We can find an earlier version of Professor Richard McKirahan's essay on Philolaus and Number in this book that emphasizes for Pythagoreans - reality was number ontologically.
Professor Catherine Rowett
points out that for Anaximander:Doctrine and Doxography: Studies on Heraclitus and Pythagoras, ed Dirk Obbink and David Sider, pages 3-32, Oct 2013
the heavenly bodies uttered a flute-like whistleand
the circles that carry the stars have "flute-like" pipes with breathing holes through which the fire bursts forth when they are not blocked up. It seems certain that the pressurized fiery vapour escaping from these [ancient Greek] must make sounds or notes that reflect the size and diameter of the pipe, rather like the sound of huge pan pipes played across the dark and misty heavens.And so what Professor Rowett is tapping into - archetype-wise - is what Professor Paul S. Wesson, astrophysicist, reveals via de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony as the "negative density, positive pressure" source of the material universe from superluminal quantum entanglement consciousness.
I posted some comments that I will repost below quoting these quantum gravity scientists who realize that noncommutative geometry as number is the secret key to the Universe, just as the Pythagoreans knew. But we are taught to think of a "Harmony of the Spheres" in a materialistic sense when the Pythagoreans knew that noncommutative phase was quantum entanglement as Harmonia!!
Professor Rowett is just stating that because Anaximander only dropped hints and there is no "text" devoted to this topic then the German philosophers, and English empiricists, projecting their materialism onto the Pre-Socratics, favored the Heraclitean Logos over the Pythagorean Logos - meaning a materialistic definition of ratio as Logos, instead of a more "mythological" definition that in fact was more accurate scientifically!!
...these heavenly pipes seem to be very substantial and very concrete chariot wheels revolving in the sky...And so here we have revealed the ancient connection of the early "divide and average" arithmetic to center the chariot wheels as the Solar calendar ritualistic mass sacrifice squaring of the circle - an early version of the Pythagorean Theorem. This too the Egyptians linked to the ratio 9/8 just as Philolaus did. So that Thales, from Egypt, brought us the first "deductive" mathematical proof of a triangle inscribed in a circle, with the base of the triangle as the diameter, thereby concluding a right angle has to be the height of the triangle. And soon after Philolaus reduced the Pythagorean Logos to the materialistic idealism of irrational magnitude geometry of Archytas:
And so already the ancient secret of quantum entanglement as the 5th Dimension was lost to materialistic computations of geometry!!
It took Dionysious G Raftopoulos to rediscover the secret of Projective 5D geometry as based on asymmetric harmonics as the quantum undertone of Blue Light
Only now in quantum computing is it being acknowledged that Number as Information is Entropy or Negentropy - depending on how you resonate the harmonics!!
People have realized that the Josephson Junction of phase coherence to create voltage from pure Number - completely redefines the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
Noncommutative Phonon Spin harmonics enables Room-Temperature macroquantum computing - or we could say "mumbo-jumbo mysticism" of Pythagorean alchemy!! haha.
It is quite funny that even today professor academic Philosophers are "embarrassed" - saying that in defense of the Pythagoreans they are "no worse" than Anaximander and the Logos of Heraclitus! Hilarious. These academic philosophers have no idea what they are messing with.
For Parmenides - Being is Thinking and for Philolaus Number is Being - and so the secret source of the Sphere of Light as Being-Thinking in Parmenides is noncommutative phase as formless nonlocal "number" as consciousness. Or as they say in India - the oldest texts - this is the secret Nada that creates reality - the OM that creates Light. As Math Professor Luigi Borzacchini has pointed out - this is the paradox of negative judgment in that from music theory the number resonates into the Formless that can only be logically inferred and listened to, but this can be translated into a visual geometry as the irrational number (if you cover up the noncommutative phase secret of Odd-Even number together as Harmonia).
In other words Philolaus converted Odd-Even into pure geometry that was symmetric and commutative as the ratio of number equaling zero as a "contained" negative infinity. Then Archytas went back and added a new number to this symmetric ratio of geometry - as irrational magnitude or Alogon. And presto - the secret of infinite noncommutative phase resonance was covered up and lost!!
