So my big claim since I did my intensive qigong meditation training to finish my master's degree is that the small universe meditation is based on music theory. I first attended a qigong master, Effie P. Chow, in 1995 in Minneapolis. I was very skeptical. But she blew the fuse in the room behind her, at St. Mary's University, as a wandering security guard popped in, near the end, explaining what had happened and wondered what was going on. I had felt strong magnetic force pushing my hands apart after qigong master Effie P. Chow said she had filled the room with qi. I had been so skeptical beforehand that I had called ahead and asked for a discount to the admission price and she gave me 50% off - so I only paid $10 but also my girlfriend joined me.
O.K. so then I went to San Francisco in 1996 to seek out qigong master Effie P. Chow. I didn't have any extra money though and my ABC "best" friend from high school (American Born Chinese) wanted to party. So he drove me up to Portland Oregon and he took me to the largest used bookstore in the U.S. and I discovered Dr. John Beaulieu's biosonic book stating that the Perfect Fifth was yang and Perfect Fourth was yin. This corroborated my suspicion about Pythagorean harmonics as being truly an infinite time-frequency energy resonance. By the end of 1996 I had written the Fundamental Force manifesto based on music theory, ecofeminism, and paranormal psychology. I got some positive reviews from scholars and a professor and then submitted the monograph as part of my graduate school application.
So then I ended up moving into a house where an indigenous beautiful female told me about Chunyi Lin after she found out I was practicing Yan Xin qigong with the local Chinese immigrants at the University of Minnesota. My friend whom I met after I asked an activist question as a local rainforest presentation - he was friends with a hippy at the local anarchist cafe where I hung out - and the hippy also practiced Yan Xin qigong. So it went - I ended up going to Venezuela with the indigenous female friend and my love for her plus the Andes elevation caused my heart to get very hot and I sang at night to cool off the emotional energy. Suddenly I went into this psychedelic vision life review based on karmic energy blockages getting resolved - that were secret psychic connections I had not known about. I never told her about this but the next morning I was stunned into silence. That was 1998.
1999 I then started the Chunyi Lin qigong and I had a different girlfriend who picked me up from the first class but as Chunyi walked past us, and my eyes were closed and I could hear the sound of the sword fingers, as he told us he would be shaking his fingers as he sent in qi - and as I did "moving of yin and yang" - amazingly I saw bright yellow light and felt this strong love bliss greater then I had ever felt before. My girlfriend at the time was very beautiful and attractive but I had to admit that the love I experienced was better than anything I had experienced with her. haha. So I began studying qigong books more seriously and planned on doing intensive training. That was in the Spring and I broke up with my girlfriend - or she broke up with me first. Actually she already had another boyfriend I guess while we were dating - she was never too clear about it. A lot of guys were chasing her but I was already engrossed in doing the qigong after we split up.
So then that Fall - I had started reading meditation books since the year before - with a different girlfriend I remember - I was beginning to study meditation and then I was at the Shutdown of the WTO in Seattle and I shared a motel room with both my girlfriends - but once was my ex and the other was my soon-to-be who had invited me to go out to Seattle. Anyway that was a big mess and now I was single and planned on being single since then. So I had no idea what would happen in the Fall of 1999 just a year later. In the mean time I had discovered the above book, "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality." I knew this book was not like any other book. This book was for real and if followed like a recipe book - it could change your life. And with the help of the qigong master - that book certainly changed my life for real!!
So by Fall of 2000 qigong master Chunyi Lin told me I had an "enlightenment experience" but my mind was still confused. And so I began studying meditation books very seriously but also began studying science very seriously. And slowly I had to "unlearn" Western science while at the same time learning it - due to the paradox of "noncommutative phase" as I began to discover. And yet in the back of my mind - still something lingered - was this music connection to the Small Universe real or not?
And so then I recently discovered Italian math professor's book, And Yet it is heard
And there it was - the 12 note music scale - based exactly on the SAME principles as the Small Universe or microcosmic Orbit of "small heavenly circuit" meditation. In other words - the qi cycles based on 2 hours, based on the seasons, the 12 earthly branches, the zodiac as well. But here's the kicker - the first note is the Moon energy based on the moon calendar and the difference between the Moon months (turned into years) and the Solar years - multiplied as the common denominator - is the same as the Pythagorean Comma!
