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Spooky Action At a Distance that Uses Telepathic Methods - youtube playlist

Best Compilation of Bioenergy Spirit Demonstrations youtube playlist

Idiot's Guide to Daoist Taoist Yoga Neidan Qigong Alchemy Neigong Meditation Kundalini Energy links on youtube

77 Different Sources on de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony and Spiritual Force

The Blue Light of Blues Music: Quantum Biology, Metaphysics and Meditation

Phrygian Frisson Ravel adagio piano concerto 2nd movement playlist
"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

My new blog is

Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Negative Time: Adam Neely is officially brainwashed by classical physics for his music youtube channel

Poor Adam made several serious science errors in the first minute and 35 seconds of this vid. Obviously he got brainwashed by classical physics in high school, when instead he should have taken quantum mechanics as his first physics class. For example I knew better than to be brainwashed by high school math and physics, so I took quantum mechanics my first year of college by a professor who is now having quantum entanglement superluminal satellite communication being tested by NASA. So Adam is trying to be all "high tech" when in fact he's still very Casio. haha.

For example he says as soon as you create an undertone then you've created a new fundamental pitch! But why is it that the fundamental pitch has to assume zero as its starting point when the overtone series starts with 1. The Overtone series does not allow 4/3 since 2 does not go into 3 and yet the Harmonic series allows 4/3 since it already assumes that 3/2 was SQUARED as 9/4 with the Octave 2 as the geometric mean squared based on zero as negative infinity. What Philolaus did was LIE with his Lyre by flipping around - so that 0 to 12 is the root tonic as 1 for one direction and then 12 to 6 is the geometric magnitude of the octave as the geometric mean squared with 3/2 and 4/3 as geometric magnitude, not actual frequency inverse to wavelength.

The key point here is that the subharmonic is noncommutative phase to the overtone - as Indian Rag music theory emphasizes - the F as the Perfect Fourth has C as its first overtone which then emphasizes C as the root tonic whereas G as the Perfect Fifth has D as its first overtone harmonic and so does NOT emphasize C as the root tonic. Therefore the Perfect Fourth is called MA as the secret "phantom tonic" as it is called. And the reason being that C to F as 2/3 undertone is Perfect Fifth while 3/2 overtone is C to G Perfect Fifth. Same music interval but the frequency and wavelength changes - and so the pressure and amplitude curve changes. But our ears do not hear a difference since they are still both Perfect Fifth intervals!

This is why LISTENING is proven to be FASTER THAN FOURIER UNCERTAINTY or time-frequency uncertainty due to noncommutative phase. You can try it out for yourself. Take a tone and make the time short and short - and guess what? The root tonic - instead of spreading out as an uncertainty, as the math says it should, rather, the root tonic does a Perfect Fifth phase shift. Why? Because it's proven the highest pitch we hear externally actually resonates the brain as a whole as ultrasound which in turn transduces the microtubules of our neurons 3000 times stronger than any other frequency. This is called the HyperSonic Effect - since there is also a subharmonic ELF wave that is the precessional sideband magnetic moment of the proton to electron. Don't take my word for it - I have it all proven with tons of references and quotes from scientists and images, etc.

So then we get to the SECOND error of Adam within his first minute and thirty-five seconds - that the imaginary number is just math and does not exist in reality. This is SO wrong it's barely funny. haha. Also I will copy this comment just in case it gets censored. But in defense of Adam - a lot of - in fact most scientists are still brainwashed by classical physics. "the energy momentum can be seen by an inertial observer to be moving backwards in time and/or moving out of the future directed light cone." So the paradox is that science is limited by external observation based on light while internal listening is superluminal and quantum coherent as spin 1/2 phase - I have corresponded with Nobel physicist Brian Josephson about this.

Think of it this way: So as the particle moves the internal frequency goes down while internal time (relativity) goes up (slows down) and then the particle's guiding wave momentum goes up (frequency goes up past the speed of light) while the wavelength goes down. How does that relate to the imaginary number based on noncommutative phase?

I have corresponded with math professor Louis Kauffman about this  he used to work at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.

