In addition to the pythagorean group Z[g] we inspect also the free non-commutative group F = 〈P, Q〉 of ”pythagorean pathways”, which is generated by two letters P and Q representing octave P8 and fifth P5.So this is a quote from math-music academic Thomas Noll.
He thus corroborates my claim that the true Pythagorean harmonics are non-commutative.
But my claim just begins there. In my correspondence with quantum physics professor B.J. Hiley he confirmed that indeed "time-frequency" resonance is "non-commutative." And so I make the bold leap that true Pythagorean harmonics are not limited to sound as acoustics as such but time-frequency energy resonance.
Then I make another bold leap that since all human cultures use the 1-4-5 (Octave, Perfect Fifth, Perfect Fourth Pythagorean) music intervals and that this is the secret of Taoist alchemy, it is also the secret of the San Bushmen spiritual training as well.
So by this third leap you can see why the "mathematics of music" academics would not be too interested in my claims. haha.
But John Baez at least has a more interdisciplinary approach, and he is at University of California-Riverside.
So let's take a look at his "card-carrying" Pythagorean claim.
O.K. so that is his claim and promotion of Thomas Noll.The Mathematics of Music at Chicago | The n-Category Café
May 31, 2009 - Posted by John Baez. MathML-enabled post (click for more details). As a card- Pythagorean, I'm fascinated by the mathematics of ... On June 11th, Thomas Noll is giving some interesting talks on music theory at ...
So a year earlier he explores Pythagorean philosophy from his math perspective.
The problem with his analysis from the get go is his falls prey to the infamous "bait and switch" that I exposed - he quickly moves from music (Perfect Fifth/Fourth/Octaves) to intervals as numbers - and the noncommutative geometry gets covered up.
I went into that cover-up in detail in that long article or blog-book - but even still it can handle further explanation. So for example music ratios were the source of the first commutative ratios - so that people learn to "add" the Perfect fifth and Perfect Fourth then means to multiply them. But if you look at the example I give in that link - the crucial point of the cover-up is that 2/3 as C to F, Perfect Fifth is not allowed! It is a five card monty trick! You get 2/3 as the Perfect Fifth but it remains as C to G in the commutative inversion! haha. Hilarious!
I mean it is quite fantastic that people learning basic music theory or basic math - neither realize this cover up. When I learned basic music theory all I knew, in high school, that something was deeply wrong with the logic. There was some kind of bait and switch cover up going on.
So notice the fancy math professor John Baez does not mention this bait and switch - from the non-commutative Pythagorean truth to the commutative lie!!
That is what I dubbed the "rotten root" in 2001 as the foundation of the "Actual matrix plan" and what math professor Luigi Borzacchini calls the "deep pre-established disharmony" at the foundation of western math that is the "evolutive principle" guiding western science!
So at least via John Baez and Thomas Noll we have math professors acknowledging that the true Pythagorean harmonics are indeed non-commutative.
But they leave it at that! They see the non-commutative math as something to be added on "later" as a kind of reflexive neo-Pythagorean sophistication - as it if was not there from the beginning. And if it was there - what was its true meaning?! haha.
Let's see what other Pythagorean teachings John Baez gives.
O.K. this is interesting - here John Baez makes the same error as Fields Medal mathematician Alain Connes!
along with knowing they anticommute and square to -1.So you can see here he is projecting his view of Western music onto the math. Even though he knows that the truth Pythagorean harmonics are non-commutative - he is trying to create Western music harmonics due to his subjective bias (and his lack of appreciation of nonwestern music that is true Pythagorean music!).
Unfortunately, these chords don't seem particularly fundamental to music! Alas, if only they were triads....
So it's an amazing idiocy of academic specialization.
Let's try another of his Pythagorean analyses.
Today I'd like to talk about the Big Bang and Pythagorean spinors.Should be interesting! He cites this paper:
Andrzej Trautman, Pythagorean spinors and Penrose twistors, in The Geometric Universe: Science Geometry and the Work of Roger Penrose, eds. Huggett, Mason, Tod, Tsou and Woodhouse, Oxford U. Press, Oxford, 1998. Also available at notice I just did a blog post on Penrose recently realizing his twistors are noncommutative!!
So here we actually have the quantum connection to Pythagorean harmonics! Only at this point when Baez is writing, in 2003, Penrose still has not made the non-commutative leap yet!
Spinors are used to describe spin-1/2 particles,Right and where have we seen them before? Eddie Oshins of course! So now we have the connection to Taoist Neigong alchemy from Pythagorean harmonics via quantum noncommutative mathematical physics!
Now what's funny about this Baez article is he is discussing supposed Pythagorean math but without the music harmonics!
Actually an earlier blog post I did from my correspondence with University of Illinois mathematical physicist Louis Kauffman hyperlinked a lecture he gave on noncommutative spinors and the I-thought.
In other words if you think of the number 1 as non-commutative to itself then time resonates as noncommutative to frequency energy, eternally. This is very different from the number 1 we learn in normal school education!! haha. This is what the Pythagoreans meant when they said, "one is not a number."
So when I search John Baez and Louis Kauffman - sure enough they work together!!
Gauge Fields, Knots and Gravity - J. Baez, J. Muniain.djvu
And so then we get this fascinating discussion between John Baez, Lee Smolin, Stuart Hameroff - on quantum biology and Pythagorean philosophy!
From the response of mathematical physicist John Baez we can see he is clearly biased against the quantum biology view of Hameroff and Penrose. And so how can Baez really be a "card-carrying Pytahgorean"? haha.
O.K. let's try to help out John Baez.
Consider his recent blog post on Entropy and the Quantum Uncertainty Principle.
Mathematically he demonstrates that quantum uncertainty derives from non-commutativity.
And yet we also know that non-commutativity is what creates quantum entanglement!
And time-frequency is noncommutative and the origin of quantum uncertainty principle.
This happens when those two things “fail to commute”.Of course Baez gives this fancy math explain that already assumes the wrong Western math to begin with that originated from the wrong music theory!
Mathematically, the usual uncertainty principle says this:
In plain English: the uncertainty intimes the uncertainty in
is bigger than the absolute value of the expected value of their commutator
So look at the above and remember that music theory is the origin of commutative math as the first logarithmics. Meaning to subtract two ratios is to divide them - as commutative ratios - but as I just pointed out above this was based on the "bait and switch" that covered up the noncommutative truth!!
In other words by understanding the quantum noncommutative truth from Pythagorean music theory that was actually meditation as internal listening then entropy can be reversed!
O.K. so John Baez has a lot on youtube and considers biology as information networks.
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