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Best Compilation of Bioenergy Spirit Demonstrations youtube playlist

Idiot's Guide to Daoist Taoist Yoga Neidan Qigong Alchemy Neigong Meditation Kundalini Energy links on youtube

77 Different Sources on de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony and Spiritual Force

The Blue Light of Blues Music: Quantum Biology, Metaphysics and Meditation

Phrygian Frisson Ravel adagio piano concerto 2nd movement playlist
"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

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Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Saturday, September 2, 2017

The Amazing Analysis of SE Robbins on Wattless Power, Henri Bergson and the Holographic Mind

Glad to see SE Robbins is doing new youtube vids

He did his Ph.D. at U of Minnesota - as I recall - and he is a state over on a farm. He was nice enough to reply to my emails to him, a couple years ago.

In this vid - he kicks off mentioning the suppressed electromagnetic equations - something I mentioned recently again. This was pointed out to me as well by the Brazilian correspondent yogi - Guto Novo.

And so when I searched noncommutative phase Tesla alternative current - I discovered that indeed this was the secret of Tesla's sound-current ether - noncommutative - and it was suppressed. Essentially Tesla had discovered Louis de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony.

Robbins mispronounces de Broglie's name. Oh well. It's "De-Broy" - but that's French for you.

His newest vid was uploaded 2 hours ago! On the paradox of "mind" uploading.

Steinmetz figures prominently - and it was Steinmetz who realized that Tesla had utilized noncommutative phase as the secret of "wattless power."

As I quoted Tesla - the ether is a longitudinal wave - as de Broglie also figured out - and both utilized a noncommutative model. Tesla was a visionary samadhi genius while Steinmetz figured out the math for his model of reality.

Even Leonard Susskind in a new self-published "letter" admits that EP=EPR in its "strong form" means that GR=QM or that quantum entanglement enables a "back-reaction in black holes so that black holes act as worm holes.

In other words this is the real ether and what shamanic spiritual masters have been saying is true all along!

Susskind is a well-accepted top quantum physicist - and now he is agreeing with Nobel Laureate Gerard t'Hooft, that we live within virtual micro-black holes from quantum entanglement.

So then Stephen E. Robbins notes that Heaviside got ride of the quaternions in Maxwells equations that would have then explained the ether - the quaternions being the noncommutative phase!

But as Robbins notes Heaviside was not interested in working on the ether and so the loss was probably not a "conspiracy" or conscious plan to avoid the ether.

Robbins on Bergson and Bohm, Holographic Mind

Bergson's Holographic Theory - 1 - The image of the external world

Robbins proves that Bergson was the West's deepest philosopher EVER.

Bergson's understanding of music is truly Pythagorean as the empirical truth of sound is the infinite time-frequency resonance, (see Sir James Jeans, Sound and Music). So essentially 2 (the octave) does not go into 3 (the Perfect Fifth) and we listen to sound, inherently, in contrast to science assuming an external measurement of sound has to be made. The musical origins of Western math was exposed by math professor Luigi Borzacchini in his 2007 published article on the continuum and incommensurability and music theory. Borzacchini called the cover-up of the music origin of Western math to be "really astonishing" and "shocking." And in fact the truth is noncommutative phase - as Borzacchini noted for Pythagoreans music was neither discrete nor a continuum. So Bergson intuitively understood the truth of music - and as an inherent memory storage as time, this is amazing!

Dear Dr. Robbins: I discovered your new youtube vids and am enjoying the explications! In May I discovered quantum physicist Eddie Oshins who had worked with Pribram. Oshins gives his critique of why Pribram was wrong:
So Oshins completely corroborates what I had realized - that the nonwestern spiritual energy training is based on the secret of noncommutative phase as the ether - (the same secret of the quaternions in Maxwell - as "wattless power"). Oshins was a Stanford quantum physicist but his research was all on the psychological implications and philosophy of quantum mechanics - and he also taught Wing Chun (Bruce Lee's lineage). So he realized that the mind-body training of Daoist culture was completely based on the secret of noncommutative phase as the aether!
You may have heard of EPR=ER now gaining acceptance as the foundation of spacetime via quantum entanglement wormholes. Nobel physicist Gerard t'Hooft says we exist within these vitual micro black holes everywhere - and Leonard Susskind agrees with him!

I personally know the ether is real since I did the training in nonwestern alchemy - I know qigong masters who can leave their body at will - and it does feel like the ether has been activated as dynamic force - as reverse entropy energy! This is called "yuan qi" in Daoist alchemy.