"The special synchronization is the algebra of the time shift embodied in ηη = 1 and [a, b]η = η[b, a] that makes the algebra of i = [1,−1]η imply that i squared = −1. "
  Sonic Relativity reveals emergence of gravity from macro-quantum quasi-particles
Foundations of Physics pdf - published August 2017
Sonic Clocks and Sonic Relativity:
It is worth noting that if we had access to devices that were built from quasiparticles [macroquantum phonons] made up from the medium itself, then sonic relativity would emerge naturally. 

Professors Pierre Deymier and Keith Runge:

it's based on a phononic structure that basically supports sound waves; our systems are acoustic quantum analogs of qubits. We call them Phi-Bits. So they exhibit the same capabilities of having superposition of states but they do not have the drawback of decoherence. They are stable. the interaction of sound with other physical and biological waves but also brings to light examples of extrinsic processes that can lead to symmetry breaking. The coherent conversion of sound into other types of waves as well as the sound-induced non-conventional topology of elastic, electronic, spin and biological waves are presented in the case of media exhibiting elasto-electronic, photo-elastic, magneto-elastic effects and biological mechano-transduction....The superposition of elastic states... is therefore measurable without wave function collapse in contrast to what would be the case for the superposition of states of a true quantum system....  

A sound wave that hit the second horizon would bounce back toward the first event horizon, where it would trigger more sound-wave pairs that parted ways at the black-hole boundary.

“The Hawking radiation amplifies itself,” Steinhauer says.

 Cat licking increases the serotonin but so does their Purring - shown to increase bone growth due to the ELF subharmonics as reverse time precession of the electron-proton magnetic moment. It's quantum biology. The felid purr: A healing mechanism?: The Journal of the Acoustical ... by E von Muggenthaler - ‎2001 - ‎Cited by 3 - ‎

 An accelerometer was also used to measure domestic cat purrs. Every felid in the study generated strong frequencies between 25 and 150 Hz. Purr frequencies correspond to vibrational/electrical frequencies used in treatment for bone growth/fractures, pain, edema, muscle growth/strain, joint flexibility, dyspnea, and ...
 Math professor (Fields medal) Alain Connes on quantum music as noncommutative time-frequency origin of reality from infinite spiral of perfect fifths!

     "It is precisely the irrationality of log(3)/ log(2) which is responsible for the noncommutative [complementary opposites as yin/yang] nature of the quotient corresponding to the three places {2, 3,∞}. -The first natural thing that you would try to get, to get this space would be a sphere, so you can compute the spectrum of the sphere, it is an object of dimension two. So this would never work. You think you are in bad shape because all the shapes we know ...but this is ignoring the noncommutative work. This is ignoring quantum groups. There is a beautiful answer to that, which is the quantum sphere. Musical shape has geometric dimension zero....We could classify finite's related to mathematics and related to the fact that there is behind the scene, when I talk about the Dirac Operator, there is a square root, and this square root, when you take a square root there is an ambiguity. And the ambiguity that is there is coming from the spin structure."
    "Our brain is an incredible ....perceives things in momentum space of the photons we receive and manufactures a mental picture. Which is geometric. But what I am telling you is that I think ...that the fundamental thing is spectral [frequency]....And somehow in order to think we have to do an enormous Fourier Transform...on geometry. By talking about the "music of shapes" is really a fourier transform of shape and the fact that we have to do it in reverse."
 If you sit and wait long enough then someone might come along and finally prove to your fancy that which you desperately don't want to know about. But I doubt it. I mean why should anyone want to try to demonstrate anything to you? haha. The scientists are definitely part of the problem as the problem started with the exponential logarithmic function, as physics professor Albert Bartlett points out - that takes us right back to Plato, Archytas and Eudoxus.

 Have you read Erno Lendvai's book on Bartok? He came close to figuring out the secret. Erno Lendvai states, “The tritones' overtones act as subdominants [fourths] and as dominants [fifths] at the same time. ... Lendvai, Bela Bartok, p. 24.  And this gets into noncommutative phase as the 5th dimension origin of reality.