Professor Torietti did not translate the Moon months into years but just assumed they were years from the get go so when I calculated a Chinese astronomy book it did the calculation as based on moon months (81) - not 81 years. And suddenly up pops the Pythagorean Comma from the Pythagorean Alchemy!
And so now I realized the secret of why the small universe meditation has Om and Mua as the notes - when the Pythagorean spiral (as taught in Western harmonics) is just a Perfect Fifth in one direction. the chinese, as with the true Early Pythagorean harmonics, construct the scale as complementary opposites of yin and yang - so that the "yin" is actually from the previous yang - and each time it is Perfect Fifth or Perfect Fourth interval. The same is true for Orthodox Early Pythagorean harmonics - they ONLY used the PErfect Fifth and Fourth to construct the octave scale. And just as with Daoist yoga - the actual alchemy secret of the harmonics is to put Fire into Earth to turn Water into Air!
So now I had confirmed that Plato not only lied about the actual Pythagorean harmonics (based on the lie of Philolaus) but Plato also lied about the alchemy - stating that Air is to Fire as Water is to Earth - as geometric irrational magnitude! I had done my intensive meditation training through the African Studies department based on the argument that Plato was against the real Natural Law of PYthagorean harmonics that actually were nonwestern harmonics - just as the book Racial Contract exposes the Natural Law eugenics racism. I knew that this eugenics racism was directly from music theory - the WRONG music theory. As Erno Lendvai exposed (and promoted) each citizen for democracy (defined as a fake 9/8 major 2nd) must "compromise" for the "good of the state" as irrational magnitude so that the Tyrant as 9/8 cubed would emerge as the Devil's Interval!
And so I ordered another hour long "small universe" meditation c.d. as I realized - doing an hour full lotus small universe meditation gets some good reverse time tummo heat going, to burn bad karma. 2 hours of full lotus small universe meditation gets a nice fire going in the lower tan t'ien.
So you can see here - there are 12 nodes in the small universe meditation - the same as the Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality book.
So then amazingly Kriya Yoga has the SAME secret of the Small Universe meditation as based on music harmonics - and Kriya Yoga is claimed to be older than Hinduism - meaning before the now documented Brahmin Vedic "invasion." And so the below Kriya Yoga circulation of energy meditation is based on the "three gunas of no guna" - also from the Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth music harmonics!
And so we have the same secret - we have that the Lunar energy has to first be sublimated - we have the SAME secret of the Fire going into Earth as the translation of "Kundalini" (literally means Fire into the hole in the Earth" to create the Water turned into Steam as Air. It is exactly the same meditation! And so the Chinese music tuning as the infinite spiral of yin and yang has been considered as far back as the Yellow Emperor and in the graves we have the alchemical Dragon (crocodile) and tiger - going back to 5,000 BCE. And we have the SAME crocodile and tiger alchemy in India. I did a blog post on thedaobums documenting how the Dragon in China originated as the Crocodile. A lot of people didn't want to believe it - but alchemically the crocodile means the same in India as well as it does in China!! So this is real corroboration.
We also have the SAME "golden tripod" - three leg secret of alchemy in China and in the Pythagorean alchemy training. And we can trace this to the Stupas being the same as well.
In Pythagorean Alchemy the Tetraktys means "creative fire" - and is the triangle as the harmonic ratios of Perfect Fifth/Fourth with the One as not being a Number but rather consciousness as the fire. And so how is it creative? The trick is, as Philolaus revealed, to have 2/3 as the subharmonic or C to F, to put the fire down into the Earth as the element of Fire is 8 so it is 8/12 as Fire into Earth. And then to turn Water into Air is the time reversal of 9/6 also as 3/2. And so the secret of the music tuning reveals the secret of the alchemy!! This is the secret of the Perfect Fifth as the Single Perfect Yang of the Golden Tripod - to harmonize humans, earth and heaven - with the Perfect Fourth as the subharmonic of 4/3 as a different root tonic (Earth) turned into Heaven by a time reversal into 8/6 from 12 to 6 Octave.
