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"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

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Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Monday, September 25, 2017

Nazel-gazing transformed by quantum biology entanglement: God is not Geometry

So I will respond to some new comments - it was Freud who lambasted the regression to infant bliss - something along those lines - I would have to look it up - but essentially the typical Western mind shutters the thought of meditation as a waste of time - navel-gazing as the recent comment notes.

And so I am asked again why the Golden Ratio is not the answer?
 Phi can hold itself.
So for the last 10,000 years or so, humans created a culture that is biased towards the visual. It is not too surprising considering some 66% of our brain's energy goes towards vision with the eyes open, as I point out in the "free pdf" with the science reference.

And so Pythagorean philosophy taught "all is number and harmony" whereas the Platonic Freemason ideology that created modern science teaches, "God is Geometry."
 a phi damping well starts with a octave, a fifth , the “wrong” one, as you say, the 3:2.
So we can talk about number theory here - the Harmonic Series diverges and therefore it was declared "the invention of the Devil" by - I think Abel.

Ironic since the Devil's Interval, the tritone, was the secret origin of the Power Axiom Set, the square root of two as the basis of irrational magnitude for the Greek Miracle.

And so based on the Golden Ratio ideology when Plato refers to the Dyad as the Unlimited, we are told that in fact, the great secret was this Unlimited referred to the slowest converging irrational magnitude as the continued fraction series of 1 plus 1 divided by 1....

And so I have cited the research - in my music-math-philosophy article that I posted on  Amazon as "Do-Ohm Up the Yin-Yang!" - that in fact Plato's use of Apeiron referred to irrational magnitude.

And so we can immediately acknowledge that Plato's promotion of irrational magnitude was based on Archytas mathematics - not on the real or Orthodox Pythagorean philosophy.

So as math professor Luigi Borzacchini acknowledges, for the Pythagoreans there was no duality between discrete and continuum. And the professional academic mathematicians try to cover up this mystic connection to Plato - so that, for example David Fowler, considered the mathematical expert on Plato, tries to downplay the discovery of irrational magnitude. Yet even Fowler admits, as I quoted, that music theory could probably provide the solution to this mystery.

And so when fake mystics promote the Golden Ratio as some kind of eternal science of the Universe - and even worse claim it is the Logos, this covers up the true meaning of Pythagorean shamanic harmonics as alchemy training.

So even the truth of the harmonic series as diverging still assumes some kind of visual geometric continuum to number. It was just proven in number theory that in fact the transfinite of Cantor's infinity is the same size, as real numbers and natural numbers. This was a big mystery for Cantor - who actually wished he had become a musician, as had been his early dream. Instead he went into catatonic trance from his math contemplation of infinity.

Similarly Godel picking up where Cantor left off, after demonstrating to Einstein that the whole universe could be rotating as a 5D black hole and therefore time travel was real - then Godel starved himself to death. Either mathematical reasoning was inherently incomplete or inherently inconsistent, as mathematician A.K. Dewdney points out. And so then it is Sir Roger Penrose who emphasizes that it is precisely the "measurement problem" of quantum physics that, as a mathematical system, demonstrates that consciousness is not computation.

So Penrose is waiting for various physicists to empirically prove that it is gravity itself that causes the "collapse" from non-local quantum entanglement into the classical mathematical worldview. Meanwhile Penrose realized that this quantum entanglement source is actually non-commutative - from his Twistor model - and so time itself is inherently asymmetric and this asymmetric time existed before the Big Bang!

So Gerard t'Hooft, in contrast, argues that the virtual black holes that we exist within, are based on symmetric time, just as Penrose admits can be the case with black holes. But this symmetric time still relies on reverse time - and so t'Hooft says it bypasses entropy because the "collapse" of matter into the black hole, as it turns into virtual or reverse time particles, actually just stays as the entangled nonlocal wave function - the nonlocal math as pure information. So then it is gravity itself that when creating the new particle in the "white hole" or the Hawking radiation - the gravity is itself the reverse time as the entropy, manifesting as matter.

In other words under t'Hooft's analysis, time itself escapes entropy whereas matter has entropy from gravity - through space.

O.K. so this brings us to quantum biology. I just blogged on the amazing research of Sir John Pendry who has verified de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony by developing negative refraction metamaterials (specifically using a very thin silver as a mirror that is permeable for collect of broadband infinite nonlocal light into zero time, then geranium as a dielectric negative refraction metamaterial, thereby doing a non-commutative inversion that turns the slowed down velocity, into density as squared amplitude energy. So essentially what had been frequency is turned into time and vice versa - so that as the wavelength gets shorter, the energy is turned into increased amplitude as density, instead of increased frequency.

O.K. so as if that is not confusing enough - Sir John Pendry does point out that in fact this "light harvesting" occurs naturally in plants - with the same process of magnesium in chlorophyll acting as a photoelectric transducer. So what happens is that the photons are converged from broadband into a zero point of time - and this means that there is nonlocal entanglement of the photons. Because of this nonlocal entanglement then the photons "collapse" into a classical electrical amplitude energy - as an electron that "choose" the most efficient cryptochrome molecule in the plant.

So already we can see that the Golden Ratio as a model for science completely falls short - because what quantum biology demonstrates is that contrary to entanglement being random, instead there is amplification into the macroquantum realm from quantum coherence - a superconducting energy-information as the 5th dimension of reality.

