Dear Professor Kauffman: I listened to two of your lectures
yesterday and appreciated your point about the I-thought connection with
the noncommutative time series. In 2006 I used the term "I-One-Eye" for
this same concept, as Vedic vichara or self-enquiry teaches to repeat
I-I-I-I and if any other thought arises, to logically realize it is from
the I-thought, etc. But then this thought congeals or concentrates and
Ramana Maharshi says to visualize light on the right side of the heart,
but that the formless awareness is not light. So when the third eye
opens up then a connection to the quantum formless awareness is made,
but as you point out there is never an ending to this process of the
source of the I thought, or the number one as a time series of the
square root of negative one. In 2006 I called this "Kleinian Action" -
citing Arthur Young's similar claim about the imaginary number.
So is it possible then that when light is phase
shifted based on zero time, then it has hidden momentum from
noncommutative spacetime - and this creates virtual imaginary mass. As
you state - if the time series phase shift stays the same then the
particle is created whereas if the phase is shifted then the particle
self-annihilates. So since we have biophotons internally, by visualizing
light internally, we "turn the light around" - and thereby create this
noncommutative spacetime phonon energy as negative entropy or relative
quantum entropy.
Quantum computing is already utilizing this photon-phonon conversion as quantum relative entropy. To quote my 2006 article:
Bell helicopter inventor Arthur Young in his book "The Reflexive
Universe" emphasizes that the equilateral triangle has a side value of
logarithmic root of three forcing this two dimensional object to require
a measurement of volume using imaginary numbers. In other words only by
cubing the length of an equal-tempered logarithmic ratio that is based
on 4:5 do we achieve a true insight into the value of the equilateral
triangle -- a projecting into the dimension of imaginary numbers.
Quantum chaos technology is modeled on the concept of iso-resonance
imaginary numbers so that, unlike linear reductionist real number
systems, imaginary number algorithms can potentially be harmonized with
the evolution of ecology. What inventor Arthur Young was alluding to was
the required mathematical transformation of two dimensions into three
through a resonance of harmonic consciousness better known as the
moebius strip -- the resonating string plane twists into three
Quantum physicist Jean Charon discusses this sacred geometry
tantric transformation in detail in his book, "The Unknown Spirit"
(1983): "Cylindrical or Moebius Strip topologies have the property of
confining radiation much more efficiently than that of a flat
topology.... However, in very long carbon chains, such as living
proteins, electrons will be able to use micro-areas of space capable of
completely confining black body radiation, as though it were a real
topological membrane." The crucial insight of parapsychology professor
Steven M. Rosen, as recognized by quantum physicist Brian Josephson, is
that a three-dimensional moebius strip, known as a Klein Bottle, enables
demonstration of not only both right and left-directed (silica and
carbon) resonance spirals but also a fourth dimension of empty non-local
consciousness. Rosen emphasizes that utilizing the Klein Bottle
topology requires a proper philosophical analysis which is an implosion
of the I-thought as a self-transcending higher dimensional technology
that Einstein protege David Bohm called proprioreception.
So as I stated - we face an ecological crisis as a species -
Quantum computing is also supposed to be developed in 10 years which is the time frame given for near term human extinction.
What remains is the "proto-consciousness" of the universe.
Thanks again,
As I watched and listened to the below 2 Kauffman lectures - then I got a third nice response from Kauffman. So I understand much better what he is stating, and in the 2nd lecture - he admits that while the underlying reality is noncommutative, the square root of negative 1 appears commutative to the physicist doing the quantum equations. haha. That is very cool.
Sorry to respond so late but I was watching
your lectures on this topic. It seems that you state for the discrete
time process then if the sign stays the same then the particle would
keep creating itself whereas when there is a phase shift to the opposite
sign then the particle destroys itself. Also you state this particle is
mathematical but is still undiscovered I think - or is hidden in the
interaction between light energy and the antiparticle creation process.
(this could be connected to Erik Verlinde's claim also on gravity as
emergent from entanglement entropy).
