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77 Different Sources on de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony and Spiritual Force

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"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

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Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Monday, November 27, 2017

Karmu Doc: Reality is Inherently Subjective: The New Quantum Self-Force: Bernard d'Espagnat

 The Full Karmu healing doc online free viewing

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Too bad Shermer is also an idiot. haha. Paranormal spiritual healing is very real for example. Sure there are fakes out there but that does not discount that there is also the truth. The "skeptic" scene - James Magic Randi - for example is a total charlatan. Derren Brown is just video editing illusions - waste of time. Watch qigong master Jiang Feng. Qigong master Robert Peng. Qigong master Chunyi Lin. Qigong master Effie P. Chow. Those are all real spiritual paranormal yogi master healers - and there's more too. Many conspiracies are real as well. So no need to just dismiss a topic categorically by claiming people are stupid as a whole - that is "scientism" - not real scientific inquiry.
+Voldisyinang "The "skeptic" scene - James Magic Randi - for example is a total charlatan.' Oh the irony of this comment :)
 Instead of coy flippancy how about some actually discussion? Or is your "science" based on censorship and silence? For example I finished my master's degree by training with a Chinese spiritual healer who did 49 days in full lotus yoga meditation, in cave, no sleep nor food the whole time - just a bit of water. Now you would say he is fake right? Due to your "ironic" idiocy scientism? If that is so, and James Randi did attack Chunyi Lin without knowing anything about him - only that someone complained to James Randi since Chunyi gave a seminar on qigong to this complainer's company staff employees - his fellow employees - and so if all that is true, then how come the Mayo Clinic's Dr. Ann Vincent did a "randomized controlled" aka Gold Standard medical study showing that "External qi" healing of chronic pain that Western medicine could not treat for 5 years, was "especially impressive." And so how come James Randi has not paid Chunyi Lin? Becuz James Randi's "test" is fake - that's why! The Myth of James Randi's Million Dollar Challenge – The Daily Grail 22, 2008 - The financial reward offered by the James Randi Educational Foundation… ... claims of the paranormal: the James Randi Million Dollar Challenge. ...... the test is there to prove the claims of these fakes who say they don't use ...Randi's Million Dollar Challenge: Not Science – The Daily Grail 20, 2011 - D.J. Grothe, president of the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF), discusses the 'Million Dollar Challenge' in this interview with ...The James Randi 1 Million Dollar Challenge Finally Terminated – The ... 27, 2016 - The James Randi Million Dollar Challenge for proof of psychic ... Here's one more by Daily Grail called “The Myth of the One Million Dollar Challenge” which .... And roundly revealed and criticized as a fake by Randi What is . Maybe your worldview is that of a dolt? Yep I think so. haha. How ironic. Do you know anything about quantum biology for example?

Can you sit in full lotus? Or is that a "self-indoctrination"? Hilarious! Full lotus yoga meditation. How long can you do that for?
So the extinction of half the world's indigenous communities is just ignored by you? What technocratic bliss! Science isn't based on ecocide and genocide? What a glorious future you behold! There hasn't already been over a dozen near miss nuclear accidents that would have set off nuclear winter already? So Dr. Helen Caldicott's book "Missile Envy" is wrong? Or probably you have not read it and are naive of the realities of the military-industrial complex as the single largest cause of global warming and global apocalypse. Yes I think there are some "bias effects" but in the end true objective science will achieve supremacy! Glory to the Great Geometer Jahbulon! So the original human culture is all fake right? Total B.S. time go grew up - Westernized globalization is naive at best.

