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77 Different Sources on de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony and Spiritual Force

The Blue Light of Blues Music: Quantum Biology, Metaphysics and Meditation

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"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

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Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Why the Heart is the Organ of Love: Qi as quantum coherence and Dr. Thomas Cowan on 4th state of Water

Robert Peng qigong master new interview!

Fascinating!!! Thomas Cowan youtube podcast with a Daoist alchemy holistic healer.

So the hydrophilic proteins causes the water to have negative ions - electrons in the proteins.

He says this is the same secret that explains how sap can flow higher than 33 feet in trees - the barometric limit from gravity. Funny thing is I was wondering about this again as I've read - I read some scientist discussing this mystery - back 10 years ago in the city. Xylum tubes in trees are hydrophilic as negative ion charged.

Every cell in the body is a pump - the heart is not the pump for the body. The heart is not just 4 blood vessels but filled with horizontal blood flow and more like a wetland.

He says that the heart, a 1 pound organ, needs to pump blood three times around the distance of the earth with a stop half way around (at the capillaries) and it reverses direction.

This happens only because of the 4th state of water - because of the research of Gerald Pollack.

thanks to a regular reader for sending me this link.

So then Dr. Cowan says this is why the Heart is the Organ of Love.

In other words - the secret of qi is this separation of the protons and the electrons. The electrons into the proteins and the protons into the mitochondria and microtubules of the collagen. The "bulk water" is in the narrow center of the tube (the blood capillaries).

"heart disease is a mitrochondrial problem" - Dr. Thomas Cowan

The positive charges repel each other so the flow goes up the hill (or the tree or the body). 

So the heart turns the blood flood into a spiral that then acts as a conductor of the quantum coherence for the whole body. So this heart vortex is the SAME secret that Victor Schauberger figured out about trout fins creating a vortex as reverse time ion - proton energy. When the water is under pressure or colder then it is more dense and creates virtual photon energy - the de Broglie pilot wave energy.

He says the three things that "charges up the tubes" are sunlight, earth and from other humans.

Dr. Cowan does not know the secret of noncommutative phase energy charging!! That is the secret of Tai Chi alchemy training - from music theory.

Dr. Thomas Cowan's blog

So this is the dude who devised the Rudolf Steiner form of the heart!

The Chestahedron - 7 regular sides in a box as sacred vortex geometry

Dr. Thomas Cowan on vegetables as upside down humans

How to prevent heart disease Dr. Thomas Cowan

Another Dr. Cowan talk - why the heart is not a pump

Dr. Mercola talk on the heart

To put this is plain English, the more carbohydrates you consume, the greater your risk of dying.  Fat intake, no matter what type, had no effect on heart disease, and eating more fat, especially saturated fat, lowered the risk of stroke or of dying.  The authors conclude with the ironic statement that after 50-plus years of bad dietary advice, maybe the cardiologists should rethink what they tell their patients.
And eating greens?
 chloroplasts in the leaves of plants excrete deuterium from their tissues, leaving them naturally deuterium-depleted.   When any animal eats a diet based on green leaves, meaning, grass-fed animals, or humans eating greens, they become naturally deuterium-depleted and hydrogen-water replete.
The primary reason of heart attacks are not blocked arteries but DECREASED PARASYMPATHETIC TONE and then increased emotional stress.
The heart and brain use 40% of the sugar and can not get rid of the lactic acid and so builds up the lactic acid from acidic tissue. So if there is too much stress from modern civilization then it causes too much adrenaline in the heart which then shifts the metabolism from the mitochondria to the cytoplasm. Chronic stress as chronic inflammation creating glycolysis as fermentation that increases lactic acid. The usual energy source is the Krebs Cycle through the mitochondria.

In only in the heart and the brain, you get an acidification of the tissue and a drop in the pH ...If it happens in any other organ, the organ just stops and allows the lactic acid to flush out and the tissue returns to normal. But in the heart and the brain, the metabolism can not stop and so the lactic acid continues to build up, causing necrosis or death of the tissues as the cause of the heart attack.Every time there is angina or break down of the tissue of the heart there is then a build up of plaque "down stream" from the dam (the break down of the tissue). The plaque is like a "cast" to shore up the weak blood vessels (the dam). The plaque is an attempt at restoration that causes problems.

66% of people died from heart attacks had no artery blockage. The plaque build up is a consequence of the heart attack problem, not the cause.

The adrenal cortex is the "parasympathetic organ of the body" (Dr. Thomas Cowan) - the source of Yuan Qi. So if there is too much stress, an endogenous hormone is created by the adrenal cortex that converts the lactic acid of the heart and converts it into a fuel to save the heart.


Dr. Mercola says carbs are "dirty fuel" cause they create too much free radicals. This is why I always use cayenne all the time for all this dirty food I eat.

Vinegar (Acetic acid) also converts lactic acid to citric acid. Secrets of the heart - Dr. Thomas Cowan podcast

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