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"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

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Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

West African Sumerian Connections as the 3:2 timeline from original humans as spiritual masters of levitation, telepathy and bilocation

Acholonu was the Director of the Catherine Acholonu Research Center, Abuja (CARC), which she co-founded with Ambassador (Dr.) Ajay Prabhakar.[2] The center, based in Abuja, is pioneering research into Africa's pre-history, stone inscriptions, cave art, and linguistic analyses of ancient symbols and communication mediums from the continent. She argues that Nigerian rock-art inscriptions, known as Ikom Monoliths, prove that "Sub-Saharan African Blacks possessed an organized system of writing before 2000 B.C." and that she and her assistants are able to translate these.[3]
In her book, They Lived Before Adam: Prehistoric Origins of the Igbo The Never-Been-Ruled, she says that Igbo oral tradition is consistent with scientific research into the origins of humanity. Speaking at the Harlem Book Fair, Acholonu summarised the content of her argument as follows:
Our research includes the origin and meanings of symbols used in every religion and sacred literature all over the world. In these, we found that the Hebrew Bible, the Kabbalahs of the Hebrews and the Chinese, the Hindu Vedas and Ramayana, and the recently discovered Egyptian Christian Bible called the Nag Hammadi are of immense importance in revealing lost knowledge. Wherever we looked we found evidence confirming the claims by geneticists who have been conducting mitochondrial DNA research in four leading universities here in the USA that all mankind came from sub-Saharan Africa, that Eve and Adam were black Africans...Igbo oral traditions confirm the findings of geneticists, that by 208000BC – 208000 BC – human evolution was interrupted and Adam, a hybrid, was created through the process of genetic engineering. However, our findings reveal that the creation of Adam was a downward climb on the evolutionary ladder, because he lost his divine essence, he became divided, no longer whole, or wholesome. All over Africa and in ancient Egyptian reports, oral and written traditions maintain that homo erectus people were heavenly beings, and possessed mystical powers such as telepathy, levitation, bi-location, that their words could move rocks and mountains and change the course of rivers. Adam lost all that when his right brain was shut down by those who made him.[4]
Well I'm not saying I agree with this person but still it is interesting to consider her evidence and tragic she died young.

 I will say this, when I shared the San Bushmen original human culture with qigong master Jim Nance he said they had the most pure culture of spiritual training - but that they were not the first, there was an earlier even more pure culture. I didn't pursue him about this question.

Her book previewed on google

So she claimed Eridu, a lost city in West Africa was the real Atlantis and Eden of humanity.

Her talk on C-Span
 Her book Motherism discusses gender, culture and identity with a focus on women and mothering. This is offered as the Afrocentric alternative to western feminism. Acholonu affirmed that the notion must “be anchored on the matrix of motherhood which is central to African metaphysic and has been the basis of the survival and unity of the black race.” For her, motherism denotes motherhood and therefore rules out lesbianism.

Acholonu recognizes complementarity between male and female, and refers to the Male and Female principles in the creative order. Yet she asserts that in the hierarchy of Nigerian society where the male dominates, there is yet respect for the reality that the female is the bearer of life.
She also maintained that Biblical Eden was in the Niger delta, for which there is some evidence if we understand Eden as being a vast well-watered region extending from the Niger Basin to the Nile Valley.
Dr. Acholonu connected the Ar of Canaan to the Aro of Nigeria. She wrote, "In Nigeria the caste under reference is the Ar/Aro caste of Igbo Eri priest-kings, who were highly militarized in their philosophy." The Amorites were the Am-Ar, meaning the people/tribe/caste of Ar. They are called the Aro among the people living at the confluence of the Benue and Niger Rivers in Nigeria. Some migrated to this well-watered region before the time of Abraham. Catherine Acholonu claimed that they were a caste of scribes.

She wrote, "The Igbo Ar/Aro are the scribes of the Igbo God Ele/El (Chukwu Abiama) who dwells in the southern extension of the Underground Duat called the Long Juju. They were and are still proficient in various kinds of ancient scripts called Akwukwo Aka Igwe, and Nsibidi which has many Sumerian pictographs and Egyptian hieroglyphics and has been said to be older than 5000 yrs. Sumerian pictographs were in use by 3500 BC. That shows how old Nsibidi is. It has been called the oldest writing system in Africa. The Aro were originally the military arm of the Eri clan of Priest-kings who were the first Pharaohs of Egypt and the first kings of the world. They were charged with guarding the Great Serpent's Shrine called ARO BU N'AGU."
 This is interesting since the N/om snake of the San Bushmen culture is considered to be 70,000 years old. And also genetically - AfroAsian language is considered to have originated in West Asia and then moved back into Africa, bringing with it pastoralism and iron forging - via Arabia.

Of course it could be that the San Bushmen were originally from West Africa?

The google book does not discuss telepathy, bilocation nor levitation. I guess she was trying to be more "scholarly."?

This reminded me of another African analysis I happened upon that was all about Pythagorean complementary opposites as the secret of African culture - but I guess I didn't save that link!! Wow.

Maybe she cites that research in her book.

O.K. instead I discovered a fascinating academic analysis:
The 3:2 Relationship As the Foundation of Timelines in West African Musics
So there is a whole chapter on the inversion of Perfect 5th 3/2 and Perfect 4th (4/3) intervals as tied to the inversion of 3/2 and 2/3 rhythms in modulations of tonal keys in music.....