The early Orthodox Pythagoreans just as with the Chinese - used pitch pan pipes - and so never had the "paradox" of a wavelength longer than the string - and so never needed to created geometric magnitude as irrational number to hide this physical untruth. Instead they knew that reality was NUMBER as frequency energy and time reversals, just as with quantum relativity. So this truth was not rediscovered until Louis de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony whose protege Olivier Costa de Beauregard stated that precognition is explained by de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony. Precognition is definitely real and experienced by doing this alchemy training. haha.
And so we have archaeological evidence that the Great Mother worship of Time as Kala or Aion or Harmonia - the Cosmic Mother as Nuit - who can never be unveiled - goes back to at least 6,000 BCE - and the Lunar goddess worship was tied then to the "black stone" of magnetite of meteorites. So the Yuan Qi as the female formless awareness or reverse time "Yin matter" (virtual information field) is truly electromagnetic negentropic force.
And so then we documented that the first Mother Goddess in these early farming cultures - spread from the Near East or West Asia - to China and India - also had the Cow as the Moon Goddess based on the music harmonics of 2/3 as sacred in Egypt and the Veena as the spinal fret energy. Similarly in China the frets were based on the spine -
So Lui (呂) is the character meaning spinal column, hence, it is directly related to our subject. This character has one more interesting meaning ‘ ‘frets’ (of musical instruments) (1,5,6), the construction of which is similar with that of the spinal column. We should also mention that Chinese musical scale is also called Liu Liu (呂律),and in India:
“The 24 frets of the (Veena) instrument are analogous to the 24 cartilages in the spinal cord. The number 24 also relates to the 24 syllables in the Vedic Gayatri mantra.”
Acoustic engineer and Vedic sound expert, Dr. M.G. Prasad.
Mithras or Phanes (the Light) emerging from the Cosmic Egg and surrounded by a mandorla of the zodiac (corresponding to the twelve "altar fires" in the Pythagorean tarot) - secret of the Small Universe meditation from Ancient Pre-Socratic Pythagorean (Snake-master) blacksmith alchemyAnd so the 12 fires were created from the 1:2:3:4 harmonics of the pitch pipe of Hermes in disagreement with Apollo via Orpheus.
So now we can see what happened - Apollo was based on Hermes using a Lyre along with Orpheus - while the Pitch Pipes of Pan were discarded as supposed wild frenzy of Dionysius - of the Underworld of real alchemy!!
And yet what did Anaximander teach? That the Cosmos is created by pitch pipes or flute holes and when the air blows across them the fire and light shines out.
So then the professor explains for the Chinese the first note was Harmony of Heaven and Earth but the 2nd note was based on decreasing the circumference of the pipe along with the length and so was the seasons of the Earth, so more complicated. The third note was then based on the I Ching as the energy of Man.
So the 2nd note as 6 of 9 was from 90 feet long with a circumference of 9 as 81 - the number of Lunar Months as the 1st note as Heaven. 6 was 2 as Earth x 15 (the solar month as 24 solar months in a year) which gives 12 months (or 12 harmonic notes) with Earth as the value of 2 solar months!! So 30 is the value of Earth and take 2 to get 60 as the length x 6 of the diameter to get 360 as the solar year!
Wow - so we just revealed the secret of how the Dragon of the Sun turns the Earth into Fire as alchemy based on the measurements of the pitch pan pipes!! No wonder 2/3 ratio was sacred in Egypt, as the secret of alchemy.
And so the Original Meaning of Holy Spirit is Harmonia as noncommutative Phase or F (8/12) = G (9/6) at the SAME TIME (fire into Earth as Water into Air) to create the Ether as the Sacred Cosmic Mother (the Earth as Yuan Qi or Perfect Yin or White Tiger). The Pythagorean Philolaus (fr. 10) says, "Harmonia comes to be in all respects out of opposites: for Harmonia is a unification of things mutually mixed, and an agreement of things that disagree."