But then Eddie Oshins realized that it was in fact this noncommutative phase that RESTORES the Lost Logos of the ontological difference between Being and Sign (that math professor Borzacchini has acknowledges goes back to the Pythagorean Theorem).
This representation only works for the (more fundamental) 1/2-integral representations (i.e. spinors/turns/quaternions) but also lets one build the vector and tensor representations. The converse does not hold....this property of "noncommutivity" in itself might be valuable in some way.
My claim, and original idea, has been that this is circumnavigating a T'ai Chi (Yin/Yang) symbol! More recently (Oshins, 1993b) I have suggested that this proximate technique can be used to realize Wing Chun kung-fu's "bong sau/tan sau" movement out of the Kauffman/Oshins "quaternionic arm" discussed and referenced below in end note 5.
I believe that this may be a way to get mind to code the relative relationship of part of oneself with respect to the rest of oneself (self-referential motion) and can explain the concepts of being "centered"/"one"/"integrated"/"extended"/"whole" etc. which one strives for in meditation.Oshins, E. (1993). Oshins, E. (1993). A test for classical psychospinors. http://www.quantumpsychology.com/pdf/Test-ClassicalPsychospinors.pdf In Abdullah, F. (Ed.) Conservation and Invariance. Cambridge, UK: Alternative Natural Philosophy Association, London England.
And so Plato is held up as a "true" philosopher because he worships the Number as Alogon - irrational magnitude as the secret Realm of Forms - in contrast to those like Archytas who just use the irrational magnitude as pure mechanics of geometry for engineering.
But guess what? They are BOTH wrong - that's a false paradigm of debate - a bait and switch of mind control that ignores and covers up the truth of noncommutative phase as quantum entanglement consciousness - FORMLESS awareness from number itself - not geometry - as Borzacchini emphasizes.
“Hence Arithmetic is the source of that preestablished harmony between reality and language that we can not not believe after almost four centuries of astonishing achievements, but we must even say that, neither tendentially, syntactic representation can thoroughly mirror reality, become someway iconic. And this because it is marked in its basic principles with a preestablished disharmony, that is even its hidden evolutive principle.”
To quote David Fowler, author of The Mathematics of Plato’s Academy (Oxford University Press)
“...the manipulations of music theory seem to depend fundamentally on the operation of compounding, an operation which seems to pose some serious problems for mathematicians. My purely speculative suggestion...is that music theory might plausibly give some help with this problem.”But what did Fowler do? He rejected Borzacchini's analysis! You can find this on the math forum archive back in 1999.
Then Borzacchini pulls out his trump card:
"However, I think I can prove that in the Platonic Academy there was a trace of this earlier approach, with a tight connection between music, numerical means and similarity, and without any reference to geometric figures, such as square or pentagon."
Borzacchini, again, is revealing a cover-up:
"Why these silences? And why this sudden and radical change?" (hiding the secret musical origins of western science!). "Why this sharp change? I think the first reason was that the musical proof was only negative, whereas the geometrical approach allowed the effective construction of incommensurable magnitudes."
And so what are we getting at here? The Void of Parmenides as Apeiron is the Siren that creates the energy of the Stars as the Hearth or Air that Feeds off the Light of the Universe.
These great figures, from which the Greek philosophical traditions are supposed to have derived—Thales, Anaximander, Heraclitus... came from the coast of what is now modern Turkey. Then you have Pythagoras, Parmenides, and Empedocles, who either were born or grew up in Italy and Sicily, or moved there from close to the west coast of Turkey, having very little contact with mainland Greece. Interview with Peter Kingsley
or example I myself have actually witnessed women incubating —lying on the dirt in the ground meditating— in Eastern Turkey around the Syrian border. Although it's a practice that is frowned upon by the Islamic regimes, it's still done there, and it can feel absolutely extraordinary to come across that.But the point I’d like to make is this—I know many Westerners working in the fields of Buddhism and these other magnificent traditions and have the greatest admiration for them, but there's something here that I have to emphasize, because it’s become more and more acute for me... and that is, we are Westerners, and it is our connection to the sacred as Westerners that we have neglected, trampled, and distorted.Alchemically this is the Lower Tan T'ien of Daoist alchemy - it is the diaphragm that Peter Kingsley says Empedocles told his students to focus his Thoughts - his thinking - into their Diaphragm to condense the energy.
