This brought me back to my first "manifesto" in 1996 that featured an image of the Bloch Wall to explain my concept of what I called "The Fundamental Force" from noncommutative music theory.
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The image I used for the secret of the Fundamental Force, 1996 |
Of course I did not have the math down yet and so while I think Ken Wheeler is correct intuitively, for him to rely still on symmetric mathematics does not fit the model. As Dr. Stephen E. Robbins points out there is an inherent "incommensurability" in the conjugate fields - and so "magnitude" is inherently based on a 2nd order derivative. Which is to say the "imaginary" axis that Ken Wheeler converts to the dielectric field is actually the noncommutative time-frequency energy!
So there are many ways to explain the truth of the ether. As physicist B.G. Sidharth explains, the reason light has mass is due to the inherent noncommutativity of space (time-frequency as momentum). This paradox goes back to Zeno and what "time" really is - and magnitude inherently assumes symmetric math as developed from Plato and Archytas. That this math came from music theory is the great secret - and that the music theory was wrong is the even greater secret. As Alain Connes points out the empirical truth of music theory is that it is noncommutative and therefore is a "unified scaling system" with a geometric dimension of zero, as a quantum sphere - a Bloch Sphere.
So then to question virtual photons of Richard Feynman means we need - as per this analysis of Ken Wheeler - brilliantly done again by Stephen E. Robbins (I had sent him some links so I appreciate his new video in relation to those links). So we need to reconsider this issue of the Bloch Wall as per Dirac's electrodynamics or quantum field theory. For it was Dirac who did provide a quantum analysis of Maxwell's equations. Quantum EM Fields and the Photon Propagator, pdf
So only because virtual photons have "odd" spin exchanges then the oldest law of electrostatics is confirmed: like-sign charges repel, while unlike sign-charges attract.But the issue of de Broglie is really that he was critiquing Einstein, from the perspective of defining energy as frequency in quantum physics. And so what gets ignored or downplayed is that not only did de Broglie figure out that momentum is inverse to wavelength - thereby converting matter to waves - but also, and more importantly, that energy frequency = mass x the speed of light squared. This means then a superluminal pilot wave as the phase wave that "guides" matter. And so the hidden momentum of light is only defined in relation to gravity - since it is only derived from the relativistic mass of light. Similarly the relativistic frequency of the electron is rarely derived and yet physics teachers are forced to do so in order to give the correct frequency energy of the electron. (pdf link of a physics professor explaining how a student forced him to do this rare derivation).
Considering the relativistic effects which are however insignificant for the de Broglie wavelength of the recoiled electron under these conditions, the minimum value obtained is in the range of X-rays. The non-relativistic de Broglie wave frequency obtained by neglecting the rest mass of the electron leads to an underestimation of its value. The implications of de Broglie wavelength and clock frequency for Compton scattering experiments are briefly discussed and possible extensions of the obtained mathematical formulations are indicated.O.K. so now we can consider the phenomenon of "capturing" virtual photons in light of Dirac and the Bloch Wall. While Dirac discovered the noncommutative math from Heisenberg - it was only because Dirac had trained as an engineer that he realized this noncommutative math was also found in Heaviside's equations. More importantly Dirac understood the math and so was able to extend it or convert it to the symmetric version via the Poisson Bracket. But it was Dirac clinging to this symmetric mathematics via the Poisson Bracket that forced him to fixate on the magnetic monopole.
But what if nobody answers? What if there is nothing new to discover? That prospect is now a cloud hanging over the physics community.This misdirection then led to SUSY gauge symmetries and is the reason why the Large Hadron Collider has no longer "discovered" anything of value. Because of the wrong symmetric mathematics, the experiments have gone in the wrong directions. Not to mention the severe inequality of social justice and extreme ecological crisis that the symmetric math (and its technology) has created. But in terms of trying to unify quantum physics with relativity - the issue at hand is the "collapse" of the wavefunction and the "ether" - how causality can not be violated in terms of linear term and the inherent noncommutative measurement problem of time in relation of energy frequency.