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Fire into Earth is the subharmonic as 2/3 or 8/12 with a time reversal of Water into Air as 9/6 or 3/2 - noncommutative phase secret of alchemy |
And so the secret of the complementary opposites alchemy is that as the Bellow expands (the lungs) while breathing in - the energy goes up the spine but on Exhale the energy goes down the front of the spine - each case has the external bellows (lungs) and internal alchemical fire driving into the EArth with Water turning into Air - both working at the same time as noncommutative phase nonlocality.
The highest of all fires is called Jnana Fire, Knowledge, Fire of Knowledge. All fires are petty in front of that: Jnana, Knowledge. Offer your thoughts to the Fire of Knowledge. Swami Rama
Sanskrit is considered the language of the Gods and views the body as a musical instrument derived from the Om., in which the voice is its note.
"NAGA: The eternal yogi" documentary on tapasya - inner fire yoga in Rajasthan.
As the Pythagoreans (Nagas or Snake-masters) teach the same:
the One (light as spirit) arises from the Absolute Void (Central Ether Fire that can not be seen) as eternal time that feeds on the light by breathing.
And so this is the secret OM source of Light - when we LISTEN with the eyes closed - then after meditation the light shines out of our eyes - POWERED by the reverse time. The Unstruck Sound feeds off the light as external entropy time and turns the time around as New Creation - free OM energy of the Octave, Perfect Fifth, Perfect Fourth noncommutative phase or "three gunas of no guna" as the Spanda or Nada source of reality.
The Void of Parmenides as Apeiron is the Siren that creates the energy of the Stars as the Hearth or Air that Feeds off the Light of the Universe
Siren originally meant Bird song - as natural ultrasound harmonics. So just as the highest pitch heard externally is the gateway into the OM as the subharmonic ELF of the vagus nerve to the right side of the heart - the ultrasound resonates the brain as quantum nonlocal reverse time phonon energy.
Alcmaeon, a 5th Century BCE Pythagorean physician said the soul is in continual motion like the heavens as immortal light and this circular motion of energy creates health as isonomia.
So it is now official - the ancient Pythagoreans practiced "circulation of energy" based on the 12 harmonic nodes of the Zodiac - just as the Daoists did and in India - and this was also taught in Egypt.
And so just as the Egyptians liked to be buried with literal Gold to increase their solar spirit alchemical energy - for the Daoist alchemists - the bones become the Earth Gold for the Yang Sheng body to emerge as the golden immortal.
And so at first the metal of the Lungs (white tiger) is transformed - the bellows of alchemy turns the metal from lungs into lead into mercury and then gold.
And so in Africa this same blacksmith alchemy is found - just as Pythagoras listened to the black smiths to discover his alchemy secret. In Africa the blacksmith alchemy is based on the reptilian crocodile and snake Python power (dragon). And so this goes back to the original human culture teaching the N/om secret from 70,000 years ago - to visualize Fire at the base of the spine - is to turn the Dragon of the heart into alchemical dragon fire in the Earth, creating the Sacrum Sacred Ecstasy of turning Water into Air.
And this teaching was originally based on music, as Dr. Victor Grauer details in his Sounding the Depths book - the San Bushmen original human spiritual alchemy training spread around the world via the same music harmonic secrets.
And so the small intestines is where the N/om is stored, just as with the Lower Tan T'ien - the "2nd brain" has more neurons than the heart! This is the real secret of alchemy.
The Counter-Fire of Pythagorean Alchemy as Hades is the Void of the Lower Tan T'ien (the literal holographic hell on Earth) as Air (the secret White Tiger Yuan Qi or Yang within the Yin) that feeds the light because the 1 as the Light has to be put into the Void in the Earth. This means you focus or visualize your mind as fire spirit under the water element (3) into the Earth to create more Air as Aion kundalini energy or ionized neurohormones.
