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"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

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Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Saturday, February 3, 2018

On the relativistic mass of light, the de Broglie-Einstein equation and the 5th dimension as the Cosmic Mother

λ=c/f momentum is equivalent to p=(hv)/c=h/λ
So here we have one equation of light as a wave and the 2nd equation is what Einstein derived and the third equation is what de Broglie derived of momentum as directly proportional to frequency based on Planck's constant and momentum as inverse to wavelength.

 This is considered to be based on the relativistic mass of light since rest mass of light is zero but light still has "hidden momentum" as rest and so imparts force to matter.
We know for any relativistic particles like photons: E = pc where p be the momentum of the photon. Each photon has energy E (= hν), momentum p (= hν/c), and speed c, which is the speed of light.
 Now in this over on light in physics - there is an error made. This error is not noticed in normal science.
There is an important point to make about the unit on Hz. It is NOT commonly written as cycles per second (or cycles/sec), but only as sec¯1 (more correctly, it should be written as s¯1; you need to know both ways). The "cycles" part is deleted, although you may see an occasional problem which uses it.
This is the same ancient error from Archytas! So you can see this error of logic has been built into science and passed on from the foundation of Western civilization. The ratio cycles per second is assumed to be symmetrical!! So the ratio is converted to a logarithmic equation as power of negative one. But guess what? As quantum physics professor Basil J. Hiley responded to me - he is fully aware of noncommutative time-frequency!! And so what is cycles per second? It is time-frequency and it is therefore noncommutative. And so Hertz is wrong.

Now then I have posted the research of Dr. Juliana Mortenson Brooks and her work was corroborated by another researcher, Miguel Martinez Iradier, who derived her same solution but from the perspective is just analyzing unit values. But we now need to consider the implications of her discovery, the discovery being that Planck's Constant or h has a hidden "second" time unit - meaning that it is joules per second such that frequency of light (cycles per second) divided by seconds then gives us Planck's Constant and so Planck's Constant really means "average energy" of light - as the frequency and time changes, the average energy stays the same.
The same Planck's constant, the quantum of action, is not simply energy per second but an energy per cycle per second - the cycle is generally missing. And, naturally, it can be said the same for the Heisenberg's uncertainty limit, that it is not more than a technical limit of the spectral analysis. This way the frequency, the most purely temporal phenomenon, is emptied of any content and becomes a mere integrant part of the formulas. The Left Hand of Chaos by Miguel Martinez Iradier
But there is a deeper implication of this secret meaning of Planck's Constant - and that is the noncommutative time-frequency relation of cycles (frequency) and seconds (time). Seconds originates from the Solar Calendar based on ritual sacrifice geometry of the Solar dynasty priests - the origins of the transcendental numbers. As math professor Abraham Seidenberg details, math originates from ritual sacrifice altars - at least early trigonometry and the Pythagorean Theorem in its divide and average form based on the 60 number modular system.

And so I have also quoted another physicist asking the same thing of Planck - cycles of what? What is a cycle? And this is the answer we get from the above site:
A brief mention of cycle: imagine a wave, frozen in time and space, where a wave crest is exactly lined up with our fixed reference point. Now, allow the wave to move until the following crest is exactly lined up with the reference point, then freeze the wave in place. This is one cycle of the wave
But this is not the correct answer!! WE CAN NOT SEE TIME. And TIME is NEVER FROZEN due to the relativistic mass or hidden momentum of light.

And so this is what makes "sound" so mysterious and misunderstood by Westernized people since Archytas and Plato stating that "time is the image of eternity." No - time is not an image!! Time is "Harmonia" or "Kali" - the Cosmic Mother that will never be unveiled - and so can not be seen.

As a musician my brain was wired to understand this - I trained in classical music from age 5 but I was told that I used to attend piano lessons at age 3 and the piano teacher was astonished that I would sit quietly for a whole hour, not moving, and patiently listening to my mom getting her piano lesson. haha. I don't remember this so I was shocked to hear this as well!!