Anyway thanks again for your research. My take is that the cover up of noncommutative phase goes back to Plato - the cover up started with Archytas and Plato. And so science "works" for those who own the patents, and print the money, etc. but the increased entropy on earth has destroyed ecology and any level of social justice.
So these discoveries are kind of the end point of science in my view - but there are these secret military equilateral triangle craft - I saw one up close - and they have been seen to fly at Mach 9 - the Belgium air force could not catch these equilateral triangles. But most people see them as I did - like dirigibles - going so slowly they defy gravity and yet they clearly are not blimps, but do make a sound like an electrical motor humming. There are various claims about this craft propulsion that go back to John Keely and cover ups over Tesla technology, etc.
So let me know any comments or questions - my blog with my research is

Dear Dr. Robbins: I did also correspond with Professor Basil J. Hiley who replied that indeed he understands noncommutative time-frequency energy. So the argument of Hiley is that he uses a noncommutative algebra that itself is a consciousness working at time equals zero. So Hiley is saying this algebra works in the implicit order but since it is noncommutative as a math then it resonates with the noncommutative time-frequency energy dynamic itself.
I myself align more with de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony - at least as far as quantum relativity is concerned and there is a recent upsurge in returning de Broglie's "double solution" soliton model that is nonlinear. For example the recent hydrodynamics experiment that corroborates de Broglie's model on the macro-scale. So similar to Bohm using the enfolded holomovement model, the recent hydrodynamics shows how a pilot wave then "guides" the particle through the double slit, as entanglement in reality, not just a mathematical abstraction.
But as well the Law of Phase Harmony includes superluminal phase which has to be "decoded" in linear causality but in terms of consciousness, as argued in parapsychology and the Hameroff-Penrose model, does enable precognitive visions. I know precognition is real and a Twin Cities-based Dr. Christina Donnell, a psychiatrist, wrote her book "Transcendent Dreaming" about her precognitive dreams.
My model is just from music theory - I gave more details on my blog - as I rely more on quantum biology, with life as too complicated to reproduce as a technology in terms of consciousness. But again I have experienced the qigong masters that can do long distance healing and also re-experience the past as holographically embedded in locations - along with exorcising the ghosts embedded holographically in locations, etc. I have seen ghosts so I know they are real.

So as per the Law of Phase Harmony - when the light is "turned around" then it is at zero time but there is a hidden momentum to light from negative entropy - the relativistic mass of light (not the rest mass). This is the source of the reverse entropy phonons as the ether energy, called Yuan Qi in Taoist alchemy. So the Law of Phase Harmony says frequency (light) is to time (Emptiness) as momentum (qi or prana) is to wavelength (jing or physical energy).

Again my blog has more details - along with a free pdf on training with the science citations and images, etc.

thanks again,

drew hempel

Dear Dr. Robbins: Eddie Oshins coined the term "quantum psychology" in the 1970s and again it was based on noncommutative phase. So he was quite peeved that Goswami promoted quantum psychology without referencing Oshins nor considering his argument - despite Goswami knowing about Oshins. Whether Goswami knew about Bergson, who knows? haha. But Oshins remained unknown and did not like the New Age popularization of quantum psychology that remained unaware of his origination of the discipline, based on noncommutative phase.

 Dear Dr. Robbins: your reference to Zeno's Paradox is corroborated by math Professor Joe Mazur who wrote, "The Motion Paradox." I had read his book "Euclid in the Rainforest" about his trip to Costa Rica. I replied that I had studied conservation biology and sustainability for a University semester in Costa Rica and I did not think that Western math was helping to save the rainforest (as he claimed it was). So he asked me to review, "the Motion Paradox" which I did on - and now Mazur is working on a new book on time perception - for Cambridge University Press. He said he will have a chapter on music. I asked him to include precognition! I wonder if he will.

Professor Mazur does an expert job of giving the behind-the-scenes wrangling of conceptual philosophy which gave rise to applied science. What is the difference between time and motion exactly? If that question seems too abstract, this book proves the opposite.

Most college graduates assume that Zeno's paradoxes of motion were solved by calculus with its continuous functions. Mazur puts the calculus at the heart of the book, from Descartes and Cavalieri to Galileo, Newton and last but not least Mazur's favorite: Gabrielle-Emilie de Breteuil.

In fact, upon investigation, one finds many top scientists still studying and learning from the anomalies in infinite measurement. Regarding relativity Mazur states the wonder of absolute motion is that it "conspires with our measuring instruments to prevent any possibility of detection."

As Mazur points out "we don't measure with infinitesmial instruments" and so the perceptual illusion of time continuity remains despite the reliance of science on discrete symbols. With attempts at a unification of quantum mechanics and relativity Zeno's paradoxes reemerge with full-force in the "Calabi-Yau manifold." Mazur writes that the original concept of dimension still holds but now means measuring more by abstract reason than by sight.

Although each scientist featured by Mazur appears to have increasingly solved the paradox of motion in the end I think Zeno will be avenged and science will return to right back where it started. There seems to be a deadlocked struggle between discreteness (particle) and continuity (wave) in science and Mazur argues that indeed Nature "makes jumps" despite seeming continuous. But Mazur admits we are left with "splitting operations that can take place only in the mind."


By Joe Mazur. Material available: proposal (currently on submission) ... The book will take readers on a fascinating journey through time in all its aspects and ... research on how the brain constantly recalibrates time perception; how regional ... Joseph Mazur is Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Marlboro College, and is.

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