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77 Different Sources on de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony and Spiritual Force

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"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

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Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Monday, October 30, 2017

Against the HAM: The paranormal physics lineage of Jean-Pierre Vigier

oid is YinYang: Against the HAM: The paranormal physics lineage of Jean-Pierre Vigier

HAM - Holographic Anthropic Multiverse.

 "12D, the minimum to describe eternity or escape from the temporal bounds of uncertainty...."

I was looking up "angular momentum at the same time" - from the new research on the uncertainty principle and black holes. Basically corroborating Stephen Hawking now stating that black holes have no singularity since the information is not lost, but instead is entangled from inside and outside the black hole/white hole at the same time. Now the thing is that in terms of the five dimension Universe from Paul S. Wesson, this is the "phase-shift" of the 5D hypersurface that is more time-like - or we can not see it at all.

The claim is made incorrectly by Amoroso, that Qi or Prana is from symmetric math
But it is this "phase-shift" that is key because this was a big debate in ancient philosophy, causing the split between Brahmins and Buddhists. In other words in Buddhism eternal motion is the foundation of reality as interdependent causation whereas for Advaita philosophy of the Brahmins (that is very popular among Western scientists), eternal reality is static. Ramana Maharshi admits to a "three in one unity" from the three gunas but he is not able to explain this paradox of spirit light going into the formless awareness very well. So then a lot of Westerners think the spirit light IS the Self or awareness but Ramana Maharshi says no that is not true. haha.

So Taoism fits nicely with Buddhism since Taoism also believes in a reality of eternal motion out of the Wu Chi as the Tai Chi. In fact as I have now documented, the earliest image of the Wu Chi was as I have made the back image and name of my blog - the voidisyinyang at the same time. That is the secret of noncommutative phase-space from which time emerges - from being in two places at the same time as nonlocal, impersonal formless awareness.

So anyway I had made this intuition in high school from studying music theory - why is the ratio 2/3 as C to F and 3/2 as C to G? I knew that Pythagorean harmonics were infinite and this made sense and then I discovered that Taoism was based on the same harmonics - but it was not until after my master's thesis that I realized the key insight was this went against the symmetric math of the West based on the commutative principle. Soon after I discovered math professor Luigi Borzacchini who understood this secret. I had a dream of a music-math equation that I literally scribbled down on a note of paper and I mailed it to Professor Borzacchini. He was nice enough to respond with a letter - "my math was good but I did not have any historical proof" that Archytas actually used that music continued proportion equation to double the cube.

Fair enough. I agree with him. But nevertheless - the math was good and actually musciologist Ernest McClain had made a similar math-music connection to the doubling of the cube. Not quite as specific to the continued proportion claim I was making - but quite similar. By the way - discovering the Italian link of academia got the upload of the actual Borzacchini paper I've been constantly referring to!

So everyone can read the full paper there - he did amazing research.
Incommensurability, Music and Continuum: a cognitive approach. Arch. For History of Exact Sciences, 61 (2007) So then Borzacchini admits, as I have quoted, that a deep pre-established disharmony guides the evolution of Western science.

But in the "new age" paranormal physics community we find the insistence that Qi energy and Prana are based on symmetric math! This, as I have detailed, is just not true. But the physicists studying paranormal phenomenon believe this because they have not done the actual nonwestern philosophy training, nor studied the music theory that is the model for the training. I have documented the nonwestern music theory that models that training.

So when I did the above search that I started this blogpost about - I discovered Alex Kaivarainen, Ph.D.

He has a book on a unified field theory of paranormal physics - and he starts off with the de Broglie law of Phase Harmony but then he switches over to the golden ratio. the pdf is downloaded from that link.

