Physicists associated with the University of Minnesota have won six Nobel prizes [J. Bardeen (two), W. Brattain, A. Compton, E. Lawrence, and J. Van Vleck].
And so this Italian physicist gives a wonderfully clear explanation of the Compton EffectArthur Compton
Arthur H. Compton began his post-doctoral research in X-ray scattering at Minnesota where he was a physics instructor during 1916-17. While those early experiments were not an immediate success, they paved the way for his Nobel-prize winning discovery of the Compton Effect. In 1922 Compton calculated that a quantum of radiation undergoes a discrete change in wavelength when it experiences a billiard ball collison with an electron at rest in an atom, and his X-ray scattering experiments confirmed this change in wavelength. The phenomenon soon became known as the Compton Effect, and for his discovery he received the Nobel in 1927.
And so in essence the Compton Effect describes how the wavelength of electromagnetic energy becomes longer after it scatters from hitting an electron particle.
And this Compton Effect was measured as empirical confirmation of de Broglie's key discovery that the Wavelength is inversely proportional to momentum, via Planck's Constant (the photoelectric effect).
So then this vid of Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi derives Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle based on the fact that momentum requires a directional angle to be measured and therefore the aperture angle is also the limitation of the directional angle of the momentum - creating an inherent trade off between the position or wavelength with the energy or frequency based on momentum.
So then he goes on to explain that what Niels Bohr called his Principle of Complementarity, referring to the Tai Chi (yin-yang) symbol, in fact is based on noncommutativity that also occurs on the macro-scale!
And so then based on noncommutativity - the physicist demonstrates how there is a contradiction of logic if time is not considered as key to logic - as is the case, for most logical paradoxes, as Gregory Bateson points out.
And so to then define reality in a "counterfactual way" also means to define reality based on logical inference of something existing "in time" that can not be "observed" at the present time.
So then he goes on to demonstrate that based on the EPR standard of possibility of prediction, there still, at time zero, not be known both the position (wavelength) and velocity (momentum). This possibility of prediction is defined by randomness of numbers, assuming a symmetric value of number! Whereas time-frequency is defining number as inherently noncommutative.
So this physicist just says that electrons when not observed are inherently non-spatial. But he is not willing to say that there are still inherently of a "time-like" or phase force nonlocality.
And so then he says that non-locality is inherent "ephemeral" which is to say - inherently fleeting and in eternal motion - such that it is also formless and of a time-like nature and therefore nothing of any inherent property of form exists until it is measured or observed. This is the Copenhagen Interpretation.
So then he argues that in fact non-locality is not from Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle of position and momentum since it is possible to have an increased probability of one from measuring the other. Instead it is the inherent "ephemeral" or flowing formless time nature as the origin of reality that is the cause of non-locality.
But again this physicist is assuming the symmetric mathematics of probability as the experimental potential possibility of momentum or position and then projecting that symmetric potentiality onto the time-frequency energy. When in fact the time-frequency energy is already inherently noncommutative, as music theory demonstrates, and as quantum physicist B.J. Hiley has acknowledged to me in our correspondence. In other words when time is zero and frequency is infinity they already are inherently noncommutative while also nonlocal consciousness.
So de Broglie actually discovered that Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle originates from the deeper principle of noncommutative time-frequency as the non-local proto-consciousness.
We can then see how this physicist, along with the wrong Copenhagen Interpretation, is still projecting the symmetric mathematics onto the quantum nonlocality.
And as for the real Macroquantum Compton Effect - what happens is a person's spirit energy is based on frequency and when "turned around" then drives their intention as the inherent ether or noncommutative time energy of reality - the reverse time or yuan qi negentropic energy of light.
So then when a person sends energy into another person - there is a "scattering effect" as Compton discovered on the micro-level - whereby the frequency of a person's spirit light is holographically lowered while their wavelength is increased. But due to relativity - there is also a reverse time karmic effect, based on Louis de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony. Or as the original qigong master stated: The more you heal others, the more you heal yourself.
In other words on the quantum level, as the wavelength decreases and the frequency increases then the mass also increases. This is due to relativistic mass occurring at very high frequency near the speed of light and also is based on the superluminal pilot wave, from the future.
Which brings us to the 2005 pdf Avoiding de Broglie's Paradox by Steven M Taylor
So then by combining Planck and Einstein, as de Broglie did, we realize that the frequency of energy = mass x speed of light squared/Planck's constant. And then the measurement or observation of this frequency energy is based on a doppler shift, as defined by special relativity. The algebra of energy and mass then determines that the relativity frequency shift or doppler shift of the photon is also based on an increase in the mass-energy.
