Peanut Gallery Independent Praise of Drew Hempel's research

Readers of my energy - quotes - promotionals

Spooky Action At a Distance that Uses Telepathic Methods - youtube playlist

Best Compilation of Bioenergy Spirit Demonstrations youtube playlist

Idiot's Guide to Daoist Taoist Yoga Neidan Qigong Alchemy Neigong Meditation Kundalini Energy links on youtube

77 Different Sources on de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony and Spiritual Force

The Blue Light of Blues Music: Quantum Biology, Metaphysics and Meditation

Phrygian Frisson Ravel adagio piano concerto 2nd movement playlist
"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

My new blog is

Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Spin Sound: The Revolution of Macoquantum Room Temperature Entanglement Resonance: Music, Magic, Meditation and Metaphysics

I will now finally write a new book summarizing my research - with the above title - now that what I jokingly called the Hempel Effect over 10 years ago - is now proven in concept by quantum physics professors and being developed into technology by a whole lab of researchers.

I will make this book as a pdf upload free - basically just reorganizing the quotes I have on this blog.

Or maybe I will just make it an article and send it into EchoWorld again. They were supposed to get a new article from someone I recommended to them - who does Grounding research and sells Earthing pads out of Alaska.... Yeah I'm not gonna submit an article to that small free weekly. Oh well.

Maybe I will submit it to Weiser Books! I submitted my "Fundamental Force" manifesto to them in 1996 and I got a nice letter back - not a form letter - but a personal letter about how it was "too academic" or whatever. haha. Then Samuel Weiser got bought out by some bigger publisher....

Yes it really doesn't matter since the Spin Sound revolution is based on a "new" insight that actually was the secret of real nonwestern alchemy from Pythagoras and going back to the original human culture. Meanwhile Western science has increased entropy on Earth due to all the pollution and social injustice - and the original Spin Sound revolution is negentropy - reverse entropy as macroquantum harmonic healing.

So can we suddenly reverse 10,000 years of anthropogenic entropy of Earth? Or at least 4000 years? In the last 40 years we've killed off 50% of wildlife on Earth. So our entropy is accelerating. I already wrote a book on this - in 2012. haha. It has the  Spin Sound secret in it.

Sure it is not so clearly formulated - as I still was not clear on the noncommutative phase math secret. I mean I knew the secret but I just could not describe it clearly or state it clearly and I had not researched all the other people who were figuring it out. Like Eddie Oshins for example. 

Let's quote that youtube vid

However quantum mechanics allows this system to be a superposition of states, we can be in 0 and the 1 state at the same may react with the rest of the Universe and become unstable and it's going to lose the superposition of states that is in....I'm going to be in one of the two states I was in and that's it. And that's called decoherence so it's very difficult to stabilize those superposition of states. It's even more difficult when you have many qubits have more interactions and less stability and more chances of decoherence. In quantum computers, to stabilize those qubits, what people do, they need to cool those qubits at cryogenic temperatures, these are very very low temperatures, near absolute zero. That requires a massive amount of energy and power and cooling system around these quantum computing chip. Our invention or our technology is saying, "We do not need quantum object to create superposition of states. And we found a system that does that, and it's based on a phononic structure that basically supports sound waves instead of electronic waves or quantum waves. And what happens, so we do not need a quantum system, so we don't have the problem of quantum decoherence. So we can avoid that drawback, by working with a quantum analog and our systems are acoustic quantum analogs of qubits. We call them Phi-Bits. So they exhibit the same capabilities of having superposition of states but they do not have the drawback of decoherence. They are stable. The Tech Foundation funds research that will not be funded by traditional federal sources, for instances, so we had to demonstrate that places like the National Science Foundation would not fund the research because it's too out there, out of the paradigm, it's too revolutionary for them to fund....we have three years of research, we have to demonstrates a set of phi-bits, to operate a well-known quantum have a tabletop system operating.

