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77 Different Sources on de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony and Spiritual Force

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"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

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Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Why Time-Frequency Uncertainty is actually Noncommutative Phase from 2/3 and 3/2 Perfect Fifth harmonic as spin 1/2 entanglement

 Physicist Iori Fujita: “But even Δt is 1.000 sec, the bandwidth remains about 2 Hz.” So notice how the "measurement" of quantum time-frequency uncertainty is now based on listening and the time it takes to hear the difference! A difference of 2 hertz (the bandwidth) takes 1 second to hear. As I said - this is because of the non-commutative or complementary opposite resonance of yin and yang or 2/3 and 3/2 as the Perfect Fourth and Perfect Fifth     

 "The 3:2 Relationship As the Foundation of Timelines in West African Musics"
So there is a whole chapter on the inversion of Perfect 5th 3/2 and Perfect 4th (4/3) intervals as tied to the inversion of 3/2 and 2/3 rhythms in modulations of tonal keys in music.....

Oh this is a Ph.D. thesis! 1998. Cool. Eugene Dominic Novotney.

Keep in mind we can listen FASTER than Fourier time-frequency uncertainty and our listening is quantum coherent. This means listening originates from spin 1/2 phase noncommutative time-frequency that is superluminal or reverse time phase.

 "...superconductivity within one neuron could become phase coherent with that in an adjoining cell by virtue of quantum tunnelling, and this could be stimulated by the macroscopic analog of stimulated emission (alluded to before in connection with the mantra), that is an AC Josephson effect. ...At a more interesting level, the quantum vacuum state may be said to be empty (of excitation) and yet full in the sense of pure potentiality; it contains "virtual" (unphysical) representatives of all possible modes of matter and excitation in the form of vacuum fluctuations or "virtual particles" (zero-point excitations of each field mode, assigned one-half quanta of energy, due directly to the non-commutative property of the field operators)."

Former Hampshire College physicist Lawrence Domash, confirms superluminal quantum sound as noncommutative meditation! 1975, pdf

So MEASURING time is not the same as LISTENING to time.
(time taken to measure f) times (error in f) is greater than about 1/2π.
That is supposed to be the mathematical definition of Fourier Uncertainty.

But I saw it written differently.
 (Delta 2 pi f)(Delta t) > ½.
 So here we have the 2 pi as greater than 1/2 and so if we divide out the 2 pi we actually get greater than 1/4 pi instead of 1/2π

Now what this means is that the uncertainty is removed as a 720 spin of spin 1/2 phonons.

And what is not mentioned is that the spin 1/2 phonons are noncommutative which is to say that for the phase to equal 1 then the spin 1/2 just the inverse reciprocal.

 In other words we are are reducing the "change of" to spin integers  - which is how Louis de Broglie analyzed the momentum based on Planck's Constant - then...
(DeltaE)(Delta t) > h-bar/2
Momentum is just the conversion of Planck's Constant to h-bar which is h/2 pi

  ħ = h/(2π)

In other words - the reason the Fourier Uncertainty lives in the 2 pi in the frequency or in the final results of uncertainty is it assumes a final symmetric conversion of the noncommtuative phase into h/4 pi (i.e. h/2 x 2 pi)

h Δν Δt ≥ h /(4π)
Δν Δt ≥ 1 /(4π)Here, there is no "h".

So if instead of extracting Planck's Constant - we just convert it back to 2pi as a spin 1/2 quantum phase that is noncommutative. Planck's Constant increases in integer multiples as divided by the wavelength (less than 2 billionths of an inch long for electrons and 5000 times longer for photons!), inverse to the momentum.

To quote Einstein's recommendation of de Broglie's 1923 Ph.D. thesis:

It may look crazy, but it is really sound!

 And so if we extract the momentum of de Broglie's wavelength as integer multiples based on quantum noncommutative phase, then the simplest result of dividing the 1 or first integer of spin, is into 2/3 and 3/2 as the noncommutative music phase harmonics.

For example h-bar means Planck's Constant based on a closed symmetric time phase cycle of h/2 pi aka ħ = h/(2π). But in fact spin 1/2 quanta are noncommutative to one phase cycle of 2 pi and so are converted to 720 degree spin that is symmetric math as the Poisson Bracket, circulating along a closed loop in a given time that is noncommutative! This is the secret cause of the Josephson Junction effect that converts phase into voltage as superconducting energy. In other words time is normally hidden in Planck's Constant as an outside parameter that has instead been converted to symmetric density as phase. And so due to noncommutative phase, de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony discovered there is a 2nd time operator that is from the future and superluminal, and nonlocal, as a guiding phase wave ether.

