I hear my echo in the echoing wood -- simultaneous reception of echoes results not only in the incorrect separation of clocks within a moving chain; also asynchronicity of those clocks. Clocks necessarily get entangled through time dilation; spin–echo phase-decay leads to a loss of coherence of a single clock. Phase coherence in the spin has the uncanny property of reversing the time flows backwards. We feel vibrant buzzing, hear uplifting tonal hum inside...always music in our heart and head
Peanut Gallery Independent Praise of Drew Hempel's research
Spooky Action At a Distance that Uses Telepathic Methods - youtube playlist
Best Compilation of Bioenergy Spirit Demonstrations youtube playlist
Idiot's Guide to Daoist Taoist Yoga Neidan Qigong Alchemy Neigong Meditation Kundalini Energy links on youtube
77 Different Sources on de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony and Spiritual Force
The Blue Light of Blues Music: Quantum Biology, Metaphysics and Meditation
Phrygian Frisson Ravel adagio piano concerto 2nd movement playlist"The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One."My new blog is http://elixirfield.blogspot.com"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?">"

Quantum Nonlocality is from eternal asymmetric time as the 5th dimension, or noncommutative phase as the Tai Chi secret (the three gunas).
Monday, July 31, 2017
Freemasons really do promote the lies of Archytas!
PsyWar doc youtube
My dad was a corporate attorney - and so he was a big support of the fake "libertarian" corporate elite movement that kicked off in the 1970s - an actual neo-fascist movement pushed by economists from the University of Chicago, based on Straussian Neo-Platonic philosophy. So James Buchanan was a big pusher of this fascism along with Milton Friedman - and then after the "Fair" coverage regulate was dismantled then the "news" could just promote these mass mind control lies. haha. This stuff goes way back - like I said - back to Plato! But you got to start some where.
My dad was big into Plato - so in high school I studied Plato big time. I even went to St. John's College in Santa Fe to see about studying the "classics" in their original Greek. But I knew something was fishy because of my music training - I knew that music theory was the real origin of the pythagorean theorem and so the Pythagorean Theorem was wrong! haha. Of course I had to keep that a secret. But if you really study math and music you find out that Plato and Archytas lied about Pythagorean music theory. Economist Michael E. Hudson also exposed this as he started out studying music theory - and he also is from Minneapolis! http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/mackeys_history_volume_7.htm
Freemasons really do promote the lies of Archytas!
So you can see here the Freemasons promoting FAKE Pythagorean philosophy from Archytas - and this is also what Plato promoted. Then stating this philosophy is "Justice." Nope. This is the Big Lie - it is built into the Western music as mass mind control even! But that Western music is the foundation of Western math and everything built on it: Economics Professor Michael Hudson concurs about the Devil’s Interval: “The worst problem in tuning occurs in the interval of three whole tones, e.g., between C and F#/Gb in the “natural” untempered methods of tuning. If the ratio of the octave is 2:1, then the ratio of C to F# represents the square root of two — an irrational number. (Burkert [1972:441] notes that the harmonic mean discovered in the context of Pythagorean music theory has a major use precisely in approximating the square root.)” Michael Hudson’s essay, “Music as an Analogy for Economic Order in Classical Antiquity” in Jürgen Backhaus (ed.), Karl Bücher. Theory, History, Anthropology, Non-Market Economies (Marburg:Metropolis Verlag, 2000): pp. 113-35 citing Burkert, Walter (1972), Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism (Harvard University Press, 1972).
So this philosophy of reality not only was the basis for the Greek Miracle creating western science but also the elite control of the technology – justified still by the logarithmic fake Pythagorean cover-up. Quote “The necessity of tempering pure intervals, defined by the ratio of integers, is one of the great themes of Plato’s Republic. In his allegorical form, “citizens” modeled on the tones of the scale must not demand “exactly what they are owed” but must keep in mind “what is best for the city.” Ernest McClain, The Myth of Invariance: The origins of the Gods, Mathematics and Music, from the Rg Veda to Plato (Nicholas-Hays, 1976), p. 11.
