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"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

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Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Why the Dark Age Theorist is a Total Idiot

Space cities? Check out the attempt to terraform Earth - it failed miserably.

"But a problem soon developed – high CO2 and low oxygen in the air. As the humans acclimated to living at the equivalent of high altitudes, they had to figure out what was going on and what to do about it. Eventually it was determined that the extra biomass that had been added to the soil for crops was generating extra CO2. Plus it turned out that the planners had not foreseen that exposed concrete in the base of the structure would absorb oxygen, which caused oxygen levels in the air to decline. Meanwhile, problems with the corals that Gaie had brought into the ocean seemed to be an indicator of some of the problems the mini-biosphere was experiencing: it was the first time scientists began to address issues with ocean acidification."

 According to Dark Age Theory we need to "burn through" our resources in order to "develop" properly - i.e. we need to destroy the village in order to save it (as was the saying for genocide in Vietnam)
Why do you say humans are an incredibly resourceful species when we modern humans have destroyed species on Earth faster than any previous natural disaster in Earth's billions of years of life. The current extinction crisis is an order of magnitude faster than the Permian extinction some 280 million years ago that wiped out some 90% of life on the planet. The future of Earth is Mars. Raping Mother Nature is not "resourceful" but pure evil - just as chimpanzee males rely on raping and warmongering. But the original human culture lived sustainably and peacefully - no rape, no warfare, also no homosexuality and no masturbation - due to truly sophisticated knowledge that only quantum biology is starting to comprehend now, based on noncommutative math. So yes humans were "incredibly resourceful" for 90% of our history - but the history you cover, from the dawn of left-brain dominant writing - has been one of mass insanity.
So then you say the technology of forest people could not feed millions of people in a city but only agriculture could feed them. You neglect to mention that it is precisely the destruction of the forest - the "mind" of planet Earth - the Amazon, that is enabling Monsanto-Cargill to ship out toxic soybeans to China so they can feed their pigs to feed the newly industrialized citizens who want to eat more pork. So we are literally giving the Earth a lobotomy so we can have a higher biomass of industrialized human-robot slaves in China.

voidisyinyang voidisyinyang
You use the example of cell phones, saying it requires millions of people to produce and sell them. But you neglect to mention that the rare minerals used in the cell phones are produced by slave labor in genocidal war zones overseen by U.S. military special forces operations in Africa - and in China the same slave labor operations are used to mine rare earth minerals - using Tibetan slave labor. So you say a low tech indigenous community could not afford to buy cell phones unless it "developed" and yet you neglect to point out that actually it is precisely by putting people into a "low-tech" slave wage situation that enables cell phones to be created! Just as the Nazi SS major over saw slave labor personally - Werner von Braun then supervised the rocket program in the U.S. but the environmental pollution of high technology is externalized the native indigenous communities were the nuclear waste is stored and the uranium is mined, and the bombs are exploded, etc.

voidisyinyang voidisyinyang
Your dig against nonwestern indigenous cultures is more than offensive considering the so-called "progress" that you praise was completely dependent on exterminating and destroy the indigenous cultures and the natural ecology that was "sustainable." You call it "stagnation" which is a lie - as Schrodinger proposed in his classic book, "What is Life?" in fact sustainability is based on quantum negentropy which is the pilot wave as quantum potential - a superluminal reverse time energy as the hidden momentum of life. Instead of that being "stagnation" it is the true 5D source of the whole universe as protoconsciousness from before the Big Bang.

voidisyinyang voidisyinyang
You've got to be kidding! The oceans have 90% of the big fish gone, and ocean acidification is about to wipe out all the coral reefs that provide habitat for 25% of the world's fish. The oceans are being wiped out fast. As for seeing Nature better from outerspace - the satellites have false reading about ice levels due to the salt in the ice and so the Arctic has lost 75% of ice volume - and is about to be ice free which has not happened in 3 million years - before humans have lived on Earth.

voidisyinyang voidisyinyang
Yeah Drone warfare done by kids on lap tops has done wonders for global warfare hasn't it? Nothing like some kid on the other side of the planet operating a drone that launches missiles and destroys civilians. That really encourages global peace doesn't it? And even the GPS guided "smart bombs" in Iraq missed 50 of their 50 targets back in the first genocide against Iraq.

voidisyinyang voidisyinyang
So you want AI to decide to launch nuclear weapons? Becuz currently that is the decision of on the ground commanders and it is only because a Russian commander decided to disobey launch orders that the planet Earth did not go into nuclear winter. But we've had dozens of miraculous escapes from nuclear winter - none of them due to AI. On the contrary it has taken humans to realize that the computers made an error - just as with global warming - the computers threw out the actual temperature increases in the Arctic since the temperatures were too high for the algorithms to be considered real!

