Peanut Gallery Independent Praise of Drew Hempel's research

Readers of my energy - quotes - promotionals

Spooky Action At a Distance that Uses Telepathic Methods - youtube playlist

Best Compilation of Bioenergy Spirit Demonstrations youtube playlist

Idiot's Guide to Daoist Taoist Yoga Neidan Qigong Alchemy Neigong Meditation Kundalini Energy links on youtube

77 Different Sources on de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony and Spiritual Force

The Blue Light of Blues Music: Quantum Biology, Metaphysics and Meditation

Phrygian Frisson Ravel adagio piano concerto 2nd movement playlist
"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

My new blog is

Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).

Thursday, November 30, 2017

My expose of Drunvalo Melchizadek and the Actual Matrix Plan

My below post was saved by someone else online. Thanks!  and it's still found from my original post in 2009

Geoff — you wonder where Drunvalo got his “birthing side effects with earth changes” analogy. Also you wonder why Drunvalo emphasizes the Fibonacci Spiral (as does Greg Braden in his 2012 book); also you wonder about the use of Freemason propaganda and finally you wonder about the Lazlo connection — without citation …. the answer connecting all those loose threads lies in the Actual Matrix Plan that I exposed in 2001.

It’s important to realize Drunvalo’s foundation in his Flower of Life books is that NATURE NEEDS TO BE REPLACED WITH THE IRRATIONAL GOLDEN RATIO MATH instead of the Fibonacci Series defined by rational number ratios (the old math of Mayan, Hindu and Egyptian cultures). is the summary of the plan — it’s based on the “music logarithmic spiral” from Oliver Reiser which is also the main source for Arguelles’ earth changes model.
Here’s another description I have that mentions Drunvalo — enjoy. is my blog.
Never before has the public known that the Freemason-Theosophist elite formed an academic think tank in 1940 with the expressed goal of channelling all academic research toward their goals. This is the power source for the ACTUAL PLAN FOR THE MATRIX that is described below.
This Theosophist-Freemason think tank was the Institute for Integrative Education. The board of directors included the family of the directors of the Theosophists as well as ivy league professors from Harvard, Johns Hopkins, etc. Their 1940 flagship issue of their academic journal “Main Currents in Modern Thought” openly states this Freemason conspiratorial goal and at one point the journal even states that most professors are more dangerous than Nazis!

The founder of this Freemason-Theosophist Educational-Research Complex that secretly controlled U.S. academic research was Lumber Magnate Julius Stulman. The postscript of his book “Evolving Mankind’s Future” is a long statement by “liberal” University President Laurence Bolling — a high level statecraft policy maker, documenting the influence of this think tank.

In 1965 Stulman created the World Institute in collaboration and at the behest of the U.S. Government, the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, and the United Nations. This information is detailed by President Bolling.

The expressed role of the World Institute was to oversee the direction of technology for the world and it was located at UN Plaza. It’s main policy plan was the actual plan for the Matrix published in 1975 and edited by systems theorist, global planner Ervin Laszlo. This is background for that Real Matrix Plan that is now coming into reality — as “liberally” promoted by Laszlo’s book “Macroshift.” (2001). There is a dark conspiratorial sinister apocalyptic side to Laszlo that is now exposed by the below.

The Institute for Integrative Education highly praised Philosophy of Science Professor Oliver L. Reiser’s 1965 manifesto “Cosmic Humanism.” Reiser’s 1945 book “World Philosophy” was considered by Einstein to be the best plan for a unified field theory. In 1936 Reiser had promoted and initiated “radio-eugenics” in the Journal of Heredity.

In 1945 Reiser discovered World Institute founder Julius Stulman’s essay, “Energy Theory Applied to Human Relations.” In 1975 Oliver L. Reiser and the World Institute editor Ervin Laszlo published the REAL MATRIX PLAN called “Cosmic Humanism and World Unity” in collaboration with Dr. Andrija Puharich — documented as a top-level CIA mind control researcher in the all important expose, “The Stargate Conspiracy: Revealing the truth behind extraterrestrial contact, military intelligence and the mysteries of ancient Egypt.” by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince.

This ACTUAL PLAN FOR THE MATRIX — is based on the work of H.G. Well’s “World Brain” concept exposed by Jim Keith and by the Omega Point of Teilard de Chardin — much praised by the CIA-controlled New Age scene and by President Clinton in “Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny.”

Reiser’s 1965 book “Cosmic Humanism” openly promotes “Radio-Eugenics” and states that while most of humanity and the planet may die that is how evolution in nature works.

The 1975 book calls the plan, “The Matrix” prominently and repeatedly and states that humans will be in “Techno-Samadhi” as the “neuroblasts” and “Electronic tubes” for the new “World Mother.” According to this plan, the embryo of this mother is in the middle of the earth and like an egg, the humans and the environment are to be feed off as energy for evolution of the Matrix. Radio-Eugenics is still openly promoted by the World Institute — except now it is called “orthosynthesis.”

In “Techno-Samadhi” a person does not breath or think words — they are hooked up to the satellite systems and used as energy so that the Theosophist-Freemasons can create “THE COSMIC LENS” that controls and manipulates higher dimensional space-time.

This is all detailed in “Cosmic Humanism and World Unity” — the ACTUAL PLAN FOR THE MATRIX.

