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"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

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Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A Spherical Bubble of Negative Mass: Negative Frequency as negative entropy (reverse time momentum)

So then Paul S. Wesson showed how relativity and quantum are fixed - in terms of their dramatically different cosmological constants - if you realize the de Broglie phase shifts - the noncommutative phase shift - is propagating through the you have a negative cosmological constant with the superluminal de Broglie phase waves. Wessons says so light being transmitted as part of the vacuum is actually based on this underlying superluminal phase wave. And so the refractive index of spacetime itself determines the meta-matter - the difference between group and phase velocity and refractive index as a function of frequency.

So then with a negative cosmological constant you get the 5th dimension as being "time-like" not "space-like." If it was "space-like" that you would have tachyons but with time-like you get the de Broglie "null" phase waves as the quantum potential. So as the opposite of ordinary matter you get negative density but positive pressure (antigravity). So then each particle in 4D spacetime has a 5D wave with negative cosmological constant. So instead of the charge of the particle as from the positive value of being squared wavelength, this is the negative value of being squared (negative density). At the speed of light then you get negative infinity and positive infinity frequency energy as the 5th dimension. This is what makes light unique (since it is consciousness)!! As Wesson says - this explains spiritual phenomenon. 

 The position uncertainty of the entangled photon at the black hole horizon is directly proportional to the radius of the black hole....but this is determined by asymmetric chirality of the Observer of the black hole!! haha. Hilarious. Black holes are 4D but the observer is the 5th dimension. So this process of observing the light being "turned around" is actually lowering the radius of the black hole (of the perceived 4D universe) - reversing the entropy of reality. Since there has to be a minimum uncertainty of 1/2 due to quantum time-frequency uncertainty this means that photons will increase as light inherently as evolution - along with matter - what physicists call "spontaneous" but it is due to the asymmetric observer of the "boundary" conditions of the Universe. haha.

 So then there is spontaneous symmetry breaking from the 5th dimension that is quantum entanglement - based on "negative infinity" as attractive potential - at zero time - and positive infinity as repulsive potential (antigravity). This is just the reversal of frequency/time and momentum/wavelength as de Broglie modeled.

Plus (minus) sign corresponds to the space-time line of outgoing (ingoing) particles along the event horizon with minimal length, minimal momentum, and maximal momentum as the de Broglie relation....of a charged nonrotating microblack hole....This quantum state is transformed with respect to an observer outside the black hole....

So for those "in the know" - the black hole is turned into a white hole. The rest of us live in delusion still. haha.

 So in other words the matter we see in the Universe is due to right-handed chirality that is asymmetric from the 5th dimension as a spinor or spin 1/2 (noncommutative phase). So there is also a positive value for right-handed spin 1/2 (left-brain dominant in terms of science). And yet to explain dark matter and dark energy - then the left-handed chirality of spin 1/2 is invoked. And so in right-brain dominant meditation we are resonating the left-handed chiral spin 1/2 energy of the Universe! We are reversing the entropy of the Universe (in terms of left-brain dominant reality). haha. 

 So there is a 2017 "phenomenological aspects of quantum gravity" paper on how there is asymmetry of spin 1/2 particles in the Universe - and so also if particles are not entangled then the Einstein general relativity can be modeled but it all is based on the 5D quantum gravity model of Paul S. Wesson (and de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony). Thanks for checking out my Blues Music/blue Light piece. this idea of time-frequency uncertainty as really being minimum wavelength/maximum momentum - as per de Broglie - goes back to time x frequency greater than 1/2 which is the Pythagorean Tetrakys Secret of alchemy! haha. Hilarious. Philolaus and ARchytas did a great scam - the original "bait and switch" of science, creating the symmetric math entropy that has destroyed ecology and turning Earth into a black hole. Let's hope the spiritual masters can save things with their angelic interventions of nuclear terrorists. haha. 

 Instead, we can speak about positive and negative PHASORS (Qp and Qn, respectively). Of course, both phasors rotate in different directions - however, both with the same frequency (which still is a pure number).

There is a clear definition of the term "frequency": Number of events per time unit.
(For my opinion, originally defined for sinusoidal events only, in contrast to "repetiton rate").
And the time is counted as positive, does it not?
  if I turn my clock one way at a certain rate, versus the other way at the same rate, I can observe positive and negative frequency,
 there are multiple ways to talk about "frequency": one is simply a matter of cycles per second - a one dimensional construct. The other requires a two dimensional construct, and thus two dimensional data to observe it.

Therefore, the question whether a negative frequency is measurable is immediately answered negatively by the fact that we cannot measure imaginary parts. Therefore, you can think of both, imaginary parts and negative frequencies, as mathematical construct, if you wish.

Interestingly enough, a signal that has no contributions at negative frequencies is not real but analytic in the time domain, i.e., for each sine in the real part, there is a cosine in the imaginary part (the imaginary part is the Hilbert transform of the real part).

Please note that I was referring to circular motion frequency; not to signal frequency. As a rotor can be the source of a signal, motion frequency can match signal frequency. However, they are not conceptually equivalent.