And so music, the deep meaning of music, goes way deep into our subconscious and from before we can perceive time as an external "cycle" of something we can see - before we have conscious memories based on our left brain being developed enough, usually around the age of 2, with enough glutamate receptors to "plan" events in linear time, based on "cycles" that we can see.

No - a real musician realizes that "no one is listening!" That music listens to itself! If you practice music deeply - as especially I did with Bach's Italian Concerto - memorizing the slow middle movement of one beat per second - this is the origin of Time!! Galileo created the concept of time based on the heart beat as 1 beat per second. And so when you memorize Bach at 60 beats per minute - which is the secret of the "Mozart Effect" - the slow middle movements - you are resonating your spirit of the heart as the relativistic mass of light.

Why and how? Because Planck's Constant reveals the hidden momentum of light from the future as relativistic mass! Planck's Constant just means to inverse the ratio of cycles per second as energy!! Physics discussion forum makes the same point:

 Where ћ/2 is the same as h/4π which is related "reciprocally/inversely" to Planck's Constant (h) which is the "quantum of action" of the surface area of an enclosing sphere... 4πR2. So why this?

This is precisely what de Broglie discovered with his Law of Phase Harmony - that there is a "2nd clock" of time as a particle velocity of momentum that is faster than the speed of light!! It is from the future as a "guiding wave" or "ghost field" as Einstein called it. And so since "frequency is to time as momentum is to wavelength" and momentum is directly propotional to Planck's constant x frequency this means that quantum momentum - as the "quantum leap" is the 5th dimension as nonlocality that is noncommutative phase - or the fact that there is eternal motion of this proportion since light has no rest mass.

As B.G. Sidharth states, the relativistic mass of light is due to noncommutative spacetime!! And so noncommutative time-frequency reduces to noncommutative spacetime itself since a "cycle" is considered to be the definition of space itself.

Seriously does science really define "cycles" as just something we can "see" as a regular "pattern" when it is actually frequency as something we LISTEN TO? I am flabbergasted! As a musician - I am personally insulted at the low level of philosophy of science! haha. Hilarious!! You don't need an "instrument" to "hear" music - you do not need a string or a pipe or tube or horn - you LISTEN to music. And so eventually this question becomes noncommutative! WHO is listening is a noncommutative time-frequency question. To say "no ONE is listening" means that "one" is not a number as Pythagoras taught - it is actually light or spirit as the male solar principle that is "turned around" at time zero into relativistic mass from the future - that is noncommutative time-frequency!!

That is the secret of the Cosmic Mother as the 5th dimension.

So we get this fascinating analysis of the de Broglie-Einstein equation pdf

Now what is the de Broglie-Einstein equation? Nothing less then de Broglie realizing there is a phase wave that is superluminal and secretly guiding reality! But as this analysis points out - by
YZ Umul - it is only valid for relativistic contexts (at close to the speed of light) - or is it?

As YZ Umul points out - to say that the "group velocity" (the particle itself) and the "phase velocity" (that wave of the particle is superluminal) equals the speed of light squared contradicts the nonrelativistic equation that the "group velocity" equals twice or 2 times the velocity of the particle. In other words Einsten and de Broglie both conceived of light and matter, respectively, as both a particle and wave at the same time - only due to relativistic quantum analysis.

Or to expose the original lie - from music theory - we can say that, as Newton did directly from Archytas - to double the frequency is not the same as to square the frequency!! This is the original bait and switch that covered up noncommutative phase as the origin of reality - the 5th dimension from time-like energy. I go into the details on this "bait and switch" in my analysis of Archytas.

So let's see how YZ Umul (in Ankara Turkey) deals with his discovery. He proves exactly what I just stated above!!

He uses H-bar (angular Planck's Constant) instead of Planck's Constant and "wave-number" (speed of light squared) and "angular frequency" and so he is able to cancel out Planck's Constant!