The essence of this plan is to create a new global religion — Cosmic Humanism (now called “transhumanism”) — or in general techno-spirituality. Picknett and Prince have exposed this plan and
it is corroborated fully by Reiser who openly states that a new religion must be promoted. Former M.I.T. History Professor David F. Noble has traced this religion to the ninth century A.D. in his
academic analysis of the Freemasons, “The Religion of Technology.” Prince and Picknett trace it back to ancient Egypt but Reiser openly goes back to Sumeria and Vedic India.

The research of the Freemason-Theosophist Academics is based on RATIO THEORY that promotes the Indo-European SEPARATION OF HEAVEN AND EARTH by HUMAN SACRIFICE and DESTRUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY for the ALL-SEEING EYE.

This is promoted in the New Age movement by Jose Arguelles who prominently published in “Main Currents in Modern Thought,” promotes Oliver L. Reiser’s work and was a professor at Princeton — the only academic library that holds the World Institute plans.

The Matrix Plan is also promoted prominently by Drunvalo Melchizadek who states in his first book that the yin/yang ratios of mother nature are not infinite a lie — and that the ratios of technological geometry are actually god and the future of a holographic matrix. The Matrix Plan is also promoted by James Hurtak, who stated that these elite Freemason researchers went underground in 1975, as documented by Prince and Picknett. Hurtak has stated that he has been ordained to prepare the world for the return of the All-Seeing Eye higher dimensional control. The World Institute and the Institute for Integrative Education both went underground in 1975 — confirming
Hurtak’s claims — Hurtak is the top disciple of Dr. Andrija Puharich.

I have tried to contact Prince and Picknett but since the CIA attacked the email communications for the Stargate Conspiracy I have not been able to get through. See their web information. Academic examples of this Matrix Freemason research that openly express these lies are Professor Ernest McClain’s “The Pythagorean Plato” and “The Myth of Invariance.” Also math Professor Abraham
Seidenberg’s “The Ritual Origins of Geometry” and his several essays in the journal Folklore promoting the separation of heaven and earth and human sacrifice as the foundations for social engineering. John Hopkins chemistry Professor Donald Hatch Andrew’s “The Symphony of
Life” is another example of Theosophist academic ratio theory. Hatch was a member of the thinktank, while also prominently publishing chemistry textbooks. Henry Morgenau, Gregory Benford, Eric Temple Bell, H.C. Cole, Roger Penrose, Michio Kaku are further examples. Many other mainstream powerful and apocalyptic scientists are exposed by Prince, Picknett and David F. Noble.

Some of them are consciously members of the think tank — others are just indoctrinated and haven’t
been openly documented to be members. Basically all of western science is under the control of Freemason Science.

The archnemesis of the plan for the Matrix are land-based ecological cultures that promote the HARMONY OF HEAVEN AND EARTH based on the infinite Cosmic Mother of Nature. As Prince and Picknett document — the plan is to assimilate those cultures in the religion of techno-spirituality based on apocalypse. Stanford anthropologist Jeremy Narby’s book “The Cosmic Serpent” discusses the importance of these cultures for Holographic Matrix research. So does Theosophist David Tame’s “The Secret Power of Music.”

This is why Drunvalo Melchizadek has assimilated the Kogi — the only intact pre-Columbian ecological-shaman civilization. This is why Jose Arguelles has assimilated the Mayan shaman-yogic culture. Reiser himself published in Sri Aurobindo’s ashram newsletter and prominent
students of Aurobindo believed that the future NEW HUMAN would have a radioactive body! (Letters on Yoga III). Reiser’s “Cosmic Lens” (All-Seeing Eye) is directly ed on Ramana Maharshi’s concept of Brahmin-Patriarchal “All-Seeing Eye” yoga — the same yoga as transpersonalism promoted by Ervin Laszlo’s Matrix plan, “Macroshift” (2001). This also explains why the Pope is so adamant to put a telescope on Mount Graham — all indigenous Mother Earth powerspots
must be assimilated. Just like the crop circles around Stonehenge.

Many feminists, like Riane Eisler and the whole critical theory “biosemiotics” movement have also been assimilated into promoting “techno-feminism” whereby nature is just a symbol that can be
rearranged at the will of the apocalyptic All-Seeing-Eye.

All Harmony of Heaven and Earth must be reduced to “PSI-PLASMA” as Dr. Andrija Puharich calls it in the ACTUAL PLAN FOR THE MATRIX. Toroidal cold fusion plasma generators will be linked with the mass microchip drive (i.e. bioweapons vaccination drive) to create “CEREBREACTORS” as
stated by a M.I.T. cosmologist — and by the Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies in the reference to mass microchipping. This again is also detailed in “Cosmic Humanism and World Unity.”

The only defense is understanding the root of the problem in ratio theory — what Oliver Reiser calls “The Music Logarithmic Spiral” that goes against yin/yang true Pythagorean harmonics. Shamanic-Yoga Natural Resonance Ecology — as documented by Oxford Scholar Peter Kingsley’s “Ancient Mystery, Magic and Philosophy.” 1998. This was the threat of Falun Gong — Self-reliant free
energy. Wildlands restoration and the complete redesign of science so that it is in harmony with Yin/Yang Ratios (a la “Natural Capitalism” research that should be called natural anarchism and the bioenergetics of ecofeminist Ariel Salleh). The Square Root of Two and all that follows it is against the Yin/Yang Ratios — this will be exposed in a paper-in-progress by math Professor Luigi Borzacchini: “Music Theory and Incommensurability: A cognitive approach” The Cosmic Mother will never be controlled by the Illuminati — even though they openly state “The Threat of Infinity Must Be Contained.”