Economics Professor Hudson clarifies McClain’s promotion of Plato’s fake Pythagorean cover-up: Quote “Pythagoras became the patron saint of the most anti-democratic clubs. They used the principles of musical harmony as a patina of pseudo-science to give intellectual legitimacy to a movement whose worldly consequences were anything but harmonious. The Pythagorean clubs became a network of civic cults rising above the local sphere to which most clubs related. There seems to have been some connection with the Delphi temple (the name Pythagoras means “voice of Pythia,” the snake-goddess of Delphi and its oracle). They have been likened to the Free Masons, in that they served as a kind of Council of Foreign Relations or New World Order…. Archytas [the collaborator of Plato] developed the musical scale into a political metaphor for the scales of justice. What gave music this imagery of social balance and just proportion was the ability of its mathematics of harmonic (“geometric”) proportions to serve as an analogy for how inequities of wealth and status rendered truly superior men equal in proportion to their virtue — which tended to reflect their wealth. By this circular logic the wealthy were enabled to rationalize their hereditary dominance over the rest of the population.”
And as I pointed out Cargill relied on its Freemason connections for this elite corporate-state monopoly U.S. imperialism! Anthony Sutton, just as he exposed Wall St. creating the Bolsheviks - Anthony Sutton also exposed the Freemasonic elite secret socities controlling the U.S. - Skull and Bones, and various other "think tanks" as secret societies. Professor David F. Noble exposed this as well when he was an M.I.T. history professor and he got fired for it - he proved in a lawsuit - backed by his academic history association. So his book "America By Design" is all about how even science is controlled by these Freemason societies - along with his book "The Religion of Technology" and his book "Forces of Production."
All his books are a must read for deprogramming the mass mind control. He traces the NeoPlatonic philosophy to the Benedictine Monks of the 9th Century spreading it - from the Muslims - and then to the Freemasonic societies creating modern science. His final book traces the problem back to the origins of civilization in the Near East Levant and how before that in early Sumeria there was a more balanced ecological culture. So this problem is only 10,000 years old at most while modern biological humans are 100,000 years old. Taoism is from the older culture that was dominant for 90% of modern biological human history, the San Bushmen culture. 90% of human history is based on small tribes as hunter-gatherers and so biologically we are aligned to live in tribes no bigger than 150 people - and split into smaller bands.
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Why Chaos was wrongly translated from the Taoist word Hun
Original Daoist meaning of Hundun is harmonic wisdom - as the secret of 3 in 1 unity - eternal complementary opposites. googlebook link
But an approach more in harmony with the mystical "naturalism" of the Daode jing suggests an even broader range of archaic associations and images, especially in relation to the meaning of the ideas of "one" and "three."
In Western scholarship as early as 1891, C. De Harlez remarked that hun "is generally rendered 'chaos, chaotic,' But the choice of this term is unfortunate.
N. J. Giardot
1 hour ago, Wu Ming Jen said:Void is yin yand is chaos in the negative sense
N.J. Giardot:
Here it is necessary to speak of the paradoxical idea of an "ordered chaos" since the idea of hun is not presented as an absolute chaos, disorder or confusion. Rather, as it seems manifest in these passages, there is a harmonious "order" of life and time inherent in the Daoist idea of the "chaos" before creation.
Myth and Meaning in Early Daoism examines some of the earliest texts associated with the Daoist tradition from the comparative history of religions and finds a thematic and soteriological unity rooted in the mythological symbolism of hundun, the primal chaos being and principle that is foundational for the philosophy and practice of the Dao as creatio continua in cosmic, social, and individual life. Dedicated to the proposition that ancient Chinese texts and traditions are often best understood from a broad interdisciplinary and interpretive perspective, this work when it was written challenged many prevailing conceptions of the Daode jing and Zhuangzi as primarily “philosophical” texts without any religious significance or affinity with the later sectarian traditions. While controversial and at times playfully provocative, the methodology and findings of this book are still important for the ongoing scholarship about Daoism in China and the world.
Myth and Meaning In Early Daoism
There is a lot of confusion about these very simple yet radical concepts!!Local Activity Principle - Page 394 - Google Books Result
https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1908977108Klaus Mainzer, Leon O. Chua - 2013 - Broken symmetryIn the beginning, there was simply a nothingness, an ultimate non-being (wuji) or pregnant chaos (hundun).