This was exactly the paradox that forced de Broglie to create his Law of Phase Harmony since frequency is inverse to wavelength and yet as the energy-frequency increases, the mass also increases which means an increase also in wavelength. And so there must be two "times" with the internal period of mass (the rest mass as time) decreasing while the external (moving frame of observation) mass increasing - such that frequency is to time as momentum is to wavelength.
And so light, based on relativity, carries mass, as its hidden momentum from reverse time energy or superluminal phase (frequency x wavelength as speed of light squared). So then the change in time causes the momentum to be the frequency divided by the speed of light squared.
And so Steven M. Taylor derives that the kinetic mass-energy exists prior to or from the future of the change in relative frequency of the light! This is another way of saying that the Yuan Qi is a negentropic energy as superluminal quantum phase, from the future, that guides the light.
Another way to say this is that a person can store up qi energy and emit it via shen spirit energy - and again this emission then changes the mass (wavelength) of the person sending the energy relativistically - by lowering their own frequency and expanding their own time dilation - and yet the person receiving the energy has their mass as external wavelength decreased while their momentum energy is increased. It is the Emptiness that is doing the healing - as the emission of the photon is based on the prior increase in the kinetic mass-energy (or reverse time negentropic energy).
As Taylor states, another way to state this is that the "source clock" (the qigong master) is "running at a faster rate than the observer's clock (typical left-brain dominant reality). Which is to say the difference in time (of internal to external reality) is then equal to the change in wavelength (of external reality to internal reality) - such that the spirit frequency energy equalizes as the same momentum.
And so we can turn to Ruth E. Kastner for this proper insight into understanding de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony, not on momentum as it is usually taught, but rather on frequency.
a particle of rest mass is associated with an oscillation of frequency = m x speed of light squared/Planck's constant which takes the form of a standing wave of constant phase at all spacetime points for a particle at rest.So when we turn the light around in meditation - in effect by achieving the rest mass of a particle, we then are reversing the entropic wavelength time of the particle and increasing its frequency energy, as stored reverse time kinetic energy. This is then imparted to others are higher frequency shen energy that then reverses back the time of the particle energy. This is described by the paradox of the mitochondria and microtubule interaction of splitting water and virtual photon energy.
The oscillation's transformed properties when viewed from a moving frame...are then taken to be dictated by the a priori structure of spacetime.
But it is claimed here that this depiction of the wave as propagating "in spacetime" is an artifact of our imposition of the spacetime construct on the underlying dynamical object(s), and that the latter should be considered the ontological supports of the construct, rather than the other way around.
a particle with a definite momentum....does not have a definite position....from the particle's point of view it is 'everywhere at once.' Taking this ontology seriously implies that spacetime, and the attendant notion of 'location of a particle' is not fundamental.
Thus spacetime should not be thought of as a substance, but only a way of describing observable effects arising from the existence of finite mass.
So as SM Taylor states:
relativistic effects of motion affect both the wave and mass-energy aspects of light without paradox. Ironically the Ph.D. psychologist Steven M. Taylor may not provide as much insight as a proper understanding of de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony by the astrophysicist Steven M. Taylor, Ph.D. And yet I think we can find the two mutually compatible.
The only thing I can find on Steven M. Taylor, physicist, is smtygc(at)
Steve has 4 jobs ... January 2014 – October 2017 (3 years 10 monthsPaper: physics/0509261 From: Steven Taylor < >smtygc(at)< Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 14:52:18 GMT (452kb) Title: Finding the mass-energy counterpart to the transverse Doppler shift: Avoiding de Broglie's paradox Authors: Steven M Taylor Categories: physics.gen-ph Comments: 9 pages, 7 figures Subj-class: General Physics
Wow !
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The Genius author of the De Broglie analysis I loved - here he is in action! |
Taylor Receives Wildwood Faculty to Faculty Award :: St. Louis ...
Live video of the attack by the cop-thug against this amazingly brilliant researcher!
STLCC professor, part of union negotiating team, slammed to the ground, fired for trying to speak his mind
STLCC Fires Instructor Who Was Body-Slammed at Trustee Meeting ...
Cop Body Slams Adjunct Instructor at St. Louis Community College ...
STLCC professor, part of union negotiating team, slammed to the ...
On November 28th, 2017 the College's chapter of the NEA called for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Pittman and the board of trustees. This call for a vote of no confidence came on the heals of a controversial and violent arrest of a faculty member at a Board of Trustees meeting as he challenged a rule that allowed for clapping for administrators in favor of a proposed mass firing of full-time faculty and banning applause for statements by students and faculty who opposed the layoff.[8] Included in the NEA's call for a vote of no confidence was the statement by its President Robert Hertel, that the union was responding to "the levels of waste and mismanagement taking place at the college for YEARS."[9]