We think of "dimensions" still in a spatial sense but the 5th dimension is "time-like" as phase. de Broglie recognized it as a phase wave or pilot wave from the future. So when we consider Sir John Pendry's work - he acknowledges that creating a "perfect" or super lense is limited from the nonlocal to the local - or from pure quantum entanglement into local classical energy - by the size of the electron - I guess it is .05 nanometers.

So the idea is to condense light into stronger energy that is transduced into electrons - so that you can have more efficient "switching" in fiber optic cables - and so that light itself can be used for changing the frequency of the energy - transducing through capacitors, etc.

But Pendry acknowledges that Transitional Optics is a revolution in science that can be applied to a whole range of phenomenon - and essentially he is creating a virtual micro black hole. And so in quantum biology - and I recommend people read the book "Life on the Age: The Coming Age of Quantum Biology" - it is emphasized that plants "burn" water using photon energy and just how remarkable it is that this takes place - oxidizing water.

But the claim is also made in Cold Fusion - whereby the small nano-size "cracks" causes the protons to fuse together thereby emitting energy as hot as the sun - by "burning" water. And so actually in the fringes of quantum biology this same claim is made for the nonwestern shamanic meditation training.

In fact this is the secret of what Pythagoras meant by calling the Logos the creative fire of the universe - and discovered, as Peter Kingsley recently points out about Empedocles, by focusing the mind - the fire as spirit - under the water - the life force energy. 90% of the serotonin in the body is made in the gut - and just as Noam Chomsky acknowledges, the gut is the 2nd brain of the body with more neurons than the heart.

And so the Pre-Socratic Greeks, as I have quoted, acknowledged that the life force neurohormones then feed the brain and activate the brains real energy - just as the Taoist alchemy training also relies on. We know from science then that lecithin stores up the piezoelectric charge of the collagen, which is resonated at ultrasound, with an electromagnetic transduction of microtubules 3000 times greater than other frequencies.

And so the key issue here is what is "frequency" - when in quantum biology it is demonstrated that, say, the perception of odors is based on the slight difference in frequency between "heavy" water and normal water, just as cold fusion also relies on. So the water-carbon bond changes slightly in frequency but what really changed is the chirality of the molecule! When the left-handed molecule flips to right-handed then the frequency also changes as a phase shift in time and this causes a change in the qualia of the odor, along with triggering memories. The hippocampus long term memory access is one molecule from the odor receptors.

But as the quantum biology book points out - we can not "remove" the odor neuron receptors or the enzymes that activate the receptors - to see just what kind of changes in electrons activate the receptors or not. And so what makes quantum biology so amazing is that it works as a macroquantum phenomenon - via the  Zeno Effect - and so there is an eternal time-frequency resonance that converts from the future - via the pilot wave as the 5th dimension - back into wavelength as amplitude squared or density for classical measurement (irrational magnitude).

So in fact there can be nothing more important than "navel-gazing" in lieu of the discovery of quantum entanglement as the Harmony or synchronized coherent source of reality as consciousness - reverse time from the future - that can then reverse entropy as life itself - and can store memories and access the future even. Clearly consciousness as the 5th dimension or the "time-like" noncommutative phase can only be listened to as the Emptiness - we inherently can not see it. And so we learn that it is the subharmonics of frequency that have an increase in amplitude - and it is the vowel sounds in language or mantra that then have this increase in amplitude from the subharmonics. Just as throat singing of the Mongolian shamans or Tibetan monks relies on relaxing the throat muscle via meditation - via internal listening as vagus nerve activation. Similarly Dr. Stephen Porges shows that flexing the middle ear muscle then tunes to higher frequencies and activates the vagus nerve.

And so in Taoist Yoga alchemy the left ear is the Yuan Qi even though the left eye is the Yuan Shen. That is a good example of what I am talking about. We can use our prefrontal cortex to inhibit the right-brain activated sympathetic nervous system as stress and to activate the left side vagus nerve but actually it is the left ear as internal listening that activates the deeper right side vagus nerve as the Yuan Qi originating from the right side of the heart, beyond death. And so we keep building up the serotonin energy through celibacy to then build up the oxytocin of the heart and the melatonin that then converts into DMT.

It is the neuromelanin that enables the increase in amplitude (white people actually have less neuromelanin in their ears, so have less amplitude tolerance). The neuromelanin, much like magnesium for plants, then harvests the light energy. This is why Milarepa had green skin or Krishna and Hathor have blue skin - the magnesium in chlorophyll or the orange skin from eating carrots - it collects light and transduces it to electromagnetic energy.

When we sit in full lotus or do the standing trance dance Tai Chi - this increased pressure then creates the collagen piezoelectric splitting of the water - it "burns" the water - along with the light and the neurohormones turned into neurotransmitters - working as the quantum consciousness as the reverse time memory storage - the virtual micro black holes of reality. Tesla called this a longitudinal sound wave at the speed of light - it is the relativized mass of light that Sir John Pendry has now turned into the new "superlens" or perfect lens. Just as telescopes and microscopes transformed science - then electron microscopes, etc. the Superlens actually works with reverse time created from a dielectric warped spacetime. So too then does the piezoelectric collagen create this warped spacetime for light to be "cultivated" as reverse time energy.

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