As I have pointed out - the Tai Chi IS the wuji and yet even Taoist "experts" get this wrong. Fortunately some know the secret.
Actually you are preaching a later Song Dynasty corruption - there was no Wu chi symbol before the Song Dynasty, just the Tai Chi symbol. I have gone into detail about this expose in my pdf and on my blog. So you are making a common error that even supposed academic experts on Neidan make! haha. Here is the response I got from Pregadio:1 hour ago, Wu Ming Jen said: Void is yin yand is chaos in the negative sense. wu chi gives birth to tai chi.
Hello,All I can say at the moment is:(1) Wuji is a stage above Taiji. It is, as you say, a "static" timeless Emptiness.(2) Zhou Dunyi 周敦頤 does not discuss this stage. He only says it is the root of Taiji.(3) In the Daoist interpretation of the “old” Taiji picture, the empty circle at the center is the Wuji.(4) The purpose is to show that, at the center of Yin and Yang, there is Emptiness.(5) This means that Yin and Yang allow Emptiness to operate (用) in space and time.(6) Unlike Neo-Confucianism, Daoism says that Wuji and Taiji are ultimately equivalent.I completely agree with you that there is a connection between cosmology and music.
Fabrizio Pregadio <fabrizio.pregadio@fau.de>
4:53 PM (56 minutes ago)
to me
From the point of view of Wuji, there is no difference with Taiji. — From the point of view of Taiji, it is lower than Wuji.This is the mystery about which all traditions speak about.Fabrizio
Fabrizio Pregadio
5:14 PM (37 minutes ago)
to me
Fabrizio Pregadio
5:16 PM (35 minutes ago)
I don’t know why Zong Mi shows the Taiji without the “empty circle” Maybe he wanted to show something else.

He stated that the "hub" was the Emptiness and the yin-yang then revolved around that hub.
But that is not the oldest image of the Tai Chi - it is a later Song derivation.

So here is the oldest image of the Tai Chi.
Notice the difference.
It's yin-yang all the way down.
Now last night I posted the discussion of the "later" image of the Tai Chi with the supposed hub.
The author who made that image spent his life clarifying that Wuji IS Taichi.
"The Emptiness from which existence comes forth is the central hub." p. 5
Pregadio is relying on the wrong meaning of the original Tai Chi symbol.
So then Buddhists cling to Pregadio using terms that lead Buddhists to incorrectly claim Taoism is based on a static timeless origin of reality - and that immortality means a person exists in this timeless realm and then interacts from this static timeless realm into the "illusion" of spacetime.
I have explained in great detail why this is not accurate but the above image difference simplifies the argument and clarifies the error that Pregadio made. See the side bar of this blog for more details on why wuji is Taiji.
In the Theory on Yuan Qi of Taiji: "Taiji refers to the state of integrated yuan qi before the separation of heaven and earth. It is the great beginning and the great one." The state before the "separation of heaven and earth" is "wuji" which is mixed and blurry, when qi is generated and distributed to make "yuan qi integrated as one," namely "taiji."
The Mind Inside Tai Chi: Sustaining a Joyful Heart
By Henry Zhuang2015, YMAA
If you read the essay I referred to (Zhu Xi's Metaphysical System and the Role of the Taji (Great Ultimate) by Kim Han-Sang, 2013) it is quite clear Zhu Xi is emphatic that Taiji is wuji - at the same time. Not "prior." For me this completely is understandable in terms of noncommutative phase. As you state, in alchemy there is "forward" and "backward" processes at the same time as continual processes. That is noncommutative phase.
You have agreed about music theory and taoism which is my specialty. There is a very amazing cover-up of noncommutative phase in music theory. So I tried to explain this to you. But Louis de Broglie rediscovered this with his Law of Phase Harmony. So if shen is light, then when shen is turned around, then time is zero but, as de Broglie discovered, there is still noncommutative phase that is from the future - as quantum entanglement and also as reverse entropy energy.
