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"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

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Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Friday, September 15, 2017

On Stephen E. Robbins' debunking of Einstein's Relativity

part 2 here

So this is a deep analysis but unfortunately has to focus on the problem of Einstein's theory. It's not until the end of the video that we get the solution from Bergson. As I referenced in my master's thesis, the book, "From Pythagoras to Einstein" shows in fact Einstein just was taking a problem that is at the origin of Western science itself - to its logical conclusion.

So we are still today with that "logical conclusion" which is actually the destruction of living time on Earth - reducing it to a zero time as a static "block" - through an accelerating process, as the application of the abstract mathematics.

And Robbins, who recommended to me, in an email response, that I check out his critique of relativity, does give a couple counter examples - showing for example from JJ Thomson, a model that can explain real physical effects without relativity - the issue here being what is the true nature of time. Robbins says he has not found elsewhere other critiques similar to his, although he does give one similar example, at the end of the video.

I have read up on Einstein, several different books, but it was when I read his biography that I realized the real problem - he noted that light has no mass but he did not realize or really focus on the truth that light still has momentum.

And so the real issue of simultaneity of time - or lack there of, and the resolution of the Twin Paradox - really stems from, as Robbins points out, the abstract math of the geometrical point as zero time, and what does that mean - going back to Zeno's Paradox.

But we know from quantum physics, the new foundation of science, that in fact time is noncommutative or non-commutative to energy as frequency. It was de Broglie's critique of Einstein's relativity that then determined that momentum is inverse to wavelength and frequency inverse to time - so that frequency is to time as momentum is to wavelength.

So listening to Robbins' critique - I was curious about the application of non-commutative analysis to relativity and sure enough discovered a pdf book - Unsolved Problems in Special and General Relativity (2013, Beijing). It's a free pdf and it actually contains some of the same counter-solutions that Stephen E. Robbins mentions.

I was also reminded of John Gribbin's books on time travel and black holes.

Stephen E. Robbins cites Dunne - briefly - and I had also read Dunne's book. It is quite fascinating to me, to explain precognition which I know to be very real.

An Experiment with Time - Wikipedia
An Experiment with Time. An Experiment with Time is a book by the British soldier, aeronautical engineer and philosopher J. W. Dunne (1875–1949) on the subjects of precognitive dreams and a theory of time which he later called Serialism.
 I was in San Francisco in 1996 and I attended a UFO conference that featured this Russian astrophysicist lady who specialized in Einstein's relativity model. But to be honest all I remember is she wore a full red leather jump suit for the talk.

But it is Lee Smolin's recent book on time that corroborates the claim of Dr. Stephen E. Robbins - that there is a serious problem with physics disregarding time. Smolin's mentor is the same quantum physics professor I had, at Hampshire College.  So Smolin argues, contrary to Einstein's claim of time as an illusion, in fact it is very real but that the equations of science will have to change instead.

Well science equations better change pretty fast - considering the ecological crisis is a direct consequence of our wrong model of symmetric math! We can go deeper, to realize that it is left-brain dominant that wrongly interprets time.

Music provides the proper ontological model of reality - as Stephen E. Robbins quotes Henri Bergson - but more properly it is nonwestern music based on the empirical truth of noncommutative phase!

So science has proven that listening to music is faster than the limitation of Fourier Uncertainty - and this is because the truth of reality is noncommutative and so not dependent on the linear operator of measuring "simultaneity" as a transfer of time into a spatial dimension.

Instead we listen to infinity as the foundation of reality, as the empirical truth of reality. It is the left-brain dominant reliance of science on visual mathematical logic that causes so many problems - that Stephen E. Robbins is mired down in with his expose and debunking of Einstein. Sure the math works - the UFO Russian red-leather clad lady corroborated that Einstein's relativity was proven over and over - but the practical effects of the theory's application are not just "objective." Again the effect is to convert living time into the abstraction of time as a zero point of space - the eco-apocalypse with increasing acceleration!

