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"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

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Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Imposed Temporal Dome and the Tan t'ien: Dr. Hans Utter on Western music

on Music, Time, Consciousness and healing

So I've corresponded with Dr. Hans Utter and he said he was going to check out my research. I really feel like he did so as the views is he conveying display a deep understanding of what I've been researching. He says something like the eclipse is now "disembodied" and
"We no longer have our natural congruence with our environment."

So here are some nice parallels. Dr. Utter says India was a

"way to connect with a more organic life."

Dr. Hans Utter says how tragically India and Thailand have now Westernized as part of globalization - to the extent that traditional music of their cultures is not played in its usual settings (old restaurants, etc.), but instead is replaced with Western rock music.

So Dr. Utter says notice how you perceive time when submerged in this muzak. So I could see this developing - just by listening to "international" music shows on my local community radio station - with volunteer d.j.s from their respective countries. 30 mns:
I am a reptilian...intense emotional states are repressed or refracted and projected onto mass spectacles...there is a whole strata or experience that is basically shut out of our minds, to a certain extent...Your time is constantly marauded ...Muzak leaking into these locked memories,...Nested temporal cycles, nested types of  resonance...neurological, seasonal,'s in the end game stage now, the erasure of history of time.
So then Dr. Utter gets into a deep philosophical discussion about what is the "present" really - and how Westernization, as a circular logic game, relying on Wittgenstein's paradoxes of logic - traps the present into a non-existent now of linear time.

And so then he delves into Heidegger (time as constant becoming) and Nietzsche as well on this paradox of time - really this went way over Jan Irvin's head in my opinion and the material is very deep so worth listening to twice.

So then Dr. Utter says Marx is Christian in the sense of the state of heaven is brought down to the material world, to become a worker's paradise. (this is very much the emphasis of Dr. David F. Noble's The Religion of Technology).

This brought to my mind, this idea of time,...the collective shift in our experience of time. We have these basic connections with waking, sleeping, day/night, seasons, life cycles, which have now been fragmented and fractured, there's no longer any transition. 34 mns:
Your also connecting that society to the broader experience of Nature but also giving it a developing frame to experience that, a door that is open, not a door that is shut. But the use of this prehistoric, the prehistoric use of music was extremely importantly. Cuz music was the linkage of man to the seasons, to the cultural narrative, which is much more than just a story....
But then Dr. Utter says how the Westernization of Asian meditation is another problem.

Here he says he believes on the Daoist lower tan tien! Right on!

Which I think there is a tan t'ien. 39 mns.

But then he says how the 1950s book on the Hara does not give any techniques for training - and so it easily gets assimilated into a Western framework.

Exactly true. So then Dr. Utter even mentions "ancient history of music" (1 hr) cultures and the central role of music. I think that was a San Bushmen reference! haha.

So my favorite part of the podcast was his coining of this term about this fake present of time as a geometric dome that covers a person. That's an amazing metaphor or image.

Let's see if I can track down his exact statement:

O.K. so Dr. Utter than talks about nonlinear oscillators that connect the societal to the neural level of humans with time.
There is a possibility of synchronistic connections and things like that, but....

52 mns

So Dr. Utter then says with Newton you get the mapping of time as distance that is a mechanistic worldview.

It's creating an imposed temporal dome.
57 mns

Dear Dr. Hans Utter: Welcome back from Asia! drew hempel here, Thanks for your excellent new podcast interview. I did a blog post overview of your talk. (link below). It seems you may have read a bit of my research? haha. I doubt that Jan knows what a "tan t'ien" is. Have you read my new free pdf yet on the training details? (In contrast to the Hara book you described). See link below. Thanks again.

My new blog has more details on the "noncommutative phase" secret. I discovered this quantum physicist at Stanford, Eddie Oshins, who studied the philosophical implications (and psychological). He was a student-teacher of Wing Chun (from Bruce Lee's lineage) and so Eddie Oshins realized that the secret of nonwestern Neigong (Daoist alchemy) was actually noncommutative phase! This was exactly the same insight I had made in my 2015 "Conspirachi" blogbook, and had since expanded on. Unfortuantely Jan cringes whenever he hears the word "quantum" haha. But the mainstream Copenhagen Interpretation does have serious problems whereas professor B.J. Hiley uses the noncommutative algebra formulation of quantum mechanics. So I corresponded with Professor Hiley as well - and he worked with Roger Penrose who works with Stuart Hameroff on quantum biology consciousness. So then I corresponded with the Japan-based Indian physicist who tested that the microtubules resonate with strongest amplitude at ultrasound! This is exactly what CIA mind control scientist Dr. Andrija Puharich was arguing as well. So that Japan-based physicist from India said he would read Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, the quantum biologist who kicked the bucket a couple years ago. She is also a Taoist - and so she figured out the secret of the source of qi energy - very much as Dr. Puharich did as well. My blog has more posts on this - but again too bad Jan Irvin was not too enthusiastic about your talk. haha. I don't think the "quantum modulations" of Muzak are really quantum at all - it was just a marketing term for their fancy categorization of music parameters. There is a group of German physicists who also made the same discovery as Eddie Oshins - that is it the noncommutative phase that creates these entangled synchronicities. Germany actually has a government paid "Office of Parapsychology" and so people can report their strange experiences to be analyzed. Anyway I emailed one of the German physicists - Dr. Atmanspacher - but maybe he didn't like my "voidisyinyang" moniker. haha. Never got a response - just telling him to check out Eddie Oshins! But Professor Louis Kauffman, the mathematician at Stanford who worked with Eddie Oshins, did respond to me - he is now at Illinois. He makes the connection of the I-thought as a noncommutative time series of 1 and negative 1 - resonating infinitely through noncommutative time-frequency energy. I told him that I had made that claim ten years ago - calling it the I-One-Eye Secret. haha.

