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"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

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Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Saturday, January 27, 2018

How the Universe is created from Nothing: The Whole Universe is Music as Noncommutative Phase

So this dude Alexander Vilenkin - gave a nice talk on how the Universe was created - at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Japan - a bunch of Nobel physicists, etc. (Gerard t'Hooft) - kind of grilled him or asked him questions.

He had followed another Russian physicist who gave a great talk with cool visuals on how we live in a Quantum Universe.

And so it was HILARIOUS to watch these top physicist debating what caused the wave function collapse of the Universe - Gerard t'Hooft asked maybe there is an "Observer Effect" so that the Universe is eternal for one Observer (God, Cosmic Mother, etc.) but not eternal for another observer (us mere mortals and spirits). He just used those term Observer.

So of course they are assuming a Schrodinger interpretation of quantum mechanics - the wave function - whereas de Broglie's Pilot Wave model realizes there is reverse time from the future! As astrophysicist Paul S. Wesson points out - that means we live in a 5D Black Hole - and so the cosmic inflation faster than the speed of light is from antigravity or reverse spacetime phonon energy - the true "sound-current nondualism" or formless awareness.

There was a great quantum consciousness lecture as well - so he points out that Phonons are "massless quanta" much like the "Cooper Pairs" used in Josephson Junctions for superconductors that capture photons from the future - virtual photons.

So the key secret of the Josephson Junction is that there is quantum phase coherence and this is also the secret of de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony. So our brains do this in meditation through the metamaterial of the microtubules - as P.P. Yupapin points out with Cherenkov Radiation as the blue light spacetime shift in meditation that is superluminal reverse time photons.

I received a nice reply from the Greek electrical engineer Dionysios G Raftopoulos who uses ancient Greek projective geometry to crack the secret of antigravity levitation through harmonics! He said that my analysis was impressive and that the whole Universe is Music.

So the big point of Viatcheslav Mukhanov - in his Quantum Universe lecture - is that the reason we have diversity in the Universe of galaxies is due to the original "time-frequency uncertainty" that existed at the origin of spacetime. In fact this is before time - and so it really is "Noncommutative phase" - they all admit it is from quantum entanglement or quantum tunneling.

So as Sir Roger Penrose points out - the secret of the Big Bang is that time is very asymmetric and yet coherent! So that means there is a huge vacuum energy of reverse time and negative frequency energy - this is as "noncommutative phase" as the 5th dimension.

So I sent back to the Greek electrical engineer Dionysios G Raftopoulos - Thank you kind sir! P.P. Yupapin and meditation as Cerenkov radiation: my blog is and links to all my free research. I thought this Buddhist nano-engineer research on quantum biology should interest you:

The brain signals can be modulated and demodulated by light via the THz carrier, where in this case the THz Rabi frequency is formed by wave-particle duality of light within the microring resonator [8,9], in which the light probe can be generated by the particle (photon) under the Cerenkov radiation [10,11]. Cerenkov radiation has become the interesting phenomenon which can be occurred in many aspects of natural behaviors, where in this study, a model of space-time paradox concept is proposed to describe the consciousness|sub-consciousness paradox, where the connection between light probe and brain signal can be formed and the mind and mater interfacing information described, which is useful for possible mind and dream investigations.

 Dionysios G Raftopoulos discusses this blue shift light from antigravity spacetime. For example the qigong master who befriended me - he shared how when he was in deep full lotus meditation with the original qigong master - in a church - with a third advanced student - all in full lotus meditation - there was a strong blue light and the energy got so strong that the walls of the church started cracking! So they had to stop meditating. haha.

The original qigong master emphasizes that even though galaxies and black holes are colliding in fact the Universe is created out of Universal Love and Harmony - this is because of the secret of the 5th dimension as "noncommutative phase" or protoconsciousness as being in two places at the same time - nonlocal time as noncommutative phase.

Yes I need to investigate the Eraser paradox more. I have read a few papers on it. On Pribram please read Eddie Oshin's critique of Pribram as no one knows about it!! Oshins worked with Pribram but Oshins explains that Pribram could not understand the math well enough. I'll get you the link. So here is the deal on Dollard. I investigated him more and he uses "Versors" - so those are Hamiltonian Quaternions. That is classical math but it is still "noncommutative." So Steinmetz used Versors and so did Heaviside. Dirac though realized that Heaviside's math actually was originally from Poisson. So this is known as the "Poisson Bracket" in quantum mechanics by Dirac. It converts the noncommutative math (the uncertainty) back into symmetric math.Oshins, E. (1991). About models and muddles, part I: Why Brown’s Laws of form and Pribram’s "hologram hypothesis" are NOT relevant to quantum physics and quantum psychology. In Manthey, M. (ed.), Alternatives in physics and biology. London: Alternative Natural Philosophy Association.