For the rotation of a rotor in 3-D we have a fixed axis, which is the axis of rotation. The plane of rotation is orthogonal to this axis. If the rotation takes place around z-axis, the plane of rotation is the xy-plane, implying that everything in that plane it kept there.

A phasor represents sinusoidal signal in the complex plane. For a real periodic signal to be represented, every positive frequency complex sinusoid considered should be summed with a negative frequency sinusoid of equal amplitude, so that the imaginary parts cancel each other, rendering just the real signal. We can, perhaps, better understand this by saying that counterclockwise circular motion of a phasor should be accompanied by equal and opposite clockwise circular motion.

 Disagreement in the last contributions comes from the fact that the term "frequency" is used as a concept of physics by some of the contributors, and as a concept of mathematics by some others.
 Simply speaking negative frequencies represent forward traveling waves, while positive frequencies represent backward traveling waves.

 the fact that by Fourier series, real-valued signals are approached by sin- and cosine terms, which may be written as a superposition of two exponential terms.
  For a description of waves, you need to talk about arguments like wt - k r and wt + k r, where k is the wave vector and where r is the poition vector and k r is their inner product. (w represents angular frequency, t represents time). In Fourier approaches of _oscillations_, the space argument does not appear. In Fourier series approaches of _waves_ , you need to balance exponential terms with argument wt - kr by other exponential terms with argument -wt + kr to get a wave travelling parallel to k-direction, while waves travelling antiparallel to k-direction are described by exponential terms with arguments wt + kr and -wt - kr that must be superimposed to end up in real-valued terms.

 "Frequencies " do not exist at all as a physical quantity. There exist only periodic events that can be counted, resulting in the definition of the term "frequency". Counting for positive times gives only positive numbers).

 The spectrum for negative values of f is only a mirror image of the spectrum for positive frequencies if the signal in time domain is real.
 If frequency is defined as an absolute number then there can be no negative frequencies, but if it is a real number negative frequencies can exist. I made Doppler measurements and at the radar frequency a target moving towards the radar had a higher frequency than the transmitted radar signal (positive Doppler frequency) and a target moving away from the radar had a lower frequency (negative Doppler frequency). When mixed down to base-band (using a quadrature mixer, for instance) these two signals can be discriminated if the signal is in cos and sine (I and Q) channels depending on whether the sine leads or lags the cos. One is a positive frequency (target moving towards radar) and the other is a negative frequency (target moving away from the radar).This corresponds exactly to the complex representation of positive and negative frequency. You do need two signals to distinguish between positive and negative frequencies, the same as you need two numbers to define a complex number. A single wire always has equal amplitude positive and negative frequencies, there is only one number, so it can't describe a complex number.

I understand under frequency without any adjective or additives that it is the number of cycles per second in a periodic waveform. Accordingly, it is always a positive number. We never said that the the frequency is - 10 KHz for example.

There is the angular frequency omiga, which is termed also the angular velocity. It describes the angular velocity of the rotating objects. The angular frequency is related to frequency by omiga = 2 pi f in radian per seconds. Since rotation has two directions then the angular frequency may be positive or negative. Accordingly angular frequency may be positive or negative.

Real signals as cos wt = .5( e^jwt + e^-jwt) is the sum of two complex exponential signals having two opposite angular velocities w and -w. One has a positive angular frequency and the other has a negative angular frequency. These two components when represented in the angular frequency scale they appear on the opposite side around the the zero angular frequency. Dividing the angular frequency by 2 pi we get the frequency in cycle per seconds.

If we consider the rotation of a complex vector clockwise, it is the "pi" phase shift of its imaginary component that causes it to rotate clockwise, not the "negative frequency" of rotation.

Regarding the example with a motor that Eligiusz suggests (I think it is quite different in its essence from the complex vector rotation discussed by Olivier), suppose that we consider rotating right a "positive" frequency and rotating left - a "negative" frequency. But then an idea of approaching the motor from the opposite side might occur to us - where we will find left and right changed places, so that the prior positive frequency becomes negative, and vice versa. Where is the reference, then?

The Fourier Series Expansion in trigonometric form is applicable for any non sinusoidal Periodic wave form. Sine wave is also a Cosine Wave displaced by 90 degrees.

The use of exponential form for Cosine wave as half the sum of two equal phasors rotating in opposite directions was treated by the earlier respondents to indicate the presence of negative frequency. Here lies the fallacy. The negative sign is applicable to the ' j' Operator and not to to ' wt '. Simply ( -j ) indicates measurement of the angle in the opposite direction and ( e ^ ( -jwt ) ) indicates rotation of the phasor in the opposite direction by an angle ( wt ).

If we consider t < 0 we find that the frequency is still positive and the wave form simply gets inverted for t < 0. Here time t is treated negative for past occurrence.