And so now this inherent "limit" as the noncommutative math of time-frequency is being leveraged to "capture" virtual photons.
By varying a material's index of refraction, researchers can influence the speed at which both real and virtual photons travel within it. Lähteenmäki says one can think of this system as being much like a mirror, and if its thickness changes fast enough, virtual photons reflecting off it can receive enough energy from the bounce to turn into real photons. "Imagine you stay in a very dark room and suddenly the index of refraction of light [of the room] changes," Lähteenmäki says. "The room will start to glow."So this is exactly how meditation works! Because it is now discovered that our microtubules are metamaterials creating this bending of light backwards as reverse time energy.
What happens if the vacuum is the signal?"Someone comments:
In November, 2011, research was published in the journal "Nature" showing the development of "real photons" from vacuum.
Read the article here
We were also able to establish that the radiation had precisely the same properties that quantum theory says it should have when photons appear in pairs in this way.
This second magnetic mechanism was spin, postulated by Dirac in 1928, after he solved the fully relativistic quantum mechanical equations governing the electron.So spin is essentially the noncommutative time-frequency ether of reality.
Slide show on spin orbit coupling
Using the Matera Laser Ranging Observatory in Italy, Villoresi and his colleagues performed Wheeler’s delayed-choice experiment by firing green laser pulses at the Beacon-C and Starlette satellites, which reflected the photons back at the observatory. At their farthest, the satellites were 1,771 kilometers (1,100 miles) away from the observatory.
So now quantum entanglement has been proven in outer space!
And so in the usual magnetic field analysis for MRIs - there is a "semi-classical" model, using quantum spin along with classical magnetic fields. Frank Engelke develops a more "unified" analysis from relativistic quantum field theory, leading to the "Fermi contact interaction."Space-Based Test Proves Light's Quantum Weirdness
So Engelke is focused on the "quantization of the electromagnetic field" in relation to magnetic resonance. So photons have zero rest mass with a spin of 1.
In other words, electromagnetic potentials as well as gauge transformations gain physical significance as soon as we turn to quantum theory.And so it is the gyromagnetic field of the "free" electron that relativistic quantum field theory (quantum electrodynamics) verified as greater than value 2 (in contrast to classical electromagnetic theory extended by Dirac) - to the greatest precision of any scientific model.
So the quantization of the electromagnetic field means analysis of the spin transitions as virtual photon exchanges. This means there is a difference between "no field" and a field with "zero photons" in the vacuum state.
And so it is the spin density that explains the magnet current density
If you are going to confuse Faraday’s and Maxwell’s imaginary concept of field “lines” with experimentally defensible reality, you might as well write down an equation in which the invisible intermediary between charge and force is an angel, a UFO, a fairy or an elephant in an imaginary extra dimension. Quantum field theory tells us that there are no physical lines. Instead of Maxwell’s “physical lines of force”, we have known since QED was verified that there are field quanta being exchanged between charges.
massless charges will only propagate if there is an equal amount of charge flowing in the opposite direction at the same time so cancel out their magnetic field (because the magnetic fields curl around the direction of propagation, they cancel in this situation if the charges are similar). So we can deduce the mechanism of propagation of real photons and virtual (exchange) gauge bosons, and the mechanism is compatible with path integrals, the double slit diffraction experiment with single photons (the transverse extent of the photon must be bigger than the distance between slits for an interference pattern), etc.
Photons will be released with the same orthogonal spin direction of the particle which emits them, the displacement vector will form an electrical component while its direction or polarity is the magnetic component Richard CombsOn de Broglie and virtual photons - pdf
Zitterbewegung (2 x the de broglie pilot wave) as virtual photons - pdf
...we are "forced" to take into consideration the field potential to describe the field interaction with charged particles. As is known, one of the key features of Maxwell equations is the absence of solutions to these equations, corresponding to longitudinal waves in the vacuum....the photons are considered "virtual"....longitudinal and scalar photons are quite physical and not virtual.aharnov-bohm effect, electrodynamics postulates pdf
Zitterbewegung as Hawking Radiation for virtual micro black holes - pdf
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