I am not so much interested
in the conversion to commutators but instead in the truth of the
underlying process of noncommutative reality. So for example you make
the connection of the I-thought as being noncommutative self-reflection
in thinking and perception, as similar to the square root of one as the
noncommutative time series. This is what I called in my research - the
"I-One-Eye." For example I have posts online called the "
Secrets of the I-One-Eye"
which is reference to the third eye accessing quantum formless
awareness via this logical inference of the I-thought by repeating
I-I-I-I-I, connected to Pythagorean philosophy stating, "there is no
2006 Secrets of Kleinian Action
Also you state that while the physicists think their
equations are commutative, in fact the process is noncommutative and you
state indeed the square root of one was always noncommutative but got
covered up as commutative.
I posted a new blog post with
Rowlands and the connection to music and biology, as Rowlands also
states that in essence all you need is (2, 3, infinity) since it is
I understand your interest in quantum computing but my perspective has
been this cover-up of the noncommutative resonance under the illusion of
"symmetric" math created the entropy in ecology today. The conservation
biologist Guy McPherson has posted all the evidence - that we have
about 10 years left due to abrupt global warming from this symmetric
Either way - quantum computing or
near-term human extinction - there is a human species limit achieved yet
the formless awareness consciousness as noncommutative time resonance
remains eternal.
Western civilization based on symmetric math
has been a real power trip indeed - yet your math analysis is truly
fascinating in being honest about the noncommutative logic.
have a much greater respect for science due to the research of Eddie
Oshins and now your work as well. But the cost of science has been
externalized - psychologically and socially.
The square root of one, really, fundamentally, is part of a noncommutative situation. It's only by dint of our education and the history of the thing that we thought that it was a commutative situation and then there were later developments of noncommutative situations. Kauffman, video lecture, 48 mns in.
So Kauffman in the first lecture equates the I-thought with square root of negative 1 as a noncommutative time series. In this lecture he ties it to a "parable" about God.
I got a 2nd helpful response but I sent the following in reply:
Dear Professor Kauffman: Thank you again. In terms
of the Fibonacci discussion as per LOF - what is the noncommutative
implication of the closed form equation of the golden ratio based on
converting A:B::B:A+B to A:B::A:A-B? My understanding is that the Golden
Ratio is commutative and in music theory it is noncommutative in the
open solution. So for example the octave wavelength as 2/1 then the
perfect Fifth as 3/2 with the octave frequency as the inversion form
(half the wavelength). What gets covered up in this analysis is that the
phase is noncommutative so that 3/2 is C to G and 2/3 is the
subharmonic as C to F. Eddie Oshins also focused on the phase being
noncommutative before the amplitude probabilities.
So maybe
that is also what you are saying on some level. In music theory then
instead of 2/3 C to F subharmonic it is doubled to 4/3 C to F, the
Perfect Fourth, as the harmonic mean with (arithmetic mean x harmonic
mean = geometric mean squared) as the equation Archytas used for
creating irrational magnitudes. So then the noncommutative resonance (C
to F as Perfect Fifth 2/3 subharmonic) is covered up and the half octave
frequency converges to the tritone as the Devil's Interval or square
root of two. This goes against the basic noncommutative truth of 2,3,
infinity that Alain Connes says is the universal scaling system. But
this was the concealed music origins of irrational magnitude and the
incommensurability in the continuum.
Can you elaborate on this or help me out?
you Professor Kauffman! My understanding is Eddie Oshins insisted that
G. Spenser-Brown's Laws of Forms were not noncommutative? I see now your
point that is new to me - to understand the imaginary number as a
noncommutative time series. Can you please elaborate on Eddie Oshins'
view about the Law of Forms not being noncommutative?
My approach
via music theory is that listening is logical inference as the process
of formless awareness naturally resonating and so I am not sure that the
commutator operator can be used to accurately model reality. This is
why I also rejected the square root of two in high school math, since I
knew that it originated from noncommutative music theory. In other words
the entropy of Western civilization destroying ecology is from this
original sin of the surd - or Greek alogon from Archytas, Eudoxus and
This view of elementary particles as small black holes of
you and Noyes is now also being argued by Gerard t'Hooft. I am glad to
see that you and Noyes also advocate this deeper holographic view of
reality. My previous blog that I deleted is cached - quoting t'Hooft's
new research on virtual black holes as the foundation of reality.