“What is the oracle of Delphi?” “The tetractys, that is, the harmony in which the Sirens sing.”
And so Boethius, as Borzacchini emphasizes, knows this is the secret source of the irrational magnitude - and it is Boethius who emphasizes that 9/8 was not part of the Tetrad for the Pythagoreans - something that Peter Pesic rejects. haha. Pesic says oh those Pythagoreans had to accept 9/8 - look at what Philolaus did! Yes Philolaus LIED by reversing the Lyre and claiming the geometry was symmetric.
In other words it's not just that the music mathematics was negative but that it was LIED about as a "bait and switch" reversal of the Lyre. Too funny.
wherein is the harmony in which Sirens are……” Sirens, from Greek Σειρήν Seirḗn – pl.: Σειρῆνες Seirênes, were originally bird form religious characters featured by a seductive lure.And so when Peter Kingsley tells us to listen to the birds singing he secretly is referring to the Sirens. And secretly he refers to the whistling sound of the Cosmos as a spacetime vortex of going into Harmonia as the samadhi Emptiness - syrinx as the hissing of the Kundalini Snake as Pythia!
Sounding Objects: Musical Instruments, Poetry, and Art in ...
https://books.google.com/books?isbn=0802090141Carla Zecher - 2007 - HistoryThe Pan and Syrinx emblem in Aneau's Imagination poetique draws an even more explicit parallel between the female body and the flute. Like many others in the volume, this emblem's image had already appeared in an illustrated edition of Ovid's Metamorphoses (figure 3.16).98 As Ovid relates it, Pan was smitten with th
Music Lovers' Encyclopedia: Containing a Pronouncing and Defining ...
https://books.google.com/books?id=NAILAQAAIAAJRupert Hughes - 1919 - MusicTo syncopate. synnem enon. Vide MODES. synonyme (se-no-nem), f. Homophone, 'synton ic. Vide COMMA. syntonolyd'ian. Hypolydian. syren. Siren. syrinx, Gr., syringe (se-ranzh), F. I. Pandean pipes. 2. A portion of a hymn to Apollo sung by candidates for Pythian prizes. sys tern (in G. zes'-tam). i.Agroupof staves. 2.
When the cerebrospinal fluid gets ionized this changes the proprioception of the vagus nerve of the inner ear - causing a whistle-pipe sound as the Syrinx of the Pythia Kundalini energy - going into Harmonia as Aion.Syringomyelia Fact Sheet | National Institute of Neurological Disorders ...
May 10, 2017 - What is syringomyelia? Syringomyelia is a disorder in which a fluid-filled cyst (https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/Patient-Caregiver.../Syringomyelia-Fact-Sheetcalled a syrinx) forms within the spinal cord. This syrinx can get bigger and elongate over time, damaging the spinal cord and compressing and injuring the nerve fibers that carry information to the brain and from the brain to the ...
Another term for the pan flute is 'syrinx'. One can still find pan flutes today.
In Greek mythology, Terpsichore (pron.: /tərpˈsɪkəriː/; Τερψιχόρη) "delight in dancing" was one of the nine Muses, the Muse of Dance ruling over dance and the dramatic chorus. She lends her name to the word "terpsichorean" which means "of or relating to dance".
Terpsichore is usually depicted sitting down, holding a lyre, accompanying the dancers' choirs with her music. Terpsichore is sometimes said to be the mother of the Sirens by Achelous. Terpsichore's name comes from the Greek words τέρπω ("delight") and χoρός ("dance").
Terpsichore figures among her sisters in Hesiod's Theogony.
The sibyl of Cumae is referred to most frequently. She is said to have traveled from
her native Asia Minor to Italy, then led Aeneas to the underworld and lived on for
a thousand years. Like Pythia of Delphi, she is an oracle of Apollo. The last three of her
“books” (said to treat omens, catastrophes, monsters, processions, and sacrifices) were
preserved in Rome in the Capitoline temple but burned in 83 b.c. The sibyls live on in
the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel.
In psychoanalysis snake phobia is interpreted as fear of a “phallic symbol.”
In philosophic systems of Asiatic origin the kundalini snake, coiled at the base of
the spinal column, symbolizes vital energy to be awakened and elevated through med-
itation. (See also crocodile.)