Dr. Victoria Leong discovers biophoton communication as brain synchronization!

"We don't know what it is, yet, that causes this synchronous brain activity. We're certainly not claiming to have discovered telepathy!

Yeah right - I know what causes this! So I'll email the researchers right now.

Dear Dr. Victoria Leong: I finished my master's degree doing intensive meditation with qigong master Chunyi Lin of and later I helped raise my sister's baby, both of them living in the same house with me. I can assure you that, as biophoton science shows, we emit light out of our eyes. This is powered by the pineal gland and ionization of neurohormones. There is relativistic mass of light - the hidden momentum, called the "virtual information field" by qigong master Yan Xin, as the source of his healing energy. So this is what he uses to synchronize with peoples' brain waves. Then the frequency and synchronization of the biophoton light can be stored up through meditation and sent into people via the pineal gland. My eyeballs literally pulsate via the ELF schumann synchronization - as the hydrogen proton-electron magnetic moment, as Dr. Andrija Puharich documented this source of superconducting delocalized proton-proton energy.
Let me know any questions, comments or criticisms,
drew hempel, MA

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Natasha Demkina - girl with x-ray vision: Secret CIA super abilities girl

yep. X-ray vision - her third eye is fully open.

The qigong masters can do this also.

part 2

part 3

Secret CIA super abilities girl

And so when used to get mad then light bulbs would explode in his house.

So that film - there is no reason it's not true.   Contrary to the ridiculous Richard Wiseman shenanigans - the Japanese scientists were much more understanding of Natasha:

 Natasha even passed a related test in the city of Tokyo where the Japan based scientists established the natural X-ray gift of this Russian girl.
Natasha says, “It takes me a lot of time to clarify everything which I can see. A few times, I can observe the diseases at their beginning stages- when neither the patients nor any doctor has any suspicion about it. This is where we had problems existing with the American scientists.”
During a test in Japan, she could see that one patient had one prosthetic knee while another patient had several unevenly placed internal organs. She even diagnosed pregnancy’s early stages and also pathology of a fetus in a female patient without any difficulty. She identified an uncommon undulating spinal curvature in a male patient. After this, Japanese doctors compared her drawing of curvature along with one X-ray photograph- and found them to be totally identical. When Natasha saw the last of her seven patients in the test, all the Japanese doctors started applauding her. Yet, it is just a first stage of tests.
Natasha Demkina was also offered to detect a disease in an aged Rottweiler but was afraid to come near the animal. The doctors then told her to only look at the paws of the dog, which she did. After five minutes, she pointed at the right back leg of the animal- where she observed a prosthetic tool.
Japanese scientists could not believe her when she informed them that she can even spot the diseases on photographs of people. For this, she was given a passport sized photo of a person and she promptly diagnosed a liver cancer just from the photograph of that person.

Global Dimming and secret of water evaporation

 We speculate that this bonding asymmetry in bulk water is the microscopic origin of the observed surface structure.
Dear Dr. Sokhan: What do you think of the EZ Water research of Gerald Pollack and related studies? It appears to be related to Sir John Pendry's research on metamaterials. If there is a dielectric increase from piezoelectric collagen, achieved through standing exercises with legs shaking 7 to 9 times per second, this causes the water to split, and photons to be emitted, while virtual photons can be captured as energy for the mitochondria. Also is your research related to the Leidenfrost Effect?
Any criticisms, comments and questions would be greatly appreciated.
drew hempel, M.A.

This amazing BBC Global Dimming doc features a UW-Madison scientist - where I did my undergrad.

So it got me thinking water evaporation is from the photoelectric effect!

Turns out water evaporation has been a mystery up till recently.

So I emailed the scientist featured in this study.

Only quantum physics can explain surface tension of water

Mark Buchanan ties it back to global warming

 n improved understanding of evaporation could help researchers modeling atmospheric processes that are part of climate change.

Best vid I've seen of the secret antigravity military triangle craft

This vid shows the center power circle of this craft.

I saw this craft so close in 1997 that I cud have hit it with a rock. It flew slowly over the big oak tree on the edge of our yard and then over our garage! I didn't dare take my eyes off it. First I had seen strange lights on the horizon and had ruled out any possibilities of what they cud be. Then I saw the lights approaching me, flying low and slow over the neighbors' woods. So I could triangulate the size and distance of the object as it flew over the hill after the neighbors woods and then low over our big oak tree and over our garage.

I have blogged on this before - it is a military craft - people have seen the insignia on the craft as Air Force Space Innovation Research Center - lightning bolts hitting earth with a triangle in the sky. People have seen this craft at military bases. People have seen the craft flying, accompanied by other military craft.

The U.S. military has spread "alien E.T." lies and the public is eating it up - desperately hoping the aliens will save us with advanced technology. Mark Pilkington interview on his book and film - ET disinfo exposed! learn the context of this stuff. Nazis, Man Made UFO’s, and MIRAGE MEN |1|

 Just two years after the Spitsbergen fiasco, the CIA suggested to operatives in Guatemala via a 1954 telegram to consider fabricating a story about flying saucers as an option to distract public attention from Agency involvement in a coup. This was reported in a 2003 New York Times article somewhat amusingly titled, The C.I.A.'s Cover Has Been Blown? Just Make Up Something About U.F.O.'s. The original incidents notably took place during a time in history in which the Agency was up to its neck in the evolution of projects concerning behavior modification, or mind control. Operations such as Bluebird and Artichoke led to MKULTRA, formally run from 1953 to 1964.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Hauntingly Holy Voice: A man Leslie Lemke with the brain of a 2 week old infant, sings and plays piano

At 26 minutes - this military flight engineer - describes how he witnesses his first miracle.