The wave form is continuous on both sides of time axis.
Sin( ( - wt ) ) is -Sin( wt ) indicates change in sign of instantaneous values not indicating frequency becoming negative and Cos ( -wt ) is Cos( wt ). Then also there is no question of Frequency becoming negative.
Thus on all counts there is no question of existence of Negative Frequency.
 the convention of negative frequency arise simply from introducing Euler's theorem for mathematical simplicity. And for the directional approach, if we start defining the frequency as a vector quantity including direction, like a wheel rotating in anti clockwise direction or clockwise direction, we can think of negative frequency. My idea is that the occurrence of negative frequency will be only in the mathematical world.

Professor Laszlo Bela Kish

Quantum field theory (quantum electrodynamics) has solutions with negative frequency. Dirac's relativistic electron equation has two solutions, one with positive frequency and one with negative frequency.  The absolute values of these frequencies are identical and satisfy E = Mc^2 = hf for the electron. The negative frequency means a state (a hole) in the sea of negative energies thus, according to Dirac, when an electron falls into such a hole, then annihilation happens and  2E = 2Mc^2 energy is radiated (two gamma photons with E=0.51 MEV energy in the opposite directions). Dirac called the "hole" positron and this was the theoretical discovery of antimatter.

There are obvious integrity problems with the picture (for example, negative frequency would mean negative energy but the energy is obviously positive at the annihilation, etc etc) but the math works. I think, this is an example for the situation many others described as the math has negative frequencies but is actual physical meaning is something else.

Note: I am not an expert; can't answer any question; just remembered my quantum electrodynamics class 35 years ago :-)

Yes it is Negative Energy as Negative Density but Positive Pressure as Positive Superluminal Momentum!!!

Don't Dismiss Negative Mass - May 2017 Physics Today
 Furthermore, the energy density in the region of positive active gravitational mass is also positive, while it is negative in the region of active negative gravitational mass. The energy density gives rise to the passive gravitational mass and hence, via the equivalence principle, the inertial mass.
  the negative-mass solution has a naked singularity—there is no event horizon to cloak the singularity from the view of an external observer. Naked singularities do not bother us in other contexts. In electrodynamics, for example, we blithely entertain the possibility of point charges because we can smooth out the singularity by a nonsingular charge density.
Smoothing out the singularity of the negative-mass Schwarzschild solution is impossible in a spacetime that is asymptotically flat. But fortunately, our universe is not asymptotically flat. An asymptotic de Sitter spacetime admits an exact solution corresponding to a point mass in the presence of a background cosmological constant. The mass can be positive or negative. There is observational evidence for accelerated expansion of the universe, and the cause of the acceleration is deemed to be due to a mysterious dark energy, which is the vacuum energy density of a heretofore unidentified field.
 the matter corresponding to a perfect fluid. The matter that gives rise to negative mass is contained in a spherical bubble. Outside the bubble, the spacetime corresponds exactly to negative-mass Schwarzschild–de Sitter spacetime. Test bodies outside the bubble will be repelled.
 In the realm of speculation, the possibility of creating negative-mass bubbles in the laboratory could have incredible applications for energy production, warp-drive transportation, and armaments.
 Manu Paranjape is a theoretical physicist at the University of Montreal who studies fractional charge, the Skyrme model, conformal gravity, noncommutative geometry, and quantum spin tunneling.

 His new book on Instantons

 , if T_{\mu\nu} is the energy momentum tensor of positive mass particles, then you are required to use -T_{\mu\nu} for the energy momentum tensor of negative mass particles. Both T_{\mu\nu} and -T_{\mu\nu} cannot simultaneously satisfy the dominant energy condition. Assuming that the positive mass particles energy momentum tensor does satisfy the dominant energy condition, necessarily requires you to use an energy momentum tensor for the negative mass particles that does not satisfy the dominant energy condition. To me, this is anathema. If the energy momentum tensor does not satisfy the dominant energy condition then the energy momentum can be seen by an inertial observer to be moving backwards in time and/or moving out of the future directed light cone.
 We show that this occurs at order 2s in (degenerate) perturbation theory. The ground state is non-degenerate for inte- ger spin, but degenerate for half-odd integer spin, in accordance with Kramers’ theorem
And as I quoted before:

  Professor Friedwardt Winterberg, father of nuclear fusion rocket:

The origin of charge is explained to result from a field of virtual phonons, having their source in the zero-point fluctuations of Planck mass particles bound in the vortex fragments...This requires that the force between Planck mass particles of equal sign is repulsive, but between those of opposite sign attractive. While the law for the conservation of energy is conserved during the collision between a positive with negative Planck mass particle of mass mp, the momentum fluctuates by Ap = mpc...
 asymmetric geometric reverse time-frequency energy harvesting of light.
video lecture on subwavelength light harvesting as reverse time or negative refractive singularity -

So you harvest broadband light (high frequency) to a zero point as reverse time (high intensity) so that velocity slows down, with density as amplitude squared going to infinity. The wavelength structure enhances the energy by 10,000 times. This is de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony engineered into light harvesting from reverse time due to subwavelength singularity structures.

  So as the particle moves the internal frequency goes down while internal time (relativity) goes up (slows down) and then the particle's guiding wave momentum goes up (frequency goes up past the speed of light) while the wavelength goes down.

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