With the exception of B#, or the ditonic comma,[10] ratio 531441/524288, Table 11.2 shows that the Chinese and Pythagorean progression of ratios are identical,
That website clarifies that what you erroneously call the Pythagorean Comma is actually the Ditonic Comma. http://www.chrysalis-foundation.org/China-s_Ch-in.htm I was just letting you know I have contacted several people about this same error. I have been corresponding with Eduard in the U.K. who wrote a 2017 master's thesis on Pythagorean harmonics and he has the same math error you did. I did a 2000 master's thesis on this subject but I also had a math error in it - when I stated that the Tai Chi was based on logistic equations. The Daoist Chinese actually "added and subtracted" their fractions but not as geometric irrational magnitude. So then the Westerners say we can just convert it to multiplying and so get 9/4 but don't realize this was used by Philolaus to construct geometric magnitude! In other words doubling can be either squaring or multiplying, based on whether the square root is being calculated. So it is what I call the "bait and switch." That's what creates the mathematical error in the ratio.
Dear Professor Heller:take care and happy soon Spring Equinox!
the Pythagorean comma = 531,441/524,288 in your book, p. 36 The Fifth Hammer
Dear Drew Hempel,So let's see what Alain Danielou used for his Cycle of Fifths?
I thank you for your interest in my work on the musical scale: http://vaczy.dk/htm/scales2.htm. and since the dispute is about the Pythagorean musical scale I will quite from that chapter:
<He discovered what later was called the Pythagorean comma, the discrepancy between 12 fifths and 7 octaves gives (3:2)^12 > (2:1)^7. Calculated through, it is: 129.74634 : 128 = 1.014. Or in cents: 23.5...
.....As far back as 2,500 years ago the Pythagorean figured out that it was impossible to derive a scale in which the intervals could fit precisely into an octave. The ancient Greeks explained this imperfection – the comma – as an example of the condition of mortal humans in an imperfect world. >
I do not agree of you general claim of being wrong on the Pythagorean comma. The second claim mentioned in my chapter The spiral of fifths, I will agree of errors. I cannot understand those
I wrote this 20 years ago particularly close reading of a recommended book by Alain Daniélou, Music and the
power of Sound, copyright 1943, revised 1995. His chapter, The Cycle of Fifths page 39-43.
My calculations below I am unable to explain and simply wrong. As soon as I find time I will remover this. The sad thing is, that a lot of other formulation and points has to be rewritten. I had a that time got to much information and apparently unable to digest them properly. Thanks for you concern, sincerely Thomas Hightower
I, C
II, G = 3/2
III, D = 9/8 = (3/2)2 * ½ (lower an octave)
IV, A+ ( a comma sharp) = 27/16 = (3/2)3 * ½ (lower an octave)
V, E+ (a comma sharp) = 81/64 = (3/2)4 * ¼ (lower 2 octaves).
Somebody uploaded the book! Thanks.
In the mean time - let's review why the early Pythagorean Orthodox harmonics are the same as the Daoist Chinese harmonics!!
Henricus Glareanus (1547) says that the original Lyre of Hermes had three strings, corresponding the three original Seasons of ancient Greece (Summer, Spring, Winter, from high to low). He says that Orpheus added the fourth string, corresponding to Autumn, when that Season was adopted from the East. Most sources, however, attribute the Four-String Lyre to Hermes. (Godwin HS 198) Opsopaus
In Empedocles' system, Zeus and Hera, who rule on Olympus, correspond to the opposed elements Air and Earth; Hades and Persephone, who rule in the Underworld, correspond to the opposed elements Fire and Water. Therefore Zeus and Hera represent the Marriage of Heaven and Earth (see part I on Earth for Hera as an Earth Goddess).
The second-century Neoplatonist Theon (Math. Chrem. Platon. Anag. II.xxxviii) gives a set of correspondences to the Tetractys, based on the properties of the first four numbers. For example, they are correspond to the Elements in order of decreasing subtlety: 1=Fire, 2=Air, 3=Water, 4=Earth.