The deep reverse breathing of the lungs physically activates the adrenal glands to double the adrenaline levels. Fire of the eyes going out via the heart has to be retracted to the wood as liver and water of the kidneys reproduction has to be retracted back into the lungs as metal (hence the 5 elements secret of Daoist alchemy is the noncommutative phase of Dragon and Tiger copulation - the yang left hand of the white tiger resonating the yin lower body of water (dragon crocodile) while the yin right hand of the fire dragon (resonates the yang upper body of the lungs (the white tiger or metal). You get complementary opposites at the same time as nonlocal entanglement - as the yang within yin and yin within yang rotate in opposite time directions of the small universe - so that yang approaches yin from above or yang approaches yin from below and vice versa - just as with the Music scale - the yin and yang switches position, in the middle of the scale - so too does the yin and yang switch positions at the heart.
And so just as the Small Universe is based on music theory - the 12 nodes of the lunar months have yin within yang at the Solstices and Balanced at the Equinox - and this is found in Egypt as well.
And so the yang and yin reverses as the "moving of yin and yang" exercise - with the 11 to 1 pm as yin within the yang and 11 pm to 1 am as yang within the yin.
So with the legs - for male - the left leg is yang and so should be "on top" to embrace the yin of the lower body - thereby storing up the energy - as this opens up the liver qi more as the yang jing (green dragon) of the upper body - the ether power of the yin shen.
And we can go on with the Eyes as well - the right eye is the Moon as the Po Soul or yin qi lung energy of the body that builds up into the Yuan Qi as the Cosmic Mother or Shakti Force of the Solar Shen - the left eye is the Hun Soul - the yin shen powered by the liver - that builds up into the Yuan Shen as the Sun.
for more details on the training. To get the small universe meditation c.d. or "moving of yin and yang" c.d. see
I almost forgot the "advanced" alchemy:
So again you visualize light which has the GREEN power of ether Fire of the Universe (the Mother Earth as biophoton cosmic energy) that charges up the secret Air power in the Water - so that the 2nd brain (more neurons than the heart) then opens up the third eye. This is why the legs of the body are the "branches" of the tree - in full lotus - the roots of the tree are the brain. It is the Upside Tree as the Cosmic inversion of alchemy - just as in Permaculture.
The gastrointestinal-brain axis in humans as an evolutionary advance of the root-leaf axis in plants: A hypothesis linking quantum effects of light on serotonin and auxin Article type: Brief Report Authors: Tonello, Lucioa; * | Gashi, Bekimb | Scuotto, Alessandroa | Cappello, Glendaa | Cocchi, Massimoa | Gabrielli, Fabioa | Tuszynski, Jack A.c Affiliations: [a] LUDES Foundation, Smart City, Kalkara, 1001, Malta | [b] Department of Biology, University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Prishtina, 10000, Kosovo | [c] Department of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2J1, Canada
Source of the image - free educational fair use -
Human body is also called veena, a musical instrument as it produces musical notes through vocal cords. The stringed and wind blown instruments naturally produce pleasant notes so they get upper hand in musical instruments. Chitra veena has seven strings and is played by fingers. Vipanchi has nine strings and is played by kona (plectrum). These veenas can be seen in early sculptures of Sanchi, Barhat, Amaravati, Nagarjunkonda etc. In Buddhist literature, there is a mention of a seven stringed veena. It describes there that Buddha broke the seven strings one by one and still the notes continued. It shows that the influence of music lasted even after the actual music stopped.
Meditate on Brahma as made of light - a light consisting of OM, that is the luminous Jnana. When the kundalini joins the SELF she exits through the sockets of the eyes. This subtle jnana is to be kept secret. Dr. James Mallinson
The Inner Ear or "sound-current" method of the Buddha is the "Mouna Samadhi" - highest level of Samadhi of logical inference of Jnana (fire Ether Kundalini Jnana Yoga).
This is what Gurdjieff called the Circulation of Energy meditation based on the Law of Three from the Pythagorean Logos.
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ReplyDeleteIt is only after the Cosmic Ostrich Egg (Tai Chi) is cracked open that the breathing enters the formless realm of the secret OM power of Light - and so the body pulsates with qi - the Bindu Chakra is the back of the skull as the Heavenly Drum of Shiva - because it is the secret source of Amrita recharged as the Sound-Current Ether of the Breathing of the Cosmic Mother Void (spacetime vortex). You can see my new blog for the details.
Deletethanks - I had read that site before but nice to see they have a new school opened!