Dear Inner Traditions: Please consider my book proposal that I write to you now in basic prose. I just discovered a research lab has confirmed a secret that I have been researching and promoting since my private intense music studies while a teenager (now 47). I have now compiled a handful of quantum physicists who made this same discovery and some have realized its connection to music. I have corresponded with some of them like Nobel physicist Brian Josephson, and quantum physics professor Basil J. Hiley who collaborated with David Bohm. I first had this insight from my private music theory training with a former music professor, the husband of my piano teacher, but I kept my secret to myself. I realized that Pythagorean harmonics were correct and that Western math was from the wrong music theory! In 1996 I submitted my analysis to Samuel Weiser, who nicely replied that it was too academic. But my manifesto monograph, The Fundamental Force, did get me into graduate school at University of Minnesota. My master's thesis in 2000 was on "sound-current nondualism" and so I then did intensive nonwestern meditation through the African Studies department, with a Chinese spiritual healer, qigong yoga master, Chunyi Lin of So he told me I had an "enlightenment experience" and after intense meditation - including fasting a week - I saw ghosts, did a lot of healing, and could smell cancer through walls. Then I had a lot of precognitive visions and I practiced free tantric full lotus healing in public - while I read one scholarly book a day for 10 years. I needed to translate my experience back into Western science. So then I had discovered a math professor Luigi Borzacchini who had researched how Western math was from the wrong music theory - just as I had secretly realized in high school! He said, in his research, that was finally published in 2007 although he had posted it on a math forum in 2000, that this secret coverup of the music - by Plato and Archytas - was "really astonishing" and "shocking" and that the Western math, from the wrong music theory, was a "deep pre-established disharmony" that "guided the evolutive principle" of Western science.
So the secret is actually very simple yet very radical. But I had to get the math right. I told my theory to math professor Joe Mazur and he encouraged me to research it more, stating that it was an important discovery. When I found some more evidence, he asked me to submit it to the most read math journal. It was rejected without comment. haha. Part of the reason was I included quantum physics and I was critiquing Western math from the perspective of music theory! Then I discovered math professor Alain Connes, who won the top Fields Medal (Nobel prize of math but much harder to get) was confirming my analysis! He lectures and writes on "music of the quantum sphere" and explains how music theory is a "universal scaling system" that unifies quantum and relativity because of noncommutative phase. As I said - it is very simple yet very radical - it simply means that 2 does not go into 3 but that this is noncommutative geometry and has a physical dimension of zero. As Connes states - reality is fundamentally based on frequency and so we can not see it but our brains due a kind of frequency-time transformation to create this illusion of 4D spacetime. I'm paraphrasing an exact quote of his. A lot of people promote some special Hertz frequency as the secret of music healing but in fact Hertz is based on symmetric math ever since Archytas! It is only until quantum physics that it is realized the time-frequency uncertainty from Fourier is actually noncommutative phase that is coherent as protoconsciousness of the Universe.
O.K. so that is all still theory but keep in mind that I had corroborated that the oldest philosophy of India - the "three gunas" - is also based on music theory as noncommutative phase! And I had corroborated that Daoist alchemy is also based on music theory as noncommutative phase! I had done the training and so I knew it was real. So then I discovered quantum physicist Eddie Oshins who worked at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Oshins' job was to study the psychological implications of quantum physics and he also taught Wing Chun, the martial arts of Bruce Lee. Oshins realized that the secret of Daoist Neigong alchemy was also the secret of quantum physics as noncommutative phase! Finally I had real corroboration. The thing is that no one knew of Eddie Oshins and someone had posted online that he died from being insane. That is quite ironic since he first was studying quantum physics as a solution to schizophrenia. So I contacted math professor Louis Kauffman who had collaborated with Oshins at SLAC on the noncommutative phase. They have photos online - doing a hand movement to demonstrate this noncommutative phase in action. I asked Kauffman about Oshins dying from insanity but he did not talk about it. Instead he confirmed that Oshins did understand this true secret of noncommutative phase. So for example for males the left hand is yang while the lower body is yin and the right hand is yin while the upper body is yang. This secret turns the body into a macroquantum harmonic oscillator by connecting the noncommutative phase, like licking a 9-volt battery, and so you can charge up your qi or prana energy. And the jazz musician and psychology professor Bradford Keeney made this same "shaking medicine" discovery about the secret of the original human culture, the San Bushmen. As Dr. Victor Grauer documented in his book Sounding the Depths it is the Pythagorean-Chinese Perfect Fifth/Perfect Fourth/Octave harmonics as infinite complementary opposites that originated from the San Bushmen and had spread around the world as the basis of shamanic training. The real meaning of OM is infinite time-frequency energy from the Perfect Fifth/Perfect Fourth/Octave as a "three-in-one" secret of the three gunas. 