 Aion means eternal reverse time from the Pythias goddess - the cerebrospinal fluid that is ionized into the pineal gland. So Plato lied about Pythagorean philosophy when he stated Air is to Fire as Water is to Earth, which really was his geometric irrational magnitude lie. Air is 6, Fire is 8, Water is 9 and Earth is 12 as harmonics and so alchemically the Kundalini (Fire in the Earth) is 8 to 12 (2/3 subharmonic) as noncommutative phase with 9 to 6 (reverse time Water into Air as the Aether). So when Anaximander said that the Void Breathes time into existence - through pan pipes - this is in reference to modern human quantum biology. As Nobel Physicist Gerard 't Hooft states clearly we exist within 5D black holes that are moebius strips of the future and past. So the Aion is alchemy that enables experiencing the future and changing the past. haha.

"Binaural hearing is the acoustic analog of the interferometer or double-slit experiments. The two ears can be regarded as an acoustic interferometer, which recovers the phase difference of signals between the two ears by binaural correlation….matter waves are locally in phase with the superluminal particle clocks (de Broglie’s Law of Phase Harmony).

The clock runs forever so it’s self-sustaining (consciousness-energy). It resonates with the quantum vacuum." Physics Professor Manfred Euler "Universal coherence" - a "mind boggling outlook."

Phase harmony in de Broglie theory relates a local periodic phenomenon (the 'particle clock') to a periodic propagating field in such a way that relativistic invariance is satisfied. If a similar phenomenon in the cell is relevant it should couple the global oscillation pattern locally with periodic (mechanic, electric, biochemical ???) processes.

Coherence as consciousness.

    "Ghost Tones"

    Manfred Euler is a Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Kiel.

 Don't flip that Lyre around! That's how Philolaus got us all into this mess. 

You're powered by quantum mechanics. No really... (UK Guardian, Oct. 2014)

"Once again we see Schrodinger's order from order capable of capturing quantum events, and what Jordan termed amplification of quantum phenomena into the macroscropic world. Life seems to bridge the quantum and classical worlds, perched on the quantum edge (p. 132)....If we return to our musical analogy one final time, with the guitar acting as the odorant molecule and the guitar strings as the molecular bonds that need to be plucked, then the receptors come in Eric Clapton or Jimi Hendrix forms. Both can play the same molecular notes, but right- or left-handed molecules have to be picked up by right- or left-handed receptors, just as right-handed guitars have to be played by right-handed guitarists....This combination of shape and quantum vibration recognition at last provides a model that fits nearly all experimental data." (pp. 163-4)
Philolaus claimed that 0 to 8 is the root tonic as 3/4 wavelength for 4/3 frequency while 0 to 12 is the root tonic 1 for 8/12 wavelength as 3/2 frequency so that 12 to 6 could be the 2 as the Octave, geometric mean squared with 12 to 8 as geometric mean 3/2 and 8 to 6 as geometric mean 4/3. That is how the PErfect Fifth plus Perfect Fourth is supposed to equal the Octave when it really doesn't since 2 does not go into 3. He did this by flipping his Lyre around! haha. what a joke. Therefore 2/3 as C to F Perfect Fifth frequency was no longer allowed since it went against 3/2 as the arithmetic mean x harmonic mean = geometric mean squared. The truth is that G=3=F at the same time since 3 is the overtone but 4/3 is not part of the overtone series. This is called the "phantom tonic" in music theory. Noncommutative phase is the 5th dimension as the "ghost wave" as Einstein called it or the "ghost tone" as Professor Manfred Euler calls it or the "quantum undertone" as Dionysios G Raftopoulos, electrical engineer calls it. Professor Pierre Deymier, "Phi-Bits" or quantum phase bits using sound or phonons for room temperature nonlocal macroquantum superconductivity computing.

    "Reciprocity of fundamental frequency transmission coefficient (FFTC) is now investigated. Since the geometry is symmetric with respect to its center at f from A to B with two opposite values of v is equivalent to comparing FFTCs from A to B and B to A at f with a single value of v. "
 Quantum is the foundation of reality as per rational science but in fact it was de Broglie who explained the foundation of reality as quantum relativity. I have 77 different quotes and references on de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony. Noncommutative phase is the foundation of reality and it is from music theory. Western science originated from the wrong music theory as math professor Luigi Borzacchini points out.

