Soon after creating the binary number system (used in modern day computers), Leibniz found out about this ancient symbolism and attributed the origination of the binary numbers to the Chinese. In addition to their usage as oracles or as representations of patterns of Nature, these symbols were precursors to a school of health systems, mind exercises and martial arts known collectively as neigong/noi kung (the "inner" or "internal" school of "shaddow boxing"). The most well known of these esoteric skills are taijiquan/t'ai chi chuan ("grand pinnacle" boxing), hsing-i chuan ("form of mind/will/intent" boxing), and baquazhang/pa kua chang ("8 trigrams palm" [boxing]).
In this talk, Eddie will give a short history of the above concepts and, in light of some work he has been developing in his Quantum Psychology Project®, he will propose a new reinterpretation of these symbols. He will demonstrate mathematical aspects, such as the consequent "orientation-entanglement relation" and the Kauffman-Oshins "quanternionic arm." Eddie will use these concepts to illustrate his notion of "self-referential motion," and relate such understanding to both gongfu (kung-fu) and psychology.
This is amazing - just as I was about to give up - Eddie Oshins is a "scientists' scientist" lurking in the background.
Eddie's new interpretations open up new ways of exploring certain psychological data. In particular, Eddie will discuss the pioneering work by Roger N. Shepard on "mental rotations" in cognitive imagery, and that by A.P. Georgopoulos' in his "population vector" interpretation of neurophysiological data associated with mental rotation tasks. Eddie will describe his own classical, "psycho-turn"/"psycho-spinor" hypothesis for mental rotations and how it could be empirically distinguished from Georgopoulos' proposal.
Eddie will also describe how his quantum psychology approach to postnarrative science™ differs from Stephen H. Wolinsky's postmodern approach to quantum psychology as if a therapeutic metaphor. In particular, he will differentiate between the Pribram hologram understanding of quantum physics, which is mere classical physics, and his own quantum psychology alternative. Eddie will then make a related suggestion of how a modification of the pioneering work by von Békésy on neuronal superpositions could be used to demonstrate quantum "psycho-turns"/"psycho-spinors".
I was digging deeper into noncommutative time-frequency holographic quantum and bingo: I discovered Eddie Oshins' brilliant critique of Karl Pribram's holographic mind model.
I knew I had scored - reading pure genius - very amazing insights into mathematical physics. But then I discovered he had focused on quantum psychology (pdf) by working with Gregory Bateson on the double bind! Wow! Then....I discover that Eddie Oshins was a Wing Chun instructor!!
The only missing piece is a lack of focus on music but guess what - von Bekesy was focused on hearing.
Eddie will then review some experimental data pertaining to the perception of translational and rotational degrees of freedom: (1) Bernstein's Fourier decomposition of translational motion study, (2) Lashley's ablation-memory studies, (3) von von Békésy's neuronal superposition study, (4) Shepard's mental rotation studies, (5) N.Y.U.'s S.Q.U.I.D. (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device), and (6) his own description of self-referential motion associated with certain Chinese "internal" martial arts and other meditative motions.This is amazing - he actually created a macroquantum noncommutative mind-body science!!
This is what I was envisioning. Luckily he saved me the work.
I wonder if any of his stuff is on youtube.
Only Pribram or Fritoj Capra - Eddie Oshins really understood noncommutative quantum logic.
Quantum Psychology Outstitute
Excellent. So this is the PDF I first discovered of Eddie Oshins' critique of Pribram.
Very amazing analysis.
This his pdf on second order change as quantum noncommutative logic in psychology.
Very fascinating stuff.
It gets back to time-frequency uncertainty modeled by the integral that is actually symmetric logic, but in fact time-frequency uncertainty is formalized by Gabor as being inherently noncommutative.
So Oshins is the only scientist I've seen to analyze the different forms of noncommutative logic.
He realized that the secret of Taoist Neigong Training is Noncommutative quantum logic!!!
He is the only other person I know who made this discovery.
See his pdf here for more details
So it was only Eddie Oshins who was able to decipher the Soviet secret "wave logic" - because it is noncommutative applied to one object, instead of quantum mechanics noncommutative applied to two objects.
The secret again is this noncommutative phase-space.
In my Conspirachi blogbook I had posted a GIF of a female showing the noncommutative arm hand wine glass turn to demonstrate the mobius strip spin dimension of 720 degrees.
I can't find it again. But I was connected it to Tai Chi movements. I thought I was making a leap in logic but guess what quantum physicist Wing Chun teacher Eddie Oshins made the same, exact same connection!!!
o.k. here is another example:
So ONLY Eddie Oshins discovered that this is the quantum noncommutative time-frequency secret of Tai Chi movements.
Well besides me as well.
And Eddie Oshins connected it back to PreSocratic Philosophy!!
The experience of nature from Anaximander’s apeiron to Oshins’ quantum psychology, invited March 30, 1994, talk at 90th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers on panel: Relativism I, Roots and Varieties of Relativism in Human Studies; MRI.TAPE.1994/Q-Y.03a.1.Wish I could find this online.
But Eddie Oshins did post Tai Chi vids!