O.K. so now I had a handful of scientists and physicists who understood this secret. But I needed to flesh it out more. I then discovered that quantum physicist Lawrence Domash had been professor at Hampshire College where I also took quantum mechanics and then Domash was director of science for Transcendental Meditation in the 1970s. Domash had made the same discovery that I had - only he did so in the mid-1970s! He realized that a "half quanta" is noncommutative time-frequency energy that enables Josephson Junction phase coherence to capture virtual photon energy from the future - negentropic energy as quantum coherence. Domash was doing quantum biology decades ahead of his time! If you read the 2016 science award winning book "Life on the Edge" by professor JohnJoe McFadden, et. al. - they explain that quantum physics has been wrong, and instead quantum biology has proven that the foundation of reality is based on quantum coherence - not some unknowable random statistics. This is also what Louis de Broglie had discovered with his Law of Phase Harmony in 1923! de Broglie predicted the paradox of diffraction quantum waves from electrons - demonstrated through the double slit experiment. So de Broglie got the Nobel Prize for that prediction but then people forget he had used relativistic quantum math to explain the foundation of reality. Schroedinger dropped the relativistic part and so the secret was lost. Only now recently is de Broglie's research being reconfirmed.
So despite quantum consciousness being dismissed as "woo-woo" there is a growing body of evidence to corroborate it. I have corresponded with Dr. Stuart Hameroff about his insight on ultrasound as the key amplification of microtubules as piezoelectric quantum coherence. Hameroff also understands this is from noncommutative phase as anharmonic music like Indian raga music. Hameroff states that quantum consciousness is best explained or modeled by music and that the scientist who confirmed this ultrasound microtubule research was even going to transpose it into Indian ragas! I have also corresponded with this scientist who works in Japan and he has a whole research lab working to create artificial life based on this secret of quantum consciousness. But even the journal Nature has published how ultrasound is the key to healing at a distance since ultrasound resonates the proteins of the body.
Dr. Andrija Puharich also had made this discovery that he called the Phonon (sound)-Hydron Effect - and a new documentary is being made about him and Northwestern University will have a section of their library devoted to his research insights. I corresponded with Professor Michael Persinger in 2006 who replied that Puharich's research is "greatly underappreciated' and since then Persinger has corroborated much of Puharich's claim, of telepathy and telekinesis and precognition based also on a spin-sound model of reality. I had discovered Puharich's collaboration with Professor Oliver L. Reiser through a U.N.-based think tank of theosophists working with the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton on what I call the Actual Matrix Plan (Puharich called it the Matrix plan several times) - and again based on music theory - what Reiser called the "music logarithmic spiral" from Esther Watson (daughter of Thomas Watson). It is very much like the Matrix movie - only it was a real plan done by elite scientists connected to Freemasonry and the Theosophists. The math is what guides the plan and now it is called the Singularity and being worked on as quantum artificial intelligence.
And so this brings me finally to the "icing on the cake." I'll explain the secret to you now and then share how researchers have discovered the same secret and are calling it "revolutionary" as a new macroquantum room temperature entanglement plan for quantum computing and more. So when I took music theory I wondered why if C is 1 as the root tonic and the octave C is 2 then the Perfect Fifth is 3/2 as C to G, and the Perfect Fourth is C to F as 4/3 but why can't the Perfect Fifth be 2/3 as C to F (undertone harmonic) or the Perfect Fourth be 3/4 as G to C? My dad was the assistant attorney general of Minnesota and a corporate lawyer for his career and he did Ph.D. research in Sweden through NYU and the Ford Foundation. So I have always taken logic very seriously as my dad also double majored in philosophy for his undergraduate degree. So I knew there was something wrong with the mathematical logic of music theory and I knew that the Pythagorean Theorem was secretly based on the wrong music theory math! I tried to share this with my music professor private teacher and I told my piano teacher that I realized there was a secret to music that was the harmony of the Universe. They began giving my mystic books and also a copy of Gregory Bateson's book Mind and Nature: A necessary Unity.
Then at Hampshire College I tested into higher level music theory and it turns out that the person who supervised my Division One project of composing a fugue, writing a paper on a fugue - this man that I had rediscovered recently, had went on into biophysics and teaching yoga. He also had made a very similar music connection and is now doing research on phonon vibrations in biophysics. But he had not made the noncommutative phase discovery and so he, David Muesham, asked me for direction on noncommutative math. I had rediscovered him recently when I read a biophysics music article and wondered who the author was and so I asked him if he remembered my Troll Dance music composition and he said he did - from 1990!! haha. And so he had majored in physics at Hampshire College but he also had studied with Yusef Lateef. So I asked him if he knew about Professor Stephon Alexander's book The Jazz of Physics since Alexander bases the core secret of the book on John Coltrane's collaboration with Yusef Lateef. David had not heard of the book as David works in Italy but he said he was going to be teaching back in the Northeast and even going to Dartmouth so maybe he would even meet Stephon Alexander!
And so Stephon Alexander had realized this noncommutative phase secret explains the origin of the Universe and indeed it does! Professor Andrei Linde made the same discovery. In other words if you have resonance that is faster than time-frequency uncertainty you can create matter and energy out of nothing. This explains why there is matter and energy - from asymmetric time-frequency resonance as noncommutative phase as the fifth dimension. Astrophysicist Paul S. Wesson also made this discovery and said it even explains spiritual phenomenon.