 Appendix IV: Schwinger Quantization for Incompatible Discriminations from Oshins, E. (1991). About models and muddles, part I: Why Brownís Laws of form and Pribram's "hologram hypothesis" are NOT relevant to quantum physics and quantum psychology. In Manthey, M. (ed.), Alternatives in physics and biology. London: Alternative Natural Philosophy Association.
So basically I have corresponded with math professor Louis Kauffman who worked at Stanford Linear Accelerator with Eddie Oshins and they collaborated together on the noncommutative phase logic of quantum physics. So Kauffman has been writing about how the imaginary number is actually the foundation of reality - as based on this complex number iteration of 1 and -1 - like a waveform that churns out matter and energy. He has given a couple lectures on youtube - at the Perimeter Institute and for the Vignier Symposium. So then someone in China - a physicist or electrical engineer - wrote a paper stating that the imaginary number (again of the complex number Quaternions) is totally not necessary since you can just use Fourier's analysis. So if you combine the sine and cosine then you get the complex number.
So I sent that to Kauffman and he replied that since the Chinese author had not referenced him he had probably never read his work and so he would read it. So hopefully he'll write a response. But the key thing is that Schroedinger's equation is a continuous function like Fourier - it's a wave function - but what Bohm revealed is that it is the 'imaginary number" aspect of the equation that is actually the "quantum potential" that is the nonlocal ether. And so again this is also what Eric Dollard is stating when he uses Versors - that he calls the "counterspace" - it is actually the imaginary number from Hamiltonian quaternions.

So the key factor that gets missed in the quantum versus classical debate is the noncommutative component. Normally it is considered to be the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle based on momentum and position and this is not due to a technical measuring limitation. Rather it is truly based on the order of measurement, hence the debate about consciousness. But what gets missed in all of this is that Schroedinger developed his wave function based on de Broglie's model of wave matter and yet de Broglie developed his analysis as a critique of Einstein's relativity. So Schroedinger just left out the relativity aspect which is the essence of the noncommutativity as based on the order of measurement.

So now de Broglie's pilot wave model is being rediscovered - as Professor Jean Bricmont has a new book out stating that the de Broglie-Bohm model is the only one that actually explains reality while the other quantum mechanics models do not explain reality. He has quotes that expose top scientists like Stephen Hawking as not understanding Bell's Inequality Theorem!! For example that link I sent you recently of the Harvard Astrophysicist Bob Doyle? He also does not understand Bell's Inequality Theorem. I have sent him links but he is set in his ways. I took quantum mechanics as my first physics course, my first year of college. And my professor emphasized that everyone should take quantum mechanics first since otherwise they get brainwashed by classical physics. haha.

So as Basil J. Hiley points out - and I've corresponded with him as well - he says on youtube that most physicists are still in denial about nonlocality. For example Quantum Field Theory and String Theory both deny quantum nonlocality. But de Broglie's original pilot wave was based on nonlocality! And Einstein even called the nonlocality as "ghost field" that Max Born refers to when Born first applied statistics to Schroedinger's wave function.

Anyway that's my take on it all - and I, include of course, that the severe ecological crisis and social injustice today is due to the wrong math ever since Plato and Archytas using the wrong music theory! The original music theory is noncommutative phase as a macroquantum meditation training - but Archytas would not allow the subharmonic ratio that is at the same time as the overtone. Shahn Majid points this out - when he discusses noncommutative calculus. He says that if you consider the differential to just be a number than changing the order of the number as noncommutative doesn't make any difference. But if you consider the differential to be a geometric symbol then changing the order does make it noncommutative. Basil J. Hiley says the same thing - there has to be reverse time from the future as noncommutative calculus. But this was in the original music theory - if 1 is the root tonic and 2 is the octave, both as C, then the geometric symbol G is the Perfect Fifth as 3 but the geometric symbol F is also the Perfect Fifth as the subharmonic. This is the noncommutative phase that Archytas covered up to create irrational numbers with the equation "arithmetic mean x harmonic mean = geometric mean squared."

Anyway so people want to follow Pribram and Bohm - that is based on Michael Talbot's best-seller book "The Holographic Universe." It includes paranormal and spiritual phenomenon. Qigong master Chunyi Lin read that book and said it is an accurate portrayal of reality. I read it also. But the very specifics of the training are not included and Eddie Oshins figured out the secret of the training! Eddie Oshins actually clued Pribram into the model, as he explains, but Pribram still could not understand the noncommutative math. So it's kind of complicated. As Shahn Majid admits - he is a physics professor who focuses on noncommutative analysis, along with Roger Penrose and Basil J. Hiley - and Majid says look we don't know what happens when a black hole shrinks down to the Planck Scale because then the quantum frequency pressure energy will stabilize, possibly, with the gravitational collapse. This is what de Broglie had already figured out as the Law of Phase Harmony. And Jean Charon developed a more realistic spiritual model. Too bad there are no English videos of Jean Charon on youtube. I used to have his book - but Nobel physicist Gerard t'Hooft has picked this up. The argument being we live within a 5th dimension of virtual micro black holes that are quantum entangled - and so store information holographically.

I have seen the qigong master do this! He stayed at our cabin just by St. Croix Falls and south of Taylor Falls. He told me he saw this white lady in a big fight with an asian lady in the kitchen. I knew that was my sister since her best friend has Asian ethnicity but they were not getting along and so had a big fight. So the strong emotions leave a stronger holographic imprint in the spacetime ether - it is noncommtuative phase just as Dollard calls it "counterspace."

thanks again,


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