So Zong Mi emphasized that qi, from the Zhou Dynasty character, qi means to put shen under jing or fire under water to create steam. So when the light is turned around, the shen is put under jing to create steam as reverse entropy - or qi energy that is what Master Yan Xin calls a "virtual information field." So it is the secret of reversing aging, bigu, levitation, precognition, yang shen, etc.
So in science it is now stated EPR=ER which means that 4D spacetime arises from micro quantum virtual black holes, as Noble physicist Gerard t'Hooft states (Feb. 2017). So the neidan (qigong) masters can leave their bodies at will by turning the light around, so their individual spirit merges with universal spirit, as zero time of light. Again light has no rest mass but does have a 'Hidden momentum" that is reverse entropy phonon energy - and so this is why it is stated Yuan Qi is formless and the Taiji. In other words there is continual motion of qi energy as the Taiji that is wuji at the same time. There are two time clocks - one from the future that then changes the past to harmonize the present.
Zhu Xi's Metaphysical System and the Role of the Taji (Great Ultimate) by Kim Han-Sang, 2013.
Although Zhu Xi learned of the Taiji as 'the principle of origin of the universe' from his teacher Li Tong as early as in 1161....It was under the influence of Zhang Shi that Zhu Xi came to consider Taiji in connection with Xing....Taiji is not seen as some primordial undivided material stuff or matter, but clearly is stated as being the metaphysical Dao, as well as containing all the principles of movement and quiescence, and of yin and yang....
Taiji is just the li of all things in the universe....Even before heaven and earth have yet to exist, there must first be this li.
Behind the movement and quiescence is the principle of movement and quiescence and this is what is known as Taiji.
However, the reason why the [Diagram of the Great Ultimate] talks of "Indeterminate yet the Great Ultimate" and says that "Taiji is originally wuji" is not because wuji gave birth to Taiji after wuji, or because wuji existed before Taiji.
Taiji is the metaphysical Dao ....Taiji is that metaphysical entity that is one with the world of change and regulates it while accompanying it, without undergoing change itself.
wuji serves to define the character of Taiji as without form, but characterized by the presence of principle.
Taiji as wuji is not a primordial material substance - it is also different from the Buddhist notion of emptiness. It is the ground-providing principle behind phenomena that allow transformations in the phenomenal world to occur.
When t’ai chi is at rest, yang and yin are united;
when t’ai chi is in motion, the two opposing forces separate. Herein
lies the secret of immortality.
17 hours ago, Kongming said:
So this pretty much sums up your wrong view of Daoism.
The standard translation "the ultimate nonbeing" (Chan, 1963; Neville 1980) or "Ultimate of Nonbeing" (Zhang, 2002) has actually reversed the Chinese word order, and renders it as jiwu - the ultimate wu.
However even within the Daoist tradition, Wang Bi's interpretation of Laozi's wuji (Chapter 28) is simply "inexhaustible" (wuqiong), and this shows clearly he did not identify wuji with wu itself.
Nevertheless, this does not mean that there was a time when Taiji did not exist....Taiji was initially boundless because its existence was beyond both space and time.
Taiji was initially just one qi, which then separated into yang and yin through motion and rest. ...it was a common view ...to regard Taiji as one qi - before yin and yang are divided.
vacuums have energy and energy is convertible into mass is to deny that vacuums are empty....vacuums are far from empty. Understood in this light, ...taiji is much more intelligble and plausible.
...Taiji, the supreme ultimate, is the absolute self-sufficient and self-contained perfection. Exactly because it is relative to nothing else, it is identical with the Boundless (Wuji).
...Taiji is simply Being itself; hence it is both supremely massive and boundless (wuji).
12 minutes ago, Wu Ming Jen said:The only thing that gets confused with primordial chaos, where we all came from and where we return is the human mind, the shinning mind never left, began or ended. Stop being silly.
Notice the qigong master who befriended me clearly describes how his mind as the "shining" mind is his spiritual ego - his self-awareness, not the yuan qi that does the healing on its own as the Emptiness:
The key is being open to listening, that's the hardest thing. If you get five seconds of focus you're doing something. You slow yourself down, to maintain your focus, breathing is an important part, if you can pull the visualization without losing the connection, then it's much easier to shift the energy. If I inhale and exhale and be more objective, not so subjectively pulled into the experience, it would be like taking a snap-shot, looking at the snap-shot, keeping it steady while I was breathing. I could then keep my focus on something for an extended period of time. All I had to do was wait and the energy would shift on its own.