Wiki on Noyes:
the formation of a black hole with the Planck mass by that number of baryons of protonic mass concentrated within
Noyes, however, remained profoundly skeptical of these results until a decade later when David McGoveran
showed that the scheme not only allowed one to derive the
Sommerfeld-Dirac formula for the fine structure spectrum of hydrogen and
then to correct the 137 approximation by correctly calculating the next
four significant figures in the inverse fine-structure constant in agreement with experiment, but also to correct the value for Newton's gravitational constant and compute several other elementary particle coupling constants and mass ratios.
And so - what do you think of Paul S. Wesson's final papers on the Law of Phase Harmony of de Broglie? It is claimed by
Antony Valentini
that this early universe information has to be accessed to discover the
superluminal signals. But in my correspondence with Professor B.J.
Hiley, he admitted that physicists are in denial about the nonlocal
quantum consciousness as a new novel "self-force." In other words when
time is "zero" there is this quantum entanglement force that
self-resonates and Dr. Stuart Hameroff states this explains
precognition. So then the mind as the process of logical inference, is
listening to this noncommutative energy creation, and it can be stored
internally or also interacted externally holographically.
equilibration of microscopic interactions can only occur post-decoherence. Global quantum coherence prior to this period solves the horizon problem, since quantum correlations in this sense are supraluminal.
is quite tragic that this has not broken into "mainstream" science yet -
for example just yesterday on CSPAN, an author of a "new" book on the
neuroscience and physics of time did not discuss precognition at all.
Math professor Joe Mazur is writing a new book on the perception of time
- he said he would include a section on music - and I wrote him stating
that precognition is indeed real.
I have spent time
with qigong masters who can leave their body at will and report that
indeed reality is holographic and spirit travel is traveling through
black holes/white holes. I have experienced precognition and recorded it
once, happening in detail from a dream I had that then happened 3 years
later. It was such specific detail, that there is no way the skeptics
could claim it was a statistical chance. Also the dream was "more real"
than being awake. I woke up at 2:30 a.m. and immediately wrote the dream
down stating I thought it would predict the future. Three years later I
had long forgotten about the dream until I saw a newspaper photo that
had been copied - and I got this uncanny sensation, and then drove to my
parents, an hour north, to find my journal.
It appears that Erik Verlinde is correct, that
there is a hidden momentum to light - based on the quantum relative
entropy of light that is antigravity - as a dark energy ether. But what
about the claim of Jack Sarfatti that in fact the oldest part of the
universe is in reality our holographic future?
So the point
being that without making any forms visually, but instead internal
listening, we realize a superluminal signal reality, as had been proven
that human listening is 10 times faster than time-frequency uncertainty.
So this is a macroquantum noncommutative resonance based on the same
noncommutative forms that Eddie Oshins described via martial arts
training - in Neigong as he called it or qigong - this is called "yin
matter" that is superluminal.
For example this exercise - the Moving of Yin and Yang - is
on the secret of Tai Chi that the left hand is yang and the lower body
is yin, and the right hand is yin and the upper body is yang.
when you hold your hands facing the body - based on that noncommutative
secret - it transforms the body into a charged circuit - like licking a
9-volt battery. It is quite amazing that a whole alchemical science was
developed based on this view of reality as complementary opposites -
yin/yang/Emptiness or the "three gunas" in India - from nonwestern music
theory of the noncommutative 1-4-5 music intervals.
then the nondual yogi Ramana Maharshi claimed the whole physical 4D
spacetime universe is an illusion since it is temporary while only the
formless awareness is real. The formless awareness is not light as many
New Agers like to think that light incorrectly is the formless
awareness. This was also the point Eddie Oshins was making about the
error of the symmetric math of Pribram's holographic mind model.