He calls it the "Hauntingly Holy Voice" of a man who was on "That's Incredible!" - A man named Lesley. Can we find this original footage?

The man was born blind and a congenital brain damage condition - drooling and unresponsive - the brain of a 2 week old infant - permanently. Except somehow he taught himself how to play and sing Amazing Grace on the piano - singing the middle of the night with tears rolling down his cheeks!!

That is the secret of holographic spirit music healing energy. Leslie Lemke story - interview

May Lemke - the mom as Miracle doc

Leslie Lemke - ABC's That's Incredible 1981 - YouTube
Jun 30, 2008 - Uploaded by NetReamer
Leslie Lemke, blind savant musician, appears on ABC's "That's Incredible" TV show in 1981. ... May is ...

Leslie Lemke - Wikipedia
Leslie Lemke (born January 31, 1952) is a blind American autistic savant who is most notable for his work as a musician. Contents. [hide]. 1 Biography; 2 See also; 3 References; 4 Further reading; 5 External links. Biography[edit]. This section of a biography of a living person needs additional citations for verification. Please ...

Leslie Lemke: blind, savant piano player on That's Incredible! (1981 ...
Oct 21, 2013 - 13 posts - ‎12 authors
This is the episode of That's Incredible that I remember and as I recall, it looked actually 3D on my home TV back in the 80s. I never did understand why this technology didn't end up being mainstream. It seemed like it worked better than the kind that uses glasses: ...

Whatever Happened to Leslie Lemke? - Scientific American Blog ...
Jun 17, 2014 - In June 1980 Leslie Lemke and his remarkable foster mother May Lemke gave a concert in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin that has reverberated over the years throughout the world. Walter Cronkite featured the duo in his Christmas story that year. Appearances on 60 Minutes, That's Incredible, Oprah (three times) ...

Leslie Lemke: An Inspirational Performance - Wisconsin Medical Society
It's the story of a young man, a piano, and a miracle.” Other programs, including Donahue, That's Incredible, and Oprah hosted May and Leslie. The 60 Minutes program aired in October of 1983. Morley Safer considers it one of his favorite 10 stories, and Leslie was part of the 25th Anniversary edition of that show in 1993.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Dr. Dylan van der Schyff on nonwestern musicology evolution

Dear Dr. Dylan van der Schyff: I finished my master's degree on "sound-current nondualism" by doing intensive nonwestern music meditation via Chinese qigong master healer Chunyi Lin of In Daoist alchemy there are 12 nodes along the outside of the body-mind and I had discovered that the Tai Chi is from nonwestern music theory with the Emptiness as the octave, the Perfect Fifth as yang and the Perfect Fourth as yin. I wanted to see if this worked and sure enough, after intensive training for 6 months, I had totally transformed my perspective of reality. Then I kept studying science and realized the secret was noncommutative phase, as mathematician Alain Connes states music theory represents a "unified scaling system" just because of 2, 3, infinity being noncommutative. I had discovered that Western math is secretly based on music theory, as math professor Luigi Borzacchini details in a cover-up he calls a "negative judgement paradox" that is "really astonishing" and "shocking" (2007) and so the symmetric Western math is based on a "pre-established deep disharmony" that guides Western science.
So then I discovered quantum physicist Eddie Oshins at Stanford who realized that the secret of Daoist neigong (alchemy) training was noncommutative phase. So I had also made this realization - what Dr. Mae-Wan Ho calls "quantum jazz" but instead it's a macroquantum resonance phenomenon. So have you seen Dr. Chris Knight's new talk on the origins of human language from music? and the paper that the talk is based on is already published. He gives a hat-tip to musicologist Dr. Victor Grauer whom you probably are familiar with - his "Sounding the Depths" research. So the N/om energy healing of the original human culture was the basis for what became Daoist alchemy and also Indian yoga meditation. The oldest philosophy of India is the "three gunas" and sure enough I discovered they are also from music theory with tamas as the Perfect Fourth, sattva as the Octave and rajas as the Perfect Fifth. And so in both Indian and Chinese cosmology the spine is considered the "frets" of the music instrument - and the nodes, called the "small universe" meditation" is also found in Kriya Yoga.
O.K. there is a good new paper on this macroquantum resonance - from Dr. Mae-Wan Ho's research. by Professor Arran Gare - and so I sent him an email as well, as my master's degree research was focused on radical ecology policy work and philosophy of science via music theory.
So in other words - from music theory if C is 1 and the octave C is 2, then 3 is G as the overtone Perfect Fifth. Now Archtyas used the equation arithmetic mean x harmonic mean = geometric mean squared and this is the secret origin of Western symmetric math. But it ignores the empirical truth that 3 is F as the undertone Perfect Fifth at the same time that 3 is G as the overtone harmonic. In other words the arithmetic mean has to be 3/2. This creates the "ghost tonic" as the Perfect Fourth and in fact is the truth of Fourier Uncertainty - time-frequency uncertainty. The origin of quantum non-locality is actually this noncommutative phase secret of G=3=F at the same time. Louis de Broglie rediscovered this when he critiqued relativity (based on the same Pythagorean theorem symmetric math) and de Broglie created his Law of Phase Harmony that predicts superluminal pilot waves as quantum nonlocality.
And so we have just demonstrated the secret truth of Eastern philosophy from the empirical truth of music theory. As Dr.  Mae-Wan Ho details - there are over 70 octaves of time-frequency energy that are all phase-correlated in the body. Dr. Stuart Hameroff has then extended this via the ultrasound Hypersonic Effect, just as Dr. Andrija Puharich realized that the quantum coherence from ultrasound also has a subharmonic as ELF waves in resonance with the Schumann frequency of Earth. So the trance dancing of the original humans creates a shaking of the body at 7 to 9 beats per second and creates a standing Schumann resonance with the Earth's energy. Dr. Puharich called this the Phonon-Hydron Effect and so this splitting of water to create superconducting and superluminal proton-proton energy is the scientific explanation for qi or prana or N/om energy of the original human culture.
So with the Daoist training - for males the left hand is yang and lower body is yin, while the right hand is yin and upper body is yang. So just by knowing that secret then the body is turned into a macroquantum harmonic oscillator as Tai Chi training does. This is called the "moving of yin and yang" exercise - you can find on youtube. So the Daoists call this training the infinite spiral of fifths - and it's not just some modular trick like an infinite spiral of thirds, as Western music theorists claim. The truth is again based on noncommutative phase as a 5th dimenson that is time-like yet non-local as proto-consciousness of the universe. This phase energy is the hidden momentum of light and so accessed by "turning the light around" and then listening to the energy source. This is why the left ear is Yuan Qi in Daoist alchemy as you listen to activate the right side deep reptilian vagus nerve that then goes to the right side of the heart, the source of the "yuan qi" beyond death, as the "secret pinhole" to the formless awareness of the Universe, as Ramana Maharshi called it - Mouna Samadhi or silence samadhi.
Thanks for your time, and any criticism, comments or questions would be appreciated,
drew hempel, MA

