Wednesday, January 17, 2018

What is the Flicker Rate of your Subjective Time against Noncommutative Phase Awareness (objective time)?

This series of talks from past July - are fascinating.

The first talk is by a scientist I corresponded with - he is trying to build an artificial brain which is a bit creepy to me - so I jokingly call him "Young Frankenstein" and he admitted to me that no one knows the original phase of the quantum Block Sphere of the Universe. Anirban Bandyopadhyay - Vibrational Frequencies of Biomaterials 

And so he corroborated the research of Hameroff and Penrose - that ultrasound is what makes microtubules quantum coherent - and this corroborated my own research!! The quantum coherence is 3000 times stronger at ultrasound for the brain as a whole.

The second speaker is a stand in - so I didn't catch his name - but he cites Healy, 2013, et. Al. - postulating a slower flicker rate as the "stream" of integrated consciousness for larger animals. It is a fascinating theory and was corroborated!!

His talk is very similar to what Dr. Stephen E. Robbins has discussed - on what is the subjective now in terms of "frame rates." So his focus is on what is objective time and the subjective flow of time.

I am creating a new playlist - called Spooky Action At a Distance that Uses Telepathic Methods: Noncommutative Phase as Quantum nonlocal 5th dimension docs

So far I have only 28 vids - why? Because I reject a lot of the quantum consciousness vids out there. I am privy to the de Broglie-Bohm model - and so have problems with a lot of the quantum scientists.

And so in the Q & A - Hameroff mentions his reference to Michael Jordan - in his precognition model as well - so if you have subjective time fast enough then it gives your visions of the future - or at least faster than the people around you, so the external world looks like it's moving in slow motion.

So then a Sound Healer on Tinnitus -
Erik Virre - Auditory Vibration and Frequencies: Sounds in Your Head

a fascinating talk just as it starts off.


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