Stephen E. Robbins analysis also reminded me of the "transactional" view of quantum physics - John Cramer's model that John Gribbin explains:
But calculating the square of a complex variable does not simply mean multiplying it by itself. Instead, you have to make another variable, a mirror image version called the complex conjugate, by changing the sign in front of the imaginary part -- if it was + it becomes -, and vice versa. The two complex numbers are then multiplied together to give the probability. For equations that describe how a system changes as time passes, this process of changing the sign of the imaginary part and finding the complex conjugate is equivalent to reversing the direction of time!
 Cramer accepts that the wave flowing backward in time is real, and should be taken seriously, not ignored. The way Cramer describes a typical quantum "transaction" is in terms of a particle "shaking hands" with another particle somewhere else in space and time. One of the difficulties with any such description in ordinary language is how to treat interactions that are going both ways in time simultaneously, and are therefore occurring instantaneously as far as clocks in the everyday world are concerned.
 All that is left is a double wave linking the emitter and the absorber, made up half of a retarded wave carrying positive energy into the future and half of an advanced wave carrying negative energy into the past (in the direction of negative time). Because two negatives make a positive, this advanced wave adds to the original retarded wave as if it too were a retarded wave travelling from the emitter to the absorber. In Cramer's words:
The emitter can be considered to produce an "offer" wave which travels to the absorber. The absorber then returns a "confirmation" wave to the emitter, and the transaction is completed with a "handshake" across spacetime.
This transactional "handshake" is really another way of explaining de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony that is noncommutative!

And so now it is becoming accepted that EP=EPR or to say that quantum entanglement creates spacetime from micro black holes as worm holes! This is actually noncommutative phase as eternal motion.

And along with this model is Erik Verlinde's so that Dark matter and Dark Energy are actually from reverse entropy or reverse time phonon energy. This is actually the secret of what Stephen E. Robbins also explains from Tesla!

And so it is very possibly to have visions of the future - as precognition - and also to reverse aging and to have longevity - as real reverse entropy of spacetime. In the examples Stephen E. Robbins gives of relativity - this is called reciprocity but it gets left out of relativity.

In the experience of alchemy training - this is quite fascinating. For example the spinning disk that Stephen E. Robbins discusses - in part 1 - so as there is motion to the edge of the disk the length contracts - but that assumes the source of the motion itself is not moving. Whereas the source itself could be spinning and the opposite effect would occur. I call this the difference between special relativity with a constant velocity - in alchemy or general relativity. If you as spirit light leave your body without enough reverse entropy qi or prana spacetime energy-consciousness then you get dizziness as a spacetime vortex!

So then Jack Sarfatti argues that, along with the Harvard astrophysicist, that the future time does already exist but since the universe is holographic then this future is based on entropy of the black hole. So quantum physics can reverse the entropy so that we can experience our future before it happens in linear time.

Of course I don't agree with everything Sarfatti says.
The many possible histories are the intrinsically mental pilot quantum information advanced destiny and retarded history (Yakir Aharonov) fields. They are "real" and they are "fibers" whose base space is 4D space-time, which is a classical "beable" in the 1952 Bohm interpretation now updated in 2015 by Roderick Sutherland.

I have corresponded with Nobel physicist Brian Josephson about the music model!

Contrary to what is stated following 4:10, the τ-θ paradox does not violate relativity but instead parity, as was pointed out by Yang and Lee some years earlier. Where was this claim made exactly?

Jack Sarfatti
Yes, but that was not what i was referring to. EPR entanglement in Copenhagen interpretation demands faster-than-light influence (not signaling) if you do not allow future causes of present effects. Many papers on this e.g. Henry Stapp, Huw Price, Rod Sutherland - go to arXiv search

Brian Josephson
Thanks for the clarification; I did figure that out eventually. Relativity notwithstanding, I am pretty certain that faster-than-light signalling will prove to be the physically correct answer, future causation being reinterpreted , in accord with the principles of semiotics, as final causation. A good discussion of this can be found in a paper by Claus Emmeche entitled 'causal processes, semiosis and consciousness'.

interview with F. David Peat podcast on quantum synchronicities

Another Sarfatti vid

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