Karmu Doc: Reality is Inherently Subjective: The New Quantum Self-Force: Bernard d'Espagnat

 The Full Karmu healing doc online free viewing

 Karmu healer pdf

Too bad Shermer is also an idiot. haha. Paranormal spiritual healing is very real for example. Sure there are fakes out there but that does not discount that there is also the truth. The "skeptic" scene - James Magic Randi - for example is a total charlatan. Derren Brown is just video editing illusions - waste of time. Watch qigong master Jiang Feng. Qigong master Robert Peng. Qigong master Chunyi Lin. Qigong master Effie P. Chow. Those are all real spiritual paranormal yogi master healers - and there's more too. Many conspiracies are real as well. So no need to just dismiss a topic categorically by claiming people are stupid as a whole - that is "scientism" - not real scientific inquiry.
+Voldisyinang "The "skeptic" scene - James Magic Randi - for example is a total charlatan.' Oh the irony of this comment :)
 Instead of coy flippancy how about some actually discussion? Or is your "science" based on censorship and silence? For example I finished my master's degree by training with a Chinese spiritual healer who did 49 days in full lotus yoga meditation, in cave, no sleep nor food the whole time - just a bit of water. Now you would say he is fake right? Due to your "ironic" idiocy scientism? If that is so, and James Randi did attack Chunyi Lin without knowing anything about him - only that someone complained to James Randi since Chunyi gave a seminar on qigong to this complainer's company staff employees - his fellow employees - and so if all that is true, then how come the Mayo Clinic's Dr. Ann Vincent did a "randomized controlled" aka Gold Standard medical study showing that "External qi" healing of chronic pain that Western medicine could not treat for 5 years, was "especially impressive." And so how come James Randi has not paid Chunyi Lin? Becuz James Randi's "test" is fake - that's why! The Myth of James Randi's Million Dollar Challenge – The Daily Grail 22, 2008 - The financial reward offered by the James Randi Educational Foundation… ... claims of the paranormal: the James Randi Million Dollar Challenge. ...... the test is there to prove the claims of these fakes who say they don't use ...Randi's Million Dollar Challenge: Not Science – The Daily Grail 20, 2011 - D.J. Grothe, president of the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF), discusses the 'Million Dollar Challenge' in this interview with ...The James Randi 1 Million Dollar Challenge Finally Terminated – The ... 27, 2016 - The James Randi Million Dollar Challenge for proof of psychic ... Here's one more by Daily Grail called “The Myth of the One Million Dollar Challenge” which .... And roundly revealed and criticized as a fake by Randi What is . Maybe your worldview is that of a dolt? Yep I think so. haha. How ironic. Do you know anything about quantum biology for example?

Can you sit in full lotus? Or is that a "self-indoctrination"? Hilarious! Full lotus yoga meditation. How long can you do that for?
So the extinction of half the world's indigenous communities is just ignored by you? What technocratic bliss! Science isn't based on ecocide and genocide? What a glorious future you behold! There hasn't already been over a dozen near miss nuclear accidents that would have set off nuclear winter already? So Dr. Helen Caldicott's book "Missile Envy" is wrong? Or probably you have not read it and are naive of the realities of the military-industrial complex as the single largest cause of global warming and global apocalypse. Yes I think there are some "bias effects" but in the end true objective science will achieve supremacy! Glory to the Great Geometer Jahbulon! So the original human culture is all fake right? Total B.S. time go grew up - Westernized globalization is naive at best.