Since he is able to cancel out relativistic mass then he is able to derive that speed of light squared divided by group velocity he states that de Broglie's superluminal phase velocity is....

...independent from the relativistic effects since this equation is obtained by taking the ratios of two quantities which depend on relativity in the same way.
 So then he rewrites the relativistic mass equation as simply based on the superluminal phase velocity! He then derives the nonrelativistic mass based on that equation and states is also contradicts the nonrelativistic definition of momentum as just a "doubling" or "divide and average" means (bait and switch).
It is mentioned and proved that the de Broglie-Einstein velocity equation is universal and is valid for the non-relativistic cases since it does not depend on the relativistic case. It must also be put forward that this equation is obtained from the fundamental equations of the quantum theory and special theory of relativity....It is important to note that this result also affects the correctness of the differential equations of the quantum theory like the Schroedinger equation.
Indeed!! It is now proven that the superluminal phase velocity as the nonlocal ether - the 5th dimension as noncommutative phase - even disproves "normal" quantum mechanics. de Broglie's discovery is the truth of reality.

Now let's see what the citations of this paper have to say.

There is only one other paper that discusses this - and builds on it.

It is the same author. Yusuf Z. UMUL at Cankaya University, Ankara Turkey and he gives his email contact.

So in this second paper he details why Schroedinger's equation is wrong.

Here he is - a photo of Yusuf Ziya Umul

Very fascinating analysis! Bravo.

So he has another six of so papers that are follow ups to his original discovery - but most of his work is in optics and he has several papers on superluminal or "evanescent waves" of the infinite plane and "scalar waves" based on the quantum potential! Fascinating stuff. The 5th Dimension:
The electrical scalar potential satisfies the Helmholtz equation for time-harmonic waves and Aharonov-Bohm showed that the electromagnetic potentials have physical reality. For these reasons, the scalar potential represents scalar wave propagation in space.
Radiation of scalar waves by the discontinuities in the antenna geometries | Request PDF. Available from:

Emission of matter waves by photons full free pdf

ArticleinOptik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 123(17):1588 · September 2012with43 Reads
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2011.08.03
A new hypothesis, based on the dualistic nature of matter and light, is proposed. The frequency shift of a photon creates an electron. The phenomenon is investigated according to the conservation laws of energy and momentum. The concept of particle velocity and wavelength of a photon, based on a relation between the energy and momentum conservation laws, is also introduced. The proposal is also supported by some experiments on matter–antimatter creation by the collision of photons.
So here he is arguing that due to relativistic mass of light - electrons are created from light. This is also what Nobel physicist Gerard t'Hooft states in his "Light is Heavy" article!

So what is fascinating in this article is he states due to the superluminal velocity - of the phase velocity - that he derives, as de Broglie did, based on optics geometry, then the wavelength of light, instead of being defined by speed of light/frequency of light, is actually velocity of light/frequency of light. Then he states the zinger:
Since the energy of the photon is the same according to these two sets of quantities [velocity of the particle] is smaller than [velocity of light]. In this case the particle wavelength must also be smaller than the actual wavelength.
Which is to say you get a smaller wavelength and so a frequency that is higher energy than light or faster than the speed of light as momentum since momentum is inverse to wavelength. And so a photon can create electrons - due to this relativistic mass that is really reverse time or negative frequency energy. So then he says we can understand this better with an "acoustics analogy."