Spenser-Brown's Law of Form seems to be relevant to math professor
Abraham Seidenberg's research on the ritual origins of geometry. It
appears to me that rectilinear geometric symbols - that archaeologist
Jacque Cauvin ties to the "symbolic revolution" of around 10,000 BCE -
is when humans mistakenly believed that infinity could be "contained"
visually. When hominins lived in the forest then listening was the
primary perception, as is the case with birds who also have their motor
cortex closely tied to the auditory cortex, as with humans.
with stereophonic listening there is quantum phase synchronization that
is faster than time-frequency uncertainty - and this is what Ramana
Maharshi called Mouna Samadhi as the highest level of samadhi - "silence
samadhi." It also explains bird migrations passed on genetically - or
butterfly migrations and fish migrations. But it is the Taoist yogis in
their alchemy science that realized the left ear is the Yuan Qi and the
right ear is the Yuan Shen, while the left eye is Yuan Shen and the
right eye is Yuan Qi. So that the left ear is right brain dominant and
it is the right brain that connects to the lower body neurohormones via
the right side vagus nerve. It is this close connection between
listening and the motor cortex via the vagus nerve connection to the
holographic heart spirit energy.
Left brain thinking as in
mathematical analysis, has the left side vagus nerve going straight to
the heart but the left brain is cut off from the lower body
neurohormones - the second brain of the small intestines, where the main
source of serotonin and melatonin is in the body-mind. So listening as
logical inference then becomes right-brain dominant which then
sublimates the lower body energy via the right side vagus nerve which
then goes to the right side of the heart - as the secret "pinhole" to
the formless awareness of the Universe, as Ramana Maharshi called it.
For the advanced spiritual masters, starting out of the original human
culture, the Bushmen, their hearts literally physically stop and they
transcend death in the formless awareness reality.
starved himself to death based on his Platonic philosophy of the
universe as a rotating black hole but, as per Paul S. Wesson, the
noncommutative phase-space as the 5th dimension, inherently can not be
visualized, and so is "time-like" and can only be logically inferred. If
the practice is only "mind" yoga then it requires separation from
females in order to store up and sublimate the neurohormones - in other
words patriarchy as the Brahmin priests could not even make eye contact
with females (or if they did then a three day purification ritual was
Alain Connes is biased toward Western music so
he thinks the quantum consciousness future will be like orchestration
when multiple spacetime clefs have to be transposed at the same time in
the brain - I have done this orchestration training, reading music
scores by real time transposition on the piano - so I know what he is
talking about. For Connes his favorite composer is Chopin that he
practices on the piano. Connes thinks that reality is originally pure
energy-time as a spectrum - and the brain then transposes this original
holographic time-frequency energy into a 4D spacetime continuum via
Fourier transforms. But he still remains biased to Western music and so
does not realize the macroquantum noncommutative resonance training from
nonwestern music.
But the empirical truth is that Connes
discovered that the natural resonance that diverges - the noncommutative
(2, 3, infinity) is actually the nonwestern music tuning! haha.
Westerners think that mantras and chanting and nonwestern music is
boring and repetitive and simplistic since it lacks counterpoint. But
instead the "ticking" of the clock as the time series is secretly
syncopated - just as Sin was the Lunar god of sumeria
and the Sumerian letter A was from the upside down Bull's head - and God
(alpha and omega) etymologically means Bull just as Brahman means Bull -
it is from the plow technology with the monoculture wheat farming that
the Solar ritual geometry developed as the original religion of
So for example Christianity has to have Easter
near the Full Moon after the Equinox since during the New moon females
can menstruate and the New Moon can cause an eclipse of the sun - this
goes back to the Turkana pastoral religion in east Africa - an animal
has to be sacrificed during an eclipse of the Sun, to protect the energy
of the first born Son. Only human females precisely synchronize with
the lunar energy just as the moon regulates life on Earth via spacetime
energy that is psychic. The moon is now proven to be detected by the
pineal gland as a gravity sensor gland - and so the left-brain dominance
of modern humans cuts us off from our inherent full brain-body harmonic
capacity from the third eye opened up via the heart vagus nerve
connection. It is only after the psychic lunar "yin qi" is built up in
the 2nd brain small intestines via the vagus nerve storing up the energy
as a harmonic oscillator - does then the Solar Yuan Qi of the heart
formless awareness get activated as the real Tai Chi or "absolute void"
experience. Read the book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality - free
pdf online - for details.