Understanding Climate Change
+Voldisyinang I don't recall saying anything about full lotus yoga meditation. And videos of subjective opinion are not evidence of anything.
 Oh I'm sorry - you have chosen the tactic of "willful ignorance" - the "if I don't look into it then it doesn't exist" approach to science. Ignorance is not bliss. But if you choose ignorance - if you are not willing to even interact with the link I provided to a peer-reviewed randomized controlled study by a Mayo Clinic doctor - then what can I say? Clearly you are a kool-aid drinker of scientism. I asked you if you knew anything about quantum biology. Clearly you don't. I recommend you read "Life on the Edge" by Professor JohnJoe McFadden - it won a science writing award - it's a 2016 book on quantum biology. That explains full lotus yoga meditation and the so-called "subjective" testimonies that you dismiss as of no value. That's not how medicine works by the way. haha. Biology trumps or I mean drumpfs physics - and the wrong mathematical logic of classical physics is wrong. Do you know anything about de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony? A good philosophy of science book for you to read is Professor H.M. Collins Changing Order: Replication and Induction in Scientific Practice, book Changing Order: Replication and Induction in Scientific Practice, Harry Collins is published by University of Chicago Press.
Reality is inherently subjective due to quantum non-locality that science has proven is the foundation of reality. Quantum non-locality can be logically inferred as Bernard d'Espagnat so eloquently detailed, and yet our dependence in science on left-brain dominance and right-hand technology causes an inherent time-frequency uncertainty that is noncommutative. Which is to say measuring one variable first and then measuring the same variable in the 2nd change of order, then changes the value of the variable! haha. This is proven easily by music theory. For example if C is 1 as the root tone of frequency then the octave C is 2 and G is 3 as the harmonic overtone or Perfect Fifth. This is the secret origin of Western math since arithmetic mean x harmonic mean = geometric mean squared, as the origin of incommensurability and irrational numbers. But for that equation to work the arithmetic mean as 3/2 does not allow the empirical truth that F is 3 as the harmonic undertone, also a Perfect Fifth. This means that G=3=F at the same time. That is the truth of noncommutative phase. It was covered up by the wrong math at the origin of Western civilization, creating a "pre-established deep disharmony" as math professor Luigi Borzacchini exposed. He called this secret music origin of Western math a "negative judgment paradox" that is "really astonishing" and "shocking" - 2007 - is his peer-reviewed published paper on it. I've corresponded with him off and on since 2000 - he is retired now but still tweets on politics. haha. So as Professor Basil J. Hiley states - a quantum physicist with whom I've corresponded - most quantum physicists are in denial of the truth of the quantum force - a new "self-force" that was discovered and predicted by Louis de Broglie in 1923 when he stated that an electron would exhibit wave diffraction properties if sent through a slit that is narrow enough.

When I meditate a lot then if the propane heater kicks on - I get a shock in the center of my brain. haha. When Chunyi Lin used to get mad then light bulbs would explode in his house. One time he was mad and mowing the lawn and he fried his lawn mower. haha. Then he was dead for 2 hours - his heart was stopped for 2 hours but he was walking around fine. So after that experience he doesn't get mad hardly anymore - with each breath he takes his spirit goes to beyond his physical heart. There is pyrokinesis by Jiang Feng - on youtube. His vids are real. This dude visited me who had read me online - he had gone to China and he met Jiang Feng. But then Jiang Feng was healing someone and he overused his "yuan qi" energy that is from the right side of the heart - the deep reptilian vagus nerve goes from the reproductive organs to the right side of the heart. So the Jiang Feng instantly keeled over. There is also Robert Peng - the "zapping" healer - his vids are online. He zaps the former Prime Minister of Australia! haha. Then there is John Chang - he can light up LED bulbs but his energy didn't register on a normal voltmeter. So the reason is because LED bulbs work via quantum coherent light - based on the photoelectric effect. So the qigong training is macroquantum resonance - it is very sensitive energy and can be very powerful and is actually "virtual information energy" or reverse time energy.

 I typed out Bernard d'Espagnat Transcript: Bell's inequalities are inequalities between numbers that express outcomes of visible experiments. And they are derivable from only notions that we all have, verifiable notions that everybody has. And yet they are violated by experiments. And what is even worse, they are violated in a way that seems to violate relativity theory as well. That's the first thing to be known about them. 2nd one equally important is that quantum physics precisely predicted these violations, and quantitatively so. There are two lessons to be drawn from this. The first one is that the predictions of quantum mechanics have to be taken very seriously, even when they look as if they're crazy. And the related lesson is that if not a mismatch, at least a considerable distance exists between reality as it really is and our present attempts at conceptualizing it. These indications are of course very sketchy. There is much more to say in this domain. But I think these few words already indicate to you how philosophically important the discovery of this violation is.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Why Chaos Supercomputer global warming models are not accurate yet precise

 Amazingly I posted the below response to some dude who refuses to incorporate any nonlinear predictions into his personal global warming analysis. Instead he is just waiting for next years temperature levels. haha. And so after I posted the below I then searched the topic I was writing on - supercomputers chaos global warming. I got this lecture by an Oxford physics professor.