voidisyinyang voidisyinyang
No actually AI algorithms are based on advertising dollars and so promote negative emotional reactions just as Drumpf caused advertising to spike for television and so the corporate media promoted Drumpf, and then "complained" about it - a "meta" analysis that also promoted Drumpf.
The idea that the human population has grown "and still remained employed" is quite naive. Billions of humans live in megacity slums and only work in the "informal" economy which means digging through dumps, recycling by collecting garbage in the city, stealing, prostitution, drug dealing, etc. and even in the "developed" world of the U.s. it is quite common for people to have 2 to 3 jobs just to survive since monopolistic rent that is parasitical is so high. There is literally a cancerous tumor growing as the 1% elite have more wealth than the 90% of the population. The U.S. was built on people without jobs! So how can you say industrialization created more jobs as slavery was made more efficient by technological innovation! Galileo got his science funded by the aristocrats because he said he could cut down on labor costs. So how dare you claim that technology has increased employment. 70% of chocolate sold in the U.S. is produced by child slave labor in Africa and Cargill, the world's largest private corporation, is run by an elite family with tens of billions in assets and yet they can not "afford" to phase out child slave labor in Africa until 10 years from now? Is that your "technological" revolution? haha. What a joke.

voidisyinyang voidisyinyang
how can "one finger" typing be any kind of "development" - the machines have taken over. Automation is the number 1 cause of job loss - even in China! Homeless is on the rise dramatically ever since the multi-trillion derivatives global collapse - created by supercomputer trading.

voidisyinyang voidisyinyang
No the difference between looking someone in the eye and memorizing long texts - is that the memorization was done using music as right-brain dominant holographic information storage through emotional harmonization. So you keep reiterating left-brain dominant technologies starting with the written word. The left side vagus nerve does not connect to the right side of the brain whereas the right side vagus nerve DOES connect to the left side of the brain. This is why right brain dominance is based on ecological harmonization while left-brain/right-hand technological "Logarithmic" symmetric math that you model is destroying ecology and based on increasing inequity of wealth distribution.

voidisyinyang voidisyinyang
"moral panic"? as Drumpf threatens to nuke the world and abrupt global warming is kicking also half of 65 year olds in the U.S. have NO SAVINGS and 75% of the U.S. population has less than $1000 in savings. I would say that is beyond moral panic. Slaves do not have the freedom to act like the God Pan do they? Revolts get hastily suppressed. Our leaders are the ones who are panicking with good reason - hence Dick Cheney went underground for months after his staged 9/11 false flag attack so as to expand the genocidal technocracy feeding off oil and natural gas.

voidisyinyang voidisyinyang
We can't even "terraform" Earth so why shud we be able to "terraform" outerspace? Why travel to Mars when Earth WILL BE MARS in ten years with a 10 degree C. increase in global average temp.

voidisyinyang voidisyinyang
Silicon Valley has the highest concentration of toxic waste sites in the U.s. - and so to claim the "information age" will go to 2100 is a total joke. U.S. energy department engineers use the term "national sacrifice zones" to declare large swaths - greater area than all our national parks! to be destroyed for "deep time" - geological millions of years.

voidisyinyang voidisyinyang
It's quite hilarious you would want a "radiation detector" on your phone when the thing is ALREADY frying your brain since microwave frequencies cook water based on quantum frequency energy - not classical amplitude energy (as is the basis of measuring the so-called safety parameters of cell phone radiation). There is now a brain cancer epidemic and staring at the LED lights (also based on quantum frequency energy) causes eye cancer.

voidisyinyang voidisyinyang
Actually "taking control of the environment" is not possible due to noncommutative time-frequency resonance that is nonlocal. So for example the best supercomputer modeling of global warming can not model the complexity of the Amazon rainforest ecology, just as it can not model the human brain. And also there is an inherent information limit down to the cloud level of the supercomputer chaotic modeling. So the models as iterations are "precise" but not "accurate." Just as your video is precise but not accurate. the logarithmic model that you rely on is a symmetric bias of left brain-right hand dominance inherently against left handed amino acids of life that is right brain dominant (ecology). So already the self-organizing nonlinear amplifications of ecology are destroying human civilization - we have kicked out CO2 50 times faster than when the Ice Age ended - and the current level of CO2 in the atmosphere has not been seen in 3 million years - and so we have created an ecological catastrophe an order of magnitude faster and worse than the Permian extinction that wiped out some 90% of life on the planet.

I'm glad I found your channel. You produce fascinating content.
voidisyinyang voidisyinyang
Yes but he is psychological projecting technocracy back into the original human culture. What does this person know about the original human culture - the San Bushmen? He needs to study Dr. Bradford Keeney.

 "Despite the power of the sustainability movement"? What? The U.S. military just got a $70 Billion expansion and your fetishization of "innovators" is a lie as it is the U.S. military that is the socialist means of technological development. As Professor David F. Noble has detailed - efficiency was not the standard for innovation but rather profits for the elite. Try reading his book "Forces of Production" and his "Religion of Technology" book details - our current technology is apocalyptic, based on the same symmetric Platonic math that you idealize. haha. The sustainability movement has no power but Mother Nature does because of the law of physics of ecology as quantum negentropy.

 We do know what Google has been filtered out - Counterpunch, Democracynow, and various other "conspiracy" website that expose the corporate-state lies. The interwebs is already a dead horse.

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