The same reason that One is not a Number - since it is the Light of the I-thought as the noncommutative phase quantum entanglement source of light - the breathing of the Void that at first is just "relative void" - so no light can be seen outside the body - but turns into the Absolute Void that radiates light - once the Hearth or Breathing Void as the Alchemical Blacksmith STove of the Crocodile-Reptilian Snake energy is filled up.Why are there nine Muses? | James I. Porter - Academia.edu
1 Why are there nine Muses? James I. Porter If you want to know why there are nine Muses, you just have to ask Homer. Homer knows either one or several nameless Muses of some indefinite number, as at Iliad 1.604 (“the antiphonal sweet sound of the Muses singing”) or Iliad 2.484 (“Tell me now, you Muses, who have ...www.academia.edu/5945639/Why_are_there_nine_Muses
Golden lyre, rightful joint possession of Apollo and of the violet-haired Muses, to you the footstep listens as it leads off the celebration, and the singers follow your signals whenever, strings a quiver, you strike up the preludes that lead off the dancing.
(Pythian 1.1–4; trans. Race 1997, adapted)
The right brain dominant Poet of epic verse - just as the historians of African villages - the Griots - is the Liar of the Lyre - myth as truth.
In the Ennead is all creating of manifest things, combining tetradic body, triadic intermediation, and dyadic motion. In the number nine are all the other numbers brought together, the final single-digit whole number. As there were nine Muses who lead to all Art and nine Curetes who watched over the infant Zeus, the Ennead brings things to completion and perfection without itself being perfect. The Ennead is realization.Nassos Papalexandrou (University of Texas at Austin):
It was Hesiod who set up his Tripod [Alchemical Cauldron 3-in-1 harmony of blacksmith Asia!!] prize to mark the foundation of a new sanctuary for the Muses. At least two sanctuaries in Thebes, the sanctuary of Apollo Ismenios and the Herakleion, were replete with numerous tripods deposted by heroic figures of local myth and lore. Moreover, in the same region, the tripod was a quintessential component of rituals involving processions and special songs. (tripodephorika mele) that negotiated within a religious framework the territorial and political sovereignty of Thebes over numerous peripheral communities under its sway.I'm gonna email this dude - he needs to know the secret!
Harmonia was born of Aphrodite's adulterous affair with the god Ares.She was awarded to Kadmos (Cadmus), hero and founder of Thebes,
Hephaestus, blacksmith of the Olympian gods, discovered his wife, Aphrodite, goddess of love, having a sexual affair with Ares, the god of war. He became enraged and vowed to avenge himself for Aphrodite's infidelity by cursing any lineage of children resulting from the affair. Aphrodite bore a daughter, Harmonia, from Ares' seed.
Harmonia and Cadmus were both later transformed into serpents (dragons in some versions of the myth). The extent of their suffering as a result of Harmonia wearing the Necklace is debatable because Cadmus and Harmonia are said to have ascended to the paradise of the Elysian Fields after their transformation.
the sanctuary of golden tripods, [5] the treasure-house which Loxias honored above all and named the Ismenion, true seat of prophecy. Come, children of Harmonia, where even now he calls the native host of heroines to assemble, so that you may loudly sing of holy Themis and Pytho and the just [So the Tripod is the alchemical Cauldron as the Ancestral Counter-Fire or Hearth of the Cosmos - the Yuan Qi that is the Shen (fire) below the Jing (water) to create qi - passed on from the ancestors as the soul of the Universe, transmigration.10] navel of the earth, at the edge of evening, in honor of seven-gated Thebes and the contest at Cirrha, in which Thrasydaeus caused his ancestral hearth to be ...
So according to Aristotle on Philolaus - the One is in the center of the Sphere as the Hearth of the Universe - the Counter-Fire - and since One is not a number - this means the light is turned around as noncommutative Phase - a Blochian quantum entanglement Sphere of spin 1/2 number.
Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati - The Three Devis of the Hindu ...
The three Indian deities constituting the Divine Trinity are Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara (Shiva). While Indian mythology abounds with stories of these Godshttps://www.dollsofindia.com/us/library/devis/, it also contains many, many stories about their Divine Consorts, Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati, respectively.