Amazingly he says the SAME thing that I was talking about - even focusing on the difference between accuracy and precision, as I stated.
You have a skeptic "off the shelf" reproductive technology approach to science that is based on what I call "Mall Science" where the boy is at the mall whining to his mom to get him the latest sweatshop produce slave wage fancy item that is standardized and flashy. It's not the temperature trend but rather it is the rate of the temperature trend that is the issue. I just posted how the prediction of the albedo effect of tropical storms shifting to the poles as a force multiplier is based on chaos supercomputer iterations. 
That means, to refer to chaos mathematician Steve Strogatz, that the science is no longer based on deductive reasoning. Rather the supercomputers actually create the deductive modeling due to the inherent unpredictable results of the iterations. So at this point with the supercomputer chaos models being in charge of the science - that means the only issue is precision and not accuracy. Accuracy in science was wrong from the start (meaning since Plato, Archytas and Eudoxus) due to the wrong math. Chaos math, as number theory demonstrates, simply means that as irrational numbers have their right-hand side digits revealed in the decimal iterations over time then the results resonate with nonlinear feedback that is inherently unpredictable. 
That's why it's impossible to forecast the weather over 10 days out. So the problem is that public policy has to be based on predicting the future in order to - as a hyperbole - change the present. It's just like turning a car wheel - you have to turn the opposite direction to the extreme - in order to straight the car out back from the opposite extreme that it is sliding. And so basically Western civilization as a whole - due to the wrong logarithmic, exponential math, has being sliding into the crevasse of Hell. Some people will freak out if you try to turn the car wheel to the opposite direction. They will go out - to no end - screaming bloody murder that you're going to kill everyone if you turn that car wheel in the opposite direction. When in fact the problem is that the car is sliding off in the other direction and the person is just freaking out in general, thereby stopping anyone from fixing the problem. It's mass insanity. So you are whining about scientists making dire predictions that are not based on real time results that you see in present data reports. 
But that is the whole point - by the time the present data results are in - then the effects due to nonlinear feedback will already be too late. And even worse - chaos science is still based on logistic symmetric math equations - despite the math being irrational and inherently authoritarian. And even though these chaos predictions can be made - since the supercomputers are in control - then humans don't care since we live under the illusion of left-brain linear time analysis as supposed "real time" present accuracy. It's not accurate and it never has been. As Slavoj Zizek said, the ecological crisis is causing the "collapse of the Big Other." That's just fancy Lacanian psychology - even he doesn't realize the implications of the crisis. 
The solution is noncommutative phase geometry - as macroquantum resonance. This is the realm of quantum biology - but that is an ontological solution as it can not be reproduced as "off the shelf" standardized technology. Quantum physics is the foundation of reality as science now - and in fact, as quantum biology shows - it is macroquantum resonance that is key. Not chaos resonance.


If what you say if true than obviously the Perimeter Institute lecture is wrong, since I predicted exactly what the man said in that lecture. To be honest I was shocked. I watched the lecture and amazingly he says the same thing I said to you. The only book I read that discussed supercomputers and global warming was "The Environmental Endgame" by professor Robert Nadeau - and that was ten years ago - 2006. But I have studied chaos math a lot - from Steve Strogatz. I've even corresponded with him once. Tim Palmer | University of Oxford Department of Physics Palmer. Royal Society Research Professor. I am a Royal Society Research Professor in Climate Physics, and interested in the predictability and dynamics of weather and climate. For further information please see the Predictability Group pages. I'm sorry what's your qualifications again?
voidisyinyang voidisyinyang
To quote Tim Palmer at 34 minutes - "those thunderstorms carrying heat from the tropics" are "too small" to be modeled by supercomputer. "Nevertheless because they play such an important role in the climate system we have to do something." We can't solve the equation "accurately" to represent all that is going on in the climate. See that is EXACTLY what I'm saying - the supercomputers are not even accurate. They are precise. But supercomputers don't care whether human civilization survives or not.
voidisyinyang voidisyinyang
"the fate of humanity depends on how clouds will respond to our CO2 emissions. It is kind of frustrating that we don't know the answer." 43 mn.
voidisyinyang voidisyinyang
So his answer is to use randomness or stochastic indeterminacy at the scale that he wants to be accurate. He says this is "slightly oxymoronic" - "if you reduce the precision you can increase the accuracy" into the "cloud scales that are so important." But can we really? will stochastic indeterminacy really be able to predict what is going on at the "cloud scale."? He calls it "nondeterminism" - as Steve Strogatz states - the computers are in control and it's inherently authoritarian.
voidisyinyang voidisyinyang
So then Tim Palmer claims that human consciousness is ALSO based on random indeterminacy!! No - he's wrong. That's still a classical logistic model. Human consciousness and the foundation of reality is quantum coherence - not randomness. Tim Palmer obviously has not read "Life on the Edge" the new quantum biology book by professor JOhnJoe McFadden. So Tim Palmer is justifying his model by saying since we humans are random computers therefore we need random computers to solve global warming. Hilarious.
voidisyinyang voidisyinyang
He says maybe our human consciousness is even "quantum decoherence" - but again that assumes the Poisson Bracket as a classical symmetric math conversion of Schrodinger's equation. Schrodinger got his wave function from de Broglie who realized the true foundation of reality. But the relativistic equation of de Broglie was ignored after Schrodinger expanded the wave function - and so the noncommutative math was covered up. In fact de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony is the accurate model of reality - not some "quantum decoherence" of the non-relativistic wave function based on symmetric math.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Does Human Civilization really only have days to weeks left? Abrupt Global Warming Warning

Prof. Guy McPherson keeps upping the ante on his dire abrupt global warming predictions

He said he will run out of money soon so he hopes that the collapse of civilization happens soon.