So I saw his research was listed as being published out of a conference honoring Jean-Pierre Vigier - the de Broglie lineage physicist I had linked yesterday pdf as an update in the "Idiot's Guide" article.
 In 1948 he was appointed assistant to Louis de Broglie, a position he held until the latter's retirement in 1962.
Kaivarainen uses the term "virtual microtubules" which I suppose is a continuation of what  Vigier called "time-like hypertubes inside the light" that carry the de Broglie superluminal phase wave - and in fact this is the equivalent of the noncommutative phase-shift in the 5th dimension. So the cool thing is Kaivarainen is taking Vigier's model but applying it to long distance spirit healing.

But the use of the term "virtual self" easily lends itself to what I exposed as the Actual Matrix Plan - that this science model is then appropriated for technological control of humans. The Freemasonic Matrix Plan promoted by the Noetic Insitute:

Willis Harman - Wikipedia
Willis Harman (August 16, 1918 – January 30, 1997) was an American engineer, social scientist, academic, futurist, writer, and visionary. He is best remembered for his work with SRI International, for being president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences .. Provided much of the early funding for the SRI studies. UFO Matrix SRI propaganda
As he states the sum value of the virtual selves of humans creates the Noosphere...confirmed by Princeton parapsychology research on global consciousness. So he says then a quantum hologram is virtual reality.

I didn't see any mention of the ecological crisis.

So then I discovered that the Noetic Institute director Richard L. Amoroso was the last U.s. student of Jean-Pierre Vigier - he gives a youtube talk here

He says who he is a member of the LDS church but I first read it as the LSD church. So I thought - yeah! But no he meant the Mormons. haha.

Here he gives a slide talk

So this is again a promotion of symmetric mathematics as an extension of de Broglie superluminal pilot wave - and he calls it HAM - Holographic Anthropic Multiverse.

So it's funny how my SMP counteracts his HAM. Strong Misanthropic Principle.

I discovered this because I was looking for that book referenced by Kaivarainen - but the publisher never published the book - instead it was privately published by the Noetic Institute Press, under a different title.

Again no mention of the ecological crisis that I can see.

So we have the connection of physics to paranormal reality. That's great - but no larger connection to the ecological crisis and nonwestern philosophy from music theory. That's the missing puzzle. Amoroso equates the "mass of Earth" with the mass of life on Earth. Not very good ecology. Also Amoroso thinks "guided evolution" is by humans using the unified life consciousness field. Hence his Anthropic worldview. Funny how modern humans have wiped out ecological evolution faster than any previous time of life on Earth. HAM book pdf

Again we can realize that Earth is a little speck of dust in the Universe and yet according to science, the evolution of sentient life on Earth depends on the "fine tuning" of the physical constants since the big bang.

Even more so, as I posted yesterday, this fine tuning depends on the "symmetry breaking" with neutrinos being left-handed and the electroweak force being left handed, and so amino acids being left-handed - via the macroquantum resonance of water.

Kaivarainen focuses on this secret of coherent water with microtubules - but he does not focus on the nonwestern Indian music that Hameroff references (I guess that was after the Kaivarainen book).

So the name "Noetic" actually comes from Plato - and the LDS has ties to Freemasonry - so the promotion of symmetric math is not surprising. As Luigi Borzacchini states, the cover up of Pythagorean harmonics by Plato is "astonishing" and "shocking." Peter Kingsley has gone into this - how by the time of Plato philosophy had disintegrated into just arguments and lies.

So we can find more videos of the Jean Vigier symposium on youtube

So Amoroso states how in the 4D vacuum you have noncommutative geometry but it is resolved by a 12 dimensional symmetry.

Amoroso states that in HAM the time is closed and finite but Paul S. Wesson insists that the 5th dimension is "time-like" and can not be seen - like time - and the 5D is a "phase-shift."

So you can see in the slide show Amoroso is claiming that the "logarithmic curves do not close." In other words he has somehow obtained the whole grail of irrational magnitude logarithmic extension into higher dimensions that are symmetric but an infinity that is not "contained" by geometry. As Professor Steve Strogatz details - this is only possible in computer simulations - not in real ecology where logarithmic fractal spirals do indeed close and are not really infinite.