Professor Laszlo Bela Kish
"Quantum field theory (quantum electrodynamics) has solutions with negative frequency. Dirac's relativistic electron equation has two solutions, one with positive frequency and one with negative frequency.  The absolute values of these frequencies are identical and satisfy E = Mc^2 = hf for the electron. The negative frequency means a state (a hole) in the sea of negative energies thus, according to Dirac, when an electron falls into such a hole, then annihilation happens and  2E = 2Mc^2 energy is radiated (two gamma photons with E=0.51 MEV energy in the opposite directions). Dirac called the "hole" positron and this was the theoretical discovery of antimatter."
So that is called the de Broglie-Einstein equation but with the Law of Phase Harmony then momentum as the superluminal noncommutative phase is not conserved!!

Sir John Pendry has a great metamaterials lecture that gets into the physical reality of this stuff:
So you harvest broadband light (high frequency) to a zero point as reverse time (high intensity) so that velocity slows down, with density as amplitude squared going to infinity. The wavelength structure enhances the energy by 10,000 times. This is de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony engineered into light harvesting from reverse time due to subwavelength singularity structures.

 248 videos that proves, all hard science, that the imaginary number is real. Playlist

 yes just eat San Pedro and negative time will be experienced. I had a whole life review in the Andes when I was there with a beautiful Venezuela indigena female with whom I was in love with. Amazing vision. I could not stop it but it connected time not chronologically but rather through the psychological energy blockages. Music works the same way - a great book on this is called "The Haunting Melody" by Theodore Reik.

 "For example, the Aharonov-Bohm effect in electronic systems can be mimicked by performing a time-reversal acoustic experiment (in which sensed acoustic waves are time-reversed by computer and emitted back through the same transducers) in the presence of a water vortex (142). In a recent experiment, Fleury et al. (143) constructed a ring-shaped resonator in which the air was set into circulation. The flowing medium induced a strong Doppler effect, through which sound propagation was shown to be nonreciprocal among the three outlet ports. This is a system that breaks reciprocity and therefore enables true acoustic isolation. Incorporation of nonlinearity into acoustics has shown very interesting results such as reconfigurability (130–132), high-intensity focusing (128), and nonreciprocal transmission (129, 137, 144–146). Systems whose property (for example, effective mass) is temporally modulated are also able to display nonreciprocity (147)."
 When you say we - you mean over half the cultures on EArth that got wiped out by Western colonialism in the past 500 years - or when you say "we" - you mean the fastest rate of species gone extinction since 65 million years ago when the asteroid hit - or when you say "we" - you mean that evolution ended for large mammals (that means us) in the 1970s due to loss of habitat (conservation biologist Dr. Michael Soule). So if Oil peaks out and collapses and coal gets phased out then Global Dimming ends so global warming is doubled - which kicks in the methane Bomb in the arctic plus the oceans already storing 90% of heat - that kicks out - and with no arctic ice ( probably next year) then permafrost on the tundra, and no albedo effect - So we humans did live sustainably for 90% of our biological history since 100,000 years ago. The original human culture had no warfare, no rape, no masturbation, no homosexuality (did not even know what it was) and all males trained to be spiritual healers and the females killed their new born fetuses if they were still nursing another baby - which they did till 2 years old. So it was a strict culture with a focus on music trance healing for 90% of our biological history. This is called the Rainbow Dream Time - right brain dominant - so in that healing state there is no linear time. Just as science has proven - mushrooms and trees communicate via biophotons - so science has proved we emit biophotons out of our eyes. We each have spirits of coherent biophoton energy - which does not experience linear time but rather dream time. And so when we die, our spirits leave our bodies as a dream that is MORE REAL than "surviving" while awake and supposedly alive. This is why many nonwestern cultures call us - WE - as suffering from Ghost POllution since our ghosts are lower frequency red-shifted evil intentional emotion blockages. For example in the original human culture - the San Bushmen - when a bird is killed it is not eaten till the next day. Why? Because they understood quantum biology - much more sophisticated than us. Quantum biology means they knew the spirit of the bird after death will tell the other birds that humans are eating the birds. So they wait for the spirit to go from the area before eating the bird. And so their "we" included their ghosts living inside their bodies!! Our "we" excludes our ghosts and so we have ghost pollution as subconscious lower emotional blockages.


