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"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

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Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Monday, October 23, 2017

The secret of asymmetric noncommutative Time, Paul Dirac and the theory of everything

Time travel : a history by   Gleick, James. Publication Date:    2016

Gleick actually discusses the precognitive dreams of Dunne, stating how Henri Bergson dismissed Dunne for using a geometrical representation of time.

Gleick goes on to say how for (youtube) Lee Smolin (who studied from the same quantum physics professor I studied from!) emphasizes now that in contrast to the spacetime "block" reality, time is not just some relative illusion of space but in fact time is the essential foundation of reality and expressed by entropy or negative entropy.

Dear Dr. Lee Smolin: I too took quantum mechanics from Professor Herbert Bernstein, my first year at Hampshire College! My master's degree is focused on math-music-philosophy and sustainability. My view is that noncommutative time-frequency is the basis for a 5th dimensional "time-like" noncommutative phase that got covered up with the secret music origin of Western mathematics from Archytas, Plato and Eudoxus. Math professor Luigi Borzacchini has stated that this "secret of the sect" and "deep pre-established disharmony" as the wrong music theory origin of Western math is "really astonishing" and "shocking." Math professor Alain Connes states that music theory provides a "universal scaling system" as a geometrical zero dimension quantum sphere because of the truth of noncommutative phase in music theory. In other words: 2, 3, infinity is noncommutative but got covered up by Archytas and Plato creating the first logarithmic equation (Perfect Fifth plus Perfect Fourth = Octave).
So essentially the reason we have an ecological crisis today is because science "works" for an elite that is left-brain/right-hand dominant, claiming to have symmetric math, that in fact covered up the truth of complementary opposites as noncommutative phase or quantum non-local foundation of reality.
So in other words the perceived expansion of the universe today is the inverse of the acceleration of time destroying ecological space on Earth today - left-handed amino acids that are right-brain dominant. Music frequency perception is right-brain dominant as quantum biological coherence due to ultrasonic phase synchronization at the microsecond of microtubules - as per Hameroff and Penrose.
I finished my training for my master's degree doing intensive nonwestern meditation based on this truth from Taoism that is based on the noncommutative phase secret of the Octave-Perfect Fifth/Perfect Fourth.
So if C is 1 and the octave is C as 2 what Plato and Archytas covered up is that 2/3 is C to F as the Perfect Fifth, at the same time that 3 is G as 3/2, Perfect Fifth. So for Archytas the logarithmic equation is the arithmetic mean x harmonic mean = geometric mean squared, so that 2/3 could not be allowed since 3/2 x 4/3 = 2. But 4/3 as the Perfect Fourth is the "double" of 2/3 as C to F - yet 3 as the denominator is not part of the harmonic series with 1 as the root tonic.
Listening is faster than Fourier time-frequency uncertainty and the singularity of pitch is the Perfect Fifth as 3/2 yang - the noncommutative phase shift of the root tonic. The three gunas of India are also based on this secret - with the Octave as sattva, the Perfect Fifth as raga and Perfect Fourth as tamas. Even Stuart Hameroff agrees that "anharmonic" music is the secret and modeled by nonwestern Indian music theory.
In my first year at Hampshire I knew that music theory unified philosophy of science and I did my master's degree on "sound-current nondualism" but I did not understand that chaos science modeling the Tai Chi is still a symmetric logistic equation and so can not be a real yin-yang symbol - only physicist Charles Madden pointed this out to me, after he considered publishing my master's thesis.
So I had to keep studying physics and math on my own, as I sat in full lotus and then discovered Alain Connes on his "quantum music of the spheres" research. But since he is not a musician - he is biased towards Western music theory - not realizing that the noncommutative truth of 2, 3, infinity does not apply to the logarithmic equal-tempered tuning that he is biased towards. haha.
My blog has more details -
Muller, R. (Richard),

Publication Date:  

; Einstein is spooked ; Backward time travel observed -- Part IV: Physics and reality. Beyond physics Why time advances - youtube
 Haven't read this one yet - fascinating - NEW TIME IS CREATED by black holes colliding.

Nor this one:
2017 book and google talk - have a feeling he doesn't discuss precognition! haha. Oh yeah I heard that dude on CSPAN - boring stuff.

mental nature of time. Keeping time -- Time : what the hell is it? -- The spatialization of time in
But it's the biography of Dirac - The Strangest Man by Graham Farmelo (youtube) that points out Dirac actually realized the noncommutative truth of reality from Whittaker's electromagnetic equations!

This is the same noncommutative truth that explained Tesla's aether model of reality as well.

In other words - the momentum of light means that the relativistic mass of light is created from the curvature of spacetime itself - and has now just been proven - that gravitational waves travel at the speed of light and emit light.

And so it is this quantum field that interacts with relativity - as Dirac realized from relying on "energy squared" necessitating a noncommutative resonance of energy and matter - virtual particles as antimatter and negative entropic energy - virtual. Dark energy - time spreads out space.

 In their paper, titled “Time Arrow is Influenced by the Dark Energy“, they argue that dark energy accelerating the expansion of the universe supports the asymmetrical nature of time. Often referred to as the “cosmological constant” – referring to Einstein’s original theory about a force which held back gravity to achieve a static universe – dark energy is now seen as a “positive” constant, pushing the Universe forward, rather than holding it back.
Amazingly James Gleick's book does not discuss music! He discusses poetry in detail but no music in the index.

The fact is that noncommutative time-frequency is modeled in empirically true music theory, the secret origin of Western mathematics! haha.

Dirac realized that the noncommutative math could not be visualized - and that the Poisson Bracket actually was first used by Whittaker. 

page 299 of A Treatise on the Analytical Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies by Edmund Whittaker -
" Dirac had surmised, the Poisson bracket, which first appeared over a century before in the writings of French mathematician Simeon-Denis Poisson...
Graham Farmelo says he links Dirac's principle of mathematical beauty 

here it is - Paul Dirac gives a philosophy talk

And so some physicists surmise that dark energy is reverse time as antigravity from Dirac's scalar equation - a "noncommutative scalar field" as Dr. Stuart Hameroff calls it, with Sir Roger Penrose.

This "wattless power" from noncommutative time-frequency was covered up later on for classical physics. John Preskill on holographic quantum black hole youtube 

  the frustration of Bob, who wants to entangle with both Alice and Carrie, but finds that he can increase his entanglement with Carrie only my sacrificing some of his entanglement with Alice.

Love in a Wormhole:

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