As the Goddess of Brahma, she plays a Veena which is the secret of the spinal cord vetebrae tuned to the three gunas, Octave, Fifth/Fourth as the Pythagorean Tetrad of alchemical Pythia-Snake-Kundalini goddess Shakti Nada Sound that is formless
the snake being symbolic of death and rebirth. After Medusa was slain, her blood was divided between Athena and Asclepius. It was believed that the blood from her right vein cured, and from the left killed. Any healing work requires a careful and loving unification of opposites. Both the name Medusa and the word ‘medicine’ come from the same Greek root word med– which means ‘to devise, to use powerful means, to consider, judge, estimate and measure.’ It was Apollo who called for moderation in everything at his Delphic oracle; with excess any remedy could turn into poison.The snake hair of Medusa and the Sine-Wave as Music to Measure as Medicine!
in the valley below Apollo’s shrine, harmless snakes and dogs accompanied the sick throughout all healing rituals. Other outstanding features were the ubiquity of water (supposedly flowing through a sacred labyrinth) and musical performances. The central healing ritual was incubation, which can be likened to a dream questing. As Meier points out, for Greeks dreams were not figments of imagination but “something that really happened.” They were perceived as stimulating the natural “soothsaying of the psyche.” Symptoms were always viewed as external expressions of the deeper underlying reality of the psyche. In other words, the correspondence (synchronicity) between body and mind, the outer and inner world, is what constituted every symptom. While incubating, the sick person slept in the abaton, lying on a klinē, from which our modern word “clinic” is derived.
Just as the alchemical Cauldron Tripod is the key secret of the meaning of Qi - fire below water - so too is the alchemical tripod the key secret of Pythagorean meditation on the Tetrad - the reversal of the fifth and fourth as fire below water.
Put Consciousness as Fire Underneath the Water - into the Earth to so that the Air can feed on the Fire as Steam rising up -- in other words by inverting the Octave of the 1 you create more 2 as Air (qi) from the Fifth or 2:3 (air to water) being inverted as 3:4 - Fire underneath the Water!!
For what the monad was in the first tetractys, that fire is in this. But the duad is air, the triad is water, and the tetrad is earth.
From Beaumont's Gleanings of Antiquities.According to Beaumont, the above is the most authentic form of the Delphian tripod extant; but as the tripod must have changed considerably during the life of the oracle, hasty conclusions are unwise. In his description of the tripod, Beaumont divides it into four Parts: (1) a frame with three (2), a reverberating basin or bowl set in the frame; (e) a flat plate or table upon which the Pythia sat; and (4) a cone-shaped cover over the table, which completely concealed the priestess and from beneath which her voice sounded forth in weird and hollow tones, Attempts have been made to relate the Delphian tripod with the Jewish Ark of the Covenant. The frame of three legs was likened to the Ark of the Covenant; the flat plate or table to the Mercy Seat; and the cone-shaped covering to the tent of the Tabernacle itself. This entire conception differs widely from that popularly accepted, but discloses a valuable analogy between Jewish and Greek symbolism.
From Montfaucon's Antiquities.The windings of these serpents formed the base, and the three heads sustained the three feet of the tripod. It is impossible to secure satisfactory information concerning the shape and size of the celebrated Delphian tripod. Theories concerning it are based (in most part) upon small ornamental tripods discovered in various temples.