This is the origin of the "Measurement problem" at the foundation of physics, since gravity causes "objective" collapse due to the hidden commutative (logarithmic gravity) phase of the spin.

Cycle as wavelength divided by time is converted to frequency = square root of wavelength divided by pi. The time origin is lost as an inherent operator. In other words if the phase is opposite but has the same geometric magnitude (i.e. of Perfect Fifth) then the amplitude can be canceled out - but this is empirically not true! Since frequency is noncommutative to time then 2/3 is C to F phase undertone while 3/2 is C to G phase overtone and so even though their "geometric magnitude" is the same as Perfect Fifth, their relation to the root tonic or fundamental pitch is not the same. The empirical truth is noncommutative phase that is nonlinear resonance (superluminal as G=3=F at the same time). 

Scientific Essays In Honor Of H Pierre Noyes On The Occasion Of His ...
Kauffman Louis H, ‎Amson John C - 2013 - ‎Science
The special synchronization is the algebra of the time shift embodied in ηη = 1 and [a, b]η = η[b, a] that makes the algebra of i = [1,−1]η imply that i2 = −1.

by HP Noyes - ‎1999 - ‎Related articles
T,Noyes. SCIENCE and PARANORMAL PHENOMENA. ∗ †. H. Pierre Noyes. Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94309 ... In order to ground my approach to the study of paranormal phenomena, I .... example of the extreme non-locality of quantum mechanics the eternal triangle effect,.
 In other words, theoretically we cannot get the perfect fifth tone with a frequency f ( that is ν ) from a root tone with a frequency f0 by calculating f = f0 × 3/2.” 
Uncertainty Principle for Temperament by Iori Fujita,  

And so it literally is sound - the spin 1/2 is the secret phonon energy that is nonlocal. As de Broglie stated - it is a mechanical energy.

77 different sources related to de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony.

Pythagoreans consider number to be harmony inherently through listening. So overtones and undertones are reverse time and frequency since 2/3 is Perfect Fifth as reverse time with frequency or C to F undertone, and 3/2 is C to G also the Perfect Fifth but different frequency and time. In other words G=3=F at the same time as nonlocal noncommutative phase that is quantum entanglement as the 5th dimension. Pythagoreans taught there is no number one since the 1 is light as consciousness that measures time - so it was relativity but also quantum - and so 2:3:4 is infinite time-frequency energy resonance. All human cultures use the Octave, Perfect Fifth and PErfect Fourth music intervals. It's only in the West, since the Octave was defined as geometric mean squared by Philolaus and Archytas, that the number zero was created based on the empirical lie that time and frequency depend on geometric magnitude as a physical medium. Light has zero rest mass but it does have relativistic mass as noncommutative phase, meaning that as a particle goes towards the speed of light, its internal clock slows down (time gets bigger) as its frequency goes up. This goes against the basic law of Pythagoras that frequency is inverse to time. Therefore, de Broglie realized with his Law of Phase Harmony, there HAS to be reverse time from the future, as a superluminal phase wave that harmonizes with the particle and guides the particle, as a negative mass or reverse time energy and positive pressure momentum that is infinite or superluminal frequency. This is what the ancients describes when stating that the origin of the One that is not a Number is Harmonia as odd-even at the same time and it eternally "breathes" light into existence along with matter and energy. So it's called the Void as Harmonia that is formless but can be listened to - and creates the Fire of the Ether. So then 2/3 is 8/12 with 8 as Fire and 12 as Earth. So you close your eyes and visualize Fire going into Earth - your spirit light goes into the Sacrum - which has a Sacred 2/3 harmonic from the tip of your toes to the top of your skull. Then 9 to 6 is reverse time as Water into Air - so that the Fire under the Water creates Air as Aion or kundalini ionized neurohormones. This opens up the third eye.

 When Δν is 0.1Hz, Δt should be more than 1 /(4π *0.1)
So we can see that Hertz inherently means symmetric phase of  4π

But that goes against the truth of noncommutative phase.

So then we are told - frequency/second can just be canceled out against joules x seconds - because light as frequency is cycles per second but that assumes that light does not have relativistic mass that is noncommutative phase!!