R. P. Winnington-Ingram's, “Aristoxenos and the Intervals of Greek Music,” (1932) as an article “admits that the pre-Platonic theorists used the tone 8:9 to construct a scale, but for some reason is reluctant to attribute this construction to the Pythagoreans.”Or as Professor Borzacchini states:
Professor Richard McKirahan reveals the secret:
The word translated epogdoic is not a musical term but a mathematical one. An epogdoic ratio is the ratio of 9 to 8. The occurrence of a mathematical term here is unexpected. It has been treated as an unimportant anomaly but in fact it is the key to the entire fragment....The word magnitude normally refers to physical size, but here it is given a new application, extending the notion of magnitude to include musical intervals.
These remarks raise the question of the difference between the ancient Pythagorean ‘musical’ perception as displayed in the Pythagorean idea of ‘linear number’ in Boethius [Philolaus] or in Nicomachus, and the modern ‘geometrical’ perception of the linear numerical magnitudes.So sure enough Alain Danielou equates the three gunas with Sattva as the ....
Fascinating!! So Rajas is the Perfect Fifth 3/2 and 2/3 in both inversions of the I Ching!! Sattva is the Single Perfect Yang or Greater Yang resolved with the Octave - as 1-1 - and Tamas is the Greater Yin as what? The 3/4 of subharmonic octave as complementary opposite.
Sure enough Alain Danielou imposes the ERROR of Philolaus onto the Chinese tuning!! Hilarious |
So thanks to Thomas Váczy Hightower for pointing out how he got duped!!
Dear Thomas Váczy Hightower : Professor Patrick Moran does not use 9/8 tuning for his Chinese scale and also he does not "halve" the value of the frequency back into the scale. That is from Greek tuning (Western).
I, CHe claims Moran states this - but Moran does note state this at all! According to Moran the third note created as the Perfect Fourth of C as F - note D. So Hightower is secretly switching back to the lie of Philolaus as geometric magnitude. The below ratio is from Philolaus using Geometric Mean as geometric magnitude of 9/8 divided into small magnitudes to create the semitone. It is NOT the Pythagorean comma.
II, G = 3/2
III, D = 9/8 = (3/2)2 * ½ (lower an octave)
It is higher than the fundamental by one comma, the Pythagorean comma (312 / 219 = 531,441/524,288,Now compare his claim with a music professor!!
results in the number 129.74632.But as Váczy Hightower he does use, also, the early Orthodox Pythagorean comma, so he doesn't want to change his claim that the Pythagorean Comma is from the wrong geometric magnitude of Philolaus - he wants to keep BOTH. haha. But that is refusing to acknowledge the inherent complementary opposites of Yin and Yang as Tamas and Rajas - or 3/4 and 2/3 that can not be converted to symmetric geometric magnitude. Why? Because if 1 is C then 2 is C and 3 is G as 3/2 overtone while 3 is also F as 2/3 undertone. That is NOT allowed by the fake Pythagorean Comma that Alain Danielou also uses.
This ratio, 129.74632 : 128 is the Pythagorean comma. 12 perfect fifths do not equal up to 7 perfect octaves:
“To put the same thing in another way, we have just identified the frequency ratio 1.5 with the interval of a [perfect] fifth, although our table gave the value as 1.4983. The difference is only small – 1.13 parts in a thousand – but by the time we have taken the twelve steps needed to pass completely around the clock-face, it has been multiplied twelvefold into the difference of 13.6 parts in a thousand, which represents the aforesaid difference in pitch of almost a quarter of a semitone. When this is allowed for, the true clock-face is that shown in fig. 55; it extends to infinity in both directions and all simplicity has disappeared.” Sir James Jeans book Science and Music, (Dover Publications, 1968), p. 166
So now we come to the part of Thomas Váczy Hightower's website that I said I would return to when I posted yesterday. We can now reveal the error going on by Alain Danielou. The Chinese alchemical music tuning actually used the first root tonic as the Moon, not the Sun, and this is because the Moon is the yin qi energy that is then alchemically transformed into the Yuan qi via the solar yang qi, the Perfect Fifth.
Theoretical interest in this division goes back to antiquity. Ching Fang (78–37 BC), a Chinese music theorist, observed that a series of 53 just fifths () is very nearly equal to 31 octaves (
). He calculated this difference with six-digit accuracy to be
I went into details about this in a previous blog post based on Professor Tito Tonitelli's book.