  1. I've decided to remedy my lack of musical knowledge and experience. If the local piano ever gets tuned, I may mess around with it. Anyways, since I like theory, I have looked into books to possibly examine while I putz around. This one stood out to me---I don't know if you've read it but it does directly focus on the issue of equal temperament. I don't know about you, but I find it's easier to discuss complicated matters if I can direct people to an external source that speaks directly about things. I don't know if the book has merit, though. But reading the title and summary, it seems good:

    1. Thanks - I am taking a closer look at that book now. I have seen it before and it looks like a similar approach to Lamonte Young - I recently emailed them a day or two ago - his foundation. So in this book you link - he defines the root tonic as 1:1 as based on comparing 2 strings with each other! Now he uses the term "ratio." Here's the deal. We all get brainwashed by this stuff - so everyone learns the word "ratio" without questioning it. Actually "proportion" refers to at least 3 continued fractions compared - for the Greeks as geometric symbols - and so the interesting thing with music is it was called "logistics." So you can compare fractions as continued proportions without the geometric figures. And so right away there is the "negative paradox judgement" from the get go! Is the root tonic defined by starting at 0 for the wavelength? If so and frequency is inverse to wavelength then obviously the 0 can only refer to the wavelength as geometric magnitude! Suddenly now "ratio" just refers to geometric magnitude which is NOT the same as what Pythagoras taught of frequency as inverse to wavelength (as time). Now we know that the principle or Law of PYthagoras is true. Yet suddenly we are told - no it's not a fraction it's a RATIO. The reason we are taught that is to secretly convert frequency/wavelength to geometric magnitude so that the ORDER of the number does not matter.

      And so the PYthagoreans taught that ONE is NOT a NUMBER - and so if the author defines the One as a Ratio of 2 strings - that completely defies the true meaning of harmonics as Pythagoras taught. Why is ONE not a number? Because 2:3:4 are infinite resonance since 2/3 is C to F that is inverted to 4/3 as C to F and so one. The Chinese constructed the scale properly since they used Pitch Pipes - not STRINGS - so they can have 4/3 pipe as 3/4 wavelength of 2/3. In other words if the first note as 1 has wavelength 9 then 6 is 2/3 wavelength but then 4/3 wavelength of that is 8 and all this is FINE because there is never a need to try to line up the octave with the Fifth/Fourths. The chinese accepted - just as the early Orthodox Pythagoreans did - that 2 does not go into 3 and so the truth is noncommutative phase. I searched that book for noncommutative and of course it's not in there. haha. Alain Connes knows this truth but he just got the Fields Medal in math and lectures on quantum music - so I guess people should just ignore him as not really understanding much.

    2. O.K. so then the author conflates the Harmonic Series with the Overtone Series. Hey - I made the same error until recently as well. How was I supposed to realize that we were all being SCAMMED!! The overtones series DOES NOT HAVE THE PERFECT FOURTH. The only way the Harmonic Series can have the Perfect Fourth is by actually having the ratios as irrational magnitude since the 4/3 fraction is actually from the octave 2 as geometric mean squared!!

      So I'll look to see if he even gets into that conundrum. But so far he's just claiming they are the same thing.

    3. Right so next he gets into the Major Third as 5/4 instead of equal tempered or (even worse) the Pythagorean fifths created third as 81/64. The problem with this claim is that - did you notice how I described the Chinese constructing the scale? It was ONLY by using the Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth as inversions to the octave. And so in actuality 81/64, as I just referenced yesterday - is from 9/8 squared from Philolaus and Archytas. And this is what people don't realize - the concept of irrational magnitude was created FIRST from music and not the other way around.