So in fact there is a hidden spin 1/2 momentum to light that is noncommutative and so seconds can not just be a symmetric logarithm definition.

Since the radian is a dimensionless unit, the radian per second is dimensionally equivalent to the hertz—both are defined as s−1. This may lead to confusion between the quantities angular frequency ω and frequency ν.
Yeah so does spin rely on a symmetric dimensionless unit?

In other words Plancks Constant is actually as h-bar or 2 pi - means half a second!! But since it is 1/2 spin that means the 1/2 second is noncommutative as time-frequency.

And the first noncommutative time-frequency is 2/3 and 3/2.

Which means this is a 4-dimension vector as spin 1/2 that has to be "converted" to symmetric radians from logarithms.

In other words the  dotted line in that image is the 1/2 while the square root of 3 is the vector length.... and the dotted line and flip back and forth for each 1/2 or spin 1/2.

So this is a 2-D image of the above image.

But since the spin 1/2 is inherently noncommutative it can not be "contained" into a visual image at all!!

Because it is actually 2 places at the same time even though the "time" is defined as the radians of the circle!!

hence the "projective geometry" of the 5th dimension is noncommutative as spin 1/2

And therefore called the Quantum Undertone:

So here they are using the Josephson Junction to convert to classical physics -
The goal being macroquantum resonance so that decoherence is delayed - converting the phase into voltage

The imperfect state in a noncommutative spherically symmetric geometry. The function of  Planck's Constant versus radius (square root of Theta) ,.....
Bingo - exactly as I also realized.

Field Equations and Radial Solutions in a Noncommutative Spherically Symmetric Geometry

 The second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom
 Yes but noncommutative math supersedes this as I got into on the relation between frequency and voltage measured by Josephson Junction.

 David Cox - Adam Neely is defining the "second" as 4pi which assumes a logarithmic definition of time! Time is noncommutative to frequency. This is why spin 1/2 is noncommutative but also quantum nonlocality as the 5th dimension. This all got covered up by Archytas and Plato and Eudoxus and Philolaus creating the "Greek Miracle" by defining the 1 root tonic of time as "x" which is really geometric magnitude based on x squared = 2 as the octave. And so when people learn "Doe a Deer" music scale as the supposed diatonic scale - that already assumes that 2/3 is 4/3 as the Harmonic mean with 3/2 as the Arithmetic Mean and 2 as the octave - and this can only happen if you change the root tonic from 1 as 0 to 8 geometric magnitude to then 12 to 0 with the time reversal as a noncommutative phase shift. Philolaus did this by FLIPPING his Lyre around so that 0 to 12 is actually 6/8 as 3/4 wavelength of 0 to 8 root tonic with 4/3 as the Perfect Fourth (geometric magnitude!!) and then so 12/8 is 3/2 as geometric magnitude PLUS 4/3 as 8 to 6 so that 12 to 6 equals 2 as geometric magnitude. Notice the bait and switch! It's called the "phantom tonic" of the Perfect Fourth since as overtones there is no perfect fourth! the 4/3 "harmonic ratio" only exists by assuming that the 4/3 is actually the harmonic mean that is commutative so that the Perfect Fifth x Perfect Fourth = Octave only works if you ignore the actual Pitch intervals since 2/3 is C to F as undertone and 3/2 is C to G as overtone. Meaning you could have 2/3 x 3/4 as the 1/2 wavelength but you can NOT do that as harmonic mean value since it HAS to be a value of 2 for the octave as geometric mean squared so that Perfect fifth can be ADDED to Perfect Fourth as geometric magnitudes. So not until you get into 1/2 spin as a phase-echo in quantum physics does this error get rediscovered. Ooops! Converting noncommutative time-frequency to seconds as radians is a mess and it has secretly caused a ton of problems in the world. As Math Professor Luigi Borzacchini states - this "negative judgement paradox" of time-frequency means there is a "deep pre-established disharmony" that drives the "evolutive principle" of science. we LISTEN to sound - so we don't need no stinking 4pi to define seconds and by Adam assuming 4pi as seconds he's converted time to a visual measurement - that goes against ALL principles of real listening to music. haha.