But I see no reason why not to believe him. The supposed experts at the latest COP 23 ignored the methane bomb that is about to blow in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf - and Nick Breeze says it will only be a billion tons so not too bad. But Dr. Shakhova says in fact the bomb will be tremendous and rapidly warm the planet.

ccording to Dr. Shakova, only a fraction of the gas emissions released from subsea permafrost of ESAS is enough to “alter the climate on our planet drastically.” That prognostication is nastier than regular nasty wake-up calls. It fits the prescription for colossal temperature increases of up to 15-18 degrees and massive agricultural burn off within only 10 years as suggested by a group of scientists that think outside the box, non-mainstreamers.
Time to Wake-Up fast! Activate the pineal gland to launch your spirit into heaven!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

From Shen in the Lower Tan T'ien to Biophotons in the gastro-intestinal-brain axis!

And now quantum bio-physicist Jack Tuszynski, et. al. , provides corroboration:
Living organisms tend to find viable strategies under ambient conditions that optimize their search for, and utilization of, life-sustaining resources. For plants, a leading role in this process is performed by auxin, a plant hormone that drives morphological development, dynamics, and movement to optimize the absorption of light (through branches and leaves) and chemical "food" (through roots). Similarly to auxin in plants, serotonin seems to play an important role in higher animals, especially humans. Here, it is proposed that morphological and functional similarities between (i) plant leaves and the animal/human brain and (ii) plant roots and the animal/human gastro-intestinal tract have general features in common. Plants interact with light and use it for biological energy, whereas, neurons in the central nervous system seem to interact with bio-photons and use them for proper brain function. Further, as auxin drives roots "arborescence" within the soil, similarly serotonin seems to facilitate enteric nervous system connectivity within the human gastro-intestinal tract. This auxin/serotonin parallel suggests the root-branches axis in plants may be an evolutionary precursor to the gastro-intestinal-brain axis in humans. Finally, we hypothesize that light might be an important factor, both in gastro-intestinal dynamics and brain function. Such a comparison may indicate a key role for the interaction of light and serotonin in neuronal physiology (possibly in both the central nervous system and the enteric nervous system), and according to recent work, mind and consciousness.

The gastrointestinal-brain axis in humans as an evolutionary advance of the root-leaf axis in plants: A hypothesis linking quantum effects of light on serotonin and auxin. Available from:

I did email him - I'm pretty sure.


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The brain as a musical instrument: Aether as noncommutative longitudinal phonon field: Sid Deutsch as a Pilot Wave proposal and Sisir Roy on self awareness

These new photon properties closely mimic those of phonons in crystals, hardly a surprising analogy.
Noncommutative light

So the experiment that "captures" virtual photons was done by unicorns sprinkling rainbow fairy dust? haha. Still a fascinating analysis - thanks again.

Stephen E. Robbins
hmmmm..."changing the direction of a magnetic field billions of times a second" to oscillate at "mirror" at 5% of c, in the "vacuum," or what Maxwell/Heaviside et. al would have called the dielectric...and we spur a "fluctuation" in this medium that we CALL a "photon"... this is QM...
voidisyinyang voidisyinyang
thanks for reading my blog! Sir John Pendry has some fascinating metamaterial research on changing the direction of spacetime to access the relativistic mass energy. So Tesla's ether is the longitudinal phonon energy of light from noncommutative time-frequency - nonlocal phase. The problem is the symmetric math and the replicated technology based on the wrong symmetric math. So "What is intriguing is that matter's most basic building blocks, the elementary particles, all have non-zero spin, intrinsic angular momentum, which seems to imply they all have some sort of intrinsic dynamics....So what is matter really made of then? In the Dirac theory, the electron is like electromagnetic energy quivering at light speed, just like a photon in a box. If really so, matter is light." Nobel physicist Gerard t'Hooft and M.B. van der Mark, 2000 The Physics of Heavy Light
. arXiv:1206.6296 [pdf, ps, other]
Horava-Lifshitz theory as a Fermionic Aether in Ashtekar gravity
Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th); Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO); General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc) 
  But our result about the superluminal noncommutative photons is quite different from those, because the shift of velocity of photons in those nontrivial vacua is essentially a quantum phenomenon because it appears after taking into account one-loop (and/or) two-loop corrections to the action of usual QED, while our result (see (23) and (25)) is completely a classical phenomenon due to the noncommutativity of space, since the action (5) is a classical one without any quantum corrections.

The stream lines in the all-pervading ether guide the compression shock waves; this is reminiscent of the pilot wave proposal of David Bohm....The concept that the WPD field [Wave Particle Duality field] may be a longitudinal wave is depicted in fig. 6(a).

Einstein's Greatest Mistake: Sid Deutsch on the Aether

Phonon shock wave as source of Big Bang ether pdf

 We propose a simple scenario which explains why our Universe appears spatially flat, homogeneous and isotropic. We use the Einstein–Cartan–Kibble–Sciama (ECKS) theory of gravity which naturally extends general relativity to include the spin of matter.

Torsion as Spin cosmology noncommutative

youtube physicist Sisir Roy on quantum consciousness 

Why is there Orthogonality? Functional state of neurons is modulated by the aether - this is like musical instruments like Sitar. 

The Brain is like a musical instrument.

Sisir Roy and Ralph Abraham youtube 2016

Once it is clear that the uncertainty principle
applies in biology as well as in fundamental physics, a new game is on. And so the analysis of biological noise is born and, more to the point, the differences between the biological and the non-biological realms begin to merge.
The Role of Noise in Brain Function (PDF Download Available). Available from:

Demystifying the Akasha: Consciousness and the Quantum Vacuum

Front Cover