    4. So just to prove my point - check out this music professor website on music theory. So he has the supposed natural harmonics as ratios only instead of saying the root tonic is 1 as overtone fundamental pitch - or saying that it is 1:1 as two strings that are equal frequency - he defines the root tonic as X. Why X? Because Archytas proved that there are no "epimoric ratios" that evenly divide the octave based on the overtone series as rational numbers. So Archytas though did not give a "formal" proof - not until Euclid did it appear. But as soon as "X" is defined as the root tonic - you know what that means? It means SOUND that we LISTEN to is inherently defined as a geometric space, not as based on time and frequency. And so the basic equation being 2/1= x squared and so this is from Archtyas. Archytas defined the octave, from Philolaus, as the geometric mean squared which means x is actually the Tritone as the square root of 2. And so the Do-Re-Mi scale that everyone learns in Doe a Deer - actually inherently assumes the tritone already since it covered up noncommutative phase!

    5. I think I understand. Kind of like the "pythagorean theorem" proper---where A^2 +B^2 = C^2. This has the equal-tempered notion of space where each of the legs of the triangles is defined (ostensibly in a complete way) with respect to the two other legs. It "closes the loop" and tries to conflate the entire situation into something that can be placed in a geometric space that is right in front of you. The fact that space/matter is itself contoured on itself and form emerges rhythmically is entirely removed from it. Geometry, in this sense, is timeless.

      But, in music, the problem is even bigger. With the tritone, like the three legs of the triangle, we define each tone respectively to an equal tempered scale. And so, there is a symmetric relation between each tone that is described in a timeless mathematics. In the same way that the timeless euclidean geometry deadens the dynamism and rhythmic nature of reality and its structures, so (also) does the equal tempered scale deaden the more dynamic and rhythmic nature of reality---breaking the the harmony that defines the natural contours of space-time/the relative points used when navigating rhythmic reality.

      It is more obvious is music than geometry because music is past-present-and-future relativity. There is the initiation of a discernible sound but a sound only has distinctness relative to another. So even the "relative silence" that could precede a song is still something that contributes to the experience of music as it is played.

      Would it be fair to say that a departure from pure rhythm is part of this? Kind of like how carnatic musicians would play basically by repetition and later with a sort of call and response conversational quality to their music? They didn't have the abstract quality of timing or even note-taking in their traditional training.

    6. yes that is very true but Pythagorean harmonics do have the secret of alchemy to them - so there is a science to the complementary opposites. The best book on this science is "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" and so what I've realized is that in fact the Daoist music tuning is the same as that book - since the 1 note was actually the lunar energy. I did a blog post on that. But the thing about the wrong "divide and average" math is that by using geometry to try to "freeze" time as symmetric phase - it still has to admit there is a linear operator conversion of time to frequency that is inherently uncertain. So if you read my music theory blog book - - this is called the Devil's Interval - so what I derived mathematically from music theory is the SAME as what quantum physics has discovered. Quantum entanglement originates from noncommutative phase as quantum coherence nonlocality. So there is a method to the madness - it is not just some intuitive thing nor is it just some random thing nor is it inherently unknowable until "measured" using a linear operator.

    7. Interesting. That kind of gets back to what I was wondering about with the earlier mention of rajas---the book seemed like it was open enough for the designation of rajas to apply to other parts of the scale and not just the perfect fifth. I could be wrong on that point, but it was what I was thinking about with my original comment. It seemed like it opened up the idea for time-symmetry instead of time reversal or time cycles.

      You don't need to keep at explaining it. My understanding is already better. Especially with the more focused article that you had written about the non-commutative phase.

      I guess it's still a bit weird for me. I'm a bit more like Raymond Smullyan where I would consider things fundamentally in terms of a Taoist ontology. Sciencey things are always simplified descriptions. Unfortunately, it's difficult to try and reiterate an understanding without using the same terms that it was expressed in when it was initially explained.

