3 resonates back to a different 1 as eternal motion that can not be seen, from the formless - number as eternal time motion-energy as complementary opposites.

And so as we listen to the truth of Blues Music based on natural harmonics of the Octave-Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth - then we increase the serotonin which increases the vagus nerve activation and this is why the Left Ear is the Yuan Qi while the right side of the Heart is also the Yuan Qi. This is why Ramana Maharshi teaches as the secret of Nondualism to listen to the source of the I-thought as the source of One while to also visualize light on the right side of the heart. The vagus nerve connects to the left ear while listening with the left ear activates the right brain vagus nerve that then sublimates the right side Kundalini energy down to the right side of the heart via the vagus nerve beyond death.

And when this is activated we hear a loud OM from the heart which is the Blues Music as the Blue Light of the Universe - the OM is the Quantum Undertone as the "three in one" unity of harmonics - or "noncommutative phase" as nonlocality, the formless awareness that can not be seen.

In Daoist alchemy this is described as a roaring sound - this is the OM or "sound-current nondualism" secret.

Just as the "red shift" is from our perception of spacetime slowing down as the wake of light, "down-tuned" or left behind from spacetime, so too when we see the "blue light" this is our internal acceleration of spacetime as a concentration of momentum that is faster than the speed of light - a micro black hole that turns into a white hole, as blue light manifesting.
The Kriya Yoga technique, taught by Krishna to Arjuna and referred to in Gita chapters IV:29 and V:27–28, is the supreme spiritual science of yoga ...
And so the Kriya Yoga technique is why Krishna is Blue Light and also the secret of the Small Universe meditation as the Kriya Yoga technique - both from harmonizing the three gunas.

And so Blues Music is the left brain that activates the Blue Light of the right brain as visualization to then harmonize to the source of sound itself as the formless awareness or the 5th dimension - noncommutative phase, the secret of Frequency to Time as Momentum to Wavelength as de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony figured out - superluminal phase wave information-energy from the future.

Ramana Maharshi called this Mouna Samadhi or Silence Samadhi as the formless listening from before the 4D spacetime energy-matter Universe existed - in its eternal formless awareness awakening. His protege Poonjaji said it is like that first breath upon awakening when we are self-aware of what had been a dream but not yet congealed into left-brain "thinking." Just that one "space" between our thoughts - that shifts from dreaming light into left-brain thinking - the "space" in between light and sound, that is formless awareness itself as "not-two" or "three in one unity" as noncommutative phase, the 5th dimension.
Maya, the material Nature, (mulaprakrti), consisting of three strings [Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth] belongs to Vishnu (God). This power of becoming (prakrti) is Divine (vaisnavi) [Divine etymololgy means "to shine"].
Maya, belonging to Isvara, is the power of becoming (prakrti), due to which all types of modifications take place. [Ishwara is the Spiritual Ego of the Universe aka Jesus or Krishna, the Sun as the Blue Light, the reflection of the reverse time as formless awareness]
Isvara (God) is the Great Musician. His musicial instrument or the Vinya is Maya with three strings - sattva, rajas, and tamas [Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth].
When these three gunas are in equipoised, prakrti remains in a dormant state or quiescent state.
 Again the Tai Chi and the three gunas are the Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth:
When t’ai chi is at rest, yang and yin are united;
when t’ai chi is in motion, the two opposing forces separate. Herein
lies the secret of immortality.
The Magus of Java: Teachings of an Authentic Taoist Immortal (on John Chang).
The three strings [Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth] of Shakti vibrate in various combinations and permutations. As a result prana, a product of Shakti or Maya (a cosmic vitalizing principle) pulsates.
Prana is Qi - again the secret is the "three strings."

The Mystery of Vibrationless-Vibration in Kashmir Shaivism ...
Apr 30, 2016 - A central theme of the philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism is the highly esoteric principal known as spanda. Swami Lakshmanjoo tells us that the word 'spanda' means established stable movement. That is, it is movementless-movement, vibrationless-vibration. It is this secret, mysterious and yet essential ...

This is noncommutative phase as the 5th dimension!
Ouspensky Today - The law of three is represented in the Vedanta by the concept of the three 'gunas' or qualities, ('guna' means literally, 'a string or a rope') which together create, sustain and finally eliminate the illusion of Maya, the universe as we subjectively perceive it. These three strings vibrating together create the ..
So Ouspensky specifically recognizes Gurdjieff's Law of Three as the same as the three gunas and I already clarified that Gurdjieff's Law of Three is the Octave, perfect fifth and perfect fourth!!

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