Physics of Tao™
Formal, critical and empirical investigation of mind-body interactions. Formulation of analytic realizations of wholism, irreducibility, symmetry, and "non-selecting measurement", as found in oriental martial arts. Identification of parallel roots in the development of Taoism in China, and in the origination of cybernetics and natural philosophy as postnarrative science™ by Anaximander in Ionia, Greece; and in their subsequent historic, societal, and scientific development. The empirical demonstration of Eddie Oshins' work on self-referential motion and the hunt for psychic torque.
So here is the Tai Chi movements as quantum self referential noncommutative or quaternionic movement.
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So then Amit Goswami admitted failure to cite Eddie Oshins.
I have to say that the research of Eddie Oshins is fundamentally brilliant - a step higher than any Western integration of psychology, mathematical physics and quantum logic - than any other scientist I have discovered.
Or more clearly - one might say that in my studies I realized certain paradoxes - for example in the lack of clarity of Pribram's holographic explanation - and Oshins who worked with Pribram, clearly resolves the paradox.
The fact that quantum spinor consciousness is now advocated by several other scientists, yet Eddie Oshins was the FIRST to discover it - this is quite amazing that he has done uncited in the scientific research!!
Why? Because Oshins did not have a Ph.D. - yet he had degrees in both biophysics/medicine and a M.A. physics with a B.A. in physics.
But it was Eddie Oshins' practice of Wing Chun that gave him the overall connections to quantum psychology. He actually applied the secrets of Taoism to understand quantum psychology. Quite amazing.
Dedicated to passing on the teachings and essence of traditional Leung Sheung (梁相) Wing Chun, Sifu Kenneth Chung (鍾萬年) has been teaching for over 40 year. The Stanford Wing Chun group was originally started by Eddie Oshins, a student of Sifu Kenneth Chung. After Eddie Oshins untimely passing on 10 October, 2003, Sifu Ken decided to merge his group with Stanford's.
Little has changed over time as Sifu Ken is dedicated to the tried and true ways of small classes, hands on teaching, and effective results. Sifu Ken also honors his master, Leung Sheung (梁相), by following in his tradition of not advertising or growing the class too large. Master Leung Sheung (梁相) and Sifi Ken are fond of saying, "You are very lucky to find us".
Sifu Ken, emphasizes a softer structure approach where the question of "can Yip Man (who is very small) or a woman do this?". Speed and strength cannot be the answer if Yip Man who was only 5'2" and 120 lbs. Position/Structure can over come other people's speed and power. Sensitivity/Timing will give you speed and power. Lastly, Energy/Speed comes after you have the others. And when you are looking for more, then you need to start with Position/Structure & then Sensitivity/Timing all over again in a spiral.
Master Leung Sheung (梁相) was the first and most senior student of Grand Master Yip Man (葉問) and he turned out many outstanding hands. Sifu Kenneth Chung (鍾萬年) is one of them and he too has produced many outstanding Sifu's after him.
Dedicated to passing on the teachings and essence of traditional Leung Sheung (梁相) Wing Chun, Sifu Kenneth Chung (鍾萬年) has been teaching for over 40 year. The Stanford Wing Chun group was originally started by Eddie Oshins, a student of Sifu Kenneth Chung. After Eddie Oshins untimely passing on 10 October, 2003, Sifu Ken decided to merge his group with Stanford's.
Little has changed over time as Sifu Ken is dedicated to the tried and true ways of small classes, hands on teaching, and effective results. Sifu Ken also honors his master, Leung Sheung (梁相), by following in his tradition of not advertising or growing the class too large. Master Leung Sheung (梁相) and Sifi Ken are fond of saying, "You are very lucky to find us".
Sifu Ken, emphasizes a softer structure approach where the question of "can Yip Man (who is very small) or a woman do this?". Speed and strength cannot be the answer if Yip Man who was only 5'2" and 120 lbs. Position/Structure can over come other people's speed and power. Sensitivity/Timing will give you speed and power. Lastly, Energy/Speed comes after you have the others. And when you are looking for more, then you need to start with Position/Structure & then Sensitivity/Timing all over again in a spiral.
Master Leung Sheung (梁相) was the first and most senior student of Grand Master Yip Man (葉問) and he turned out many outstanding hands. Sifu Kenneth Chung (鍾萬年) is one of them and he too has produced many outstanding Sifu's after him.
Louis H. Kauffman:
... [As] a capsule description of his work and its significance for mathematics, physics and psychology ... Oshins has been a pioneer in the interpretation of quantum theory and quantum logic both for physics and for psychology. He has, in the course of his career, clarified the wave logic of Yuri Orlov, made very creative suggestions about the possibility that the human brain processes superpositions in a way that is mathematically analogous to the evolution of a state in quantum mechanics, and made very remarkable connections among standard logic, the logic of distinctions of G. Spencer-Brown and the insights and techniques of quantum logic. These topics are highly significant ...Oshins has suggested that superposition and spinor properties of brain action may be observable through the use of SQUIDs, CAT scans and magnetic resonance devices. These experiments should be performed. ...[H]e and I found a very beautiful representation of the quaternions that is performed by hand and arm movements.