So certainly Danielou revealing this ancient alignment of the circle of fifths with the octave as also based on the sun and and lunar year difference is true but not quite at the level of simplicity that he explains and also he uses the WRONG "comma" based on the wrong harmonics of tuning - that the Chinese did not use, as I exposed via Professor Patrick Edwin Moran's website.
So Danielou was very very close in his analysis - and he actually worked with the Pondicherry Sri Aurobindo Ashram and he published with UNESCO - and the Actual Matrix Plan expose of Professor Oliver L. Reiser was ALSO published in the Ashram journal at Pondicherry - based on the "music logarithmic spiral" of Esther Watson. So Sri Aurobindo said he received Vivekananda's Shakti-Shiva soul while Aurobindo was in jail doing full lotus yoga and Vivekananda appeared to him when he died. Vivekananda said he knew when he was going to die but he also was a Freemason and so he promoted the "external path" of Freemasony. So the Divine Anarchy of Sri Aurobindo was actually based on Freemasonry - just as many of the original anarchists were also Freemasons. So Aurobindo got his math wrong as well since I know have three different sources triangulated the wrong Freemasonic logarithmic math to Aurobindo.
So now Alain Danielou tries to represent the Spiral of Fifths based on male-female or yang-yin ratios but can you see his error? He just described based on the I Ching that the Perfect Fifth is actually Yang as Rajas - and now he is trying to claim it is both yang and yin such that the F+ is actually 3/4 as yin. But the truth of alchemy is actually to convert the yin of F+ back into F as the real yin-yang harmonics of the Single Perfect Yang. In other words if C is 1 then G is 3/2 and F as subharmonic is 2/3 and both are the Perfect Fifth in relation to the 1. But in the Western logarithmic tuning the F as subharmonic Perfect Fifth is converted to 4/3 by changing the root tonic, into the "phantom tonic" as Philolaus did.
So the Chinese used pitch pipes while Philolaus used a monochord. And so for the monochord from the lyre or lute (used in Babylonia and Egypt) - you can not have 4/3 wavelength of the original 1 root tonic so you have to use a double octave called the Greater Perfect System in order to hide this noncommutative truth. In other words for the real Orthodox Early Pythagoreans One is not a number since because of the infinite spiral of fifths there is eternal listening that turns the One into Light as Shiva - or the Counter-Fire or Hestia, or Zeus.
Hestia made an oath to Zeus that she would remain forever pure and undefiled,That is the secret of the "three in one unit" as Ramana Maharshi calls it. So that the Sattva mind of light is used to go into Hestia and yet when light is turned around then time is zero but Light merges from individual ego into the spirit of the Universe as Shiva - and this spirit is able to Listen to Hestia, which breathes the light, to create new fire as the hearth of reality - the breathing is formless awareness that can not be seen but listened to as Nada - the OM of the Light of Shiva. This OM is the Shakti energy as reverse time or Kali energy from Kala.
So it originates as the Lunar one as the counter-earth in the relative void of the lower tan t'ien (the small intestines). It then has to be built up in energy to access the Counter-Fire as the Hestia Absolute Void via the Shiva-Zeus-Hercules light of the heavens as the stars.
When the gods Apollon and Poseidon sought for her hand in marriage, Hestia refused and asked Zeus to let her remain an eternal virgin. He agreed and she took her place at his royal hearth.So that refers to the difference between Fire and Water alchemically (Apollo and Poseidon) with Heaven as the Counter-Fire of Hestia and Zeus as the light of the stars as consciousness of Shiva. Jnana is Fire as formless awareness - or the secret Ether power of Light as Ramana Maharshi calls it. So you can not see the Self but you can logically infer it or listen to it. Dr. Peter Kingsley has noted the close parallels with early Christian views and the actual Logos of Pythagorean alchemy. Someone on youtube comments:
it's not that the spirit is 'carried' in the breath, but is the breath itself, since the word 'pneuma' means both breath and spirit. The idea came from the scientific materialist concept of the soul put forward by philosophers like Democritus, who thought that the soul was made up of atoms and came into the body through breathing. Hence 'inspire' to breath in/ have vitality and 'expire' to breath out/ die. This idea was later mixed up with other notions of the soul and that's where we get the 'pneuma hagion' in the new testament, which is usually translated 'holy spirit/ ghost' but could equally be rendered 'sacred breath'.Ancient Lyre secret revealed
Fascinating but you are missing the alchemy secret that Peter Kingsley reveals. The Counter-Fire is the Void as Air that feeds the light because the 1 as the Light has to be put into the Void in the Earth. This means you focus or visualize your mind as fire spirit under the water element (3) into the Earth to create more Air as Aion kundalini energy or ionized neurohormones. Free details on my channel. thanks; the secret of the original Garden of Eden is alchemy!!