So back around 1990 I had focused on sustainability activism and so I transferred to UW-Madison for a more populist-radical setting. But I also got accepted into the music composition department for a self-designed composition degree. But the professors bragged how they got the students doing computer serialistic math at Princeton graduate school, where they had trained. I was interested in what I called "global blues" genre. Then since I was protesting a lot on the mall on the university, near the music building, maybe that's why I was called in for a special meeting. The professor said my transposition of a Schoenberg piano sonata into a string quartet, for orchestration class, was Communist! I was so shocked when he said I needed to redo my previous assignments, even though I had already gotten As and Bs on them, that I started to tear up. haha. So I just dropped out of that program as I knew they were against my philosophy of music.
But I kept researching the music theory even though I got a degree in International Relations with a new option in sustainability and then my graduate degree was in Liberal Studies which is self-designed. So my master's thesis was on "radical ecology, music theory and sound-current nondualism." And yet even then I still did not understand the math well enough! A physics scientist who self-published on music and math wanted to publish my master's thesis as a book and promote it in Germany. But he kept asking me what I meant in my math-physics analysis and finally he admitted that it was actually his wife who had wanted to publish the book. I'm talking about Charles Madden. So I read his book on Music and Fractals to see if I could discover the error in my thinking. Sure enough he explained that the Tai Chi symbol, the yin-yang, was not a fractal, since it was not symmetric math! I had written in my master thesis that the Tai Chi was based on a logistic equation which is still symmetric math. I had made a big quantum woo-woo error that is very common in the New Age community.
So I then researched science and math for ten years after my master's thesis and now I understand noncommutative math better. So going back to music theory if C is 1 and the octave C is 2 then G is 3 as the Perfect Fifth but F is 3 as the subharmonic Perfect Fifth at the same time! This is called noncommutative phase and is the secret of quantum entanglement as nonlocality. It is very simple yet very radical. What happened is that Archytas, a collaborator of Plato, used the equation "arithmetic mean x harmonic mean = geometric mean squared" to state that the Perfect Fifth plus the Perfect Fourth = the Octave. Everyone learns this as basic music theory without realizing it's the wrong math! haha. Archytas had devised the first logarithmic equation from music theory and this was the foundation of irrational magnitude, the square root of two, and the symmetric logic of math that is the whole structural drive of classical physics. Since Archtyas had to use the Perfect Fifth as the arithmetic mean or 3/2 this means Archytas had to lie and cover up the real truth of noncommutative phase that the Perfect Fifth is also the subharmonic as C to F, or 2/3. This paradox of the unknown origin of the Perfect Fourth since it's not from the Harmonic Series is called the "ghost tonic" in music theory but the music theorists don't transfer the paradox into physics and analyze what the implication is. As Sir James Jeans, the physicist, wrote in his book Science and Music - the real truth of proper music theory (Pythagorean) is infinite time-frequency energy! This is what I had realized in high school as the real secret of Pythagorean philosophy. Peter Kingsley did his Ph.D. thesis on Pythagorean philosophy and he exposed how Plato and Archytas and Aristotle had lied about real Pythagorean philosophy. Only Kingsley did not understand the music theory secret of Pythagorean philosophy.
And so as I cited in my master's thesis you can extend the Pythagorean Theorem all the way to Einstein's relativity - and there is even a book called From Pythagoras to Einstein. But it was Louis de Broglie who realized that in relativity the time gets bigger while the frequency gets higher even though this goes against the principle of Pythagoras that frequency is inverse to time! Since quantum physics has energy based on frequency - directly proportional then de Broglie realized there has to be "two time" clocks - and one is from the future secretly guiding reality - that he called the superluminal phase wave or guiding wave and later the pilot wave. And so the basic equation is frequency is to time as momentum is to wavelength. So you can have positive momentum with negative frequency from the future! This can be very confusing to physicists since it is quantum relativity or relativistic quantum physics. So de Broglie's model was covered-up and only now is being rediscovered and confirmed. In other words frequency and time are noncommutative as professor Basil J. Hiley replied to me, he acknowledges and now emphasizes how noncommutative phase is the foundation of reality as nonlocal protoconsciousness of the Universe! (what people traditionally have called God or the Emptiness).
Of course most quantum physics think that music is not connected to their discipline and so then most quantum physicists don't make the connection between music and consciousness as well. But indeed the connection is there as the real secret of reality. Since we listen to music, as has been proven, "faster than Fourier Uncertainty" or faster than time-frequency uncertainty - this means we can have phase coherence that is also quantum coherence in our brains - and the sound resonates into ultrasound and transduces through phase coherence - also into infrasound (ELF) harmonics and electrochemical and electromagnetic energy and also even gravity or spacetime vortices. This is too simple and yet too radical for people to even fanthom and yet now some quantum physics professors have made this connection! Here is there academic book that is new:

we first introduce the concept of a phase-bit based on the fermion-like behavior of phonons in some elastic structures as an analogue of a quantum bit (qubit). The analogy with the notion of spin suggests the possibility of developing quantum information technologies based on superposition of elastic waves....

And so the fermion is spin 1/2 which is also 1/2 quanta as noncommutative quantum phase through infinite time-frequency energy harmonics.
Here is an interview about their new grant to demonstrate this concept. And I quote:

However quantum mechanics allows this system to be a superposition of states, we can be in 0 and the 1 state at the same may react with the rest of the Universe and become unstable and it's going to lose the superposition of states that is in....I'm going to be in one of the two states I was in and that's it. And that's called decoherence so it's very difficult to stabilize those superposition of states. It's even more difficult when you have many qubits have more interactions and less stability and more chances of decoherence. In quantum computers, to stabilize those qubits, what people do, they need to cool those qubits at cryogenic temperatures, these are very very low temperatures, near absolute zero. That requires a massive amount of energy and power and cooling system around these quantum computing chip. Our invention or our technology is saying, "We do not need quantum object to create superposition of states. And we found a system that does that, and it's based on a phononic structure that basically supports sound waves instead of electronic waves or quantum waves. And what happens, so we do not need a quantum system, so we don't have the problem of quantum decoherence. So we can avoid that drawback, by working with a quantum analog and our systems are acoustic quantum analogs of qubits. We call them Phi-Bits. So they exhibit the same capabilities of having superposition of states but they do not have the drawback of decoherence. They are stable. The Tech Foundation funds research that will not be funded by traditional federal sources, for instances, so we had to demonstrate that places like the National Science Foundation would not fund the research because it's too out there, out of the paradigm, it's too revolutionary for them to fund....we have three years of research, we have to demonstrates a set of phi-bits, to operate a well-known quantum have a tabletop system operating.
And its applications are far-ranging! To quote from their book and academic papers:

 By considering media that mix different types of waves, the book addresses the interaction of sound with other physical and biological waves but also brings to light examples of extrinsic processes that can lead to symmetry breaking. The coherent conversion of sound into other types of waves as well as the sound-induced non-conventional topology of elastic, electronic, spin and biological waves are presented in the case of media exhibiting elasto-electronic, photo-elastic, magneto-elastic effects and biological mechano-transduction.
Reciprocity of fundamental frequency transmission coefficient (FFTC) is now investigated. Since the geometry is symmetric with respect to its center at f from A to B with two opposite values of v [velocity] is equivalent to comparing FFTCs from A to B and B to A at f with a single value of v.
Now this is the same as me stating the single value of the Perfect Fifth with the center as f as 1 is inverted from A to B (3/2) to B to A (2/3).

And since the decibels are logarithmic in  perception then 
a highly non-reciprocal FFTC is achieved.
 Which is to say noncommutative phase:

a single input frequency produces multiple harmonics in the output.
The antisymmetric elastic waves exhibit quantum-like behavior.
 noncommutative phase as entanglement.
It is important to point out that the interpretation of the Dirac spinor is in terms of forward and backward propagating waves.

The superposition of elastic states... is therefore measurable without wave function collapse in contrast to what would be the case for the superposition of states of a true quantum system.
And so I will be explaining how this concept can be practiced by anyone for free based on understanding this secret as the ancients already knew! The secret of macroquantum resonance at room temperature - was Dr. Mae-Wan Ho called "quantum jazz" but even she did not understand this noncommutative phase math secret, as the above two professors understand. A Christian evangelical quantum physicist did her Ph.D. thesis on phonon transduction of energy using noncommutative phase coherence and so she also understands the secret.
Thanks for your time and consideration of my book proposal,
drew hempel, MA

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