Imposed Temporal Dome and the Tan t'ien: Dr. Hans Utter on Western music

 Dr. Hans Utter: Please let me know of any comments more on my research - that free pdf is also online as a scrib and someone posted it on their tumblr. It has more of the music frequency secrets connecting Taoist music alchemy to India, the "three gunas" are based on the 1-4-5 music intervals as the infinite spiral of time-frequency noncommutative energy! Since you are a music theorist you know exactly what I'm talking about - and you are a musician as well so your brain is rewired to better understand the secret of eternal listening. And so also in my research I detail how Plato and Archytas covered up this empirical truth of music noncommutative phase harmonics that is now rediscovered in quantum resonance as entanglement. Too bad Jan Irvin has decided that quantum is fake news. haha. Along with global warming? Wow he did too much psychedelics and then did a dialectical swing to the right with an extreme left brain shutting down of his open-minded critical thinking. But it does indeed require a lot of conceptual focus and time to do the reading that you are doing of Heidegger, Wittgenstein and Bruno Latour, etc. That type of reading takes "time off" from the interwebs and personal time in silence, etc. thanks again. drew

Contrary to the claims of Jan Irvin on the Trivium: The true meaning of Logos is Pythagorean alchemy

From my master’s thesis,
Epicenters of Justice:

“The first four divine number ratios (1, 1:2, 2:3, 3:4), equivalent to the vital energy of Taoist qi gong, are considered the “seed of fire,” the “creative essence,” and “logos,” by Pythagoreans.”
citing Grandy, David. 1993.
The Musical Roots of Western Mathematics
. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies V (½): 3-24.

Jan Irvin incorrectly cited Freemason Albert Pike’s book
Morals and Dogma:

page 861 [does not] proclaims the Royal Secret of the Sublime Prince is found in the understanding of the Pythagorean 5-4-3 right-angled triangle.

Jan Irvin states:
Another curious artifact is found as the conclusion to Albert Pike’s magnum opus, Morals and Dogma, where on page 861 he proclaims that the Royal Secret of the Sublime Prince is found in the understanding of the Pythagorean 5-3-4 right-angle triangle: The 5 representing the 5 senses, the 3 representing the Trivium (Grammar Logic Rhetoric), and the 4 representing the Quadrivium (Mathematics, Geometry, Music, Astronomy). It is in observing with our 5-senses,that we process this input using the Trivium, and quantify our reality using number in its many forms via the Quadrivium, as a measure of understanding.
The book is 861 pages long and that supposed proclamation does not exist.

“The number 5 designated the universal quintessence, and Symbolized, by its form the vital essence, the animating spirit which flows [serpentat] through all nature.” p. 377 Morals and Dogma

I can’t find any mention of the number 5 as the five senses nor the 5:3:4 correlated with the Trivium and Quadrivium.

Jan gave me this quote as a response:
“In his lectures, Pythagoras taught the mathematics, as a medium whereby to prove the existence of God from observation and by means of reason; grammar, rhetoric, and logic, to cultivate and improve that reason, arithmetic, because he conceived that the ultimate benefit of man consisted in the science of numbers, and geometry, music, and astronomy, because he conceived that man is indebted to them for a knowledge of what is really good and useful. He taught the true method of obtaining a knowledge of the Divine laws of purifying the soul from its imperfections, of searching for truth, and of practicing virtue; thus imitating the perfections of God. ….”p. 243
But that quote does not refer to the Pythagorean triangle and it’s not on page 861. Instead it’s in a different, revised edition of fewer pages, 574. That same revised edition does give a reference to the Pythagorean triangle near the end of the Albert Pike book which states:
The base, measured by the number 3, represents the Diety and the Divine; the perpendicular measured by the number 4 represents the Earth, the Material, and the Human; the hypothenuse, measured by 5, represents that nature which is produced by the union of the Divine and Human, the Soul and the body;” p. 573 and then p. 574 the final page of that edition states:

As in each Triangle of Perfection….such is the true Royal Secret….
But again Albert Pike no where says that 5 is the 5 senses, etc. So Jan Irvin has incorrectly referenced Albert Pike. But Jan does get a reference to the 5-4-3 triangle with the royal secret as the final page of that edition! So that must be his original source - only misrepresented by Jan Irvin.

O.K. so my point is that actually the secret esoteric meaning of that is from music theory with the meaning of the Logos as the Tetrad or Tetraktys (τετρακτύς) 1:2:3:4 and it was extended by Archytas to 1:2:3:4:5. This was a lie spread by Plato and then spread through Europe by John Scotus Erigena and later by Marsilio Ficino and then the Freemasons.

As math professor Luigi Borzacchini states:
We can suppose that the Quadrivium in its earlier Pythagorean version did not know any discrete/continuous opposition.

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