"Dilmun is a land that is "pure", "clean", and "bright", a "land of the living" which knows neither sickness nor death. What is lacking, however, is the fresh water so essential to animal and plant life. The great Sumerian Water-God, Enki, therefore orders Utu, the Sun-God, to fill it with fresh water brought up from the earth. Dilmun is thus turned into a divine garden, green with fruit-laden fields and meadows."
Samuel.Kramer "The Sumerians", 1971 The University of Chicago Press
Furthermore Enki is known as the God of Wisdom, the "resourceful, skillful, handy and wise". He is the first God who is creating a World Order, a civilization, something that later on is copied by Osiris and Dionysos.
Put the Fire (Sun as spirit) Under the Water to restore the Earth as new Steam (air) Qi Prana Aion energy. So the term "shenqi" as Yuan Qi actually means to put the Fire under the Water from the Golden Tripod of the Delphi and Cybele Phrygian worship of the Great Mother incubation meditation as the Snake Pythia Kundalini energy or Aion - to create Air as Qi or Prana - the breathing of the Universe as eternal time as Kala or Kali that is reversed (negentropic force).
And so this means the truth of the Pythagrean Tetraktys is that the Perfect Fifth is inverted to change the Fire into the Earth (heart was originally Earth in Daoist alchemical elements due to this alchemical change). So that the Dragon of the heart builds up the qi energy (from the liver qi that is the force of the spirit of the heart) so that a lower tan t'ien alchemical Cauldron turns the hell of the Counter-Earth into the Counter-Fire of the Heavens.
Euripides, Bacchae 285 ff :And so Dionysos or Dionysus is actually this underworld transformation by the light of Zeus to change the Counter-Earth via the Qi energy of Hestia - into creating a Spirit-Qi body of Yuan Qi and Yuan Shen (this process detailed in the book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality) and yet the whole time since Zeus as Spirit has to feed the Air of Hestia - the breathing of the Counter-Earth of Hades to transform Dionysus into a shen-qi double (and also to protect the real body of Dionysus as a human) - so too is alchemy starting with the Sublunar Air around Earth - the Counter-Earth actually just as yin qi, the immature level of the Yuan Qi as the nondual or "not-two" Shen-qi of alchemy - the three in one unity of Shiva and Shakti or Shen under the Moon (water) to turn Earth into Air as the Wind element of Mahayana Buddhism.
"He [Dionysos] was sewn up in Zeus' thigh . . . when Zeus snatched him out of the lighting-flame, and led the child as a god to Olympos, Hera wished to banish him from the sky, but Zeus, as a god, had a counter-contrivance. Having broken a part of the air (aitheros) which surrounds the earth, he gave this [i.e. a phantom baby] to Hera as a pledge protecting the real Dionysos from her hostility. But in time, mortals say that he was nourished in the thigh of Zeus, changing the word [from homeros ‘hostage’ to meros ‘thigh’] because a god he had served as a hostage for the goddess Hera, and composing the story."
In other words Light is eternal, as Aristotle points out, since without light, then time does not exist and yet with light you can turn time around to zero which then accesses reverse time energy of Hestia! This creates a new "one" as a physical transformation of matter via the physical transformation of spacetime of Hestia (as the Emptiness breathing) which bends the light - since all matter is actually made of light bent around due to relativistic mass.
After his descent to Hades' underworld to retrieve his lost love Eurydice, Orpheus became a priest of Dionysus, suffering the same death as the god.