The spacetime vortex of Apeiron as the Small Universe meditation secret to the Macrocosm beyond the Pole Star!The key to the discovery of Delphi’s geometric code was made possible by publication of the meticulous survey of the Delphic sanctuary by the French archeological team of Pierre de la Coste-Messeliere in 1936. It revealed Delphi was so framed it functioned as a giant zodiacal sundial that, at the vernal equinox, aligned the seemingly opposed forces of Nature--Apollonian order and Dionysian ecstasy--in a conjoined thrust transporting the spirit of Delphic initiates, ‘on’ Apollo’s “far-darting arrow,” beyond the Pole Star, and, transcendentally, beyond the source of Nature’s creation and cyclic dissolution--indeed, ‘beyond beyond,’ beyond the ‘Boundless’ apeiron.Referring to the Delphic plan (Illus. 5), with the zodiac/clock centered in Dionysos’ theater, note the quartering of the day, and zodiacally, of the year. Observe how the winter quarter, encompassing the signs of Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces, contains the Sanctuary of Dionysos (XXXI), and the Temple of Apollo. Further, note how the SE vector, the median of the winter quarter, at the spring equinox marking the end of Dionysos’ sojourn in the omphalos, precisely interconnects Delphi’s triad of goddesses:1) Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth of the Universe (the Pythagorean 'Central Fire’ of creation) at the center of the circular orchestra,
As final proof of the intricacy of the geometry of the Delphic site, note how the theater’s orientation has a declension from true North of 7.5 degrees (15 minutes, a quarter of an hour). That this seeming vagary in Nature’s order has a Pythagorean purpose is apparent when it is realized 7.5 degrees is the gravitational constant in physics, determining when a top, or fated hero, falls, as Hector in The Iliad (XIV, 314): “. . . spinning like a top to its last turning.” And, further, when it is realized that this selfsame 7.5 degree gravitational factor applies as well in music theory, marking each step in the 12-tone octave’s 90-degree ascent, or descent, creating the Pythagorean “harmony of the spheres.”
Yet Delphi is also, for the winter quarter, home to the god who came from the East, from Asia--Dionysos: striking counter force to Apollo’s “limit”; Dionysos: god of ecstatic release from the bonds (‘limits’) of Being.
![]() |
12 Labors of Hercules as the Small Universe meditation The “spark of celestial fire” flares. The spirit soars.
Here, the downward glissando on the seven strings
of Apollo’s lyre, marks the octave fall through the 12-tone scale; each tone,
the 7.5 degree “gravitational symmetry limit” (per D. White, “Music Scale
Theory” Skytopia.com/project/scale); it, the angle at
which a spinning top falls, as “noble Hector, . . . spinning like a top to its
last turning.” (The Iliad, XIV, 413). And, as the greatest hero, proud
Heracles, founder of Tarentum, was to fall. Could it be mere happenstance the
two locations at which, legend has it (Arist. fr. 191), in a miraculous “bilocation,”
Pythagoras had been simultaneously seen, he sought, before his lonely death in
exile in Metapontum, refuge in Heracles’ Tarentum?
In the perennial philosophy of
Nature, this gravitational descending glissando of all that exists symbolizes
the stark imperative of Anaximander’s fragment: “All must pay restitution for
its existence according to the dictates of Time.”
Yet, (per Hans Kayser,
Akroasis, The Theory of World Harmonies, Boston, 1970), with “the
note not heard” in the music of the spheres, the 13th overtonal note
completing the octave, the spirit mystically attains the apex of the sacred
Tetractys; and, in the Trieteric rite, the winnowed seed of infant Dionysos
falls to the womb of Gaea, there, mystically, to strike fire on the altar of
Hestia, “Hearth of the Universe.” Then, in the mystery-beyond-knowing, the
spirit of the initiate gains release from the wheel of Being, vaulting --
beyond the Pole Star-- ‘into’ the Boundless apeiron, ‘in’ the
The Infinite Spiral of Fifths - indeed!
I have this same alchemical tripod secret of Qi energy training of Daoism as a Pdf - free - links on that youtube description.
So Professor Richard McKirahan documents that Philolaus flipped the Lyre around in order to then cover up the noncommutative harmonics (secret of quantum entanglement consciousness). So that the Perfect Fifth/Fourth are claimed to be commutative via 9/8. But as Boethius details 9/8 was not allowed by Orthodox Pythagoreans - just the Tetrad!!
So I have a Blue Light and Blues Music article that goes into this also - from Chinese tuning - the secret of qi - as the Small Universe meditation - it is 12 harmonic nodes around the body based on the constellations - and so this is the secret of Mithra-Phanes as Aion kundalini energy of Pythia.
So then the Counter-Fire Hearth of the Tripod is the Lower Tan T'ien as the Void in Daoist Alchemy but it has to, through deep breathing, feed the fire - or the fire feeds off the Air - and so this creates more Fire from having more air power by the reversal of fire under the water to create steam - the reversal of the Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth harmonics as the small universe meditation in Daoist alchemy using 12 nodes. I did this to finish my master's degree in 2000 - after reading your book. I studied with the Chinese qigong master of Daoist alchemy http://springforestqigong.com
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