Understanding Climate Change
+Voldisyinang I don't recall saying anything about full lotus yoga meditation. And videos of subjective opinion are not evidence of anything.
 Oh I'm sorry - you have chosen the tactic of "willful ignorance" - the "if I don't look into it then it doesn't exist" approach to science. Ignorance is not bliss. But if you choose ignorance - if you are not willing to even interact with the link I provided to a peer-reviewed randomized controlled study by a Mayo Clinic doctor - then what can I say? Clearly you are a kool-aid drinker of scientism. I asked you if you knew anything about quantum biology. Clearly you don't. I recommend you read "Life on the Edge" by Professor JohnJoe McFadden - it won a science writing award - it's a 2016 book on quantum biology. That explains full lotus yoga meditation and the so-called "subjective" testimonies that you dismiss as of no value. That's not how medicine works by the way. haha. Biology trumps or I mean drumpfs physics - and the wrong mathematical logic of classical physics is wrong. Do you know anything about de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony? A good philosophy of science book for you to read is Professor H.M. Collins Changing Order: Replication and Induction in Scientific Practice, book Changing Order: Replication and Induction in Scientific Practice, Harry Collins is published by University of Chicago Press.
Reality is inherently subjective due to quantum non-locality that science has proven is the foundation of reality. Quantum non-locality can be logically inferred as Bernard d'Espagnat so eloquently detailed, and yet our dependence in science on left-brain dominance and right-hand technology causes an inherent time-frequency uncertainty that is noncommutative. Which is to say measuring one variable first and then measuring the same variable in the 2nd change of order, then changes the value of the variable! haha. This is proven easily by music theory. For example if C is 1 as the root tone of frequency then the octave C is 2 and G is 3 as the harmonic overtone or Perfect Fifth. This is the secret origin of Western math since arithmetic mean x harmonic mean = geometric mean squared, as the origin of incommensurability and irrational numbers. But for that equation to work the arithmetic mean as 3/2 does not allow the empirical truth that F is 3 as the harmonic undertone, also a Perfect Fifth. This means that G=3=F at the same time. That is the truth of noncommutative phase. It was covered up by the wrong math at the origin of Western civilization, creating a "pre-established deep disharmony" as math professor Luigi Borzacchini exposed. He called this secret music origin of Western math a "negative judgment paradox" that is "really astonishing" and "shocking" - 2007 - is his peer-reviewed published paper on it. I've corresponded with him off and on since 2000 - he is retired now but still tweets on politics. haha. So as Professor Basil J. Hiley states - a quantum physicist with whom I've corresponded - most quantum physicists are in denial of the truth of the quantum force - a new "self-force" that was discovered and predicted by Louis de Broglie in 1923 when he stated that an electron would exhibit wave diffraction properties if sent through a slit that is narrow enough.

When I meditate a lot then if the propane heater kicks on - I get a shock in the center of my brain. haha. When Chunyi Lin used to get mad then light bulbs would explode in his house. One time he was mad and mowing the lawn and he fried his lawn mower. haha. Then he was dead for 2 hours - his heart was stopped for 2 hours but he was walking around fine. So after that experience he doesn't get mad hardly anymore - with each breath he takes his spirit goes to beyond his physical heart. There is pyrokinesis by Jiang Feng - on youtube. His vids are real. This dude visited me who had read me online - he had gone to China and he met Jiang Feng. But then Jiang Feng was healing someone and he overused his "yuan qi" energy that is from the right side of the heart - the deep reptilian vagus nerve goes from the reproductive organs to the right side of the heart. So the Jiang Feng instantly keeled over. There is also Robert Peng - the "zapping" healer - his vids are online. He zaps the former Prime Minister of Australia! haha. Then there is John Chang - he can light up LED bulbs but his energy didn't register on a normal voltmeter. So the reason is because LED bulbs work via quantum coherent light - based on the photoelectric effect. So the qigong training is macroquantum resonance - it is very sensitive energy and can be very powerful and is actually "virtual information energy" or reverse time energy.

 I typed out Bernard d'Espagnat Transcript: Bell's inequalities are inequalities between numbers that express outcomes of visible experiments. And they are derivable from only notions that we all have, verifiable notions that everybody has. And yet they are violated by experiments. And what is even worse, they are violated in a way that seems to violate relativity theory as well. That's the first thing to be known about them. 2nd one equally important is that quantum physics precisely predicted these violations, and quantitatively so. There are two lessons to be drawn from this. The first one is that the predictions of quantum mechanics have to be taken very seriously, even when they look as if they're crazy. And the related lesson is that if not a mismatch, at least a considerable distance exists between reality as it really is and our present attempts at conceptualizing it. These indications are of course very sketchy. There is much more to say in this domain. But I think these few words already indicate to you how philosophically important the discovery of this violation is.

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