So this describes the "doing" in the "non-movement" of the Yuan Shen.
The "doing" is the Yuan Qi that is also called the "golden key" of Zhong Gong.
So I'll quote again the book I was just referencing:
The "two" are separated by a chaotic void or hollow emptiness, but this void is alive with the invisible life-force of qi.
So as I point out in my pdf - the character for qi from the Zhou Dynasty - the oldest character of qi is "fire under water" or shen under jing - this is the heaven and earth that then creates qi - or in reverse - the qi is the three in one unity - the qi is always already creating heaven and earth in harmony.
This is called "noncommutative phase" -
So shen as light - in terms of Western science is a "point" - but in fact that the same time shen is also an infinite wave - that is in two places with the point. This infinite wave is momentum energy - called the "Hidden momentum" of light - that is the secret of the Yuan Qi.
So when light is turned around it has zero rest at zero time but in fact because of noncommutative phase - there is a 5th dimension that is "time-life" - it is the hidden momentum that is "relative entropy" energy or Yuan qi energy that qigong master Yan Xin calls the "virtual information field."
....the "emptiness" of the center, that third term or primordial principle (called yuanqi or hunyuan in later Daoist texts) that constantly connects all phenomenal forms, images, things with the mother.
So it is not light or "shining mind" as you incorrectly claim.
It is the empty gap of the center that allows for the original movement, sound or flow of the life-principle.
Friday, July 21, 2017
Kang Bed-stove: conversion of Hunter Silverfire TLUD Inverted Downdraft heater-stove
So the key insight I realized - duh - is I needed the stove below the actual "ground" heater - the Kang bed-stove heater system. This is the only way I can get "negative pressure." As you can see from putting the photos together - I am missing a 90 degree elbow that busted on me - actually I have a 4 inch one that might work - but anyway. I tried it with a straight shot and there was hardly any smoke leaking - unlike all my previous designs (all 2 of them before now).
Gasifier Stove aka TLUD aka Chinese Burner is secret of alchemy! |
So the other improvement - as I read up on this subject into the night - is you want to make sure that the "crimping" end of the duct pipe is facing up and away from the chimney. The main reason for this is because the smoke exhaust heat is being "pushed" up and away and so it's not going to leak nearly as much if it is push into the other pipe. So I had not done that when I tried it out - and as I said there was still much less leaking, due to the negative pressure. So with that crimping improvement then it should be able to handle being turned around again.
That way I can slow the exhaust down enough to get all the heat out of the exhaust. But at the same time I will not have any fire hazard - unless I get creosote build up but I can use my chimney sweep to clean the duct pipe. I'll have to take it out of the clay - but since the smoke is supposed to get very hot if the wood is dry, from the gasifier, then there should be less creosote. Also since the pipe is insulated into the clay - then it cools down less so less creosote.
O.K. so then to make sure I have no leaks - I will also get aluminum duct tape. Now normally I would not aluminum but since it is exhaust it is not as hot and its designed for hot temps. Also normally you don't want galvanized duct pipe - but since it is in the clay - then any zinc oxide fumes will get absorbed. Only with welding does the fire get hot enough to achieve the "boiling" point of zinc oxide - other wise you get melting of zinc but then it just oxidizes again back into a solid very quickly. So the Rocket Mass people say they just "burn off" the zinc by doing a couple outside burns and also again that the clay would absorb any zinc fumes.
But carbon monoxide leakage is still a big concern - despite these three precautions I am taking - of the negative pressure, the crimping on the inside of the pipes and the aluminum duct tape. So then I will get a battery operated carbon monoxide detector just to be safe, as a precaution. But the downward draft secret burns off the carbon monoxide:
Combustion from the top creates a gasification zone, with the gas escaping downwards through ports located at the base of the burner chamber. The gas mixes with additional incoming air to provide a secondary burn. Most of the CO produced by gasification is oxidized to CO2 in the secondary combustion cycle; therefore, gasification stoves carry lower health risks than conventional cooking fires.But on the plus side - the duct pipes get hot from the heat and that is the whole point - to leverage the heat of the exhaust and use all that heat. As for the actual heat from the stove - I will have the stove in my water hole - and the point is then to heat the water hole, to make sure my water source does not freeze in the winter. So then also the stove will be outside of the insulated hut, which then means I don't have to worry about carbon monoxide from the stove itself smoking.