So Amoroso co-wrote the HAM model with Elizabeth Rauscher who then co-wrote a paper with James Hurtak, of Project HAARP fame, according to Gary Vey aka Dan Eden. In the Actual Matrix Plan research Hurtak is tied to Puharich and Stargate CIA research with SRI Freemason propaganda.

So Amoroso promoting Freemasonic Anthropocentric Symmetry from Plato really does not like Time-Frequency Uncertainty. haha.

So he wants a "universal bulk quantum computing" to "surmount" time-frequency uncertainty. Well he calls it the "quantum uncertainty principle" but maybe he doesn't realize that it originates from Time-Frequency uncertainty or Fourier Uncertainty.

So he writes "surmounting quantum uncertainty" 23 times and then "superceding quantum uncertainty" and "bypassing quantum uncertainty" and "overcome the limitations of quantum uncertainty" and "ontological violation of the quantum uncertainty"

"12D, the minimum to describe eternity or escape from the temporal bounds of uncertainty...."

There is no escape!! Anthropocentric reality is false symmetry.

E.A. Rauscher, Mathematical Medicine: A New Medical Modality (book in progress).

So we got that to look forward to - as she collaborates mainly with the Resonance Project

So as I mentioned at the beginning of this blog post - Stephen Hawking now argues that there is no "information loss" in black holes but instead the angular momentum is in two places at the same time - as the new white hole.

Roger Penrose though disagrees with Hawking.

Penrose believes since time is fundamentally asymmetric and there is information loss as increased entropy of the Universe - then quantum physics can not be a fundamental theory and there has to be a higher dimensional model.

But for Paul S. Wesson this issue is resolved by the 5D black hole. The information is "lost" as the phase-shift of the 5D hypersurface that is "time-like" and therefore can not be seen.

So there is increased entropy via black holes but the origin of the Universe in the big bang is just then a "phase-shift" of the energy-information of 5D.

Penrose says the problem with time-frequency uncertainty is that when you have 3-dimensional time you still can not account for the "spin" except by going into a higher dimension. But in quantum physics you can't have two different vacuums.

So Penrose says there needs to be a whole new quantum science developed to account for this increased entropy in black holes from asymmetric time.

But again what is not realized is that the asymmetric time of dark energy is inversely proportion to the acceleration of loss of time here on Earth. The new quantum model includes the destruction of time on Earth as the increased entropy in the black holes of the Universe.
As proved by Hawking, has the Universe's entropy increased been reversed, this reversal would be impossible to observe. This is because time orientation of all biological processes (as we show elsewhere in detail) relies solely on entropy's increase.
So I'm not so crazy to make my claim after all!!

So this reminds me of that Yale Lawyer author of Biocosm - along with the anthropocentric principle he argues that humans are helping the whole universe evolve - and this would fit with Stephen Hawking claiming all the information entangles into a new white hole universe.

So what that author on quantum entropy says pdf

is that it is the collapse of the wave-function itself that creates entropy. Before the collapse we live in proto-consciousness as formless awareness of the 5th Dimension as phase-shift of time.

"spacetime thus grows into the future.

But this "transactional" view of quantum relativity - that Amoroso appears to embrace - actual is interpreted still in a relativity physics sense - that we can, in terms of linear thinking and "normal" time - somehow get beyond this "collapse" of the wavefunction. haha.

Yes we can but only through right-brain dominant third eye heart nonwestern meditation!! We are then changing the entropy of the whole Universe - directly tied to our own biological life interaction with the 5th Dimension as formless awareness. Left brain dominance cuts us off from the 5th dimension formless awareness - as Paul s. Wesson insisted, we can only "infer" the de Broglie superluminal phase wave.

Entropy increases locally through quantum entanglement but stays the same as the universe overall.

At least again - quantum entanglement perceived from classical physics!

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