Peanut Gallery Independent Praise of Drew Hempel's research

Readers of my energy - quotes - promotionals

Spooky Action At a Distance that Uses Telepathic Methods - youtube playlist

Best Compilation of Bioenergy Spirit Demonstrations youtube playlist

Idiot's Guide to Daoist Taoist Yoga Neidan Qigong Alchemy Neigong Meditation Kundalini Energy links on youtube

77 Different Sources on de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony and Spiritual Force

The Blue Light of Blues Music: Quantum Biology, Metaphysics and Meditation

Phrygian Frisson Ravel adagio piano concerto 2nd movement playlist
"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

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Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Does Human Civilization really only have days to weeks left? Abrupt Global Warming Warning

Prof. Guy McPherson keeps upping the ante on his dire abrupt global warming predictions

He said he will run out of money soon so he hopes that the collapse of civilization happens soon.

But I see no reason why not to believe him. The supposed experts at the latest COP 23 ignored the methane bomb that is about to blow in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf - and Nick Breeze says it will only be a billion tons so not too bad. But Dr. Shakhova says in fact the bomb will be tremendous and rapidly warm the planet.

ccording to Dr. Shakova, only a fraction of the gas emissions released from subsea permafrost of ESAS is enough to “alter the climate on our planet drastically.” That prognostication is nastier than regular nasty wake-up calls. It fits the prescription for colossal temperature increases of up to 15-18 degrees and massive agricultural burn off within only 10 years as suggested by a group of scientists that think outside the box, non-mainstreamers.
Time to Wake-Up fast! Activate the pineal gland to launch your spirit into heaven!

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