... These ideas are refreshing and open a window to new ways of asking such questions, irrespective of these outcomes.
On the side of logic and the logic of distinctions, Oshins brings an entire dimension that is ignored by orthodox logicians and mathematicians. Both Oshins and I have independently explored the phenomena of self-reference as conceived of by G. Spencer-Brown.
... It was Oshins who first laid-bare the lattice theoretic similarities and differences between these approaches. Intriguingly, Oshins' line of attack leads to a nondistributive and complemented lattice --- precisely the opposite result to our extension of the same original work of Spencer-Brown!
... Oshins has been persistent and insistent on the relevance of the quantum logical point of view .... He has shown that the logically correct formulation of the "formula of second-order change" ("not a but also not not-a ") as presented in MRI brief therapy is as a violation of the distributive law.
Oshins has proposed an ingenious interpretation of this violation in terms of an explicit Principle of Metalogical Ambiguity for competing, complementary contexts. He has used this approach to formally harmonize what was previously considered irreconcilable points of view regarding schizophrenia as a logical phenomenon.
... Oshins was one of the few people who stood up for [Yuri] Orlov's work when Orlov was in prison in the former Soviet Union, and Oshins was instrumental in helping Orlov gain his freedom.
In summary, Eddie Oshins is a highly creative and courageous researcher, one of the most honest scientists I know. I recommend him to you with all my heart.
--- May 10, 2001 Open statement on behalf of Oshins' Quantum Psychology.
Professor Louis H. Kauffman, Editor in Chief, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications; Editor, Knot Theory and Everything, World Scientific.
H. Pierre Noyes:
..."I know of no one who has come closer to opening up a new field for scientific exploration than Mr. Oshins. I have known him for over a decade, and saw sufficient promise in his earlier efforts to sponsor him as a visitor at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center for five years (our maximum term), -- even though this stretches the terms of our contract. ... if you decide to support Mr. Oshins, you will have the rare opportunity of supporting an acknowledged pioneer before there is general recognition of the field. ... Mr. Oshins is the best candidate I can think of for your support, and I recommend him without reservation."
--- January 31, 1985 letter to the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation on behalf of Eddie Oshins.
Professor H. Pierre Noyes sponsored Oshins' research in the Theoretical Physics Division, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, 1977-1982.
Lawrence C. Biedenharn:
"... now to your remark on the 'psycho-turn' hypothesis. This is a most remarkable and interesting concept ... The experimental data you mention ("population vector" and the like) is quite new to me. ... The fact that you have testable hypotheses indicates to me the subject is well worth exploring further. Certainly 'addition' is far simpler to achieve than 'multiplication', but the non-commutativity (for rotations) must be built into the system, regardless of how it is encoded. ... [I] can only ask you to let me know how I can help. Above all, don't give up!"--- August 28, 1992 letter
Lawrence C. Biedenharn Editor of Journal of Mathematical Physics, 1985-1992.
Ernest R. Hilgard:
"Oshins' work is serious and insightful. ... Both ['the intrapsychic approach' and 'double-bind theory'] ... have their limitations and Oshins proposed a third one his quantum psychology that serves as a synthesis to deal with the problems that the other approaches tried to solve but corrects some of their difficulties ... through the quantum method of dealing with ambiguity as a type of equivocation in which the distributive law of set theory and thus of classical logic is violated Oshins proposes replacing it with a quantum principle of metalogical ambiguity ... [in] a dinner conversation I had with Niels Bohr ... he assured me that complementarity was a principle not only for physics but was generally applicable and in another generation would be taught to school children ... Oshins has alerted us to some possibilities. ... He makes a case for the formal power of his model as in the development of operational thinking in children as noted by Piaget and going beyond it.
... A further point is his emphasis on the role of negation ... that unconscious processes (primary processes) lack negation. Negation Oshins says is necessary for conscious processes, for mature judgment and to form boundaries between the self and others ... Oshins goes on to use Finkelstein's theorem1 ... to code a negative in the information content If the capacity to form negatives proves to determine the capacity to have consciousness, an existing technology might be able to demonstrate this. ... This is a bold suggestion and something on which we cannot pass judgment until it is tested. ... I can find much in it that intrigues me as my summarization suggests. ...
1This is best understood as a 'conjecture' not a theorem.
--- 'Reflections on the Future of Scientific Psychology,' Paper presented to panel on The Future of Scientific Psychology. 1989 AAAS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (Discusses Oshins' 1989 AAAS paper)
More pdf links of Eddie Oshins papers
So Eddie Oshins states in his "Test Case of PsychoSpinors" paper that the "Double Covering of Palms" move in Ba Gua or Pa Kua Chang and also Pencak Silat is the same as the 720 degree noncommutative quantum spin.
So he says this creates a continuous self-referential impenetrable yet dichotomous or dichotomic quantum spinor realization.
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Eddie Oshins at Shaolin Temple |
This is also the secret of Yuan Qi as both yin/yang formless awareness - the shen below the jing secret!!
So then Eddie Oshins explains how noncommutative macroquantum logic is modeled in the brain and can then be built up by the body - amazing!!
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