And so this is a dramatically different design than what I had considered before. But I did not really totally understand the TLUD stove mechanism. I kept studying it and realized in fact this TLUD design - pronounced T-LUD - is actually considered a key strategy for "sustainable" in "developing" countries. This T-LUD is also called a Chinese Burner but it was also called the "Inverted Down Draft" stove.
Now personally I much prefer the name Inverted Down Draft stove. Because, for example, I had made biochar in that big pit - you can see in the above photo - and the idea if you light it from above, like a TLUD - but then the oxygen gets pulled from below as the fire burns down - and so this cuts off the oxygen of the bottom wood, so that it remains a charcoal, burning without oxygen.
So it would appear that is how the TLUD works but now that is not quite it. So because you have the primary air on the bottom of the stove - in the Hunter its in the front of the stove, but also the back of the stove - and this pulls in the oxygen from below and that is the only source of oxygen for the wood's primary oxidation burn, since the wood has to burn in the down draft direction.
So even if you light a pile of wood from above it would still pull its oxygen from above but by then covering the top of the stove of the TLUD, that forces the oxygen to be relied on from below - hence the Inverted Down Draft name is more accurate. But they didn't stick with the name since it's more difficult to explain.
Who's they? Dr. TLUD. So this design won some award around 10 years ago and since then has taken off in being promoted around the world. But in reality it's called a Chinese Burner - the Chinese were using this gasification secret for who knows how long?
I tried to look that up. We know that Kang Bed-stoves go back to at least 1000 BCE. I am quite interested because to bring the fire down - as an "inversion" - is the secret of alchemy!
So then the carbon monoxide gets separated from the primary oxidation since the fire is now below the charcoal that is above, as the oxygen source is from the bottom of the stove.
This enables a much cleaner burn because then the oxygen from below is also rerouted up the side of the stove to come out the top as hot oxygen that ignites the carbon monoxide.
So then when the Hunter is working properly you see a blue flame at the "secondary" burner that is an inch and half down into the stove.
Our stove lets air flow from in at the bottom and out at the top, which is either an inverted downdraft or an updraft, depending on how fancy you want to sound. But the fuel still burns from the top down, unlike the action in other wood stoves.So this person is stating that TLUD and inverted downdraft mean the same thing. Nope. Because the key concept of the downward draft is that the fire is being pulled down since the only oxygen source is from below.
You don't believe me?
Go to the source "inventor" of the terminology:
While technically accurate, the concept of an inverted downdraft was difficult to explain.Indeed it is! You want people to understand how the stove works - so use the accurate terminology and then allow people to realize that the concept is actually quite unique.
Just lighting a pile of wood from above is not the same as an inverted downward draft.
Therefore, the ability to add additional fuel while the stove is burning does not automatically mean that it is operating in the TLUD mode. What is happening to the newly input wood is that it is being pyrolyzed by the heat that is coming upward.So in other words - just because you have an "updraft" does not mean it's an "inverted down draft"!!
Therefore, it is not the same as the physical-chemical processes in the downward migrating pyrolysis front.So then T-LUD to be "accurate" needs a qualifying additional phase:
a process of “”top-lit updraft with migrating pyrolysis front”,So it's being pulled down because the oxygen is coming up from below, not from above.
So then there are lots of academic physics analysis of this secret of gasification burning - why? Because it is much more efficient in producing heat without any pollution - so you get more heat and less pollution. A great deal. Again the Chinese knew this secret a long time ago - thousands of years ago.
Now think about it - Shen is Fire and the whole key of alchemy is to get the Shen below the water - to create steam as qi energy. The Steam in this case is the highly charged gasification fumes that are then burned off from secondary oxygen from below.
So you put the Shen fire below the charcoal that is emitting the carbon monoxide fumes - and this separates the secondary burning of the fumes from the primary burning of the oxidation in the flame of the fire.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Why the majority of Thedaobum posters are wrong: Syncretic System = western b.s.