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ReplyDeletethank you for the excellent question. So as I have in the top of the blog - Chuang Tzu saying since he can say all is one therefore two also exists. So this means the 1 as sound is the moon, as the Daoists realize, and so the octave is 2/3 since in actually the One is a three in One unity as infinite energy created from formless time. So the Sun is 2 but actually as the Pythagoreans stated the Sun is 1 but not as a Number, rather is listening to number that is not matter, so listening to the source of the light is how the 1 generates the 2 and in fact they are complementary opposites as the Tai Chi or the "three gunas of no gunas" as that Spanda book I discuss states. So what this means alchemically is that 2/3 as the subharmonic frequency is actually the Sun but it appears as the Moon, since the moon reflects the Sun - this is also the secret of the blue-shifted light, since the light is created from going into the Emptiness as reverse time energy or 3/2 wavelength. So as materialists then we build the music scale by calling that 2/3 frequency actually as 4/3 frequency since the geometry of 2/3 is C to F Perfect Fifth while 3/2 is C to G geometry. And so for the Chinese they knew still that the 2/3 frequency is created from a 4/3 wavelength of the One - which is actually from the Pan Pipes being 8 instead of 6 as the 2/3 of 9. O.K. so if you just keep it as the Chinese did by inverting and adding and subtract then there is no need to try to line up the octave with the Perfect Fifth/Fourth. But alchemically what we do is send the 1/2 as Solar light below the Water as the Lunar 2/3 subharmonic frequency and this creates the One as the 3/4 but in fact it is a new spacetime shift - the phantom tonic. In other words, it is acknowledged that although the one is the Moon as the Sound of the Voice, so it makes the 2 - in fact the One is the source of light that can only be listened to.
DeleteSo I hope that makes sense - that is why when Alain Danielou says how the Chinese created a 53 note scale to align the Fifths with the Octave - he is only going on the Solar calendar and that scale was created much much later - and so the secret of the lunar alchemy from music intervals had been lost. But the actual alchemical training was preserved in the text, "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality."
So this is why in the Chinese scale the direction of the Perfect Fifth as a spiral actually inverts as a complementary opposite in the middle of the scale - what would have been the tritone. And so in the Rajas scale - the same idea applies - the Perfect Fourth of the Tamas is blue-shifted to convert it back into the Emptiness as the Nada source of the OM sound - the Struckless or Unstruck sound that can only be listened to. This Ahnada soundless sound (aka quantum phonon energy) then creates light from the future - as Kala is actually Kali that reverses time as energy. And so the whole purpose of the alchemy training is to realize that all is energy and so matter as yin 3/4 is converted from 2/3 as it's real subharmonic source by visualizing the LIght into the relative Void of the small intestines - thereby converting the counter-earth into the Counter-fire of the Lower Tan T'ien that will shine light from the future time of the absolute Void. So then Ramana Maharshi says this is the paradox of the 3 in 1 unity since you use the Mind as Sattva to destroy the mind - which means light is turned around and then listened to - resonating the Ether of the Light or that Jnana is the fire of the light that can not be seen.
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DeleteO.K. here is another example of the Yang as the fluctuating light of creation and destruction of matter-energy that arises out of the 5th dimension as noncommutative phase that is formless awareness - of what I have called "female formless awareness" - the Cosmic Mother will never be unveiled. https://www.healingtheplanet.info/PRAMBANAN-3.htm
DeleteThe Head ("Kala") being the Cosmic Womb, while the Dragons ("Makara") symbolize Her two Cosmic Forces of Creation and Destruction. Her protruding eyes reflect Her Limitlessness e.g. Bottomlessness*. In Her Absolute Emptiness She embraces Life - symbolized by the foliage - and Death - Her wide mouth. However, these aspects are not active, emphasizing Her Absolute Emptiness. That's why She doesn't bite. The active functions are being done by Her "masculine" parts: the two Makara's. In the universe these two Forces constitute a dynamic balance. This balance - always fluctuating! - maintains Mother's web of life, symbolized by the tree (of life) between the two mouths of the Dragons. Finally, as a memory of earliest times - in which Kala was depicted as the "Lady and Her Beasts" - to lions (Shiva was also portrayed as a lion) complement the scene.
