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"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

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Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Monday, January 22, 2018

Phonon Super-Radiance: Former Assistant Professor of Physics at Hampshire College became director of science for Transcedental Meditation

I did my first year of college at Hampshire College, an experimental school set up on the "tutorial" system used by Cambridge and Oxford - no grades, just one on one professor student criticism and feedback.

So as I was now just researching quantum coherence and hearing perception or listening - I got a reference to John Haeglin, a T.M. (transcendental meditation) physicist who was at Stanford Particle Accelerator - so he probably knew Eddie Oshins. He then cites Lawrence Domash - who was at Hampshire College as physics professor and then went full time for Transcendental Meditation.

Small world!

Quantum noise and the threshold of hearing - Princeton University
Feb 18, 1985 - Quantum Noise and the Threshold of Hearing. William Bialek“). Department of Biophysics and Medical Physics, and Biology and Medicine Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory,. University of ... cooling" the molecular dynamics of the system must maintain quantum mechanical coherence over the time ...

So this was the research I was investigating -and John Haeglin cites it and then cites Domash for 1977.

So pdf link Bialek he calls it Phonon Super-radiance as an amplification and natural filtering in the inner ear as quantum coherence.

molecular vibrations exhibit a super-radiant instability....results in macroscopic quantum coherence...required to account for quantum-limited measurements in sensory accord with experiments in the sensory receptors of the inner ear....hearing is a macroquantum phenomenon....Thus, the ear not only makes use of a novel mechanism to reduce thermal noise, it possesses a device as noiseless as the uncertainty principle allows, and in this way it makes quantum-limited measurements, in spite of thermal noise. It is the presence of this device, a quantum limited amplifier, which makes the perception of sound a macroscopic quantum phenomenon....In the quantum-limited regime the phase of the signal is translated into the phase of the amplifier wavefunction, as is clearly true in Josephson junction devices, for example....they must be coherent....phonon super-radiance provides a natural means of explaining the macroscopic quantum effects....a coherent oscillation amplitude....spontaneous "beating"... at a frequency close to its resonance... will be reflected as sound emitted by the ear....microscopic mechanisms in which quantum coherence lives for a time comparable to measurement time, on the order of one millisecond. It is this results which completes the evidence in favor of Schroedinger's view of life as a macroscopic quantum phenomenon. There is simply no way to understand the sub-angstrom displacements in the inner ear without postulating a molecular mechanism in which quantum coherence is manifest on macroscopic scales of time and distance.
Quantum Effects in the Dynamics of Biological Systems, 1983, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 

 In other words Bialek was doing quantum biology back in the 1980s - he was ahead of his time by 30 years!!

Dang that paper has some serious analysis. That dude knew his science. So he got a 2012 Biophysics textbook published by Princeton - still going strong!

Living on a Diet of Bits! Bialek youtube

Bialek 2015 Mind/brain lecture

So it's not till 1 hr into this lecture that he says we can finally address the line between Mind and Brain and he says, I quote:
Now we're moving perhaps, somewhere across the boundary between brain and mind. One of the fundamental things that we do in the world is to decide whether the thing we're looking at is a real structure or just something that happened at random.
That's a total FAKE ASSUMPTION BY A SCIENTIST!! I never "decide" whether "something happened at random."  Randomness is a WESTERN MATH ASSUMPTION that this scientist has hard-wired into his brain!! haha. Hilarious!!

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