So I see your research was funded
by DARPA, etc. but what do you think of Professor Michael Persinger's
research on the Schumann resonance and quantum consciousness? He
responded to me that Andrija Puharich was "greatly underappeciated" and
Persinger had expanded on the research of Puharich who was a CIA mind
control researcher, tied to SRI, etc. So then I think it was Eddie
Oshins who originally modeled the quantum consciousness as based on
quantum spin and yet this is exactly the quantum consciousness spin
model that Persinger is also relying on.
Eddie Oshins is
also "greatly underappreciated." There is a letter online from Reed
College - a student in his class claiming Eddie Oshins battled mental
illness his whole life. I wonder to what extent that could be true
considering how amazingly deep his analysis is.
Thanks again,
I got a nice response from Professor Kauffman after sending the below to him:
Dear Professor Louis H. Kauffman:
Professor Kauffman illustrates the Eddie Oshins martial Taoist Quaternion Handshake! video
Just yesterday I discovered Eddie Oshins work yet feel like finally I
have found corroboration of my own similar claims to his. My background
is music theory but in high school I noticed the logic was missing
something. Alain Connes points out that the empirical physical truth of
noncommutative time-frequency resonance as music theory is a "universal
scaling system" that he calls simply (2, 3, infinity). This is what I
had been arguing - this noncommutative secret was the core of
Pythagorean philosophy but it got covered up when music theory became
the origin for Western mathematics, as math professor Luigi Borzacchini
exposed in his 2007 article on the music origins of the incommensurable
continuum. Borzacchini responded to a scribbled equation I mailed in
back in 2001 - a music-math equation that he said was good math. Then
math professor Joe Mazur asked me to submit my research - arguing this
was the lost music theory connection between continued proportions and
irrational magnitudes, that David Fowler had stated music theory could
My point is that I finished my master's degree
studying nonwestern philosophy as qigong training with a Shaolin-trained
qigong master -
and my basis was the Pythagorean music theory which again is actually a
noncommutative quantum consciousness. I took quantum mechanics from
Herbert Bernstein at my first year at Hampshire College, - Bernstein was
the mentor of Lee Smolin. At the time I was also studying Gregory
Bateson's work, just as, coincidentally, was the assistant of Herbert
So the music theory is basically that the
subharmonic C to F as 2/3 is the Perfect Fifth, as the noncommutative
phase-space with the overtone harmonic C to G as 3/2, the Perfect Fifth.
This simple truth was the secret noncommutative core of Pythagorean
philosophy but it was covered up by Archtas' creation of the geometric
mean from music theory - promoted by Plato as the Greek Miracle for
irrational magnitude.
Do you have a copy or access to Eddie
Oshins' article on Anaximander and preSocratic noncommutative
philosophy? So I had made the connection between Taoist philosophy and
Pythagorean philosophy based on this noncommutative time-frequency
resonance but I still had not crystallized my analysis. For example in
my 2000 master's thesis I incorrectly claimed the Tai Chi could be
modeled by logistic equations which is incorrect as the Tai Chi is not
symmetric, as Charles Madden pointed out to me.
So then as I
continued my research on my own - I realized that the qigong training
secret I utilized was the same noncommutative hand-body-mind dynamics
only Eddie Oshins has made this same breakthrough. So I
detailed this noncommutative complementary opposite hand-body motion
secrets in a recent pdf archive - "The Idiot's Guide to Taoist alchemy
qigong neigong neidan for males"
point being Professor Kauffman - that I had written a paper on the
Holographic Mind in graduate school but as I studied Pribram's model I
realized he still relied on the symmetric math and so Oshins has the
correction on this. Oshins also correctly expands Gregory Bateson's
work. But the real insight is that Eddie Oshins relied on the secrets of
the Tai Chi to make his corrects to Western science.
Before I
discovered Eddie Oshins, I discovered your collaboration with the Noetic
Institute but they also promote the symmetric math error!! It is only
Eddie Oshins who expands the noncommutative math as a macroquantum
resonance of time-frequency energy. Since you worked with Eddie Oshins
on the self-reflective quaternionic hand movements - I hope you are
interested in an expansion of his work, that my own Taoist analysis
provides. In other words I have more hand movements based on the same
noncommutative principles that Eddie Oshins realized as the truth of
reality from quantum logic.
I have a blog that has more of my research -
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