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ReplyDeleteYes Milo has a great quote about de Broglie that was a real key insight since he ties de Broglie's Law of Phase harmony back to Pythagorean mathematics. The paradox is that light, although not needing any medium to travel, except the vacuum, actually, is powered by noncommutative spacetime which means the vacuum originates from what science calls time-frequency uncertainty. It is a noncommutative phaseshift that is eternal motion and creates 4D spacetime - so it reminds me of the recent quantum cosmology conference where Nobel physicist Gerard t'Hooft says after someone's talk - what are the boundary conditions of the Universe? No one could answer so he said - well maybe it is from the observer principle. So essentially the limitation of science is that the observer is defined by external light measurements whereas meditation is defined by internal listening to the source of light and since listening is faster than time-frequency uncertainty, since it is quantum coherent and noncommutative, then it transcends science, allowing macroquantum coherence. Quantum physics is of course trying to fix this problem - using the spin 1/2 quanta of phonons for quantum room temperature superconducting computing. But again the problem is that time, as a 5th dimension, is eternally internal to us, that we can only logically infer and listen to. When we come out of meditation then immediately external light takes over which reverses the direction of time. So, as Paul S. Wesson realized, light is a particle in quantum physics but in fact light originates from the 5th dimension based on de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony, so that light is constantly being blue-shifted or red-shifted by nonlocal noncommutative superluminal momentum as the inverse of negative mass that has positive pressure force.
Delete"Rotation of an in-coming wave is 720° at the center and transforms in-waves to out-waves. The resulting spin = ± h/4 \pi. "
DeleteSo that is the essence of Wolf's model. this is quite true but the thing is that Planck's Constant can be converted to just frequency and time so that time x frequency is greater than 1/2 as uncertainty. But the secret left out of that is actually since time is inverse to frequency the phase shift or phase speed is noncommutative and so to say it is "greater than 1/2" really means that 3 is in 2 places at the same time as the 5th dimension!
Light is born out of Darkness. Light continuously returns to Absolute Emptiness. It also dies. Because death and rebirth of the Light happens in the selfsame Eternal Moment.....it only seems that the former is "Absolute".
DeleteHan Marie Stiekema https://www.healingtheplanet.info/intro-gmbuddhism.htm
So what he is talking about is the noncommutative phase origin of light! So it is the paradox of the same moment as noncommutative phase of the 5th dimension that is constantly creating light and matter and so we have the illusion of astral realms, spiritual visions, precognition, and being normal people. haha.
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DeleteKent A. Peacock, Professor of philosophy of physics:
DeleteThere is a subtle fact about relative velocities that is not always explicitly mentioned in books on relativity, and a failure to grasp this subtle fact may be a cause of some of the confusion about superluminal motion. In special relativity all velocities (except for the velocity of light itself) are relative, including zero and infinite velocity....Dainton, et. al., possibly have confused the invariant fact that any superluminal propagation has infinite velocity relative to one frame (which one depends on the spacetime trajectory of the superluminal effect) with the notion (not correct) that any superluminal propagation would be invariantly infinite for all frames....Thus, there certainly is a theory that allows for influences which are instantaneous in one frame and finite (though superluminal) in all others; it is called 'special relativity.'...instantaneous in their mutual rest frame....Whether or not the local clock readings are equal at A and B is therefore independent of whether or not A and B are at the same global time coordinate in some inertial frame or other....Einstein's way of defining time-coordinate simultaneity neither assumes nor requires tha tlight signals be either the fastest or the only way of communicating between distant events; it's only about what can be accomplished with light signals....an obvious candidate is phase: it is far more natural to think of wave functions as reducing over hypersurfaces of constant phase, and this automatically gives a covariant picture; ...While relativity is far more amenable to superluminal influences than has been generally supposed, ultimately it is classical relativity that must adapt itself to the quantum....Bohm and Hiley themselves were not comfortable with theories like de Broglie's later approach because such theories imply that any particle interacts via a four-dimensional wave field with other particles both past and future throughout spacetime....Thus, Bohm and Hiley rejected covariant pictures of nonlocality (such as de Broglie's) not because they are technically out of the question, but because they tend to violate classical expectations or intuitions about causality....while such a theory would do violence to classical intuitions (prejudices?) about the proper order of cause and effect it is quite likely that it would not allow for outright logical paradoxes of the kind that worried Bohm and Hiley....what is not speculative is that (as the example of de Broglie's theory shows) it is not necessarily the case that any account of quantum mechanics in terms of more general physical principles would demand the return to Galilean covariance and a preferred frame;
2013, emphasis in original, "Would superluminal influences violate the principle of relativity"
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