So I recently posted several exposes on the promotion of Pan-Aryanism on thetaobums - this praises the "caucasian mummies" in China and in the literally same sentence claims Aryanism is not about race but culture and language. haha. I pointed out the Nazis tried to say the same thing. So then now we have a promotion - of course - of Crowley and Tarot cards.
As I've stated before, Crowley was a fake since he could not even do the "O at a D" as I documented from Colin Wilson's book "The Occult" citing Rom Landau's God is My Adventure. And for people who don't know what the "O at a D" is that is fine since a person, even if they can do it, should not as it is misuse of the energy. Of course I still do this "yin qi" energy healing due to my strange circumstances.
So the basic problem is not realizing there is a fundamental break with Western philosophy - that Freemasonry, the basis of Western occultism, is actually Platonic materialistic idealism. And so someone brainwashed into this thinking will not even realize the problem and instead think that "nondualism" or "monism" is the same as nonwestern shamanic philosophy.
I guess this is understandable since as Charlene Spretnak points out - the issue is very "abstract" and so most would not be able to grapple with it intellectually. As I have detailed, with my online documentation over the years, I had to "unlearn" Western thinking and only recently did I discover Eddie Oshins had made the same insight about Taoism philosophy based on noncommutative phase.
So then people will argue yes but isn't noncommutative phase still Western philosophy? It is the foundation of quantum physics, the secret of nonlocal entanglement energy-information, but for quantum physics to work as a science, this philosophical quantum logic has to be "converted" to the symmetric math. And this is what Eddie Oshins does in his quantum physics analysis, as he still is a Western scientist.
But he understood the deep paradox involved and someone posted online - from his alma mater - that Oshins was mentally insane and struggled with it for years - implying this is why he died young. I asked his colleague, math professor Louis Kauffman about this, but got no response. Instead all he said about Oshins was positive. But again Kauffman was assuming that Oshins was converting the noncommutative phase into symmetric Western mathematics, as Kauffman himself still does.
So this is why a "unified field theory" is forever out of the grasp of Western science and yet the ecological crisis keeps accelerating. People then get upset about the "holier than thou" argument - that such self-righteous views are just pompous moralizing and not realistic in our postmodern global market, blah blah. But as I have emphasized - music theory does not need to rely on morals. I am simply presenting the empirical truth of the noncommutative phase infinite time-frequency natural resonance reality. This truth was the core of the original human culture in Africa, from which all modern humans come from, the San Bushmen culture. This is also the truth of Taoism and also the oldest philosophy of India - the three gunas. Dr. Victor Grauer traced the spread of San Bushmen culture around the world via music harmonics.
But instead the supposed syncretic view is actually just Westernization of nonwestern views - posing as being "syncretic." This is not only wrong morally but wrong logically. The West has no lineage, like yoga or Taoist training, of producing real energy spiritual masters from the training. Instead there have been some mystics on occasion who often have to remain in hiding to deal with their spiritual experiences. So also now Westernization has spread across China and India and Africa - so that the real lineages of nonwestern shamanic spiritual masters is quickly being lost, as the ecological crisis also accelerates. This is a dynamic that the "syncretic" postmodern Western worldview of Platonic philosophy will not even acknowledge - the Brahmin nondualism is still based on a symmetric logic that does not even understand the training properly of complementary opposites.
Fortunately my free pdf archive Idiot's Guide to Taoist Alchemy Neidan Qigong, etc. continues to build hits, and so has a steady readership. Some say the writing is too complex - too much science. For them I counter that I have the document chock full of images to provide easy explanations.
The reason that a document or writing will not in any way solve the problem is because writing as a medium is left brain dominant whereas the problem is one of spiritual possession - of an energy blockage of a lower frequency shen or consciousness. So the Taoist training requires constant "exorcisms" of these lower frequency blockages - based on emotions and nutrition and the change of seasons, and our surroundings, etc.
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Woosh! Metropolis Hunter Stove-Heater conversion part 1 The Chinese Burner
As the vid from Todd Albi states - you have to rely on faith to know if the Hunter is still burning - but the reason it goes into gasification is because the internal burner is 1200 degrees Fahrenheit - since the fumes are getting burned off through the secondary and tertiary burn chambers.