Some recent experiments on acoustics may be helpful....There are two wavelengths and two velocities in the phenomenon. The first set is composed of the velocity of the drop and its vertical wavelength. The second set includes the velocity of the surface water and its horizontal wavelength. There is only one frequency....Thus the horizontal velocity and the vertical wavelength of the droplet coincides with the particle velocity [faster than light] and the particle wavelength of the photon....note the frequency is equal...just like our theory....
So this acoustics explanation is the same to explain the acoustic cavitation of sonofusion of water from ultrasound - as I quote Guilice - the piezoelectric dielectric medium causes the water in the microtubules to "capture" virtual photon energy from the future and turn it into photon and electron energy. So the water, being more dense, has a smaller wavelength and so a higher velocity momentum - that is superluminal - even though the frequency of the electromagnetic energy stays the same. And so instead of water - in this case the medium is spacetime itself!! As B.G.  Sidharth explained - because of noncommutative spacetime light has mass. Or to state - because of noncommutative time-frequency as noncommutative phase.
o.k. here is his Photon Momentum pdf published on OPTIK And he stated that de Broglie claimed the group velocity of light was less than the speed of light (since de Broglie argued light has a very small mass). And so YZ Umuz argues the opposite! That the group velocity of light is actually the reverse of the group velocity of normal matter. Due to the relativistic mass of light, the group velocity of light is faster then the speed of light and so the superluminal momentum creates antimatter. Makes sense to me!! And this paper finally got a response - 2 criticisms saying his is wrong. They just don't understand what he is trying to say. Sure the photoelectric effect says one thing but that is a very limiting case!

A comment on “The Photon Momentum”


In the paper “The Photon Momentum” [1], Dr. Umul makes the erroneous assumption that a photon can be absorbed by a free electron and then discusses the paradoxical consequences of this assumption. In this comment the correct physics is discussed (i.e. Compton scattering [2]).
and from 2017!!

A survey of the new proposal about the photon momentum


Based on the energy conservation law, a new formula for the photon momentum was proposed in [1]. In this work, some defects of this new proposal are discussed. It is shown that this new proposal can lead to negative energy of photons. In addition, the group velocity of massive particles exceeds the light velocity which violates the causality principle. Finally, we show that the momentum conservation law combined with the conventional formula for the photon momentum can predict a rational velocity for the velocity of the relativistic scattered particles which revalidate the conventional formula for the photon momentum.
read in full here
Thus, the proposed proposal in [1 Yusuf Z. Umul], leads to a photon with non-zero negative energy, negative frequency and zero momentum.
You better believe it does! That is exactly the point! Relativistic mass of light creates energy from the future!!

So I emailed Professor Dr. Yusuf Z. Umul, the article by Gerard t'Hooft, 2015, "Light is Heavy" on relativistic mass of light and asked for his comments.

Thank you Professor Umul. I am reviewing B.G. Sidharth since he states the reason light has mass is due to noncommutative spacetime. Sidharth corroborates your claim as he explains the difference between the Compton and Planck levels. I am not a scientist but rather I studied music and de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony corroborates a paradox I discovered in music theory, a paradox that led me into meditation based on orthodox Pythagorean philosophy, along with nonwestern meditation, from noncommutative phase. So also I sent your research to a Greek electrical engineer Dionysios G Raftopoulos since he also uses the similar trigonometric analysis for superluminal velocities. His book is free pdf on his website,
Thank you again as most scientists ignore the implications of de Broglie's phase wave.

Right - so B.G. Sidharth (2016, "A note on Non-Commutativity and the Zero Point Field") explains (and exposes) how the Compton Wavelength is really composed of an "average" of spacetime "coordinates" that zero out the de Broglie superluminal zitterbewegung. And so Sidharth emphasizes that contrary to Dirac's coordinate equation that zeroes out the zitterbewegung, the Zero Point Field is based on the zitterbewegung as noncommutative space-time energy or "vacuum fluctuations."

And so the "anomalous gyromagnetic ratio for the electron" is from the noncommutative zitterbewegung and also explains the cause of the Lamb shift in the energy levels of the hydrogen atom.

The origin of charge is explained to result from a field of virtual phonons, having their source in the zero-point fluctuations of Planck mass particles bound in the vortex fragments...This requires that the force between Planck mass particles of equal sign is repulsive, but between those of opposite sign attractive. While the law for the conservation of energy is conserved during the collision between a positive with negative Planck mass particle of mass mp, the momentum fluctuates by Ap = mpc....[this again is the noncommutative time-frequency consciousness conspirachi!].

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