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"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

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Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Conspirachi of Chemtrails: A complete breakdown of left-brain dominant society

BBC does Chemtrail news story. Science has already proven that the increased smog in China is from abrupt warming in the arctic. Science has proven that 30% of the clouds over Southern california are from China smog. Science has already proven that global warming causes normal contrails to stay in the air longer from increased water condensation. I tried watching a Dane Wangigton or whatever and he never presented any real evidence for chemtrails. I will give you an example - I personally saw a secret military craft - equilateral, no fuselage - so close I could have hit it with a rock. And then UFO reporting Center regularly reports people seeing the same craft. This craft is reported to go Mach 9 and can hover as well and I saw it go so slow it defied gravity. Yet you are never going to find a scientist saying yes this craft exists - because it's top secret.

But on the other hand people who believe in alien E.T.s have no evidence for them - like bigfoot. I have searched (for years) for E.T. evidence and can not find any yet the  CIA-military is proven to spread the lies of E.t. aliens. But yet a large segment of the population believes in e.T. aliens and why shouldn't they with CIA-cable promoting E.T. aliens. haha. And yet if you say yes I have seen secret military craft - they will say yes they are reverse-engineered from alien craft!! And yet if you point out that there is no evidence for E.T. aliens then it won't matter to them. haha. They will say but yes people have reported - from the military - that aliens are real. And you say - yeah but the military has been blatantly promoting that lie. Then they say - but that's what they want you to believe  that they are lying - in order to cover up the real truth! AAAHH. What can you say? haha.

Same with chemtrails. What abrupt global warming is - along with the ecological crisis in general - is a complete breakdown of left-brain dominant society. "Fake News" is the biggest meme of corporate-state t.v. now  - and it is like Nazi  Germany - with a huge prison population and ICE raids - and 75% of the population has next to no savings and in debt - and everyone is now conspiratorial. And why shouldn't people be conspiratorial? We literally have no future - no matter how you look at it. 50% of 65 year olds have NO SAVINGS.

The ecological crisis is also a socioeconomic crisis. It's been proven that people with a million dollars think they don't have enough money and yet poor people will contribute a larger share of their money for charity! (i.e. it's called solidarity). So conspiratorial thinking is completely normal - even professors brown-nose up to the corporate elite since universities and colleges are controlled by the corporate-state elite and yet they, the professors, are supposed to be "objective."? No wonder the whole global economy crashed in 2008 - the poor have not had any real wage increases for 40 years and that is 40% of the population barely able to cover basic needs. Now they are considered criminals with police regularly just outright murdering poor people and arresting them for no real reasons except poor people doing strange things to desperately try to survive! I personally got arrested for such a reason.

I have been studying quantum physics intensely the past couple months - and there is even a "conspiracy" in quantum physics! It's even called a "conspiracy." haha. There really is an "ether" to reality - that is "nonlocal" as Protoconsciousness of the Universe - real scientists believe in this - and it is what people have traditionally called God. But 99% of scientists will say no - this is not real. Yet if you really dig into quantum physics - even Einstein admitted there was a "ghost field" guiding reality - faster than light speed. He did not like it and said that quantum physics was "spooky action at a distance using telepathic methods." And he is now proven correct - yes it is those things.

But even still physicists will say ah but "entanglement" is a rare thing - it has to be created and it's fragile. No - about a dozen scientists realize otherwise - from the perspective of the particles they are being guided by the ether and we are made of particles. Quantum biology. It's proven we are made of light - biophotons - and light has relativistic mass. In fact when you combine relativity and quantum physics - we exist within a 5th dimensional black hole and all particles - all matter is actually light happening at the same time! Even linear time is an illusion. haha. 2007 discussion of quantum gravity and religion in U.K.

I used to have a blog called ConspiraChi - because Qi or Chi literally means Air or Breath. Conspira also means breathing together in secret to tie or bind ourselves to the land! That is the origin of conspiracy in the West. Christians used to kiss on the lips in a secret ritual and the church banned it and so that is what the "hand shaking" gesture of "giving peace" is from Church - it used to be a conspiracy of "sharing breath" in secret through kissing on the lips. I posted the link recently how in Chinese people practice qi energy training but are in denial that the reason their smog is so bad is from abrupt global warming in the arctic!

The Chinese government has officially declared it will end the smog in 3 years! But their plan is for people to rely on "biomass" instead of "coal" and in the meantime all the people - millions who heated their houses with coal - are freezing. And the biomass causes global warming as well, just as bad. And so people are Quite literally freezing until they can switch to biomass. But that's how China does it since Mao - like Communist Soviets - huge 5 year plans that completely up-end society and kill millions from famine, drought, environmental pollution. The West does the same but we "externalize" the genocide to our "client states." So the Western masses keep consuming and believing in "democracy" when it's really an empire based on genocide and ecocide. haha.

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