Oh this is a Ph.D. thesis! 1998. Cool. Eugene Dominic Novotney

So he emphasizes how music theorists recognize the 3/2 harmonic is found worldwide and is based on the principle of "the union of complementary opposites." But he does not seem to realize the secret of the math. Oh well. It takes a while to figure it out. He's focused on rhythms and how a duration of phase turns into a pitch as music - around 1/32 wavelength or time period....

And so he argues that the reason that the scale does not evenly divide between the octave and whole tone divisions of Perfect Fifth - is because of the inherent syncopation of the duration of phase!!

O.K. so he doesn't even realize the secret he has tapped into. So I'm gonna have to contact him.

So there are several books and articles on the African Origins of Greek Philosophy and the key secret is this union of complementary opposites. The key difference though is this is not symmetric geometric magnitude, as Plato and Archytas created, but instead the Orthodox, early, Pythagorean training.

The Hermetic (Tehuti) Principle of Polarity or Doctrine of Opposites says the Cosmos was founded upon contradictions: “Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in Nature [because of the Law of Correspondence], but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” Ancient Africans confirmed this by noting all around them the dualities, pairs, and contrasts of life–hot/cold, light/dark, night/day, male/female (Asante, Egyptian, p. 81).
The Greek Pythagoras (C5 BC) plagiarized these African fundamental 10 oppositions: (1) Limited/Unlimited; (2) Odd/Even; (3) One/Many; (4) Masculine/Feminine; (5) Right/Left; (6) Straight/Crooked; (7) Rest/Motion; (8) Light/Darkness; (9) Square/Oblong; and (10) Good/Evil.
OK I found the dude I read before - geomantic divination - the I Ching link to African philosophy.

Wim van Binsbergen

So he says the board game Mancala is also divination based on exponentials of 2 as complementary opposites and that this game was found in ancient Southern China.

He then says there is "mancala-like rock art" in east and central africa. So we know the new DNA evidence shows that in fact Africans went into Australia via Central asia and china.... is his website.

Dear Professor Novotney: Thank you for your excellent Ph.D. thesis, regarding the analysis of Stockhausen and the relation of phase to pitch with an inversion of rhythm for key modulation, via Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth (inversion of dominant as subdominant). Very fascinating! I would like to share a secret with you. There was a lie about music from Philolaus and Archytas regarding 3/2. For Archytas and Philolaus to create the basic logarithmic formula, Perfect Fifth plus Perfect Fourth = Octave meant that ONLY 3/2 as the frequency could be used for Perfect Fifth as arithmetic mean. That music theory equation is based on arithmetic mean x harmonic mean = geometric mean squared. So what Philolaus did was he FLIPPED his Lyre around!  Professor Richard McKirahan reveals this. It is kind of funny actually. So you maybe heard of the Phantom Tonic of the Perfect Fourth, since it can not be truly generated from the harmonic series starting with root tonic of 1? I.e. 4/3 does not have a denominator that resonates as 1. So then - what Philolaus did was say that if you use a double octave then the root tonic of 1 as 0 to 8 has 6/8 wavelength as 4/3 frequency but then 3/2 frequency is 8/12 wavelength. And then to convert it to geometric magnitude he flipped the octave around so that 12/8 is 3/2 as geometric magnitude (NOT wavelength) and 8/6 is 4/3 (as geometric magnitude). So then 9/8 was also geometric magnitude as the Perfect Fifth minus the Perfect Fourth or 3/2 x 3/4 = 9/8.
And so then the early Pythagorean or Orthodox Pythagorean secret was lost! See people learn the Pythagorean Comma as the difference between the octaves and Perfect Fifths not lining up - but that is NOT the same as the geometric magnitude that COVERED UP the inherent syncopation or noncommutative phase secret.
O.K. so far maybe I'm boring you - but guess what? The unification of quantum physics and relativity, as per the top Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes, is based on the SAME secret of noncommutative phase as spin 1/2 quantum entanglement of time-frequency energy. I have the details on my blog in case you're interested. Also the secret of nonwestern alchemy training of China and India (and Africa) is from this same secret of noncommutative phase.
So essentially if C is 1 and the octave C is 2 then G is 3 as the overtone perfect Fifth but F is also 3 as the undertone subharmonic Perfect Fifth at the same time! so you have noncommutative phase that got covered up by Archytas and Philolaus. Sure they created symmetric math of logarithms and exponentials and so launched the Western "miracle" of the continuum of irrational numbers - but also unleashed the loss of ancient spiritual wisdom from music alchemy!! And so we have all this fancy technology but also a severe ecological crisis and social injustice.
I did my master's thesis on "sound-current nondualism" - music theory and radical ecology. I finished the degree by training through the African Studies Department in nonwestern meditation with a Chinese qigong master and his assistant Jim Nance traveled through 14 countries of AFrica in 2 years in the 1980s  - initiating into shamanism. is his website. So these teachers can leave their body at will and do telepathy and long distance healing. Jim Nance also sang in a Global Blues band and that was also my music focus in college.
Thanks for your time and consideration and my blog is for all my free research - books, articles, blog posts.
I have articles with lots of images - like Blue Light and Blues Music - on quantum biology, meditation and metaphysics.
Take care and please let me know any criticisms, comments or questions,
drew hempel, MA

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