And so then yesterday I bought duct pipe - and there are three different rows at Menards for duct pipe. At first I was in the double walled insulated and I had bought that for the conversion of the Survivor rocket stove. This time I knew better - or thought I did. I was still in double wall just not insulated. I loaded up on a T-joint and 90 degree elbows, etc. But I didn't want to spend all that money.
Luckily I somehow discovered a whole other aisle of duct pipe that is the single wall steel - and also you have to snap it together. Finally the stuff I wanted and so the total was under $50. But after I hooked it all together - the 30 gauge snapped together for 3 inch. But the thicket 26 gauge would not snap. Part of the snap mechanism was not aligned and the stuff was too thick for that smaller diameter. Luckily they only had one left of those but I had cleared out Menards for the other lighter gauge as well.
So after I hooked up all the duct pipe - I dubbed this contraption, Metropolis! I'll post a photo after I got to Home Depot to see if they have more duct pipe. So it is like alchemy as the fire is circulated down again - to get "under" the fumes so to speak. So then I got some leaks from the duct pipe but I had not connected them real strong - so also the wood was wet and so I never got to gasifier stage.
So then - now I need some more duct pipe - and another 90 degree elbow. So I tried using the 4 inch double walled insulated elbow but it was leaking smoke. So I pushed the duct pipe in better and tried to fix any crimping. Now I need to get 3 more lengths of duct pipe plus an elbow and maybe a shorter piece if possible - to run out of the stove. But I think this contraption will actually work - as I had 80% smoke coming out of the actual duct pipes - at the end, not leaks.
So the question remains if I am getting any back smoke from lack of draft. But I think it is still pushing the smoke up from the stove and when it gets hotter it should push better. So I'll buy aluminum metal duct pipe tape to seal off any more leaks. Then I should be good to go for a final run of my new Metropolis Woosh! stove-heater gasifier.
So the Hunter Stove is said to be "known as a Chinese Burner." Just what is that?
Certain stove designs are, in effect, gasifiers working on the updraft principle: The air passes up through the fuel, which can be a column of rice hulls, and is combusted, then reduced to carbon monoxide by the residual char on the surface. The resulting gas is then burnt by heated secondary air coming up a concentric tube. Such a device behaves very much like a gas stove. This arrangement is also known as a Chinese burner.So I got that from googling "Chinese burner" - but it's the image that finally really explains how this Hunter stove works.
I kept wondering where does the secondary burn take place - and now we see that the carbon monoxide gas is what leaks out to the secondary air chamber on the sides!! And combusts from that hot air on the sides.
Ah so that's how it works. Funny how the Hunter Silverfire website is still not that clear on the image.
So I posted the photo above - I emailed the owner of Silverfire to let him know the results of my experiment. No gasification! Maybe if I had really pushed it with having totally dry wood, and really letting it burn. But even with the air vent fully open on the bottom, with the pot over the top, the chimney effect was not good enough to get the fire really burning.
So I will use the long duct pipes as indirect heat via clay off the sides of the stove and also the chimney. I will increase the chimney effect, and then surround the chimney in clay as well. The back of the stove has to get air flow, obviously, as does the front.
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Surveying the Stinging Nettles Harvest
So last year I harvested nettles in paper bags but this year I took a tarp and so what took me several trips last year, I did in one trip of harvesting this year.
Then I dried it outside using a plexiglass window as a passive solar drier.
But I could not get it to that "crunchy" final dried stage, outside, so I finished it off in the oven on warm - only an hour for two pans worth - using a pizza pan and a broil pain, both with the air holes.
So then I smash it into the jars and this really compacts the load into a lot of mass - so it is intensified a lot.
A haul like that will last me pretty much all winter. I was having stinging nettles every day all winter for about 6 months - and maybe I had two more jars than this.
Let's see how much this stuff sells for.
I just finished my shiitake harvest - I had a big shiitake mushroom meal every day. Right now the final shrooms are cooking on pizza and I still have the stems left to make a delicious Shiitake soup from the vitamix blender.