      I haven't looked into the formal presentation of De Broglie's law of phase harmony--but I do know mathematical manifolds. A key issue that will always be an issue is that time is considered to be (often) geometric and (more fundamentally) isotrophic. Since it is neither, there is really nothing meaningful that can be done while connecting it (or harmonics which exemplify the actual harmonic contours of reality) to physics. It's basically an ontic issue that is never properly dealt with because science is done in an essentially epistemic frame. So, though "non-commutative phase" is probably the closest thing in science to exemplifying the dynamic, it still carries with it the ontically decontextualized ontological assumptions of the culture of science.

      Which, I guess, is exemplified with how you use the different resources. But not telegraphing this distinction makes a lot of room for people to get lost while reading and understanding. And, even though there may have been the initial intent to basically bypass cognition by entraining a reader to the harmonics present in your energy (which the reader entangles with as they read), this tends to be a bit of a problematic issue. It's kind of like how advaitists do their subtle politicking---they basically infuse their concepts with an energy and consciousness and, because they can use the concept to induce a particular state, they then use it as a justification for using a politically expansionist scheme of ideas and practices. If a person is reasonably self-aware, they may recognize the distinction. But, regardless of the idea scheme or consciousness/energy state induced, the habits of mind will fight with the energetic change because no smooth transition was made. So being a bit more conscious of the ideas that other people have (and how to use them as a starting point to leading to non-commuative, complementary opposite harmonics) could help things along.

    8. Or, at least, setting the stage with the more accessible things the in philosophy of science--kind of like with Bas van Frassen's book about empiricism in science---this would bring to light the fact that most people (casual readers and scientists alike) tend to cover over reality with concepts. This is an elementary issue that helps with zooming in on where and how things go wrong.

    9. You can get the "small universe" meditation c.d. at and then just practice that.

  2. Thanks.

    I don't have a great understanding of things yet. It is mostly from the analytical philosophy---which has a bias towards symmetry and the applications of symmetry in logic, algebra, geometry, and linguistics.

    But I have a general understanding of it from the history of mathematics. Again, I'm not too deep into the musical origins of mathematics---I'm working mostly with the basic intuitions from direct experience that led to the creation of mathematical concepts.

    Kind of like how arithmetic is not an analytic science but is instead is a synthetic one. Arithmetic expressions involve numbers. Numbers, in practical terms, are generated in a series. The series itself has a start and end point. So it is basically defined by difference and repetition. So we can't treat numbers as abstract objects even though this is what is done in modern mathematics (with abstract algebra and formal languages). With things like the set constructor notation we abstract the concept of number away from its experiential origins. Hence, instead of issues of "quantity" on an equal tempered scale (of any sort), we simply have a name ascribed to something empirical which is similar yet different from something we chose to keep track of.

    It's like the origin of metrics. We start by counting steps. Steps have natural irregularity and conform to the terrain. So we could have an instruction like move 10 paces north. But we abstract away the active agent, the terrain, and the process of traversal when we give a geometric description. Instead we take an even metric scale like meters or feet and ascribe it in an averaged way to the space between a designated start and end-point.

    So it is basically the use of mathematical descriptions is plagued at every turn by the fallacy of misplaced concreteness. Instead of defining the path from point A to point B by the natural contours of the land and other relevant details, we are instead given a description that says more about the evened-out description of distance that is present in the culturally endorsed system of measurement. And, what is worse, the manner of reference (in language) tends to give greater emphasis to the abstract thing used in measurement (i.e. a meter or a mile) than to the actual thing being dealt with.

    So my knowledge of the particulars of music theory is not quite developed at this point. But I do get the interesting hyperdimensional curly-queue that goes with reality feeding back into itself as an echo.

    To me, though, this indicates that we're not really dealing with "time" at all. Time seems to be subsumed in the actual, quasi-material feedback of of the substance of reality. Which probably leads back to the issue of proportion and the complementary opposites which enable this process.

    Thanks again, though. It will be something to get back to when I know more of the basics.

    1. Thanks for the comments - yes the concept is noncommutative phase instead of divide and average. So now I discovered - the music theory page I relied on before has a TYPO in the math!! haha.


      This ratio, 129.75632 : 128 is the Pythagorean comma

      OOPs - somebody typed a 5 instead of a 4.

      So I will reanalyze the math - but the same concept holds.

      Also I'll email that professor to let them know the typo.