So then because for quantum it is converted from noncommutative phase into symmetric amplitude - and ignores relativity - then for the Schroedinger equation, the Hydrogen atom in its ground state has the radius of the sphere go to infinity. And so Schroedinger's wave mechanic can not even be used for spin effects to be measured. Since the Matrix Mechanics has the noncommutative Heisenberg Uncertainty principle built into the math, then you don't get the "intractable infinities" as is the case of Schroedinger's wave mechanics.

See "Hydrogen Atom according to wave mechanics. I. Spherical Polar Coordinates."

So when Nicholas de Cusa in the 15th Century gave his Platonic claim that a Circle is a circumference no where and the center everywhere - this was a Calculus definition based on the polygon of infinite sides with the circle as the limit. But this goes back to Plato - whereas  Archimedes is given credit as the originator of PI as a transcendental number it was Archytas, Plato and Euxdoxus who formulated irrational magnitude as the definite "contained infinity." And as I reiterated recently - in fact the approximation of PI in Egypt was based on the harmonic ratio of 9/8 which again is actually a squared or divide and average value of (3/2 x 3/4)/2.

And so as Kepler realized, just as with Shakti and Shiva - the triangle inside the circle - is based on male and female numbers that are never contained. And so Kepler was against the closed form of the Golden Ratio (that reverses the order of infinity from A is to B as B is to A plus B transformed into A is to B as B is to A - B.

yeah poor Adam thinks seconds are just 4pi - but time-frequency uncertainty originates from noncommutative phase as the 5th dimension, as quantum entanglement. This was the original meaning of music as meditation from Pythagoras. 1 was not a number as 2 was the resonance of the infinite void as odd-even at the same time. So then 3 /2 is C to G as overtone Perfect Fifth and 2/3 is C to F as undertone Perfect Fifth at the same time. Any throat singing with undertones requires meditation to get ultrasonic overtones which have ELF subharmonics via vagus nerve relaxation Dr. Andrija Puharich went into all this with his Hydron-Phonon Effect - and so said the phase coherence of spin causes reverse time. So as Lee Smolin emphasizes (he trained from the same quantum physics professor I had) - time is not just math. Time can be negentropy since we listen FASTER than Fourier Uncertainty (where seconds are defined by 2 pi or 4 pi if using quantum)..... I did a couple blog posts on this - has the details.

 Negentropy was coined by Schroedinger's book "What is life?" in the 1930s and the 2016 award winning science book "Life on the Edge" details how contrary to quantum physics, in quantum biology we know that Schroedinger was correct. Quantum entanglement is not random but rather noncommutative phase coherence as nonlocality as the 5th dimension from time-frequency noncommutative phase. So de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony, that inspired Schroedinger, definitely has reverse time as a phase wave that is superluminal.

 The 9 Muses are from 2:3:4 as eternal frequency inverse to time, based on overtone and undertones at the same time - any throat singing in Central Asia could tell you. haha. It was the early Greeks of Plato, Archytas, Philolaus and Eudoxus who turned music into physics and so gullible Westerners think that geometric magnitude logarithms are time-frequency resonance! Hilarious. If you silently press a G on the piano and hold it down and then strike a C hard and release - magically the G issues forth. But the first overtone of that G as harmonic is the Perfect Fifth which is D and so in Indian music it's well know that the Perfect Fourth emphasizes the tonic since the first overtone of F is the root tonic at C as the octave lower. And so it goes infinitely - it's called the "three gunas of no guna" in India music. All human cultures use the 1:2:3:4 harmonics of natural resonance - even other animals favor them - like Hermit Thrush birds are proven to choose natural harmonics - or the songs of chickadees, etc. haha. It's been proven the strongest amplification of neurons in the brain is from natural harmonics of 1:2:3:4 - and what does that mean? Infinite time-frequency resonance as the origin of the Universe - because the magic of music is that we LISTEN faster than then the linear operator of physics "time-frequency uncertainty." ADAM has defined time by the symmetric logarithmic math of physics!! Hilarious. He thinks seconds are 2pi or 4pi as geometric irrational magnitude!! Nope - he got brainwashed by Philolaus flipping his Lyre around and claiming infinity starts from 0 as a contained physical geometry of time that is inherently mistuned - "compromised" against the natural harmonics of reality. haha. The whole Universe started from Sound as is taught in China, India and the rest of the World - the LOGOS means 1:2:3:4 as infinite harmonics but that's not true if time is defined by Adam as irrational magnitude of 2pi or 4pi seconds.

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